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John Ochoa 
123 Sesame Street 
Atwater, CA 95301 
(209) 354-6457 


Atwater High School​—Welder  Can weld, Stick, Mig, 

August 2018 - June 2019  Oxyacetylene 

I would practice welding. I would also get grades on the welds that I  Knows things about engines . 
would show the instructor welds I did for a like project thing. 
Sed diam nonummy nibh 
Atwater High School -
​ Diesel Technician   euismod tincidunt. 

August 2018- June 2019  L​​aoreet dolore magna 

aliquam erat volutpat. 
I would take off parts of the engine and put them back on. I also adjusted 
parts like the valves. I would follow procedures that were on a website. 


Lorem ipsum​ ​dolor sit​ amet 
Consectetuer adipiscing elit, 
Sed diam nonummy 
Nibh euismod tincidunt​ ut 
Atwater High School​ — H
​ igh School Diploma  laoreet dolore magna aliquam 

August 2016- June 2020 

erat volutpat. 

I passed all of my classes here. I took welding, diesel mechanics and small  Lorem ipsum dolor sit​ amet 
engine mechanics here.  Consectetuer adipiscing elit, 
Sed diam nonummy 

Nibh euismod tincidunt​ ut 

PROJECTS  laoreet dolore magna aliquam 
erat volutpat. 
Project Name —
​ ​Detail 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. 

English and Spanish 

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