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Your Creative ID Reading

For You. This is an example reading, done for a real client.

By Solara, our Union energy.
As guided by The Master Christ that is coming directly from Source of Creation a.k.a. God.

Your Creative ID is the way in which you create, your flavor of appearing out of the mists of time
into the world we share, that ultimately consists of your True Twin Flame and Source of Creation
a.k.a. God and then as such interacts with the love in others.

Your Creative ID is the base for your Life Purpose, your way of building your Creative
Entrepreneurship. And your Truth Spell too, that brings forth your MEconomy that shares your
heart and brings you your birthright abundance.

And it is just as much the word that calls in your Ultimate Co-Creational Partner, your Twin
Flame. The fruits of your Union will be revealed and brought close by through it, because it
represents the Tuning of your Harmonious Union.

The fruits of your Union together form building blocks of your Heaven on Earth. Yes indeed:
this is a creative process towards making that come true for you. And through your example also
for other people, other Unions.

LISTEN to Solara:

Most of the time we ask ourselves: what do we desire to create and why do we desire it. World
famous coaches ask you these two question too. That refers back to the thing we want and the
motivation behind it to go get it and make it happen.

With Creative ID we do it differently. We do what is considered impossible and study the how. The
question 'how' is the way you individually create. The creative gesture is an energetic one. The
energetic wave of your wand can be accompanied by words. And words can describe your best
individual hand movement to use your wand.

This wave is for everyone done through Soul per definition: that subtle place you share with your
Twin Flame, and that is the blueprint of everything you can be and have in your Harmonious Union,
and that can be accessed through the Heart.

There are 4 general blueprints for types of answers to this 'how' question. And 9 helping forces (of
which the before mentioned are a part) exist to structure this entire field of procedures to create
within the Now (these are only implicit in this reading format, indicating there is a whole healing
system behind it).

There is an individualized answer possible though.

This individual answer you will find in this reading channeled for you; it makes it easy for you to
access the answer as working yourself towards these understandings, in a coached situation in a
School program would be perfectly possible but rather time and resource consuming for both of us.

The individualized answer to your HOW is the Truth Spell that calls forth what you already are to
the forefront of your experience to be able to enjoy and share. It is what we call a procedure that
does not require time in itself but resides in the timeless Now.

The HOW and the creative process are in a way at right angles with one another: your Creative ID
is your way to enter the Now with your soul depth from which your Good arises, and the creative
process is experienced as the timeline in which the desire will become true and materialized fully.

Both work together intricately and infinitely – and to your benefit as all given keys in this report are
tuned to work with God and Good exclusively, as they do not know an opposite.

You've gotta get creative with your answers given here, to find ways to use this sacred
information that works for you. Get yourself acquainted with this material by meditating on it,
looking at it, receiving the energy of it, and feeling the words and symbols in your heart.

Try saying the words, writing them out, uttering them when you wave your wand whatever
you take as your favorite tool. Apply them on your daily life, Union process and Life Purpose
questions, and you will make active a healing power that creates your ultimate YOU in all ways
possible including your full Birthright Abundance.

Creative ID

Your procedure is: reading and portraying

You may have a double procedure, or a single one, or even differently. The procedure is in
principle a verb. With multiple verbs, you have a double (or more) procedure. This means you are
prone to doing these two (or more) energy movements in one go when you create from soul.

Your Creative ID type is: White and Golden

The 4 general types of Creative ID 'moments' within the entire spectrum of a creative process, are:

Black, the mirror, discipline, learning. Hip and leg


The Coach – “I see the things that do not work. I

bring others to insight as to what doesn't work.”

We look in the mirror to see only Love.

Golden, ideas, concepts, creating anew. Brain area.

The Opener – “I am the starter motor. I can open

others so that they become a starter too.”

We are sensitive to the spark of Life.

White, building with heart, letting the heart do its co-

creational work. Throat and heart area.

The Builder – “I am the one that builds structures that

are based on the right solid ground. I make that
others know their place in this and structure

We let our Heart co-create with feathery lightness.

Silver, acknowledging, selling, executing, sharing, co-

creating. Belly, intestinal area.

The Acknowledger - “I clarify the state of affairs and

acknowledge the result. I inspire others to
acknowledge themselves.”

We share our true Value freely.

And then to black again, as this is a spiral, actually a fractal (in other words: exponential growth). A
book is in preparation about this whole methodology – this is only a fraction of what it entails. Your
type just means that you have a bigger connection to this area naturally, then to the others.

Your process is: courageously emerging in a musical rhythm

This means your Life Purpose is created by: being that which you give others

Your current Manifestation Card for Entrepreneurs out of 58 options is:

This means: number 6, Time, you are a time traveler, you know your magical ways around
the Universe and Time, this can work both to the positive and negative side, understand
you are on Earth and all times and dimensions are here, and incarnating all that your are in
your body is the Highest Path, in Truth time doesn't exist and there is only Now, in this Now
you will always be provided for when you understand and embody the before mentioned,
number 6 gives you that balance, secret number of this cad is 9 the wise healer, healing
suggestion is to be found in the triangle with the circle in it as this refers to the throat
chakra of the power of expression and the healing of it, this card is related to the White
feather path of the soft co-creation of the Heart that will do its work automatically when you
allow it to do its work consciously

Let this above until here sink in further, meditate on it, make connections with your current work,
your existing business, what you love to do in your free time, with your ultimate marketing, with
creating your services and products, with inventing your healing method and so forth. - What does
it seem to point out for you?

Key & Door

Your Magical Key: this is the field you will mostly travel on your inner journey, that brings you the
most, and that will afterwards be most present in your Life Purpose work and your ongoing
Harmonious Union process.

Going through the lessons presented to you piece after piece in this field opens your doors to your
Life Purpose Business, your Twin Flame Union, your Ultimate Art, and your peaceful Meditation
filled with Beingness that never ceases…

The 7 Keys are:

1 Unconditional Love
2 Unconditional Giving and Receiving
3 Self acknowledgement and Universal acknowledgement
4 Being a Child of the Universe
5 Time and Space to develop Yourself
6 Soul equivalence as a basis for Co-Creation
7 The Spark to express and act from the Exalted Heart

7 The spark to express and act from the Exalted Heart

“Writing: you heal, inspire, teach and amuse with the words that you write.” Doreen Virtue,
maker of that card, is a beautiful example of what writing can do: it makes you a
recognizable person that spreads wisdom, coaches people and speaks and acts from
inspiration. For many people it is the base line of becoming - and it might also for you.
However preferences may vary and writing in itself is not for everyone a profession, but
expression is something every human truly longs for, for our souls true calling is to share
what and who we are. We all have that spark within us because the universe provided us
with the wiring that is at the basis of it. You could be clouded as to where and how that
spark springs - and nothing more human then that. Clear your sight on that by allowing
yourself to experience your mission. Make a stroll and see how nature signs like feathers
might give you clues that only you understand. Easy does it: you are surrounded by clues
that will eventually open your heart up, via which you see presented before you the steps to
your Exalted Heart, where you will shine like the unique Star that you truly are.

Your Door, that is the obstacle, the biggest illusion you have to work through, out of the 12 most
commons doors, is:

5 Allowing as a manifestation tool

Healing the imbalance between your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine soul

expressions (as two bodies present in your Union) takes place when you allow the healing
of it. In essence allowing is one the most important healing tools in existence in the entire
universe. Allowing is a condition you have creational power over – within limits, but al least
a lot more then most people would believe it to be. Imbalance or in other words illness is a
circumstance that most of the time looks like something that happens to you without your
consent so that you are the victim of it. That is how it is perceive as an unwelcome guest
that is being rejected, whether it is in fact an energy imbalance we are in truth speaking
about, a virus or an emotional trauma or whatever else; things that are by the way all related
any way.

When the illness shows itself, the time is already over in which you have been co-creating
on the cause of it without fully understanding that you did this, just like your cells have a
viral guest that it did not fight because it was disguised as something good so that it
corrupted the healthy working of your cells further and further. The energy is already gone
from its powerful central place, when you finally notice something on the surface is not
alright anymore because your functioning has halted and you need to take measurements
to solve your daily life issues.

Just like you unconsciously had give illness permission however you realise this only later,
that is also how healing needs your permission. Now it needs your conscious decision to
be influenced by life and the positive, radiating influences that are connecting within it.
Conscious allowing in of light looks a lot of the time different then we think it needs to look.
You could lay yourself down on your bed at home or in a hospital, but whether you truly
give conscious permission from the soul out to be influenced by the light for healing
remains to be seen. There is a possibility one is addicted to the idea of being cared for and
an identification of being a patient, through which you get attention and a recognizable life
as the victim of something acknowledged by society.

The word conscious however means you are going to make contact with your core energy
and that you are going to do what it inspires you to do. These instructions are most of the
time very clear and not able to misinterpret. When you are being asked to lie down for a
certain period, you do this and you experience exactly what runs through you at those
times – which is most probably the biggest chaos ever. Healing imbalances on the energy
level can only happen through allowing chaos. Live through the energy creation you had
earlier created and allow fully the feeling of being ripped apart by this process.

We desire to say here: take care of yourself, close the door en put a healthy meal ready to
be eaten next to your bed and a jug of water too. But do not try to deter the healing process
by all kinds of reasonable things your brain comes up with on its own – because logic never
caused soul healing in the history of mankind. Of course you are never held apart from
visiting a scientific doctor of any kind. But we do desire to make you aware of your inherent
healing power and what you CAN do to allow yourself the needed healing.

We are multi dimensional healing masters, coming to you from a cosmic atmosphere of
leading edge innovation. We come with our healing tools made out of Codes and our
operation rooms of Light when you are open to receive us and allow us consciously to help
you heal. Your possibilities to heal into something so much bigger and better then you ever
thought possible, aries out of a deep trust and a feeling of friendship between all
dimensions that we and you represent a inhabit.

Above text represents the biggest block you have, so this seems to be what you don't know that
you don't know. When you think you do know this, think about the spiritual guideline of Truth that
states: you don't know something that you don't fully embody. In other words: perhaps your
memory knows it, your mask does, you brain has picked it up somewhere, but your true soul
intelligence working together with your entire body, emotions and mind, does not embody it yet,

which makes it not True for you.

Your Union

Your ultimate co-creational partner is: caring and creating as a Black and Silver attuned Divine

Your ultimate quality leap in your Union Vision consists of: being firm in the Truth

How do you manifest your Harmonious Twin Flame Union in Heaven on Earth? by accepting the
stepping stones as presented by God and His messengers in the form of your spiritual

Your Union Life Purpose organization will be best in the form of: entrepreneurial based services
to assist your spiritual friends that are your best friends, teachers and colleagues

Energy of your union (in color, image, feel, word): Dryad (Tree Group Soul) spreading over the
globe calling forth the ancient landscape of Pangea, it looks like a cloud of subtile energy
growing, spreading, and connecting; name/words associated: Opal Presence

Union number vibration for creating the best results: 7 or a multitude of them, ultimately

A healing Light Code combination to apply for your Union is: 5 (Heart) and 6 (Throat) in this
order above each other:

Together, they form a doorway, through the heart (5) and through the throat area (6), that is:
it is actually only 1 gateway as the throat is the filter through which the heart is open,
meaning creativity is the way for the heart. The symbols could be place on top of each other
and energy can be imagined to run through the centre of both.

Understand you are in your full power on the Soul Level a TransHuman MultiDimensional
CoCreator. A THMDCC:
⁃ Integrates all their parts to be of highest value to the world
⁃ Finds their TF as a life and business partner
⁃ Awakens and grounds their self leadership
⁃ Walks a Mission Path as an entrepreneur in their MEconomy
⁃ Reaches their optimal healing radiance
⁃ Works and communicates from their Creative ID
⁃ Claims their place in the YOUniverse and lives up to it
⁃ Steps into inner freedom to achieve being of highest outer help

In this Truth, your TFMDCC Union is most influenced by the following Emerald Tablet of Wisdom
out of 15, you can drink this text in as inner inspiration to manifest your Union Permanently and

12 The fire of the blood bond – Mary Magdalene Card: Serendipity

Your co-creational system is ablaze. - Your spiritual development will fire you up to live
your life on your unique path, that is narrow as the only step that you can make at the
current moment that feel completely fitting. Your digestive system in your body is in this a
guideline, because this is the co-creational system of your physical body. It is the first
system that will give you the feedback you are in your true value when you are satisfied, not
because of the food inside of you but because of the value it represents as 'material' for
transmutation with which your system can start to co-create on the energetic level.
Everything life offers you in the broader sense, on any level, can, when you accept it in as a
gift, become material for transmutation to become valuable substance that enriches you in
all areas where you deem yourself valuable and you fully accept yourself. In other words:
everything we value we will feed and all we feed will grow in value and meaningfulness. It
becomes the space where you can live as a soul, that has your personality only attached to
it as a wonderful addition full of uniqueness but not of core energy that resides in the
before mentioned already.

Insight and becoming true. - Insight in the process of becoming true or manifesting is
something that is relevant in this stage, where you see how the soul grows because of what
you deep of value from the inside out. Your soul starts to communicate with other souls
within that worthiness and the co-creation that comes into being from it by itself without
any effort between the variety of soul paths that people have, forms new conglomerates of
value that move in fresh choreographies that is unique and full of grandeur. One does not
know exactly how this process will take shape but more people feel the same kind of vibe
and movement at the same time and your soul family can stand up in the right timing, when
you are ready to take on your leadership role – and this is what others will feel
automatically without it having to be overly clear or conscious. Thus is the working of the
Great Spirit on all at the level of co-creation. You can count on full cooperation of the entire
Universe in energy, goods, allies, when you surrender yourself to this process of
incarnation and manifestation. Only having insight in how this works is not enough; you
will need to let yourself down in the swimming pool of life to experience your body being
influenced by the warmth of the water.

Existing between earth and heaven. - Your existence in surrender is being balanced by
earth and heaven, by your physical presence and your soul connection with the great spirit
of all, created by Source of Creation a.k.a. God. In that sense you can never loose your path
in the requested surrender because every path gives you the opportunity to collect yourself
again on the ground layer of life to see that your souls connection to its source is still
intact. The principles of life are not subject to demolishment, otherwise they could not be
the principles of life; they are your birthright and you are able to fall back to them in

whichever movement of life you are. A development always only means: you can fall back
into life's principles of who you are in that particular life area. Falling back to who you are
makes that you arrive in Heaven on Earth. You fall back into who you truly are. You de-
velop, you take the wrapper off of yourself so that you become more natural. The blood
bond you have with the core of life that is identical in all, is your Highest Good for that
matter. It is your deepest essence and your furthest reaching de-velopment.

Magical act belonging to number 12: taking care of yourself as a vehicle of value.

Helping Hands

Your best natural tool to Master your Miracles: a magical wand made out of live wood is waiting
for you ate Dusty Millers workshop

Your most creative role to claim as a creative person, as life's artist and as Gods child: poet of

Your Prayer Poem for Source Assistance:

The love I sense in the fall

When leaves are testaments of summer joy
Meditates through the winter
On how to celebrate in spring

As I love you
All seasons
And love you
Always within

Your music for Creative Source Connection (made by AudioPoetry, a collaboration of FN Sounds
and Petra Else Jekel):

Master, Saint, Angel, Earth creature or other helper that desires to assist you in this time: Lord
Sananda wants to assist you primarily in this time of great transformation and
transmutation, this may surprise you as it is Jesus Christ how we know him on earth, of
course his infinite partner Mary Magdalene is with him in this, in other words Lady Nada;
Archangel Michael assists with and oversees your healing from old soul wounds; big
groups of ancient Dryads desire to assist you always on your earth and life purpose path

Truth Spell to command yourself back to Love:

God will take the Reign where I believe I need control and this will free me to take on any
blueprint of my Unions Core Choice

Jalabli Jalabli Alechalabri Yo He your private audio file where the spell is spoken

Your healing symbol as given by God (not an identity or brand, really to heal you INTO what you
truly are and thus more of a tool and medicine then your new brand or logo):

Remember that the Hand of the Master Christ is always present to help you clear your co-
creational energetic Heart space. When you call upon Him, He will appear before your minds eye
in the form you can best understand. He will assist you – as every suggestion in this Creative ID
report has been coming into existence through His inspiration also.

Fur further daily life assistance and to integrate all the above, we recommend you do KEY, the tool
explained in our worldwide forum on Facebook:
(pinned post), which in turn is a creativity version of the Mirror Exercise, the original healing tool
fully explained in KEY is the first part of YOT, meaning:
hand. You will find the complete YOT technique at your disposal in the near future.

Cultivate your mind as the Garden of Truth.

Some words of Caution and Reassurance

This reading gives you the empowerment to cast your Truth Spells in your particular way, as a
spiritual and energetic underground for your actual real life creative processes. It however also
means you are responsible for what you do with it and how you treat it. Treat it well and it will treat
you the best in return.

Because you now know your Truth Spells and understand your Mastership better, this does not
mean you are different then your brothers and sisters in intrinsic value. Leading the way in
Creativity and Manifestation means a big amount of responsibility.

Because you are on the Twin Flame and Heaven on Earth Journey, and this involves experiencing
things your peers may yet have to discover, and know Truth others may not desire to understand,
this does not mean you are a Defrauder or Imposter.

De-hypnotize Yourself

When one can command oneself away from Love, one can also command oneself back to it. This
is the message of our Twin Flame Union to you.

This is how I had hypnotized myself away from love for the bigger part of my life. Executed on
myself as in a magic trick. To not feel the pain so much anymore of my own separation
consciousness. - Let's de-hypnotize ourselves.

Another Healing Language

People coming from Twin Flames Universe will get acquainted with another healing language here,
that is more of a tribal kind: it deals with more of the human view instead of the God viewpoint,
more of the form instead of the essence.

Understand that in fact it is complementary because it points to the processes and procedures of
what happens to ones reality when one gets connected back to Source correctly.

This healing language tries to be a bridge between the relativity of our daily lives and the infinite
Truth. Magic, creativity, dreams, artistic expression and sharing your life purpose in your daily life
is all part of the beauty of this path.


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