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Supernovas are from space and they are also called 
supernovae. That doesn’t sound very scary but, They explode 
to create black holes that can destroy the world . (I’ll get 
into it later). Anyways, I'm Carrisa and for my speech I will 
be talking about supernovas and I will be talking about 
supernovas and how they are born, How they die, and what do 
they do.  
Supernovas are born by two stars exploding into each other. In the 
Milky way galaxy,this only happen 2 or 3 times in a century. But in 
other galaxies they can appear Every 1 or 2 seconds. Supernova 
explosions can be beautiful. From far away and you can see them when 
looking through telescope, or when Star watching.  

Now I will be talking about how supernovas die. supernovas die by 
exploding into themselves. when they die they turn into black holes 
which can eat the entire world. They collapse into themselves so they 
end up sucking up everything instead of being one solid shape. No one 
knows what they look like.I know sounds mysterious and maybe a little 
scary, Actually really scary. 
The last thing I will be talking about is what do supernovas do. 
Supernovae eat stars but they don't actually do too much, but they can 
still can be dangerous if you are too close to them. Supernovae are 
from space so you probably won't be too close to them. If for some odd 
reason you were in a spaceship and close to one it would be dangerous . 
Supernovas are very interesting and dangerous things. But in 
my speech I talked about supernovas and how they were born, how do 
they die and what do they do. Supernovas are a very interesting topic 
but I hope you liked my speech And have a wonderful day.   

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