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HCIAU Checklist/Marking Scheme

Component Percentage Date of Completion Marks Awarded

Proposal Group 20%
Content 10%
Schedulle Planning / Gantt Chart 5%
Workload Matrix 5%

Research Essay Individual 30%





Critical Discussion & Application on Interactive walkthrough prototype for: Individual 40%

User Requirements
The actual user profiling process performed 10
The data gathering method selected & used 10
The task analysis being done 10
Evaluation of the whole process that impacts the DESIGN PROCESS 5
Presentation 5

Usability Goals & Competitive Analysis

The selection of Design Principles (Jacob Nielsen, Donald Norman or Ben Schneidermen) 10
The selection of Usability Goals 10
The competitive analysis conducted towards the process (at least 3) 10
Evaluation of the whole process that impacts the DESIGN PROCESS 5
Presentation 5

Design & Protype Walkthrough

The parallel design sketches activities plus peer evaluation 5
The participatory design selection 5
A complete storyboard of the selected design with each screen purpose and strategy behind its design 10
The high fidelity prototype produced using any 1 UX design tool. 10
Evaluation of the whole process that impacts the DESIGN PROCESS 5
Presentation 5

The details on deciding which evaluation technique to be used through DECIDE Framework 5
The details on Heuristic Evaluation performed 10
The details on usability testing performed 10
The details on the data and analysis of testing and evaluation 5
Evaluation of the whole process that impacts the DESIGN PROCESS 5
Presentation 5

Demo of a good team work and overall presentation of the submission GROUP 10%

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