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Plant and Pickup

Equipment Instructions Diagram
• 16 balls 1. Students pair up and must
• 15 run 5 meters, plant the ball,
cones step over it and then clear
the area while the second
student acts as the dummy
2. The dummy half will then do
the same and so on until
they reach the cones
3. Students will then all line up
across the first cone and
complete a roll ball at each
of the cones in a race, the
first team to complete 5 roll
balls and crosses the last set
of cones is the winner.
Take the Touch
Equipment Instructions Diagram
• 6 cones 1. Students pair up and one student
goes to each of the two lines
2. Students line up in 2 lines 5 meters
apart and facing each other, the first
is the offenders who want to take
the touch
3. The second is the defence and they
must try avoiding taking the touch
whilst running backwards
4. On the whistle the offence runs
forward at their partner
5. This will occur 6 times then the rolls
will switch
Connect 4
Equipment Instructions Diagram
• 7 hoops 1. Students will be divided evenly into
• 12 two games of connect four, with two
rugby teams on each game
balls 2. One team must place the rugby balls
• 2 bibs two at a time in the cones using a
roll ball then tag the next team mate
to do the same whilst the other
team must take them out one by
3. Each round last 2 minutes, if 4 in a
row are placed that team wins but if
not the defenders win
4. Teams can rotate between the two
games so each team plays once

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