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General Tiburcio De Leon National High School

Corner Mercado St. GTDL, Valenzuela City Score:


Name:___________________________________________ Date:___________________________
Section:__________________________________________ Teacher:_________________________

I. Multiple Choices. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number. STRICTLY

___1. Which of the following statements about matter is incorrect?

A. It is anything that occupies space and has mass. C. It is anything that has density.
B. It may exist in naturally three phase and two other phase with extreme condition D. It is anything that we see everyday.
___2. Ana is interested on how water is contained by pool so she multiplies depth by its length and width. In short, she is calculating the pool’s ______.
A. density B. capacity C. volume D. mass
___3. When a man is taken to the moon, which of the following holds TRUE?
A. weight is the same, mass increases C. weight decreases, mass is the same.
B. weight is the same, mass decreases D. weight increases, mass is the same.
___4. Which of the following statements about solids is INCORRECT?
A. solids are capable of being compressed and expanded C. attraction between particles are too strong
B. solids have definite shape and volume D. solids are made up of particles with very minimal kinetic energies and distance.
___5. Why don’t gases assume definite shape?
A. particles of gas move in very fast rate and random order. C. particles of gas have a very high kinetic energy
B. particles of gas are not strongly attracted to each other. D. gas particles are highly compressible and expansible.
___6. The law of charges states that…
A. unlike charges repel like charges C. like charges attract each other while unlike charges repel one another
B. unlike charges attract like charges D. like charges repel one another other while unlike charges attract each other
___7. Silver and copper can be drawn into wires. What is this property?
A. electrical conductance B. Ductility C. Malleability D. Luster
___8. The use of rubber as a protective covering to wires and cable utilizes which of the following properties?
A. insulators B. Dullness C. brittleness D. compressibility
___9. Tin cans can be hammered into sheets without breaking. This suggests that metals are:
A. malleable B. conductors C. ductile D. lustrous
___10. Which of the following is NOT an ELEMENT?
A. diamond B. pencil lead C. water D. copper wire
___11. Which involves direct phase change in sublimation?
A. solid to liquid state B. gas to solid state C. solid to liquid to gas state D. gas to liquid to solid state
___12.What kind of matter can expand the most when heated?
A. solid B. liquid C.gas D. ice
___13. Which of the following is NOT a compound?
A. Agua oxinada B. Carbon tetrachloride C. slaked line D. pencil lead
___14. When two elements are chemically combined and such that they cannot be separated through physical means is…
A. mixture B. element C. compound D. colloid
___15. An unknown substance was spilled a blue litmus paper and turned it red. It is a/an
A. organic compound B. inorganic compound C. Acids D. Base
___16. Any physically combined metal substance in which parts cannot be determined like amalgam in tooth fillings is called
A. homogeneous B. heterogeneous C. alloy D. solution
___17. The atom has an electron, proton, and neutron. These are collectively known as …
A. electrons than protons C. neutrons than electrons
B. protons than electrons D. neutrons than electrons and protons
___18. If particles of an atom is arranged from the smallest to the biggest mass, it will be…
A. electron-neutron-proton C. neutron-electron-proton
B. electron-proton-neutron D. proton-neutron-electron
___19. All stable atoms are electrically “neutral”, this means that they are not…
A. are not “charged” C. only possess “neutral” particles
B. have no charged particles D. carry equal amounts of charged particles
___20. Which of the following is formed when an atom loses or gains electron?
A. Element B. ion C. compound D. atom
___21. Which of the following particles composed the mass of an atom?
A. proton and neutron B. electron and neutron C. proton and electron D. proton, electron and neutron
___22. Elements of the same number of electrons but different in number of neutrons is known as…
A. ion B. compound C. isotope D. quarks
***For numbers 23-26, refer to the choices below
A. proton B. neutron C. electron D. nucleon
___23. The smallest particle of an atom _____25. The negatively charged subatomic particle
___24. It composed the central mass of an atom _____26. Neutrally charged particle of atom
***For number 27-29, refer to the figure below.
7 +1
___27. What is the atomic number of the element?
___28. What is the mass number of the element?
___29. What is the name of the element?

___30. How are the elements arranged in the modern periodic table of elements?
A. increasing atomic mass from left to right of the row C. decreasing atomic mass from top to bottom of the column
B. increasing atomic number from left to right of the row D. decreasing atomic number from top to bottom of the column
___31. The modern periodic table of the elements consisted of…
A. 18 horizontal columns (periods) and 7 vertical rows (groups) C. 18 vertical columns (groups) and 7 horizontal rows (periods)
B. 18 horizontal rows (periods) and 7 vertical columns (groups) D. 18 vertical rows (groups) and 7 horizontal columns (periods)
___32. The modern periodic law states that…
A. properties of elements vary periodically with the atomic mass
B. properties of elements vary periodically with atomic number
C. there were triads of elements that showed similar chemical properties
D. similar properties could be noted for every eight element when arranged in the order of increasing atomic mass
___33. Elements from the taller columns 1, 2, 13 to 18 are classified or known as
A. noble gases B. representative elements C. transition metals D. inner transition metals
***For number 34-35, refer to the choices below
A. Moseley B. Dobereiner C. Newlands D. Meyer-Mendeleev
___34. An English chemist who proposed the Law of Octaves in classifying the elements
___35. Arranged the elements in the order of increasing atomic mass while putting in groups those similar properties
***For number 36-37, refer to the choices below.
A. Group B. Block C. Period D. Row
___36. The columns in the modern periodic table of elements are called…
___37. The rows in the modern periodic table of elements are called…
___38. A stair step line separates the elements that are metals from the non-metals. In the modern periodic table of the elements, the metals are
located.. A. along the zigzag line C. to the left of the zigzag line
B. below the zigzag line D. to the right of the zigzag line
___39. The nucleus of the atom is ___________.
A. negatively charged C. electrically neutral B. positively charged D. charged differently among atoms
___40. All of the following are found inside the nucleus except __________.
` A. protons B. electrons C. neutrons D. nucleons
___41. Which of the following describes the electrons according to Bohr?
A. The electrons exist in specific orbits around the nucleus
B. The electrons are found in different points in space at different times.
C. The electrons move in different orbits around the nucleus
D. The electrons are inside the nucleus of the atom
___42. An element has an atomic mass of 59 with an atomic number of 28. How many protons, electrons and neutrons does it have?
A. 59 protons, 59 electrons, and 28 neutrons C. 28 protons, 28 electrons, and 31 neutrons
B. 28 protons, 28 electrons, and 59 neutrons D. 28 protons, 31 electrons, and 28 neutrons
___43. Isotopes are atoms of the same element having the same ______________.
A. number of protons and number of neutrons C. atomic number but different atomic masses
B. number of protons and number of electrons D. atomic mass but different atomic numbers
___44. If an atom loses electron, the atom becomes ___________.
A. positive C. negative B. neutral D. wave
___45. Who among the following scientists proposed the nuclear model of the atom?
A. Neils Bohr B. Ernest Rutherford C. Democritus D. Louis de Broglie
___46. The atomic number of an element indicates the number of ____________.
A. protons in the nucleus C. total number of protons and neutrons B. neutrons in the nucleus D. electrons in the nucleus
___47. Which of the following pairs of elements have the same number of neutrons?
A. X2513 and X3017 C. X 2514 and X2515 B. X3015 and X2915 D. X 2915 and X3016
___48. Arrange the following elements in order of increasing metallic property: Rb, Sr, Na, Li, K
A. Li, Na, K, Sr, Rb C. Na, K, Li, Rb, Sr B. Rb, Sr, K, Na, Li D. Li, Na, K, Rb, Sr
___49. Which is the most metallic element in the periodic table?
A. Lithium C. Beryllium B. Francium D. Potassium
___50. Which of the following elements is NOT a noble gas?
A. Radon B. Xenon C. Krypton D. Sodium
___51. Which of the following is an alkali metal?
A. Calcium B. Magnesium C. Sodium D. Beryllium
___52. The willingness of an atom to receive electrons is measured by its _______________.
A. ionization energy C. atomic size B. electron affinity D. atomic orbital
___53. Which of the following is not true?
A. Metals have higher ionization energy than nonmetals C. Atomic size decreases from left to right within a period
B. Metallic atoms are bigger than nonmetallic atoms D. The bigger is the atom, the lower is its ionization energy
___54. Elements in the periodic table are arranged according to increasing _________.
A. atomic weights C. atomic size B. atomic number D. mass number
___55. Which of the following elements do not belong to the group?
A. S B. C C. Cl D. Si
___56. Which of the following is not true for metals?
A. Metals occupy the left side of the zigzag line of the periodic table of elements
B. Metals tend to lose electrons
C. Metals have low ionization energy
D. Metals have high electron affinity
___57. Which of the following initiates a change in the phase of a material?
A. temperature C. Volume B. pressure D. number of particles
___58. What kind of matter can expand the most when heated?
A. solid B. liquid C.gas D. ice
___59. Who discovered the neutron?
A. Chadwick B. Rutherford C. Stoney D. Thomson
___60. What is the region where an electron is most likely to be found?
A. energy level B. nucleus C. orbital D. shell

II. Complete the table below.

Element Atomic number (Z) Atomic Mass (A) # of protons (p+) # of electrons (e-) # of neutrons (n0)
F 9 19 61.)_______________ 82)_____________ 63.)______________
K 19 39 64.)_______________ 65)_____________ 66)_____________
Be 67.)_____________ 68.)_______________ 4 69.)_____________ 5
Cl 70.)____________ 35 71.)______________ 18 72.)____________

III. Choose the correct answer inside the box

___1. He believed that atoms can be divided into small pieces A. Aristotle
___2. He believed that atoms are indestructible / indivisible B. James Chadwick
___3. He formulated the Atomic Theory C. Eugene Goldstein
___4. Discovered the electron D. Democritus
___5. Discovered the neutrons E. Joseph John Thomson
___6. The person who COINED the term PROTON F. Emile Chancourtois
___7. Determined the mass of electron through oil-dropped Experiment G. Robert Millikan
___8. The pioneer of the Gold Foil Experiment H. Ernest Rutherford
___9. The Law of Triads I. John Dalton
___10. Law of Octaves J. John Newlands
___11.Father of Modern Periodic Table K. Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner
___12. Wave model of the atom L. Henry Mosely
___13. He proposed the Lanthanide and Actinide series at the f-block M. Louis de Broglie
___14. Planetary Model N. Dmitri Mendeleev
___15. Telluric Helix O. Glen Seaborg
P. Neils Bohr
IV. Answer the following: Use the data below
NITROGEN atomic mass =14 atomic number = 7
1.) Electron Configuration =________________________________ 4.) Block =__________________________________________
2.) Period =_____________________________________________ 5.) Valence electron =_________________________________
3. Group =______________________________________________

V. Identify the phase change:

_____________________1. Solid to liquid ____________________4. Liquid changes to gas
_____________________2. Solid becomes gas ____________________5. Gas turns to solid
_____________________3. Liquid changed to solid CHOICES: (Condensation, Evaporation, Melting, Freezing, Sublimation, Deposition)

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