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Subagh Kriya is a very powerful kriya that forms part of a larger prosperity series of Kriyas.

It changes, not only your aura; it changes your state of mind.

Why are you happy with mediocrity? Why are you happy with not being good enough? Why are
you not striving for excellence? Make that your priority in your life.

This Kriya is for that; its for excellence. To call on the excellence in your being. To remove all
the scraps and things that don’t belong to you any more, and find that bright, hard core within
you that helps you shine forward.

What it also does, it really magnetise your aura so it brings prosperity to you; it attracts the
right people into your life and it also repulses people that don’t serve you or that would be
harmful to you.

Your body is very powerful on its own and there’s a hidden power lying inside and when you
strike that power within you and let it spread through your whole body you become a different
being, you become stronger, you become your stronger self.

It is a little painful. It really challenges you. It might frustrate you but the frustration is really
removing that thing that you don’t need any more.

There is also a part in this kriya where you keep chanting the name “God, God, God” and what
you should do is feel like you’re having a one-on-one relationship with God and that you are on
his level asking him to come and deliver for you because you asked for it.

This is not calling on God in a meek sense. This is calling on God to remove the frustration
from you and deliver.

Zita Harkaran

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