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Loretto, PA 15940



Student Teacher Marisa Daly Grade 6th

Subject Math _
Time Needed for Lesson 45 minutes Lesson Concept Area of triangles___

PA STANDARD(S) (Write out standards):

Apply appropriate tools to solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and


Why do we need to find area?

Where do you use area of a triangle?


M06.C-G.1.1.1 Determine the area of triangles and special quadrilaterals (i.e., square, rectangle, parallelogram,
rhombus, and trapezoid). Formulas will be provided.
M06.C-G.1.1.2 Determine the area of irregular or compound polygons. Example: Find the area of a room in the
shape of an irregular polygon by composing and/or decomposing.
M06.C-G.1.1.3 Determine the volume of right rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths. Formulas will be
M06.C-G.1.1.4 Given coordinates for the vertices of a polygon in the plane, use the coordinates to find side
lengths and area of the polygon (limited to triangles and special quadrilaterals). Formulas will be provided.
OBJECTIVE(S) (Be sure to include all four parts):
After the review, the students will be able to calculate the area of a triangle on IXL with 75% accuracy.

Smart board
Chrome books
Formula sheet
Scrap paper

ACTIVITIES (There are three sections here):

OPENING (Introduction, purpose, hook)

1. Ask the students what the formula for area of the triangle is
2. If the students can’t remember have them look at the PSSA formula sheet that they get
3. Ask the students why they multiply base by height by 1/2
4. The half is referring to the half of the rectangle that a triangle is

BODY (Bulleted step by step/differentiation must be included)

1. I will do three problems of each kind

2. In between each of the types of problems I will ask the students if they understand give a thumbs up, if
they somewhat understand sideways thumb, if I am speaking a different language thumbs down.
3. Then I will have five students to come up to do the problem together
4. As the students do the problem they will have to explain what they are doing and why as if they were the
5. Then I will have the students log on and get started
6. The students will work on the area of a triangle until the period is over or until they get a 100%
7. If a student gets a 100% on the area of a triangle, then they can go back to the other IXL sections that we
have completed

CLOSURE (Wrap up and brief summary): How will you plan to restate the lesson objective?
8. Snowstorm: the students write down two piece of information that they learned or thought were
important to know about finding the area
9. They then wad up the paper and throw it in the garbage can

Extra time
75% completion instead of 90%
Directions are written and are spoken

ASSESSMENT: (How you will determine that student has mastered objectives?): Consider formative and
summative assessment measures for all levels of differentiation.

The thumbs up, down, or sideways

IXL percentage
The paper at the end

SELF-ASSESSMENT/REFLECTION: (Complete this section if you have taught this lesson to peers or in
clinical placement):

Overall, I thought that this lesson went well. I thought the students react well to the direct instruction. I wish
that did a formative assessment during each step of the process. This way I could tell where students got
confused. Which would help me come up with another way to explain how to do the process. I thought that the
student did really well with the lesson. All of the students reached the goal of 75% or higher on their
independent practice. To see the students thrilled that they got 85 and higher on their independent was definitely
the best part of the day. One of my students who is really quiet and was having trouble with the missing side of
a tringle came up to me at the end of the period, and said “Miss Daly, I did the problem the way you had
showed me and I got it right!” At the end of the period we ran out of time to do the closing activity, and I wish
that we could have done the snowball closure. If I could change one thing I would keep an eye on the time

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