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Drawbacks Democratic

 Not good for groups lacking needed skills,

 Favoring social equality
motivation, adherence to deadlines
 Can result in poor performance and  A person or a group that is democratic
outcomes believes in, encourages, or supports freedom
 Leader may appear uninvolved and equality between people and groups.
 Confusion over roles in the group Encourage
Controlled by one leader who has total power, and
who does not allow anyone else to make decisions. Support

Characteristics of Autocratic Leadership Equality

Characteristics of democracy
Some of the primary characteristics of autocratic
leadership include:  Individual liberty. Freedom of choice.
 Majority Rule with Minority Rights. ...
 Little or no input from group members
 Power and civic. Responsibility are exercised
 Leaders make almost all of the decisions
by all adult citizens. - ...
 Group leaders dictate all the work methods
and processes.  Free elections. Elections are free and open to
 Group members are rarely trusted with all citizens of voting age each individuals vote
decisions or important tasks counts the same.
 Work tends to be highly structured and very
List of the Pros of Democracy
 Creativity and out-of-the box thinking tend to  It encourages personal involvement.
be discouraged  It promotes equality.
 Rules are important and tend to be clearly
 It de-centralizes governmental power.
outlined and communicated
 It inspires loyalty and patriotism.
Benefits  It provides societal consistency.
 It stops exploitation.
 Can make decisions quickly, especially in  It encourages GDP growth.
stress-filled situations
List of the Cons of Democracy
 Clear chain of command, oversight
 It requires voters to be intelligent to be
Drawbacks effective.
 Discourages group input  It focuses solely on the needs of the majority.
 Can impair morale and lead to anger
 It encourages the mob.
 May impair or ignore creative solutions and
 It is costly.
expertise from subordinates
 It requires a lot of time.
Free Rein

 The freedom to do, say, or feel what you want

 Free-rein leadership, also called Laissez-Faire.
 Laissez-Faire is a type of leadership style in
which leaders are hands-off and allow group
members to make the decisions.

Characteristics of Laissez-Faire Leadership

Laissez-faire leadership is characterized by:

 Very little guidance from leaders

 Complete freedom for followers to make
 Leaders provide the tools and resources
 Group members are expected to solve
problems on their own
 Power is handed over to followers, yet leaders
still take responsibility for the groups
decisions and actions


 Can work for motivated teams with high

expertise and skills
 Creative teams may value the independence
 Works well when leader provides needed
information and materials at start of project


 Not good for groups lacking needed skills,

motivation, adherence to deadlines
 Can result in poor performance and outcomes
 Leader may appear uninvolved
 Confusion over roles in the group

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