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Aimee Barton

Professor Flores


22 March 2019

Research Proposal

Why are childhood vaccines so important? This is the question that I will answer in my

final essay and what I chose to research. I chose this topic because I have a personal interest and

knowledge regarding vaccines. I currently work in a pharmacy where we provide vaccines. My

future goal is to become a dental hygienist. Both careers and vaccines go together like bread and

butter. If I am vaccinated I will be better protected from diseases that I could be exposed to

working in a healthcare position.

I was vaccinated as a child and stay current with them as an adult. I do believe that

childhood vaccinations are necessary and important. They help to prevent the spread of disease.

Young children are more susceptible to many diseases. Many of these preventable diseases have

vaccines. There are also children who genuinely can’t receive vaccinations and they rely on herd

immunity. The children who can’t get vaccinations rely on other children who can have them.

Vaccinations are critical to our nation. As a nation, we had a huge decline in diseases with the

creation of vaccinations. The recent comeback of many preventable diseases has made me want

to dive into this topic further.

I feel as though vaccinations are always a hot debate in todays society. I also feel like if

false information had not been spread regarding vaccinations, America wouldn’t have seen a

decline in childhood vaccinations. I think childhood vaccinations have and will always be crucial

to society. I also think there will come a time where vaccinations will become mandatory and

there will be only medical exemptions. I believe that mandatory childhood vaccinations would

lead to another decrease in preventable diseases. I believe that vaccinating is a beneficial way to

prevent disease instead of allowing a child’s fragile immune system to fight off a disease that

could potentially lead to death or other serious health complications. I do know that vaccine-

preventable diseases result in higher risks to the child and medical costs increase significantly. I

also know there is a way to provide children immunity to a disease without them having to get

sick first, with vaccines.

Although, I have knowledge about vaccinations there is always room to learn more. I am

hoping to learn more about the vaccine schedule currently suggested for children. I want to learn

more about herd immunity and the impact on those who rely on herd immunity. I am wanting to

research more on what led people to believe childhood vaccines weren’t necessary. I think a

great place to start research is with the “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” There are

also different books I can use for research. The “Sinclair” online library will be helpful as well in

my studies. The first research question I have about my topic is, what childhood vaccines are

important? My second research question is, what has made the decline in childhood vaccines?

I am interested in and look forward to learning more about why childhood vaccines are so

important. Using credible medical sources, I want to delve into childhood vaccines. I hope to

bring insight regarding this topic.

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