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4/4/2019 WOTD new Flashcards | Quizlet

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Terms in this set (70)

Profound Intensity of feeling or quality; having deep insight or

Objective Based on facts rather than feelings or opinions; not

influenced by feelings.

Paradox States an apparent contradiction that also contains a kind

of truth when seen in a certain way.

Audacious Extremely bold or daring.

Admonish To speak in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism.

Tumultuous Loud, excited, emotional; involving a lot of violence,

confusion, or disorder.

Pariah Outcast

contemptuous to feel like you're above others

Revere To have great respect for someone or something: to show

devotion or honor to someone or something.

Culpable Deserved blame; guilty

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complicit Involved with others in an illegal activity or wrong doing

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Having a double meaning; unclear or inexact because a
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Tact Sensitivity in dealing with others with others or difficult


Zeal enthusiasm

Vilify To speak or write about in a abusive manner... to write ill of


Synthesize To combine a # of things

Prudent Acting or showing a thought of care and thought for the


Disparity A great difference that is unfair

Defer Put off to do later or postpone

Indignant feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is

perceived as unfair treatment

Stoic a person who can endure pain or hardship without

showing their feelings or complaining.

Transcend be or go beyond the range or limits of (something

abstract, typically a conceptual field or division).

Ubiquitous present, appearing, or found everywhere

Tenacity the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly;


melancholy Sadness, depression of the spirit

erratic Unpredictable; inconsistent

sullen bad tempered; sulky; gloomy

digress to move away from the topic; to stray away from the focus.

remiss not showing enough care and attention; negligent

adverse unfavorable or harmful; characterized by something that

prevents progress or success
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infamy the state of being well known for some bad quality or
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plausible believable, credible, seeming reasonable or probable 2/5
4/4/2019 WOTD new Flashcards | Quizlet

frivolous not having serious purpose or value

cynical distrustful of human integrity

pertinent relevant or applicable to a particular matter

fallacy a mistaken belief based on an unsound argument: a

deceptive, misleading, or false notation

logical fallacy a mistake in reasoning

impartial treating all people equally, fair,just

verbal irony when a person says or writes one thing but means another

situational irony when the opposite of what is expected occurs

dramatic irony understood by the audience, but not the characters (its a
secret we know but the characters don't)

juxtaposition the placement of 2 or more things placed side by side or

close together, often in order to highlight differences

affable friendly; good natured; easy to talk to

nuance a subtle difference or shade of meaning, expression or


falter to start to lose strength or momentum

allusion a reference within a work to something famous outside of


irony an unexpected twist or contrast in an authors work

euphemism the substitution of a offensive , harsh or blunt word or

phrase used to describe something unpleasant or
embarrassing with something more mild

copious abundant in supply or quantity

accolades high praise

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diatribe a verbal attack

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feign to pretend to be affected by something 3/5
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efficacy the ability to produce a desired result or effect

panacea a remedy for all ills or difficulties

cursory not thorough or detailed

interpret come up w your own meaning for something or your own

understanding of something

flippant showing inappropriate lightness or levity; blase attitude or

type of comment made in a situation that calls for

assimilate to take in and incorporate as ones own; absorb

elusive difficult to find, catch or achieve

mood the feeling the text produces in the audience or the reader

tone the specific attitude the author or character has towards

the text's main subject

poignant having the power to affect someone's feeling or


haughty proud and vain to the point of arrogance

impervious incapable of being effected or disturbed

evoke to bring or recall memories or feelings

meticulous showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise

aesthetic concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty

arbitrary based on random choice or personal whim instead of

reason or system.

incongruity out of keeping or place; inappropriate; unbecoming

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45 terms Need help? 49 terms
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SAT Vocabulary 7,8,9 AP Lang Week 7 4/5
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50 terms Amartinez124

L to J Vocabulary Quarter 4

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