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Test case ID Test Scenario Test Step No

TC-001 To check URL Step-1

TC-002 To check the error message in Login Page Step-1


TC-003 To check the Tab navigation Step-1

To verify the User Name & password field and

TC-004 Step-1
click signin






TC-005 Verifying user based login Step-1

Test Case Description Input Test Data

Pass the URL click enter ,should be shown login URL :
screen on Application

Leaving the all fields and Click signin button

Leaving the any one fields and Click signin button

Click Tab to navigate one textbox to next textbox

User Name :Mapol

Entering valid username and invalid password PWD : 123456
User Name :123457
Entering valid password but invalid username PWD :Mapol
Pass values username blank and enter password User Name : -
click signin PWD :Mapol
Pass values password blank and enter username User Name :Mapol
click signin PWD : -
User Name : 123457
Enter username and password wrong PWD :123457
Entering valid data username and password field , User Name :Mapol
should not display any error alert message PWD:Mapol

Checking login based on user

Prepared by
Expected Result Actual Result Status Person
URL should be open properly.
Error symbol for all mandatory fields to
be displayed. Karuthapandi
Error symbol for all mandatory fields to
be displayed.
System should want navigate to one text
box to another textbox Karuthapandi
Error Alert message Should be displayed
Error Alert message Should be displayed
Error Alert message Should be displayed
Error Alert message Should be displayed
Error Alert message Should be displayed
System should allow to login
System should allow to login based on
user and shows assigned screens Karuthapandi
Test case ID Test Scenario Test Step No

TCEMP_001 To Verify User Interface in that screen Step 1

Step 1

TCEMP_002 To Verify mandatory fields Step 2

Step 3

To Verify that tab functionality is

TCEMP_003 Step 1
working properly or not

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

TCEMP_004_1 To verifying Title box field

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

TCEMP_004_2 To verifying First Name Field

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
TCEMP_005 To verifying Last Name Field
Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 1

TCEMP_006 To verifying Date of Birth Field Step 2

Step 3

Step 1

Step 2

TCEMP_007 To checking gender radio button

TCEMP_007 To checking gender radio button

Step 3

Step 4

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4
TCEMP_008 To verifying Marital Status

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 1

Step 2

TCEMP_009 To verifying Contact No. Field Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 1

Step 2

TCEMP_010 To Verify Emergency Contact No.

Step 3
TCEMP_010 To Verify Emergency Contact No.

Step 4

Step 5

Check whether the Email text field Step 1

that has @ symbol written in words.

Check the Email text field that has

random string instead of real email. Step 2


Check the Email text field that has Step 3

missing dot in the email address.

Check the Email text field that has Step 4

Email address without @ symbol

Check whether the Email text field Step 1

that has @ symbol written in words.

Check the Email text field that has

random string instead of real email. Step 2


Check the Email text field that has Step 3

missing dot in the email address.

Check the Email text field that has Step 4

Email address without @ symbol

Step 1
TCEMP_013 To verifying Door No., Building
Step 2

Step 1
TCEMP_014 To verifying Street, Locality
Step 2

Step 1
TCEMP_015 To verifying City text field
Step 2

Step 1
TCEMP_016 To verifying State text field
TCEMP_016 To verifying State text field
Step 2

Step 1
TCEMP_017 To verifying Country text field
Step 2

Step 1

Step 2

TCEMP_018 To verifying Pin code text field

Step 3

Step 4

Step 1
TCEMP_019 To verifying Passport No. field
Step 2

Step 1
TCEMP_020 To verifying Driving License No. field
Step 2

Checking the functionality of "PAN" Step 1

module when it takes numbers

Checking the functionality of "PAN" Step 2

module when it takes characters.

TCEMP_021 Checking the functionality of "PAN"

module when it takes special Step 3

Checking the functionality first 5

chars should be alphabets, next 4 Step 4
should be numeric and last is again
should be alphabet.

Step 1

Step 2

TCEMP_022 To verifying Aadhaar No. field

Step 3

TCEMP_022 To verifying Aadhaar No. field Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 1

TCEMP_023 To verifying Blood Group field Step 2

Step 3

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
TCEMP_024 To verifying Department field
Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 1
TCEMP_025 To Verifying Remarks box
Step 2

Step 1

Step 2

TCEMP_026 To verifying Username field

Step 3

Step 4
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
TCEMP_027 To verifying password field

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4
TCEMP_028 To verifying confirm password field

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 1

Step 2
TCEMP_029 To verifying Display name Field
Step 3

Step 4

Step 1

TCEMP_030 To Verify the submit option

Step 2

Step 1

TCEMP_031 To Verify the reset option

TCEMP_031 To Verify the reset option Step 2

Step 3

TCEMP_032 To verify the Edit option Step 1

Step 1

TCEMP_033 To verify the status option

Step 2

Step 1

TCEMP_034 To verify the delete option Step 2

Step 3

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
TCEMP_035 To verify the data grid view
Step 4

Step 5

Check whether system allow to Step 1

TCEMP_036 search the records based on the
input given in 'Search' field. Step 2

TCEMP_037 To verifying Export option Step 1

Step 1

Step 2

TCEMP_038 To verify Messages and pop up Step 3

TCEMP_038 To verify Messages and pop up

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6
Test Case Description Input Test Data

Checking all Alphabetical text boxes and align


Leaving all fields blank and 'save' should display

error alert message with all mandatory fields

Entering only mandatory fields

Missing one mandatory fields and 'Save' should

display error alert message with particular
mandatory fields.

Clicking tab button from first text box to last text


Verifying list the value of select box

To verifying Selected value want show in select


To Ensure that the user is able to select the

categories by pressing the down key on the

Checking ESC key close the menu

Checking highlighted text is easily legible

Checking edit option or not in select box

Enter the value for 'First Name' field in

Enter the value for 'First Name' field in alphabets

Enter the value for 'First Name' field in numbers

Enter the values for 'First Name' field in special


Enter the value for ' First Name' field, With less
than 3 characters

Enter the value for 'First Name' Field for more

than 50 characters

Enter the value for 'Last Name' field in


Enter the value for 'Last Name' field in alphabets

Enter the value for 'Last Name' field in numbers

Enter the values for 'Last Name' field in special

Enter the value for 'Last Name' field, With less
than 3 characters
Enter the value for 'Last Name' Field for more
than 50 characters

Enter the value for 'D.O.B' fields for current date

Enter the value for 'D.O.B' field for age is greater

than 18

Enter the value for 'D.O.B' field for age is equal to


Clicking selecting a radio button

Clicking one radio button and clicking another

radio button at a time
Checking the alignment of the radio buttons

Checking for size and color of radio buttons

Verifying list the value of select box

To verifying Selected value want show in select


To Ensure that on pressing an alphabet on the

keyboard, categories starting with that alphabet
is getting highlighted.

To Ensure that the user is able to select the

categories by pressing the down key on the

Checking edit option or not in select box

checking scrollable option

Checking ESC key close the menu

Checking highlighted text is easily legible

checking list the values order

Enter the number in that field

Enter the values for contact no field in


Enter the values for that field in special


Check the contact no when allow to enter and

save more than 15 numbers

Check the contact no when allow to enter and

save less than 15 numbers
Enter the number in that field
Enter the values for contact no field in
Enter the values for that field in special
Check the contact no when allow to enter and
save more than 15 numbers
Check the contact no when allow to enter and
save less than 15 numbers

Enter the invalid email id

Enter the valid email id

Enter the invalid email id

Enter the invalid email id

Enter the invalid email id

Enter the valid email id

Step 3: Enter the invalid email id

Step 4: Enter the invalid email id

Enter no limit for address field

Enter the alphanumeric values

Enter no limit for address field

Enter the alphanumeric values

Enter the name for city in letters

Enter the name for city in numbers or special


Enter the name for state in letters

Enter the name for state in numbers or special

Enter the name for country in letters

Enter the name for country in numbers or

special characters

Enter the number in that field

Enter the values for pin code field in alphabets

Enter the values for that field in special


Enter the values for that field shorter than


Enter the values for that field in special


Enter the values for that field in alphanumeric

Enter the values for that field in alphanumeric

Enter the values for that field in special


Enter the values for that field in numbers

Enter the values for that field in characters

Enter the values for that field in special


Enter the valid PAN No. ( first 5 chars should be

alphabets, next 4 should be numeric and last is
again should be alphabet)

Enter the number in that field

Enter the values for contact no field in
Enter the values for that field in special
Check the aadhaar no when allow to enter and
save more than 12 digits
Check the aadhaar no when allow to enter and
save less than 12 digits

Check the aadhaar no when allow to enter and

save equal to 12 digits.

Enter the value for that field in alphanumeric

Enter the value for that field in special


Enter the value for that field in numbers.

Enter the value for 'Department' field in

Enter the value for 'Department' field in
Enter the value for 'Department' field in
Enter the values for 'Department' field in special
Enter the value for 'Department' field, With less
than 3 characters
Enter the value for 'Department' Field for more
than 50 characters

Enter the value for that field.

Leaving the field blank and Click on save button

Enter the values for 'Username' field in letters,

numbers and special characters

Leaving the field blank and Click on save button

Enter the values for that field more than 40


Enter the values for that field start with or

contain any symbols
Enter the value for that field in characters.

Enter the value for that field maximum


Enter the values for that field in alphabets,

numbers and special characters.

Enter invalid password

Enter the values for 'password' field at least 6


Enter the values for 'password' field contain

Enter the values for 'confirm password' field
same as password.
Enter the value for that field in characters.
Enter the value for that field maximum
Enter the values for that field in alphabets,
numbers and special characters.

Enter invalid confirm password

Enter the values for 'confirm password' field at

least 6 characters.
Enter the values for 'confirm password' field
contain spaces.
Enter the values for 'Display name' field in
letters, numbers and special characters

Leaving the field blank and Click on save button

Enter the values for that field more than 40

Enter the values for that field start with or
contain any symbols

Entering all fields and clicking submit button

Leaving the field blank and Click on submit


Entering all fields and clicking reset button

Leaving the field blanks, clicking reset button

Clicking update option, All fields filled and

clicking reset button.

Enter added new values and update the record

clicking update button.

Clicking status option which has dependency.

Clicking status to changed a particular record

does not affect for existing record

Clicking delete option which has dependency.

Clicking delete option ,deleting particular record

does not affect for existing record

Entering new values with deleted details again

Checking Grid Title and spelling

Checking grid alignments

Checking filed names and order

Entering added many data, The page navigators

shown properly.

Clicking page navigators with different pages.

Entering complete value of records in search


Entering starting value of records in search field

Click on the Excel options, to check the output

of the data displayed in the grid.

Checking after insert/ update/delete

confirmation message of Successful Functionality
Should be shown in Green color

Checking Confirmation Before Delete/Status

Checking Font, Alignment, Size and color of the
Checking Time must be Such as the message can
be read by User
Checking all text messages for spelling and
Checking Alert/Error message should be shown
in red color
Expected Result Actual Result

UI should be correct spelling and align buttons is fine

Error Alert message for all mandatory fields to be displayed.

System should accepted mandatory fields to save

Error Alert message for particular mandatory fields to be


System should be accepted tab functionality in that screen

system should display the list of Values in the select box based
on "Title Name"

Selected value should be displayed in the text Field

Pressing a down key on the keyboard should bring you to the

items in the select box.

system should close the list box by clicking ESC key

system should want easily legible highlighted text

System should not allow user to Edit the select box value
System shouldn't allow the user to save the values

System should allow the user to save the values

System shouldn't allow the user to save the values

System shouldn't allow the user to save the values

System should display the error msg that 'The value should
have minimum of 3 characters'.

System should display the error msg that 'The value should
not exceed with 50 characters'.

System shouldn't allow the user to save the values

System should allow the user to save the values

System shouldn't allow the user to save the values

System shouldn't allow the user to save the values

System should display the error msg that 'The value should
have minimum of 3 characters'.
System should display the error msg that 'The value should
not exceed with 50 characters'.

System shouldn't allow the dates greater than current date.

System should allow the D.O.B field greater than 18

System should allow the D.O.B field equal to 18

Selected value should be displayed in the radio button

System shouldn't allow to click another radio button at a time.

UI should be aligns button is fine

UI should be correct size and color in radio button.

system should display the list of Values in the select box based
on "Marital status"

Selected value should be displayed in the text Field

Pressing a letter should bring you to the first items with start
with that letter

Pressing a down key on the keyboard should bring you to the

items in the select box.

System should not allow user to Edit the select box value

List should be scrollable

system should close the list box by clicking ESC key

system should want easily legible highlighted text

Values should be Displayed according to the Alphabetical


System should allowed to save the values

System shouldn't accepted the alphanumeric values

System shouldn't accepted the special characters

System shouldn't accepted the more than 15 numbers

System shouldn't accepted the less than 15 numbers

System should allowed to save the values

System shouldn't accepted the alphanumeric values

System shouldn't accepted the special characters

System shouldn't accepted the more than 15 numbers

System shouldn't accepted the less than 15 numbers

The System Shouldn't accepted email id

The system should accepted email id

The system shouldn't accepted email id

The system shouldn't accepted email id

The System Shouldn't accepted email id

The system should accepted email id

The system shouldn't accepted email id

The system shouldn't accepted email id

System should allow the user to save the address

System should allow the user to save the address

System should allow the user to save the address

System should allow the user to save the address

System should accepted the values

System shouldn't accepted the special characters

System should accepted the values

System shouldn't accepted the special characters

System should accepted the values

System shouldn't accepted the special characters

System should accepted the values

System shouldn't accepted the values

System shouldn't accepted the values

System shouldn't accepted the values

System shouldn't accepted special characters.

System should accepted alphanumeric values

System should accepted alphanumeric values

System shouldn't accepted special characters.

System shouldn't allow the user to save the number

System shouldn't allow the user to save the characters

System shouldn't allow the user to save the Special characters

System should allow the user to save the values

System should accepted the values

System shouldn't accepted the values

System shouldn't accepted the values

System shouldn't allow to save more than 12 digits.

System shouldn't allow to save less than 12 digits.

System should allow the user to save equal to 12 digits.

System should accepted the values

System shouldn't accepted the special characters.

System shouldn't accepted the numbers

System shouldn't accepted the alphanumeric values.

System should accepted the alphabets.

System shouldn't accepted the numbers.

System shouldn't accepted the special characters.

System should display the error msg that 'The value should
have minimum of 3 characters'.
System should display the error msg that 'The value should
not exceed with 50 characters'.

System should allow to save record

System should allow the user to save the record

System should accepted the values.

System should allow to save empty field.

System shouldn't allow to save more than 40 characters.

System shouldn't allow to start with or contains any symbols.

System should accepted the values.

System should allow to save maximum characters.

System should accepted the values.

System should display error msg that "Invalid Password"

System should allow user to save at least 6 characters.

System shouldn't allowed contain spaces in password field.

System should accepted confirm password field same as

password field.
System should accepted the values

System should allow to save maximum characters.

System should accepted the values.

System should display error msg that "Invalid Password"

System should allow user to save at least 6 characters.

System shouldn't allowed contain spaces in password field.

System should accepted the values.

System should allow to save empty field.

System shouldn't allow to save more than 40 characters.

System shouldn't allow to start with or contains any symbols.

System should allow the user to 'save' the value

System should display error msg that some fields are required.

System should allow the user to 'reset' the value

System should allow the user to 'reset' the value

System should allow the user to 'reset' the value

System should allow the user to 'Update' the value

System shouldn't allow to changed the status

System should allow to changed the status

System shouldn't allow to delete the values

System should allow to delete the values

System should allow to delete the values

System should be display correct Grid Title and Spelling

System should display correct grid alignments

System should shown field names and order correctly.

System should allow to page navigation properly.

System should allow to page navigators with different pages.

System should display the records based on the input given in

'Search' field.
System should display the records based on the input given in
'Search' field.

System should generate the Excel record without any issue.

System should display after insert/ update/delete

confirmation message of Successful. System Should be shown
in Green color

System should display before delete/status confirmation

UI should be Font, Alignment, Size and color of the Messages
is fine
System should allowed user able to read message.

UI Should be correct spelling and grammar in Text Message

System should display red color for Alert/Error Message.

Status by Person

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