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Topic : Social Anxiety

Title : How to Overcome Your Social Anxiety

Purpose : To tell the readers how to overcome their social anxiety
Type of Writing : Argumentative


Thesis statement

So to avoid that, here are 3 ways to overcome social anxiety disorder :

Body Paragraphs

A. First, you have to ease into social situations.

 How to ease into social situations
 Why it’s should be done
B. Then, you have to identify your negative thinking patterns..
 What makes you think negatively
 How to not think negatively
 What are the advantages of thinking positively?
C. Last, you have to be proud that you put yourself out there.
 How to be proud
 Why i should be proud

How to Overcome Your Social Anxiety

Many people get nervous when facing new things, like when giving a speech for the first
time or interviewing for a new job. Some of people also worry a lot or even avoid social
activities, such as group conversations, business dinners, and parties. That kind of situation called
social anxiety disorder, also called social phobia. It is a long-lasting and overwhelming fear of
social situations. But social anxiety, or social phobia, is more than just shyness or occasional nerves.
With social anxiety disorder, your fear of embarrassing yourself is intense—so intense, in fact,
that you may go to great lengths to avoid situations that can trigger it. But no matter how painfully
shy you may be and no matter how bad the butterflies, you can learn to be comfortable in social
situations and reclaim your life. Several psychologists have said social anxiety could be preventing
you from enjoying life to the fullest. Among other things, relationships and your career could
especially be affected. So to avoid that, there are 3 ways to overcome social anxiety disorder.
First, you have to ease into social situations. Everything gets easier with practice, and the
same concept applies to socializing. Avoiding parties and large gatherings may provide temporary
relief of social phobia, but it isn't a long-term fix. To get started on your road to overcoming anxiety,
you can try to consult to psychologist and get some treatment. This form of psychotherapy
challenges people's negative thoughts about social situations to help alleviate anxiety. One such
step is to set small, manageable goals for yourself, like giving a stranger a compliment or asking
an employee in a store for help finding something. Keep doing little tasks like these until you start
to build confidence. Once you’ve mastered these social skills, you can move on to more
challenging scenarios.
Then, you have to identify your negative thinking patterns. Negative thought patterns are
repetitive, unhelpful thoughts. They directly cause what we could describe as ‘negative’ (unwanted
or unpleasant) emotions like anxiety, depression, stress, fear, unworthiness, shame etc. Once we
learn to recognise and identify negative thought patterns as they occur, we can start to step back
from them. Think back to the last time you felt anxious. What kinds of thoughts were you having
in that moment? Did any of them make you feel worse? If so, you might be getting swept up in
negative self-talk, which can fuel social phobia and make you feel more anxious. Identifying these
thoughts when they pop up is the first step to confronting and changing them, according to the
Social Anxiety Institute.
Last, you have to be proud that you put yourself out there. Socially anxious people often
review their “performance” and criticize everything that they do. Instead of scrutinizing every little
thing you said or did after a social event, give yourself credit for simply doing something you find
challenging—and living to tell the tale for facing your fears, doing what is difficult to do, and
taking your life back one step at a time. Establishing a system of “self-reward” will help decrease
your anxiety in the future. Always think positively about yourself. You have to keep in mind that
you have done your best. Who deserves more congratulation than you for trying hard to confront
what is difficult. So keep on trying, just going, just staying in, and just tolerating that discomfort
are reasons for reward. Each time you face your fear, you win and your fear lose
Therefore, social anxiety is one of the most common disorder that could happen to people.
Social anxiety make us become uncomfortable with other people and even with ourself. This
condition can be treated by trying to blend into social interactions, being proud with every little
achievement that you have done, and putting away all of your negative thinking. Getting over
social anxiety disorder is not an easy task, nor is it a difficult one. With strong mind, you can
overcome your social anxiety disorder.

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