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(B) What is in oscillator ? Explain the Barkhauscn AR - 5E1

critedon for susained oscillation. 3 Fifth Sernester B. Sc. (Part - III) Examination
(C) Draw the circuit diagam of phasc shift 55 - PHYSICS
oscilldtor, and explain its working. 5
P Pages : I
OR Time : Thrce Hours I [Mar. Mark : 80

13. (P) What is muldvibrator ? Draw the circuit N-ote l (l) Allqucstions are compulsory.
diagram of u stable multivibrator and explain (2) Draw ruitable and neat diagram where\€r
itsworking. 5

(Q) Discuss the effect of negative feedback on 1. (A) Fill in the blanks :-
distonion in amplifier. 4 (i) GM counter should be operated in
(R) Determine the frequency of oscillation of (ii). The magnitude of orbital angular
Colpitts oscillator, if Cr=100Pf, Cu =1000Pf momcntum according to vector atom
and L=5pH. 3 model is _.
1', (iii) The energy level with more than one
eigeu function is called as energy
level- -
(iv) The input impedance of arnplifier
with negative feedback. - 2

(B) Choose the conect alternative:-

(i) Orbital quantum number dctermines the
shaPc of
(a) Nucleus (b) Atom
(c) Electron orbit (d) None of these.

AR -58r 8 490,0 AR-5t1 P.T,O.

(ii) In chamcteristic x-ray spectra kg line is EITHI{
prcduced due transition of electron ftom
10. (A) I)efne :-
(a) K shell to L shell (i) Stabilily factor.
(b) K shell io M shell (ii) Signal to nois€ ratio. 2
(c) L shell to K shell (B) Draw the crrcui! diagraln of two stage RC
(d) M shell to K shell. coupled amplifier Derive an expression for
' volttrgr gain in mid frequency region. 5
(iii) Negative f,:edback in amplifier
- /C) Whar is Miller e ffecr 1) Explain.
(a) Reduces voltage ,1ain z

(b) Reduc€s output irnpedance. (D) Discusg the gailr frequency response of RC

(c; coupled amplifier. 3

Reducts noisc.
(d) Alt of above.
(iv) x-rays
ll. (P) Explain class A. Class B, and class C
- ampliher. 6
(a) Charged panicles.
(Q) \Vhat are hybrid parameters ? 1
(b) Electromagnetic radiations of long
(R) What is distortion ? Explain phase distonion
wave lengrh,
in nmplifier. 3
(c) Stream of neunons.
(s) Draw hybrid equivalent circuit for CE
(d) Electomagneric radiations of shon
wave length. 2
amplitier z

(C) Answer in one sentencc. F,ITIIER

(D What is Compron effect ? (A) Stat€ advaltage and disadvantages of negauve
. (ii) What is c-decay ?
fcedback. I
\R 581 ,\il-531 7 P.T.O,
EITHER ( iiit What is noise '

8. (A) \IlBt ir rdnge of o,?srticlc, Shte and explain (iv) What is degrre of degeneracy 'i 4
Getger-Nuttat law. 4

(B) Dofine ;- EITHER

(i) Masr defect, 2. {A) Denve Hinstein s phoroclectlic equarions. J

. (ii) Binding energy, 3

(B) What is De-Broglie t{ypothesis ? Show &at
the wavelength 'I associated with an electron
(C) Explaln the nuclear firsion with cxampte. 3 of mass 'm' and energy 'E' is given by
(D) Wht is chain reaction ? Stat€ its t)?es. 2 h,
t- - - ------rt-
(C) State and explain Planck's law of radiation.
9. (P) Describe nuclcar fusion as a source of steller 3
€nergy, 2
(D) If the work functio! of ce(ain metal is 3eV
(Q) Discurs Gamow's theory of o-decay. 5 What is its threshold wavelength.
(R) what is qurnching in GM counter ? Explain. (h=6.63x l0-vJ.sec and C= 3 x 10sm/sec) 2
3 OR
(s) Define :- 3. (P) Define :-
(i) Dcad dme. (i) Photoelecftic work function.
(ii) Recovery time. 2 (ii) Threshold wavelength.
(iii) Stopping potential. 3

(Q) Show thar group velocity is equal ro particle

velocity. 3

AR -581 6 AR-581 3 P.T.O.

(R) . State and explain Heisenberg's uncertainty (Q) Give the physical significance of wave
principle for position and momentum. .3 function v- 5

(S) Calculate De-Broglie wavelength of electron (R) What arc degcnarat€ and nondegenerat€ en€rgy
which has a maximurn equal to levels. Z
25eV. (mass of elecbon is 9.1il0rtKg)

6 (A) Slatc and explain Duane and Hunt's law. 4
4. (A) Define operators in quantum mechanics, and
find quantum mechanical operator for kinetic
(B) What is Raman cffect ? Describe an

energy. 3
expedmental arrangement to study Raman
effect. State the applications of Raman eft'ect.
(B) Derive Scluodinger's time dependent equation 6
for matter waves. 4
(C) An x-ray tubc operates with accelerating
(C) What is normalized rvavefi.mction ? Exptain. voltage of
30Kv. Calculatc the minimum
2 wavelength of x-reys omitred. 2
(D) Explain the term :- OR
(i) Eigen value and
7. (P) Explain the concept of space quantization and
(ii) Eigen function. 3
electron spin in vector atom model. 4
OR (Q) What are stokes and antistokes line in Raman
spectrum ? Give Quantum theory of Raman
5 (P) Show that minimum energy of a particle effect. 5
confined in rigid cubical box of length'f is
(R) What are sel@tion mles ? State the selection
- 3trrrC
, Where, m is mass of particle. rules for the spcctral lines. 3
2mP 6

AR -581 .l AR-581 5 P.T.O.

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