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Sylvia Hernandez
Senior English
8 March 2019
Ambitious or Blinded by Ambition

Ambition is about improving and changing things in the world, where as blind ambition

is only improving things for yourself (Hays, 2011). When one is determined for a good cause,

one is ambitious. It is a good trait to have when one can overcome obstacles to get things done.

One can become blindly ambitious when oneself loses compassion and shows no sympathy.

Blind ambition is a significant theme in Shakespeare’s play ‘The Tragedy of Macbeth’ in which

Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, commences a pattern of bloodbaths on his way to becoming King

of Scotland without regarding the effects. Macbeth’s worldwide theme of blind ambition can be

projected today through politics, dictators and trafficking.

Blind ambition can be seen in this society in politics. In politics, blind ambition is seen

when candidates advertise against other candidates with ads that signify their opponents' bad

character. Kyrsten Sinema defends herself as she calls out, opponents McSally’s ads are full of

lies. She says, “My record is very clear, and unfortunately Martha’s just choosing time and time

again to run attack ads that are just lies” (Ktar, 2018). These advertisements bring down their

opponent with possible falsified information, so they have a higher chance at winning. Blind

ambition can also be seen in politics when those of high authority, abuse their power. It is said

that “The Trump Foundation agreed on Tuesday to shut itself down, under the weight of an

investigation by the New York Attorney General’s office. Foundations have special privileges.

They don’t have to pay taxes. They can solicit tax-deductible donations. Those privileges and

others reflect a public purpose of the foundations: to perform charitable works and serve the

broader public. Instead, Donald Trump used the Trump Foundation again and again to serve

Donald Trump—both to enrich him and to help him politically” (Politico, 2019). Politics can use

both their money and power to benefit themselves. Blind ambition can be seen through attack ads

and using power to one’s advantage.

Through drug trafficking, the trait of blind ambition can be projected. Drug are in it for the

money, they can manipulate any situation if they get paid. El Chapo is said to be one of the most

powerful drug lords. “Was able to continue running the Sinaloa Cartel in prison through bribes.

The Sinaloa Cartel controls roughly 40% to 60% of Mexico's drug trade, with earnings at around

3 billion annually. Claimed in 2014 that he has killed 2,000-3,000 people” (CNN, 2019). El

Chapo portrays blind ambition when there is no limit to what he would do to stay on top. Pablo

Escobar has also been said to be ruthless and very much unforgiving. “Escobar’s way of

handling problems was “plata o plomo,” meaning “silver” (bribes) or “lead” (bullets). While he

preferred the former, he had no qualms about the latter option, earning a reputation for

ruthlessness” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019). With so much money and power, it can turn into

an addicting abuse of manipulation and tragedy. Blind ambition can make one feel invincible and


Blind ambition can also be seen in our society through dictators and through

dictatorships. Dictators can be considered blindly ambitious for overthrowing governments and

taking over lands and armies as their own. “Then is shown the 11,283,000 people the Nazis

killed through institutional practices, such as forced "euthanasia," forced labor, and the

processing of prisoners of war; or in Nazi institutions, particularly prisoner of war and

concentration or death camps” (Nelson Hall, 1985). Hitler had approximately 11,000,000 people

killed for his beliefs. In dictatorship's, blind ambition is projected through their abuse and rising

to power by force. As seen here when Jang Song-Thaek was executed by his nephew, Kim Jong

Un. “Although Jang was the highest-profile official to be purged by Kim, defectors and South

Korean intelligence services reported that people who had displeased the regime were being

executed on a routine basis” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019). Blind ambition is projected

through dictators when their harsh punishments, cruel routines and practices surface.

Blind ambition can be seen through politics, when politicians campaign with attack ads to

bring down their opponent. It is also seen in dictators and traffickers. Blind ambition is simply

getting to the top by tearing everybody else down. In ‘The Tragedy of Macbeth’, Macbeth kills

the King so that he can be crowned the new King and kills anybody that stands in his way. As

well as real life, Macbeth suffered the consequences of blind ambition just like it happens today.

From, ‘The Tragedy of Macbeth’ the reader can learn that being and ambitious and putting work

in towards your goals can be much harder but much easier than facing the consequences of being

blinded by ambition.

Source 1: Brandon. “Ambition vs. Blind Ambition.” The Daily Flux,

Source 2: “Kyrsten Sinema Accuses Martha McSally of Campaign 'Based

on Lies'.”, 8 Oct. 2018,


Source 3: No citation found,


Source 4: “Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán Fast Facts.” CNN, Cable News Network, 15 Feb.


Source 5: Tikkanen, Amy. “Pablo Escobar: 8 Interesting Facts About the King of

Cocaine.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia

Source 6: Hawai`i Creole English, English Language Institute,

Source 7: Murray, Lorraine. “Kim Jong-Un.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia

Britannica, Inc., 25 July 2018,

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