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Para reforzar lo anteriormente mencionado, debe realizar las siguientes actividades:

1. Organice un documento en el formato de su preferencia donde realizara las

actividades de esta sección.

2. Ingrese al objeto de aprendizaje The Market Thing: “FIVE TIPS FOR

SUCCESFULPROJECT” que se encuentra en la actividad de Proyecto 14: “Valorar el
modelo de comercialización de productos o servicios”. Observe el video que se encuentra en
la sección “Let’s listen”, Responda las preguntas, escogiendo T para verdadero o F para falso.
Tome capturas de pantalla en las respuestas dadas, incluyendo al resultado final. Agregue las
capturas al documento.

3. Lea el documento contenido en la seccion “Let’s read” y complete las preguntas de

comprensión del texto. No olvide tomar capturas de pantalla en las respuestas dadas.

4. En la sección “Vocabulary”, encuentre las palabras en la sopa de letras y tome captura de

pantalla de todas las palabras encontradas.

5. Traduzca el proyecto que ha venido desarrollando desde el inicio de este programa en el

formato de su preferencia, mencionando los aspectos que ha desarrollado hasta el momento.
Agregue la traducción al documento.

6. Guarde el archivo y envíe el documento al instructor.


2. Enter the learning object The Market Thing: "FIVE TIPS FOR SUCCESFUL PROJECT"
found in the activity of Project 14: "Valuing the product or service marketing model". Watch
the video that is in the "Let's listen" section, Answer the questions, choosing T for true or F
for false. Take screenshots of the answers given, including the final result. Add the captures
to the document.
3. Read the document contained in the "Let's read" section and complete the
comprehension questions of the text. Do not forget to take screenshots in the answers given.
4. In the "Vocabulary" section, find the words in the alphabet soup and take
screenshot of all the words found.
5. Translate the project that you have been developing since the beginning of this program in
the format of your preference, mentioning the aspects you have developed so far. Add the
translation to the document.

From the beginning of the program the project that I have been developing, is about a bakery,
which denominates PANADERIA EL PAN DE MAMÁ, where the launching of a bread of
traditional, artisanal and integral manufacture is made, which will be announced of the
Following way:



With the present work define the characteristics of the product and / or service, applied to the
training project, the value proposition of the business is to provide the customer traditional
bakery products with quality bread and variety in a location that helps consumers to optimize
their times, incorporating premises in residential areas that are located between the home-
office and next to other commercial premises, through a strategic implementation aligned to
the positioning to be established, where the company PANADERIA EL PAN DE MAMÁ,
offers a certain attractiveness of quality or characteristic for this training project with the
creation of an integral bread and where the brand to use in this new product is the MIXTA
brand; as the package contains normative marks "" PANINCHO "" meaning PAN
INTEGRAL TASTE A CHOCOLATE and figurative an egg, a package (paper bag) and a
slice of bread in cartoon.

The bakery, its exercise, its manufacturing techniques and the ingredients used for making
bread, are influenced by the culture, tradition and culinary characteristics of the same people,
currently the bakery is part of the cultural gear of our society, therefore, it is a driving
component of the economy, since its commercial nature allows it to handle other types of
products such as coffee, rice, chocolate, oil, panela, among others, making it particular and
diverse. But despite being such a dynamic factor, there are few approaches and writings that
have the same, to illustrate its mode of operation and development. In this sense, the purpose
of this research is based on determining the most relevant characteristics of the traditional
bakery field in the city, in order to know its maneuvering mode, the way in which it
administers the resources, the management of the customer service and the how they
conceive and implement marketing strategies and programs.

The marketing plan or marketing plan is nothing more than a tool that facilitates the
management within an organization, which is defined in two stages: one for diagnosis, and
another for execution; where, the investigation of markets, becomes a very important base of
support to elaborate solid plans in the time, and above all, profitable; Today marketing has
become a fundamental element to coordinate business activities through strategic direction
that guides the company, for decision making and improvement of the ability to change.
The marketing plan is a basic management tool, that every company that wants to be
competitive in the market must use, as in any managerial activity, planning is a key factor to
minimize risks and avoid wasting resources and efforts of the company ; the design and
execution of the strategies are based on the four fundamental variables of marketing such as:
the product offered, the price set for it, the distribution system used to reach the market and
the promotion or communication of merits or benefits of the product.
On the other hand, having the client as the central axis of all the activities of the organization,
becomes the highest priority, for this reason it is necessary to guide the efforts of the company
to really know who their client is; For this it is necessary to know what will be the execution
of the sales plan and distribution strategies.

Bread is one of the most consumed foods in the world every day, as a complement to all
kinds of food, there is no other product that has behind it, a story as long and full of
symbology as bread is, Through history The lack of bread has always been considered as a
synonym of hunger and it is difficult to imagine daily food without its presence. According
to the acclaimed bakery and baking expert Hensperger (2002), this product has been the
nutritional pillar of food worldwide and is equally significant among the people, as rice
represents the food basis of Asian countries and corn it is in large areas of the American
continent, the tradition of the bakery trade comes, from the ancient Egyptians 4000 BC, who
made the first ovens for the manufacture of bread, which was used to feed the people and
rituals and religious ceremonies ; during the Middle Ages according to Davidson (2006), this
art is made official in European towns, where it was common for a man in each town to have
a bakery, which was actually a public oven. Housewives brought the dough they had prepared
to the baker, who used the oven to bake bread. Over time, the bakers began to prepare their
own products and to specialize, leaving aside their community service and turning it into a
private business, which allowed this activity to spread rapidly throughout Europe and over
time worldwide, with the discovery of America and trade between Asia and the East Indies.
This same author expresses that the invention of new milling processes contributed to the
development of the bakery industry. In 1784 the steam-driven mills appeared. The new
technology developed allowed for the use of steam as a driving force, as it was then, there
was a massive migration process from the countryside to the city and with the growth of the
population, new milling and baking methods, also in turn The use of stones in the mill was
replaced by steel, generating flour from these mills finer and giving better bread texture and
lightness; Subsequently, with the invention of electric power, the blades of the mills are
replaced by electricity and electric motors arise (Tejera (1993)), the cylinders appear in
replacement of the millstones, which reduces the costs of production, also increases the
production and varieties and qualities of bread. In the twentieth century there were automatic
mills that increased productivity (Capel (991),. The mills consisted of pairs of cylinders that
rotate in opposite directions at different speeds, allowing obtaining whiter flours, due to the
incorporation of the sifting (separate the bran and the particles of the flour) at present the
flour factories are mechanized requiring a smaller amount of labor, the mills have a much
higher productive capacity and the flours have higher quality in the bakeries on an industrial
scale, the baking process is automated, the mixers are introduced, which aerate the dough,
the chambers of controlled fermentation and ultra freezing chambers, additives are also used
to achieve higher quality loaves of bread and improved baking systems, with the use of rotary
kilns, which provide higher manufacturing yield, energy rationalization and improvement in
the production of bread.


In the local context the production of the traditional bakery in the city of Nieva, it is found
that it is composed mostly by traditional neighborhood bakeries and companies that excel for
having technified processes, with standardization and production on an industrial scale,
however there are bakeries that are colloquial and conservative since they carry out this work
in an artisanal way, since there are still manual function ovens and home-made kneading and
baking forms which give the final product a special flavor and a remarkable condition, which
Today, as a result of the technification of the processes, the growth of the bakeries on an
industrial scale that generates the manufacture of varied products, the traditional bakery of
the neighborhood has left aside its old craft that is part of the table in popular cuisine. In spite
of this and despite the fact that the traditional neighborhood bakery in the city of Neiva has
disappeared, in a commercial establishment, no research or studies are found that approach
or reflect the dynamism and behavior of the sector in general and more specifically that of
the Traditional neighborhood bakery.


In the city of Neiva the different bakeries are increasingly focused on the manufacture of
bread made from machinery, it is difficult to find in the market a bakery that offers them a
service that in addition to making industrial bread is a traditional bread made by craftsmen
that the client chooses, according to his / her taste, gives him / her the possibility to choose
the type of bread from a list of varieties of the product, and also to offer services such as the
setting of the place, tools and equipment necessary for the activity, counting on staff trained
for the preparation of the final product and customer service. As well as having an accessible
cost in the market that adjusts to the economic needs of the consumer.


With this research it was found that the traditional bakeries of the city of Neiva, use ingenious
methods of production and commercialization of product, achieving stability in prices and
permanence in the market, which reflect adaptability and flexibility in the business, which
can be had account for other establishments of a commercial nature as a guide for decision

This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the commercial characteristics of the
traditional bakery of the city of Neiva, so that both public and private institutions of different
sectors and associations have access to and availability of information about the sector in
question and serve as basis for later studies.

He project is based on the creation of a bakery where handmade bread is manufactured in the
city of Neiva in the department of Huila, in order to generate self-sustainability and support
in the construction of a comprehensive quality of life program, prioritizing aspects such as :
physical, mental, social and emotional quality; This Integral bread with chocolate flavor ""
PANINCHO "" In a bread made by hand, with whole wheat flour, wheat bran, sesame seeds,
whole oats, honey, salt, dry yeast, brown sugar, warm water, White flour to sprinkle, Cocoa
powder and Cocoa flavoring, remaining with ODOR: A Well-baked chocolate, TASTE: A
Chocolate, TEXTURE: Soft and crunchy should not be burned and COLOR: Dark coffee
without containing foreign material.

Our product designed in different presentations, we will offer it to all large and small
supermarkets in the city of Neiva and the Department of Huila and surrounding areas.
The name is allusive to the product offered PANINCHO chocolate-flavored wholemeal
bread, which is made in PANAMA MAMA PAN, which works in a family team to provide
a product with quality, with the aim of satisfying their tastes and needs



 Carry out a commercial characterization of the traditional bakery in the city of Neiva.
 Design a marketing plan to increase sales, based on the strategic plan of the company,
establishing the profile of the customer, price, quality, delivery time, level of
satisfaction, in such a way that the customer benefits from the purchase benefits. with
the company.


• Socioeconomically classify the traditional bakery in the city of Neiva.

• Describe the physical resources, technology and needs of the traditional
bakery in the city of Neiva.
• Determine the reason why the baker exercises his profession in the traditional
bakery of the city of Neiva.
• Relate the product portfolio of the traditional bakery in the city of Neiva.
• Identify the types of traditional bakery in the city of Neiva.
• Know the way in which, through the traditional bakery of the city of Neiva,
Marketing strategies and programs are implemented.
• Carry out a study of the client, in aspects such as personality, purchasing
behavior and behavior to know what to face in the negotiation process.
• Identify the characteristics of the product to determine the potential customer,
the form of negotiation and the distribution channel.
• Develop a good communication strategy that allows to interact and respond
appropriately to the client's needs.
• Have established sales techniques, whether they are AIDA or SPIN
• Organize sales teams by geographical areas, by products, by customers or can
be mixed to meet the needs of customers.
• Know and use sales methods and the different tools that allow you to
communicate, and offer the product or service to the customer.
• Quantify the volume of sales made to the current or potential customer, and
verify the characteristics of the purchase and compliance with the Sales Plan.
• To be constantly monitoring the purchasing behavior according to internal and
external factors.
• Monitor the behavior of product sales, to determine what has been the reaction
of consumers to the attributes and characteristics of the product or service offered
• Carry out an evaluation of the attributes of the products or services offered by
the company and also those of the competition in order to devise marketing strategies.
• Carry out an internal control of the quality management system of the offered
• Evaluate the competence of sales personnel.
• Give knowledge of the product to as many consumers as possible, taking into
account the limits established in the image strategy and the target audience.
• Determine what logistic, financial, human and administrative capacity our
company possesses and, according to this, determine what we can or can not offer.
• Establish what our distribution policies will be taking into account factors
such as the buyer, the particularities of the product, the recurrence of purchase, the
means of distribution and business objectives.
• Determine the type of distribution that will most benefit the company when
selling our product or service in the market.
• Establish which will be the most growing and easy way to offer the product
or service according to the Distribution and E-Commerce.


Being a Leader Bakery, where our goal is to satisfy the most demanding tastes of our
customers with quality and good price, that our variety of products can reach the door of
the house of each sector.
To be a Bakery THE BREAD OF MOM, with presence in all the territory of the
department of Huila and the rest of the country, delighting the palate of our clients with
products of great quality that is our reason of being.
 Act with honesty, respect, kindness and good service to clients, as well as
dedication, perseverance, honesty, simplicity and good teamwork.
 TEAM WORK: It is a principle that drives the actions and thoughts of the
company, which makes it competent to provide a product with quality.
Corporate  QUALITY OF LIFE: When making the products with the best quality of
values and ingredients of traditional, artisan and family form.
principles  RESPONSIBILITY AND ETHICS: Behavior, ethics and morals of the
members of the company.

Bakery THE BREAD OF MOM, will specialize in the production of wholemeal bread
with chocolate smell and flavor, it will also have a variety of toasted bread, wholemeal
biscuits, bread with traditional homemade bread, cornbread, oat bread, cakes and sweet
Goals desserts and salty, in addition to the almojábanas, yucca bread, and achiras that are very
traditional in our Colombian pastries, and many more varieties of traditional Colombian
 Make our products known at the municipal, departmental and national levels.
 Consolidate in the Colombian market.
Corporate  Bring our delicious flavor to all sectors of the country.
objectives  Innovate the Huilense palate with good quality products.
 Hygiene and safety in the process.
 Maintenance of quality inputs.
Corporate  Teamwork (family business).
policies  Continuous maintenance of machines and tools.
 Continuous control of the system.
 Compliance with staff assignments.Fuerte interés en la calidad,
motivation and positive training on the quality of the whole bakery.
Communication • Sales promotion: Through the exhibition of products and advertising, using the
strategy promotion directly to consumers.
• The tactics of the promotion should be taken into account, such as: Sales according to
the special size, prices, joint promotion, prizes, gifts, samples and coupons.
Situation of the In this case, the producer assumes the role of marketing his product, in relation to the
sector difference with other production sectors where this work is left under the responsibility
of an intermediary, being the producer the most important within the marketing .

• In the collection of information of the present work, an information survey of the

secondary sources (internet and companies) related to the subject under study was made,
allowing an atmosphere on the Bakery, its evolution, processes and the current state of
the sector worldwide and nationally.

• The descriptive investigation of the sector was used, which allows knowing and
reviewing the characteristics or features of the situation or phenomenon under study.
Through this method, all the aspects and fundamental characteristics of the traditional
sector of the town were described. , determined by the interaction between the researchers
and the members of the sector under study. For this, it was necessary to travel to different
places in the city, where field work was carried out, accompanied by interviews and
casual talks, which were documented through written, visual and filmic records.

• The research instrument was also developed for the collection of the information as was
the survey, which was elaborated with multiple-choice questions of a single response,
taking into account the objectives of the study and were carried out directly by the
researchers, Bakers and owners of the traditional bakery of the city of Neiva.

• Despite this and despite the fact that the traditional neighborhood bakery in the city of
Neiva has disappeared, in a commercial establishment, no research or studies are found
that approximate or reflect the dynamism and behavior of the sector in general and more
specifically that of The traditional neighborhood bakery.



Brands must be seen as something more than just the difference between the current cost of
a product and the sale price, these represent the sum of all the valuable qualities of a product
for the consumer. Consumers will be able to see a brand as an important added value in
products or services, as it frequently serves to denote a certain quality or characteristic appeal
for this training project. The brand to be used in this new product is the MIXTA brand; as
the package contains normative marks "" PANINCHO "" meaning PAN INTEGRAL TASTE
A CHOCOLATE and figurative an egg, a package (paper bag) and a slice of bread in cartoon.




The communication objective is to build a direct

Pressure communication initiatives aimed at demand among potential customers and evading
wholesalers and retailers intermediaries


Public relations Promotion in sales Merchandising

Key elements within the organization

Communication strategy that Merchandising replaces the

Push communication strategy stimulates the sale in point and is passive presentation of the product Trade Marketing advertising The
used in large areas stimulates the or service with an active communication
marketing department
sale of the product presentation. Placement,
fractioning, packaging and
presentation, exhibition and
installation Distinguir entre
Apply marketing
management to
properly. Promotion.
distributors, seen
Patrocino. Public
not as
Tools relations
intermediaries, but
as customers
Posee dos elementos: refers to
relationships and
Samples, Coupons, Direct the flow of customers projection. product
Refunds, Package Impulse sales 1. INFORMATIVE
marketing: basic
Price, Awards, Put the products within reach of CAPACITY: The
elements of
Advertising gifts, the consumer existence of certain
Treat the distributor, not communication
Discounts Design the establishment in a products, services
as a competition, or as a within the
or ideas is
distribution partner, but marketing of
as an intermediary client. products.
intencionalidad, ya
que trata de
convencer al
Market study compre nuestro
Space management
Market coverage
Are the goals or Distribution costs
results that an The selection and abandonment of channel members
organization aims The level of service and satisfaction of the consumer and channel
to achieve members
The level of sales by the total and by channel member
The profitability of the distribution
Relations between members of different channels

The image of the company and its products and the positioning

STRATEGIES: Companies must emphasize their distribution insofar as they meet
the needs of the consumer in the target market.
The strategies are The advantages in distribution are difficult to copy by competitors.
the way or the This, derived from its combination of superior strategy, organization
way in which the and human capabilities
proposed The negligence of competitors against their distribution becomes
objectives can be opportunities to be taken advantage of by the company

The strong connections combined with the cooperation between the

members of the canal will lead to its reinforcement

Diagnosis on the problem under study

In the city of Neiva the different bakeries are increasingly focused on making bread made
from machinery, it is difficult to find in the market a bakery that offers a service that in
addition to making industrial bread is a traditional bread made by craftsmen that the client
chooses, according to his / her taste, gives him / her the possibility to choose the type of bread
from a list of varieties of the product, and also to offer services such as the setting of the
place, tools and equipment necessary for the activity, counting on staff trained for the
preparation of the final product and customer service. As well as having an accessible cost
in the market that adjusts to the economic needs of the consumer and that also has an excellent
display system.

Statement of the study problem

In the local context the production of the traditional bakery in the city of Nieva, it is found
that it is composed mostly by traditional neighborhood bakeries and companies that excel for
having technified processes, with standardization and production on an industrial scale,
however there are bakeries that are colloquial and conservative since they carry out this work
in an artisanal way, since there are still manual function ovens and home-made kneading and
baking forms which give the final product a special flavor and a remarkable condition, which
Today, as a result of the technification of the processes, the growth of the bakeries on an
industrial scale that generates the manufacture of varied products, the traditional bakery of
the neighborhood has left aside its old craft that is part of the table in popular cuisine. In spite
of this and despite the fact that the traditional neighborhood bakery in the city of Neiva has
disappeared, in a commercial establishment, no research or studies are found that approach
or reflect the dynamism and behavior of the sector in general and more specifically that of
the Traditional neighborhood bakery.


The product offered PANINCHO chocolate-flavored wholemeal bread, made in Paneraía

PAN DE MAMÁ, which works in a family team to provide a product with quality, with the
aim of satisfying their tastes and needs, wholemeal bread with flavor chocolate PANINCHO,
is a product made with whole wheat flour for bread, honey, salt, dry yeast, brown sugar,
warm water, white flour to sprinkle, cocoa powder and cocoa flavoring, identifies and
communicates the promise and The personality of the company, with an appropriate,
aesthetic logo, reflects the credibility and work in the family. The name, logo and slogan
have no visual complications. Visual consistency is maintained in communications such as:
brochures, stationery, the brand is our cover letter, our face in front of the public and this
depends on the image that people form of the company and the product.

Tabla Technical Data Sheet of the Product Presentation

Product name Whole wheat bread with chocolate flavor
Marca Whole wheat bread MAMA PAN with chocolate flavor PANINCHO
It is a bread with chocolate smell and flavor that contains Fiber (g), Calcium,
Technical and Composition Iron, Energy, Protein, Carbohydrates, Vitamin
characteristics of the Vitamin and Vitamin B3, baked and seasoned with the best quality.
Appearance and In a bread made with whole wheat flour, wheat bran, sesame seeds, whole
color oats, honey, salt, dry yeast, brown sugar, warm water, white flour to sprinkle,
cocoa powder and cocoa flavoring, remaining with ODOR : A Well baked
chocolate, FLAVOR: A Chocolate, TEXTURE: Soft and crunchy should not
be burned and COLOR: Dark coffee without containing foreign material.
The integral bread favors a better chewing by its more crispy structure,
avoiding the accumulation of gases when swallowing the food and facilitating
a good digestion.
Packing Plastic or paper bag of 500 grams: The product must be packed in non-toxic
materials that ensure the good conservation and hygiene of the product.
Weight / piece: 10 +/- 2g
Energy value: 376 kcal
Proteins: 12.9g
Carbohydrates: 65.0g
- Starches: 67.6g
- Total sugars: 2.4g
Label Raw fat materials: 7.5g
- Saturated G.: 2.8g
- G. mono unsaturated 2.1g
G. Polyunsaturated: 2.1g
- Cholesterol: 0.0g
Fiber food: 3.2g
Sodium: 0.2g
Ingredients: Creation date:
Date of Expiry:
Fabrication place:
Container Paper or plastic bag
Packaging Plastic or paper bags.
Dimensions 50 x 14cm plastic bag, 30 x 20 cm paper

Presentation 500 grams of capacity

Quantity Depending on the size and amount of bread you purchase
Useful life Two months
All our breads are made with sourdough using high quality flours.
The fermentation of our masses is at least 6 hours, which makes the loaves have more flavor and
are very healthy.
Additional Information In the elaboration process, the resting times are respected, both in the block mass phase, as well as
in its division and formation.
It is highly recommended for diabetics, helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, promotes
intestinal transit, its composition in fiber prevents colon cancer, prevents premature aging and
improves the health of skin and mucous membranes and increases physical performance.


Criterion Variables typical market segments
Geographical: Country, region, No NATIONALITY: Colombian and foreigners.
inhabitants, density, LOCATION: Urban, suburban, rural, with a
climate climate Hot, cold, dry, rainy, consumers can
be found anywhere in the city of Neiva since
we have offices in different strategic points.
Our main headquarters is located in the
commune number one north area of the city
of Neiva.
Socioeconomic: Education, INCOME: 1 smmlv onwards.
they are employment income, OCCUPATION: Occupations in general.
objective criteria purchasing power, EDUCATION: Primary, secondary and
social class. university.
Demographics: Characteristics of the The demand.
they are consumer: sex, age, AGE: 5 to 50 years
objective criteria height, weight, height, SEX: the product will be sold to men, women,
marital status, religion, youth and children.
nationality, family, LIFE CYCLE: Young, single, married, with
evolution. children, divorced, widowed.
Medium, Low.
Psychological: Personality, lifestyle, PERSONALITY PROFILE
subjective attitudes, activities, Good life, thoughts, feelings,
criteria opinions and values.
• Satisfied or satisfied
• Updaters
• Experimenters
• Directors
• Strict

Criterios Type of establishment, DESCRIPTION: Bread of traditional

relacionados con hours of purchase, manufacture of medium to large size made
el producto: frequency of purchase, with base Wheat flour Water, Fat, Yeast,
and brand loyalty. Sugar and Salt, its inner packaging consists of
a plastic package that protects the structure of
the product, allowing the product to retain its
original characteristics :

COST: Between $ 200 to $ 5,000 pesos

SIZE: Medium 10 to 300 gr
TARGET MARKET: our target market will
be the consumers of the entire city of Neiva
with medium and high income would be
people between 5 and 50 years.



Objective: to promote our company through advertising using different means of advertising
such as regional newspapers, banners, folding, poster (advertisement), radio notices in order
to reach most of our guests; We will guarantee that each of them can be informed and can
accompany us in this grand opening, discounts will also be made for interested customers,
make draws as advertising material at the point of sale (P.O.P.)


The exhibition strategy that will be used will be through free tastings of the product, in which
the customers can get closeness and interact with those in charge of promoting the product,
so that they can obtain enough information and can take the best image of the product.


We teach our customers our product in a way that gets the consumer's interest and the
expected effectiveness, we will be clear and innovative in order to make the customer have
the need to acquire our service; an excellent presentation or presentation of this form will be
reflected the presentation of our service.

To achieve the expected results, the route is designed by the respective communes of the
city of Neiva, the routes traced will be set in a line that starts at the company, passing through
each of the communes, making the most of the capacity to attend to the customers
potenciales (tiendas y supermercados).
Federación Española de Marketing (1999): Diccionario Profesional de Marketing.
CISS. Valencia.
Sainz de Vicuña, J. M (1996): El plan de marketing en la práctica. Ed. ESIC,
C. Makens, James (1990): El plan de marketing. Como realizarlo en la empresa. Ed
Hispano Europea, S.A, Barcelona.
David Mayorga / 2008 / El análisis VRIO y la Ventaja Competitiva - Artículo Wikipedia
- Última edición: agosto 2014 / La Matriz BCG /
Del libro: Marketing, Sexta Edición, de Lamb Charles, Hair Joseph y McDaniel Carl,
International Thomson Editores S.A., 2002, Pág. 333.
[2]: Del libro: Fundamentos de Marketing, 13va. Edición, de Stanton William, Etzel Michael
y Walker Bruce, Mc Graw Hill, 2004, Pág. 284.
[3]: Del libro: Mercadotecnia, Primera Edición, de Sandhusen L. Richard, Compañía
Editorial Continental, 2002, Pág. 389 y 393.
[4]: Del libro: Fundamentos de Marketing, Sexta Edición, de Kotler Philip y Armstrong Gary,
Prentice Hall, 2003, Pág. 337.

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