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Analytica Chimica Acta 591 (2007) 195–199

An amperometric glucose biosensor constructed by immobilizing

glucose oxidase on titanium-containing mesoporous composite
material of no. 41 modified screen-printed electrodes
Zhihui Dai a,∗ , Min Fang a , Jianchun Bao a , Huaisheng Wang b , Tianhong Lu a,∗
a Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Materials Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, PR China
b Department of Chemistry, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252059, PR China

Received 20 December 2006; received in revised form 15 March 2007; accepted 27 March 2007
Available online 4 April 2007

We have constructed a glucose biosensor by immobilizing glucose oxidase (GOD) on titanium-containing MCM-41 (Ti-MCM-41) modified
screen-printed electrodes. The strategy of the sensing method is to monitor the extent of the decrease of the reduction current of O2 upon adding
glucose at a selected potential. The detection can be done at the applied potential of −0.50 V and can efficiently exclude the interference from
commonly coexisted substances. The constructed sensor has a high sensitivity to glucose (5.4 mAM−1 cm−2 ) and a linear response range of
0.10–10.0 mM. The detection limit is 0.04 mM at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. The sensor also shows high stability and remains its catalytic activity
up to 60 ◦ C. The biocompatibility of Ti-MCM-41 means that this immobilization matrix not only can be used for immobilizing GOD but also can
be extended to other enzymes and bioactive molecules, thus providing a promising platform for the development of biosensors.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Titanium-containing mesoporous composite material of no. 41; Glucose oxidase; Glucose; Biosensor

1. Introduction H2 O2 is detected at a relatively high anodic potential (>+0.6 V

versus SCE) [10]. But at this potential, there are interferences
The determination of glucose concentration is very impor- from other oxidizable species such as ascorbic acid (AA), uric
tant in biology, chemistry, food processing and fermentation, as acid (UA) and acetaminophen (AP). It results in difficulty for the
well as in clinic for diagnosing diabetics [1–3]. Amperomet- quantitative analysis of the produced H2 O2 and the enzyme sub-
ric biosensors based on electron transfer between an electrode strate. General methods used to suppress the interferences have
and immobilized glucose oxidase (GOD) are especially promis- involved utilizing electron mediators to reduce the overpotential
ing because of their practical advantages such as operational of electrochemical oxidation of H2 O2 to prevent the diffusion
simplicity, low fabrication cost and suitability for real time detec- of interfering species [7,8]. But the stability and the toxicity of
tion. GOD consists two identical polypeptide chains. Each chain the mediators limited their in vivo applications. Here, we choose
contains a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) redox center, which the method of detecting the decrease of the cathodic current due
is deeply embedded in the apoenzyme. During the last 20 years, to O2 reduction, which can suppress the interferences greatly.
numerous attempts have been made to promote electron transfer Recently, the unique structure and catalytic properties of
between the enzyme and electrode, and some glucose biosensors porous materials have attracted considerable attention [11] for
were obtained [4–8]. Most of the electrochemical amperomet- their resistance to biodegradation and ability of building electro-
ric biosensors for glucose are based on measuring the increase chemical/electron transfer environments. Porous materials have
of the anodic current due to H2 O2 oxidation [9]. Oxidation of large specific surface areas; high mechanical, thermal, and chem-
ical stabilities; as well as good adsorption and penetrability;
and can incorporate with proteins through physical or chemi-
∗ Corresponding authors. Tel.: +86 25 83598031; fax: +86 25 83243286.
cal method, providing active biomaterials [12]. Porous materials
E-mail addresses: (Z. Dai), with the appropriate dimension and functionalization adjacent to (T. Lu). the enzyme redox center can act as current nanocollectors and as

0003-2670/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
196 Z. Dai et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 591 (2007) 195–199

electron relays to electrodes. They provide environments similar Table 1

to those of redox proteins in native systems and give the protein Physical properties of Ti-MCM-41
molecules more freedom in orientation. A series of porous mate- ABET (m2 g−1 ) d100 (nm) a0 (nm) D (nm) L (nm) Si:Ti
rials such as micromachined silicon [13], titania sol–gel [14], 1050 3.84 4.43 2.81 1.62 1:0.01
gold nanoparticles microporous [15] and electrically conductive
polypyrrole composite [16] have been proven to be promising ABET , total specific surface area; d100, XRDd100 space; a0 , lattice parameter; D,
mesopore diameter; L, wall thickness; Si:Ti, the atom ratio of Si to Ti.
as the immobilization matrices and applied in constructing glu-
cose biosensors. Here, we use the novel mesoporous material,
Ti-MCM-41 as the immobilized matrix to facilitate the electron iliary electrode. After that the silver chloride ink was applied
transfer and reduce the insulating property of the proteins. onto the area of reference electrode. Finally, the conductive
Furthermore, screen-print electrodes (SPE) have been used bands were insulated by overlaying an insulating dielectric
to produce disposable electrochemical sensors. The technology material except for the area of electric connectors and the three-
for the preparation of SPE is simple, inexpensive, versatile, and electrodes.
mass-produced [17]. The screen-printed biosensor challenges Ti-MCM-41 was prepared following a recipe similar to that
the conventional electrochemical biosensors for disposablil- reported by Tatsumi [22]. The specific surface area was cal-
ity and portability. Therefore, it has been widely used in the culated based on N2 adsorption data according to the BET
determination of biomolecules [18], pesticides [19], antigens method of Barrett et al. [23]. The diameter of the Ti-MCM-
[20], and nucleic acid [21]. Herein, we report the applica- 41 was derived from the adsorption branch using the BJH
tion of Ti-MCM-41 to GOD immobilization, and biosensing method. The physical properties of the prepared Ti-MCM-41
on SPE. The constructed sensor has a high sensitivity to glu- were listed in Table 1. 30 mg Ti-MCM-41 was dispersed into
cose (5.4 mAM−1 cm−2 ) with the linear response range of 10 mL water to obtain a suspension of 3 mg mL−1 Ti-MCM-41.
0.10–10.0 mM. Three microliters of 3 mg mL−1 Ti-MCM-41, 3 ␮L of 0.1 mM
GOD (prepared in pH 6.2 PBS) and 3 ␮L of 3% PVA solu-
2. Experimental tion of ethanol/water (1:1, v:v) were successively dispersed on
SPE surface, and allowed to dry under ambient condition for
2.1. Materials 3 h. After the modified electrode was rinsed with doubly dis-
tilled water twice or thrice, the GOD/Ti-MCM-41 modified SPE
Glucose oxidase (GOD, EC, 35.3 units mg−1 . Type II was obtained. Ti-MCM-41, GOD/MCM-41 and GOD modi-
from Aspergillus niger) and ␤-d-(+)-glucose were purchased fied SPEs were prepared following the recipe similar to that of
from Sigma and used as received. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA, GOD/Ti-MCM-41 modified SPE. When not in use the electrodes
average degree of polymerization, 1800 ± 100) was purchased were stored in 0.1 M pH 6.2 PBS at 4 ◦ C.
from Shanghai Laize Factory of Fine Chemicals. Tetrabutyl
titanate was purchased from Shanghai Reagent Factory. Phos- 3. Results and discussion
phate buffer solutions (PBS, 0.1 M) with various pH values were
prepared by mixing stock standard solutions of K2 HPO4 and 3.1. The immobilization of GOD on Ti-MCM-41 modified
KH2 PO4 and adjusting the pH with H3 PO4 or NaOH. All other SPE
chemicals were of analytical grade and were used without fur-
ther purification. All solutions were made up with twice distilled EDS shows that there is no N element in the Ti-MCM-41 film
water. while N element appears on GOD/Ti-MCM-41 film which indi-
cates GOD is indeed immobilized in Ti-MCM-41. The big pore
2.2. Instrumentation size of the Ti-MCM-41 film makes the immobilized GOD easy
to be accessed by its substrate and brings out a good performance
Cyclic voltammetry were performed on CHI 660 electro- of the modified electrode.
chemical workstation (CH Instruments, USA). All electrochem- The interaction between GOD and Ti-MCM-41 might be
ical experiments were carried out in a cell containing 5.0 mL electrostatic through hydrogen bonding and hydrophilic attrac-
0.1 M, pH 6.2 PBS at room temperature (25 ± 2 ◦ C) and using the tion [24,25] and it is much stronger than that between GOD and
modified SPE as working electrodes. The experiments for glu- GCE due to the presence of SiOH groups on the external surface
cose determinations and electrocatalytical studies were carried of Ti-MCM-41 [26].
out in air-saturated solutions. Energy dispersive spectroscopy
(EDS) was performed on Thermo Noran analyzer. 3.2. The determination of glucose

2.3. Procedures Upon addition of ␤-d(+)-glucose to the air-saturated PBS,

the reduction current of O2 at GOD/Ti-MCM-41 modified SPE
The SPE was fabricated according to the steps reported pre- decreased (Fig. 1B), while no obvious change was observed
viously [20]. Firstly, the silver ink was screen-printed on a at Ti-MCM-41 modified SPE (Fig. 1A). The cyclic voltam-
nylon sheet as conductive bands. Then the graphite ink was mograms of GOD/Ti-MCM-41 modified SPE with successive
imprinted to cover the area that served as the working and aux- addition of ␤-d(+)-glucose to air-saturated 0.1 M, pH 6.2 PBS
Z. Dai et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 591 (2007) 195–199 197

Fig. 1. Cyclic voltammograms of the Ti-MCM-41 (A) and GOD/Ti-MCM-41 (B) modified SPEs in air-saturated 0.1M pH 6.2 PBS in the absence (a and c) and
presence of 2.0 mM glucose (b and d) at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1 .

were shown in Fig. 2. With increasing ␤-d(+)-glucose con- The calibration curve of the sensor under the optimized
centration the reduction current decreased. The amperometric experimental conditions was shown as inset in Fig. 3. The cal-
responses of the GOD/Ti-MCM-41 modified SPE upon succes- ibration range of ␤-d(+)-glucose concentration is from 0.10 to
sive additions of 1.0 mM glucose to 0.1 M air-saturated pH 6.2 15.6 mM. The linear response range of the sensor to ␤-D(+)-
PBS at an applied potential of −0.5 V were shown in Fig. 3. glucose concentration is from 0.10 to 10.0 mM (correlation
Upon addition of an aliquot of glucose to the buffer solution, coefficient 0.9992) with a sensitivity of 5.4 mAM−1 cm−2 glu-
the reduced current decreased steeply to reach a stable value. cose and a detection limit is 0.04 mM at a signal-to-noise
The enzyme electrode achieved 95% of the steady-state-current ratio of 3. It is well known that the diabetic glucose con-
in less than 10 s. The results demonstrated clearly that the elec- centration is above 7.0 mM. Compared with the linear range
trocatalytic response was very fast, which could be used as an of 0.04–0.28 mM for GOD immobilized on a colloidal gold
efficient sensor for glucose detection. modified carbon paste electrode [27], 0–7.8 mM for GOD
immobilized on a carbon nanotubes/chitosan matrix [8] and
0–4.75 mM for immobilizing GOD through silica sol–gel film
onto Prussian Blue modified electrode [28], the linear range of
our prepared sensor are much wider and more suitable for diag-
nosing diabetics. The detection limit is 0.04 mM which is similar
to 0.05 mM for GOD immobilized on carbon nanotube materials
For comparison, we also prepared the GOD/MCM-41 modi-
fied SPE and GOD modified SPE and studied their responses to
glucose. Results are given in Fig. 4. Upon addition of ␤-d(+)-
glucose to air-saturated PBS, the reduction current of O2 also
decreases, but the decrease is much smaller than that of GOD/Ti-
MCM-41 modified SPE (Fig. 4B). The linear response range of
GOD/MCM-41 modified SPE to ␤-d(+)-glucose concentration
Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammograms of the GOD/Ti-MCM-41 modified SPE in air-
is from 0.21 to 2.40 mM with a correlation of 0.9983 which indi-
saturated 0.1 M pH 6.2 PBS containing 0,1.0 and 3.0 mM glucose (from top to
bottom) at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1 . cates the narrower linear range. GOD immobilized on PVA has
virtually no response towards glucose (Fig. 4A).
Based on the above results, the sensing mechanism is
proposed as follows. When ␤-d(+)-glucose is added to the
air-saturated solution, it reacts with the oxidized form of
GOD, GOD(FAD), immobilized on Ti-MCM-41 nearly quanti-
tatively according to Eq. (1), giving the reduced form of GOD,
GOD(FADH2 ). GOD(FADH2 ) will then reduce the dissolved
oxygen quantitatively, giving H2 O2 according to Eq. (2), caus-
ing the decrease of the concentration of O2 . Therefore, the added
glucose concentration is proportional to the decreasing extent
of the reducing peak current of O2 . Similar results have been
reported previously [30,31].

Glucose + GOD(FAD) → gluconolactone + GOD(FADH2 )

Fig. 3. Amperometric responses of GOD/Ti-MCM-41 modified SPE at −0.50 V (1)
upon successive additions of 5 ␮L 1.0 M glucose to 5.0 mL air-saturated 0.1 M
pH 6.2 PBS. Inset: plot of the reducing peak current of O2 vs. glucose concen-
tration at −0.50 V. GOD(FADH2 ) + O2 → GOD(FAD) + H2 O2 (2)
198 Z. Dai et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 591 (2007) 195–199

Fig. 4. Cyclic voltammograms of the GOD (A) and the GOD/MCM-41 (B) modified SPEs in air-saturated 0.1 M pH 6.2 PBS in the absence (a, c) and presence of
2.0 mM glucose (b, d) at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1 .

GOD immobilized on PVA has no reactivity with glucose. 8.3 the reduction current first increases to the maximum at pH
GOD immobilized on MCM-41 has less reactivity towards glu- 6.2, then decreases. At pH values less than 5.1, the reduction
cose, thus the decrease of the reduction current of O2 is less current decreases steeply which might result from the protein
dramatic. These results indicate that mesoporous structure of denaturation. Therefore, we select pH 6.2 PBS as the supporting
MCM-41 provides a microenvironment similar to that of redox electrolyte for the determination of glucose.
proteins in native systems and causes the immobilized GOD to The effect of applied potential on the responses of the glu-
react with glucose while Ti-MCM-41 has a better response than cose sensor showed the electrocatalytic reduction of O2 could be
that of MCM-41. TiO2 is semiconductor whose band gap of observed at around −0.45 V. Upon a decreasing applied potential
3.2 eV [32] is much smaller than that of SiO2 of 8.0 eV [33] and from −0.45 to −0.70 V, the steady-state-current increased due
has a better conductivity than that of SiO2 . Ti-MCM-41 which to the increased driving force for the fast reduction of glucose
contains Ti in tetrahedral coordination with oxygen is likely also at the lower potentials. Here, we select −0.50 V as the working
has a smaller band gap than that of MCM-41, and can promote potential for determinations.
the electron transfer between the immobilized GOD and the The effect of the scan rate was also evaluated. We selected
electrode. Another possibility is probably due to the different different scan rates of 50, 100, 150, 200 mV s−1 to demonstrate
adsorption content of GOD. The isoelectric point (PI) of GOD the effect of the scan rate on the response of the sensor. The peak
is 4.2 [34]. Thus, GOD is negative at pH 6.2. Ti-MCM-41 might current was found to be proportional to the square root of the
be positive in pH < 7 and adsorb more GOD molecules than scan rates, indicating a diffusion-controlled process. That meant
MCM-41, resulting in its better response to glucose. The third that glucose diffused from solution to the electrode surface.
explanation was attributed to acceleration of the proton-transfer Temperature is another important parameter affecting the
step by the metal oxide component of the composite [35]. electrocatalytic activity of protein. Fig. 6 shows the effect of
temperature on sensor response. With an increasing temperature
3.3. Factors influencing the sensor response to glucose from 15 to 40 ◦ C the electrocatalytic activity of the immobi-
lized GOD increases. The immobilized GOD has activity even
Fig. 5 illustrates the effect of pH value of PBS solution on at 60 ◦ C. It is evident that the immobilized GOD has a good ther-
the reduction current of 2.0 mM glucose at the GOD/Ti-MCM- mal stability. These results indicate that this sensor can handle
41 modified SPE. With an increasing solution pH from 5.1 to in a wide range of temperature.

Fig. 5. Effect of pH on the reducing peak current of O2 in 0.1 M PBS containing Fig. 6. Effect of temperature on the reducing peak current of O2 in 0.1 M pH
2.0 mM glucose at −0.50 V. 6.2 PBS containing 2.0 mM glucose at −0.50 V.
Z. Dai et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 591 (2007) 195–199 199

3.4. Interference implies that it not only can be used to immobilize GOD but also
can be used as immobilizing matrices for other enzymes and
The influences of foreign species were investigated by bioactive molecules, thus providing a promising platform for
analyzing a standard solution of 2.0 mM glucose to which the development of biosensors.
interfering species were added. 0.3 mM uric acid and 0.3 mM
p-acetaminophenol did not cause any observable interference to Acknowledgments
the response to glucose, and only ascorbic acid at the concentra-
tion of 0.3 mM reduced the reduction current by 2.1%. This was We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the
probably due to the smaller size of ascorbic acid, which could National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 20505010,
diffuse through the porous film to the electrode surface and be 20473038, 20475024), and by the Natural Science Founda-
oxidized. Thus, the response was not interfered by cooxidizable tion of the Education Committee of Jiangsu province (No.
substances such as ascorbic acid, uric and acetaminophen. 04KJB150066).

3.5. Stability of the GOD/Ti-MCM-41 modified SPE
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