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Strategies Approache Methods Target Skills Time Materials Procedures

s Allotment

1) Need it or Students- Collaborative/ Scanning 10-15 minutes -Question Using a focus question as a guide, students are
trash it Individual strips/Guide instructed to select words from a reading that will help
questions them answer the question. Each word is shared and
students have an opportunity to decide if they should
“keep” the word, “trash” it, or put it in the "cloud" to be
discussed. Making an argument why a word should be
kept or junked helps students think about the focus
2) Deep Students- Collaborative Vocabulary 10 minutes -bondpaper Have students divide their papers in half by drawing a
reading vertical line down the middle of the page. In the first
Centered -pen
column, ask students to respond to one or more
T-Chart Approach
-charts prompts appropriate to the reading selection. In the
second column, ask students to elaborate on their
responses or answer the provided question
corresponding to the selected prompt in the first
column. Allow students to share their responses in
small groups after completing their charts

3) Inference Students- Collaborative Vocabulary 10 minutes -things To teach inference, gather a suitcase full of objects,
and have students describe what the owner of the
Centered -pen
suitcase must be like based on inferences made from
the items in the suitcase. Relate the activity to clues
that the author gives in a story or passage from which
students can draw inferences.
4) Cue the Students- Collaborative Vocabulary 5-10 minutes -paper Have students use each letter of the alphabet to begin
ABC’s a word that relates to a specific topic. For example, if
Centered -pen
the topic is weather, students may choose the word
“arid” for the letter A, the word “barometer” for letter B,
and so forth.

5) 3-2-1 Students- Collaborative/ Vocabulary 5-10 minutes -printed code Use the 3-2-1 strategy to measure student
letters engagement. After students read a passage, have
Centered Individual
them write 3 things they learned, 2 things that are
Approach -projector
interesting, and 1 question they may have about what
-laptop they read.



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