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What is Celibacy?

is the state of voluntarily being unmarried, sexually abstinent, or both, usually for
religious reasons. It is often in association with the role of a religious official or devotee. In its
narrow sense, the term celibacy is applied only to those for whom the unmarried state is the
result of a sacred vow, act of renunciation, or religious conviction. In a wider sense, it is
commonly understood to only mean abstinence from sexual activity.

4 Reason to embrace celibacy

1. It prevents STDs. While we're told that regular sex is good for health, STDs are not. Not all
of us are able to find a loving, monogamous, disease-free relationship, and, besides that,
abstinence (as our high school sex education teachers repeatedly told us) is the only 100
percent effective method of birth control and disease prevention. Of course, having a disease
yourself (and wanting to protect a partner) is another good reason to abstain.

2. It boosts (non-sexual) intimacy. Sex is bound to intimacy. The lack of desirable partners (or
just being burned badly) is reason enough to turn some of us off from sharing our bodies and
emotions with others. Addiction or other unhealthy attachments to sex would fall into this
category, too.

3. Celibacy creates more "me" time. Men and women are working harder than ever. In some
fields, getting ahead requires 110 percent of our time and focus. This makes it very hard to
maintain a relationship, so more people are ditching the dating scene altogether and embracing
celibacy. Hey, more time to yourself.

4. It's empowering. Choosing whether or not to do something gives a sense of control and
purpose in our lives. A sex-free lifestyle frees up a tremendous amount of brain and emotional
space that the strategizing, analyzing and agonizing over our sex lives often fills. Freeing up time
allows us to focus on some of the many empowering, advancing and self-esteem-building
activities that can make our lives more meaningful and productive.

5 Surprisingly Sexy Reasons To Take A Personal Vow Of Celibacy

1. Celibacy makes you appreciate sex more. Let’s be frank, if you’re considering celibacy,
there’s a decent chance that there’s something about your current sex life that isn’t particularly
satisfying. If you’re struggling with that feeling (and aren’t sure how to address it), it makes
sense to use celibacy as a chance to take a break and figure out what sex really means to you.
You know the expression “Absence makes the heart grow fonder?” It applies for sex too. Taking
yourself out of the sex game for a while can help you figure out what you miss (and what you
don’t) about intercourse, so, if/when you decide to start having sex again, you’ll have a better
idea of what you want.

2. Celibacy opens up new doors. Have you heard how when a person loses their eyesight, it
makes all of their other senses extra sensitive? A similar phenomenon happens when you chose
to stop having sex. Suddenly, all of that mental and physical energy that you were directing
towards your sex life is up-for-grabs, and everything else in your life gets the benefit of that
freed-up bandwidth. Now you finally have the time to finish your book, spend more time with
friends, start knitting, take up Motocross Whatever you want. Your life will become richer as a

3. Celibacy turns the sexual focus back on you. Celibacy means abstaining from sexual
intercourse with other people. It does not, however, mean denying yourself any sexual pleasure.
Taking a vow of celibacy gives you an opportunity to focus on self-love for a change, taking
your masturbation game to new and exciting levels.

4. Celibacy can reduce anxiety. Having sex with other people, while fun, can be stressful
AF. You have to deal with social anxiety, strangers seeing you naked, the risk of STDs,
pregnancy scares… a lot of emotional turmoil goes into making that late-night hookup happen.
But, when you decide to remain celibate, those worries get thrown out the window. You can
interact with friends, family, even people you’re romantically interested in, on a new, much more
relaxed level. You’re essentially carving a huge source of stress out of your life and every other
aspect of your day-to-day existence gets to benefit from it. It’s kind of great.

5. Celibacy can actually make your love life more romantic. I can hear your eyes rolling, but I
stand by this. Yes, I get that many people wouldn’t want to hear that their partner had taken a
vow of celibacy, but, do you really want to be with someone who is only interested in sex? Too
often, in relationships, quick sex becomes a poor substitution for real intimacy. The couple
doesn’t know how to connect on an emotional level, so they knock out some fast, uninspired
missionary sex twice a week to allow themselves to believe that they have a healthy relationship.
Don’t be fooled. Sex does not always equal intimacy. In fact, sometimes, couples use sex to hide
the fact that they don’t really have an emotional connection at all. But, when you’re in a
romantic relationship and you’ve chosen to remain celibate, you have to Work to keep that
emotional bond healthy. You can’t just fall back on sex as the easy answer. You have to date
each other, talk to each other, find new (and awesome) ways to be physically intimate that don’t
involve “traditional” sex.


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