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Journal of Neuroscience Methods 61(1995) 5-14

Embedding, sectioning, immunocytochemical and stereological methods

that optimise research on the lesioned adult rat spinal cord
D.A. Stuart *, D.E. Oorschot
Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology and the Neuroscience Centre, University of Otago Medical School, P.O. Box 913,
Dunedin, New Zealand

Received 13 September 1994;accepted 19 January 1995


Numerous methods have been developed to embed, section and immunocytochemically label nervous tissue and the method
chosen depends upon numerous factors. However, many of these methods have technical drawbacks that make them difficult to
use in studies using injured/lesioned tissue. We present here, methods for embedding, sectioning and immunocytochemically
labelling lesioned adult spinal cord tissue at the light microscope level. We have developed a novel, gelatine-embedding
technique for vibratome sectioning which overcomes many of the difficulties encountered with lesioned tissue. Individualised
immunocytochemical protocols have also been developed for the antibodies GFAP (to label astrocytes), MBP (to label myelin)
and CNP-ase (to label oligodendrocytes). Sequential pre-treatment with proteinase-K, methanol and sodium borohydride
achieved optimal GFAP localisation. MBP and CNP-ase were optimally localised after sequential pre-treatment with proteinase-K
(at different concentrations) and sodium borohydride. Methanol pre-treatment resulted in a loss of immunoreactivity for these
latter two antibodies. Each protocol achieved full immunocytochemical penetration throughout 40 pm vibratome sections. These
techniques enable the new unbiased stereological tools (that is, the Cavalieri and optical disector principles) to be utilised.

Keywords: Gelatine; Vibratome sectioning; Immunocytochemistry; Optical disector; Cavalieri method

1. Introduction lesioned spinal cord using specific immunocytochemi-

cal markers. Quantitation of this response is best un-
The injured and/or lesioned spinal cord is being dertaken by estimating the total number of glial cells
studied more extensively now as a result of promising rather than glial cell densities (as in, for example,
in vitro (Carbonetto et al., 1987; Caroni and Schwab, Vijayan and Cotman, 1987) since densities may lead to
1988; Bastmeyer et al., 1991, 1993) and in vivo misleading biological conclusions (see Oorschot, 1994).
(Richardson et al., 1980; David and Aguayo, 1981; The total number of glial cells can be unbiasedly and
Fernandez et al., 1990; Schnell and Schwab, 1993) efficiently determined by using the Cavalieri method in
work. This work has demonstrated that the central combination with the optical disector method (see
nervous system has some capacity to regenerate follow- Gundersen, 1986; Janson and Meller, 1993; Oorschot,
ing injury. The glial cell and myelin contribution to this 1994). The Cavalieri method unbiasedly estimates the
regenerative response is likely to be crucial (see, for total volume of the structure of interest (in this case,
example, Oorschot and Jones, 1990; Schnell and the thoracic spinal cord), while the optical disector
Schwab, 1993). As part of our research in this field, we method unbiasedly estimates the number of glial cells
have sought to examine the effect of growth factors on in a sub-volume of the thoracic spinal cord (i.e., the
the glial cell response in the adult rat thoracic spinal glial cell density, or the N,). The product of the total
cord after a lesion. Detection of the glial cell response volume and the N, yields an unbiased estimate of the
requires localisation of glial sub-types in control and total number of glial cells.
The use of lesioned spinal cord tissue, and of the
optical disector method to determine total glial cell
* Corresponding author. Tel.: (64) 3-479-7382;Fax: (64) 3-479-7254. numbers, imposes certain methodological require-

0165-0270/95/$0950 0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0165-0270(9.5)00017-8
(1 il. Stuart, D.E. Oorschor /Jowrrul of Newosciencr Methods 61 (1995) .5-I4

ments. These are as follows: (1) determination of total brospinal fluid (ACSF). A cannula from the pump to
numbers requires complete longitudinal serial section- the lesion site continuously infused the growth factor
ing of the spinal cord; (2) sectioning of the lesioned or ACSF to the lesion site for a specified number of
spinal cord requires minimal damage and the mainte- days. Following surgery, the animals had full control of
nance of tissue integrity; (3) application of the optical both bladder and bowel function, and after 24 h walked
disector requires thicker (40-50 pm> sections, as well around with only a slightly unstable gait. All proce-
as immunocytochemical labelling of the glial cells dures were ethically approved by the University of
throughout the depth or thickness of these sections; Otago’s Committee on Ethics in the Care and Use of’
and (4) immunocytochemical processing of lesioned Laboratory Animals.
tissue requires the inactivation of intrinsic im-
munoglobulins in order to minimise non-specific bind- 2.2. Perfusion and fucation
A small number of other researchers have embed- After a specified numbers of days, each animal was
ded, sectioned and immunocytochemically labelled in- anaesthetised by an intraperitoneal injection of Hyp-
jured spinal cord tissue (i.e., Cammer et al., 1985a,b; norm/ Hypnovel(3.0 ml/ kg) and perfused via the heart
Mikoshiba et al., 1985; Trapp et al., 1988 and Kidd et with saline followed by 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.1%
al., 1990). However, none of these published methods glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4).
fulfilled all of the above requirements. In this paper, Two to 3 h later the spinal cord from T5 to T7 was
we present the methods that we have developed which removed, weighed and placed in post-fixative, 4%
fulfii the above requirements, namely: (1) complete paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer,
serial sectioning of the lesioned adult rat spinal cord at overnight. The spinal cord was then stored in phos-
40 and 50 pm with minimal damage to the tissue; (2) phate buffered saline (PBS) until further processing.
immunocytochemical labelling of the glial components The primary dependence on fixation by paraformalde-
(namely astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and myelin using hyde in this schedule ensures a high degree of uniform
the commercially available antibodies, glial fibrillary tissue penetration (and hence fixation) as well as the
acidic protein (GFAP), 2’,3’-cyclic nucleotide 3’-phos- preservation of tissue immunoreactivity (Berod et al.,
phodiesterase (CNP-ase) and myelin-basic-protein 1981). The extremely good tissue preservation by glu-
(MBP) respectively) throughout the depth of these taraldehyde (due to its ability to rapidly form cross-Iinks
sections; and (3) inactivation of host imrnunoglobulins with tissue proteins) is also harnessed, but only to a
to minimise non-specific binding during immunocyto- minimal degree (i.e., O.l%, since higher concentrations,
chemical processing. These methods should be invalu- and thus more rapid, fixation may limit glutaraldehyde
able for future research on the injured spinal cord penetration into the deeper tissue (resulting in non-
whenever optimal immunocytochemical labelling of uniform fixation) and may limit accessibility of the
glial cell types needs to be combined with efficient immunochemical reagents to the antigens of primary
stereological counting methods like the optical disec- interest). The resounding effectiveness of low glu-
tor. taraldehyde plus paraformaldehyde in preserving tissue
structure and antigenicity can be gleaned from its
widespread use in immunocytochemical studies on the
2. Materials and Methods brain and spinal cord (for e.g., Kimura et al., 1981;
Slovitzer and Nilaver, 1987; Trapp et al., 1988; Kidd et
2.1. Animals al., 1990, Martinez et al., 1991). Thus, variations in
fixative concentrations were not carried out in this
Adult male albino Wistar rats, 3 months old, weigh- study.
ing 270-390 g were used in this study. All surgery was
performed using sterile instruments and aseptic tech- 2.3. Embedding of spinal cord for sectioning
niques. The rats were anaesthetised by an intraperi-
toneal injection of Hypnorm/ Hypnovel (3.3 ml/kg) The use of a low glutaraldehyde concentration re-
after a previous injection of atropine (0.05 mg/kg). sulted in fixed tissue that was still comparatively soft.
After opening the dorsal skin and musculature in the In order to reproducibly cut sections of equivalent
midline, a laminectomy was performed at the level of thickness, the spinal cord needed to be either sur-
thoracic vertebra 6 (T6). The dura was then opened rounded in a harder medium or hardened itself to
and the dorsal right quarter of the spinal cord was stabilise the tissue during the sectioning process. In
severed to the central canal. During this procedure, an addition, 40- or 50-pm sections needed to be sectioned
ALZBT mini-osmotic pump was impIanted into a sub- to enable efficient and effective use of the new unbi-
cutaneous pocket in the dorsal abdomen. The pump ased stereological method, the optical disector. The
contained either a growth factor or artificial cere- embedding procedures thus trialled included, embed-
D. Stuart, D.E. Oorschot /Journal of Neuroscience Methods 61 (1995) 5-14 I

ding in agar or gelatine, followed by sectioning on a blocks were thoroughly rinsed in PBS. The block was
vibratome, and freezing the tissue followed by cryosec- trimmed to fit onto the chuck, ensuring the top and
tioning on a sledge microtome. bottom were as flat and as parallel as possible. By
To embed the tissue in agar, Davis bacteriological trimming gently sloping edges, especially the front and
agar (Davis-Germantown) was dissolved in PBS (pH back, movement of the block on the chuck while sec-
7.4) by heating until bubbling, stirring at all times. The tioning was minimised. The base of the tissue block
solution was then cooled to around 37°C. Next, a small was blotted dry, supa glue was spread over the chuck
amount was poured into the bottom of a mould, cooled surface and the block gently pressed onto the chuck.
at 4°C for 1 min, the tissue was blotted dry, placed Sufficient time was allowed for this to adhere securely.
onto the agar base and agar poured around the tissue Wilkinson Sword blades were used, cleaning the oil
to cover it completely. Once completely set, the hard- from the blade with acetone first. Both agar and gela-
ened block was then removed from the mould, trimmed tine-embedded tissue were sectioned longitudinally at
and stored in PBS ready for sectioning. 40 or 50 pm using a LANCER series 1000 Vibratome
To embed the tissue in gelatine a 5-16% solution at a speed of 1.5-2 and amplitude of 8-9. The water
was made by heating double-distilled water to 60°C bath was filled with PBS, cold (4°C) for agar and either
then adding the gelatine, stirring continuously until cold or room temperature for gelatine. The serial sec-
dissolved. The gelatine was then cooled to around tions were collected from the bath using a brush. The
37°C the tissue was placed into a sealable glass con- 1st to 4th sections were consecutively placed in pottles
tainer filled with the gelatine (around 20 times the labelled l-4 containing PBS. This was repeated for the
volume of the tissue) and kept at 37°C overnight. 5th-&h, 9th-12th sections, and so on, such that Pottle
Graded concentrations of gelatine solutions were also 1 contained sections 1, 5, 9, 13, and so on. In this way,
experimented with (e.g., 5%, then lo%), leaving each each pottle contained a systematic series of every 4th
at 37°C overnight. The next day a fresh lo-16% gela- section. The sections were stored in these pottles until
tine solution was made. This final gelatine solution was required.
cooled to below 37°C poured into a mould so as to For frozen serial sectioning, a sledge microtome was
completely cover the spinal cord and cooled at 4°C used. The frozen spinal cord tissue (surrounded by
until it began to set. The tissue was lifted using tweez- Tissue Tek) was adhered to the corner of a cooled
ers and positioned so that it was ‘floating’ and ran- wooden block by droplets of Tissue Tek. The tissue
domly orientated within the setting gelatine. The spinal was surrounded at all times by dry ice to keep it frozen.
cord embedded in gelatine was then kept at 4°C for Serial sections were cut at 40 pm by smoothly dragging
2-3 days to set completely. The gelatine block was the knife across the frozen tissue. The sections were
then removed from the mould and a smaller block cut then lifted from the knife with a wet brush, systemati-
around the tissue leaving about l-2 cm of gelatine cally collected and stored in 0.1 M phosphate buffer.
which was placed into 4% neutral buffered formalin 2.5. Immunocytochemistry
(NBF) at 4°C for 2 72 h, until hardened. Once hard-
ened the blocks were stored in PBS at 4°C until re- Commercially available antibodies were utilised for
quired. labelling cells: GFAP for astrocytes (Sigma), CNP-ase
For tissue to be frozen-sectioned, it was first cry- for oligodendrocytes (Sigma) and MBP for myelin
oprotected to prevent the formation of ice crystals (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemica). Immunostaining
during the freezing process by soaking it in a series of for all antibodies was performed using the biotin-
graded sucrose/NBF solutions (0.5 M, 0.7 M and 0.8 streptavidin-peroxidase method (based on Hsu et al.,
M sucrose>. Initially, the tissue was frozen by first 1981), and all immunocytochemistry was carried out on
blotting it dry and simply surrounding it in CO, (dry free-floating sections at room temperature unless oth-
ice). An improvement of this method was to surround erwise stated. One pottle of sections was used per
the tissue in OCT compound (i.e., Tissue Tek, Miles) antibody (see Section 2.4). Thus, the sections processed
within a small foil mould and freeze this in a slurry of for immunocytochemistry represented every 4th section
acetone and dry ice. A further improvement was to through the entire spinal cord. Following immunostain-
slowly freeze the tissue (surrounded by Tissue Tek ing, all sections were mounted onto gelatine subbed
within a foil mould) in liquid nitrogen-cooled iso-pen- slides and allowed to dry at room temperature.
tane. This final method allowed multiple pieces of For the optical disector to be used efficiently the
tissue to be frozen at once and stored at -80°C until antibody must penetrate the full depth of the section.
required. To achieve this a specific immunocytochemical proto-
col was developed for each antibody. This involved
2.4. Sectioning
trialling different reagents at variable concentrations
Prior to vibratome serial sectioning of the entire and incubation times in order to: (1) satisfactorily
spinal cord embedded in agar or gelatine, the tissue remove the gelatine from the sections without destroy-
ii D. Stuart, D.E. Oorschot /Journal of Neuroscience Methods 61 (1995) 5-14

ing either their antigenicity or the sections themselves, The diluent for the antibodies and the washes was
(2) improve the depth of penetration of antibodies, (3) always PBS, with the addition of Triton X-100 (a
improve the intensity of the immunocytochemical reac- non-ionic detergent, Sigma) and bovine serum albumin
tion and (4) decrease or eliminate non-specific and (BSA) or non-fat milk powder. The presence of saline
background staining. breaks weak electrostatic forces between non-specifi-
Formaldehyde fixatives primarily fix tissue by form- cally bound proteins and the addition of detergent
ing cross-linking ‘methylene bridges’ both within and reduces hydrophobic interactions between tissue and
between adjacent protein molecules within the tissue reagent proteins. The addition of BSA to the antibody
(Farmilo and Stead, 1989). These cross-links can cover- incubation steps (PBS(A)), and milk powder to the
up or mask antigenic sites and also render tissue pro- wash steps (PBS(B)) serve as an additional source of
teins more hydrophobic. Hydrophobicity is one of the protein that competitively binds to non-specific binding
natural forces that confers stability on the tertiary sites, thereby preventing non-specific binding of the
structure of peptides but may also take place between antibodies.
different protein molecules. The immunoglobulins are All preliminary studies were carried out on unle-
particularly hydrophobic (Boenisch, 1989). Non-specific sioned control tissue and non-specific binding had been
and background staining, commonly a problem in im- eliminated under these circumstances. When testing
munocytochemistry, is a result of hydrophobic and the protocols upon lesioned tissue however, positive-
electrostatic forces between protein molecules. Reduc- staining of negative controls was encountered. This
ing the incidence of these forces will thus enable the occurred for all antibodies and was probably due to the
demonstration of antigenic sites, improve tissue pene- immune response naturally occurring following injury
tration of antibodies and reduce non-specific binding. to the spinal cord. The secondary antibody was proba-
Proteinase K (PK, Sigma), a proteolytic enzyme, was bly binding to immune-induced F, receptors. To over-
used at variable concentrations as a pre-treatment in come this, the addition of 2% non-immune rat sera
all the immunocytochemical protocols to remove the (Sigma) to the secondary antibody diluent was trialled.
gelatine from the sections. PK was diluted in pre- To ensure binding of the tertiary streptavidin anti-
warmed PK buffer (i.e., 0.606 g Tris[hydroxymethyl]- body (conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, Amer-
aminomethane in 100 ml of double-distilled water, sham), the wash preceding this incubation was PBS
followed by pH adjustment to 8.5 using 2 N HCl, only (i.e., it contained no non-fat milk powder). This
addition of 0.186 g EDTA and then readjustment of eliminates the presence of naturally occurring strepta-
the pH to 7.4). The sections were then incubated in PK vidin and biotin within the milk powder, which itself
at 37°C for specific intervals. Proteolytic digestion also would bind to the secondary antibody thereby blocking
compensates for the impermeable nature of formalde- the sites.
hyde fixatives by ‘etching’ the tissue, breaking some of The peroxidase of the bound streptayidin antibody
the cross-links, and thus allowing hidden structures to was localised by incubating the sections in 50 mM
be revealed (Farmilo and Stead, 1989). As a result, this Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.6) containing 0.05% 3,3’di-
will also allow for further penetration of the antibodies aminobenzidine tetrachloride (DAB) and 0.02% H,O,
and help decrease non-specific binding. for 10 min to yield a brown reaction product.
Since the immunoreactive sites were localised by a
peroxidase-labelled antibody as the final step in the 2.6. Negative controls for immunocytochemistry
procedure, endogenous peroxidase was quenched by
two different methods depending upon the antibody. To verify that the primary antibody was binding
Either 3% H,O, alone or 3% H,O, in acid methanol specifically, the primary antibody was replaced with
was trialled. heat-inactivated normal serum from the species in
Sodium borohydride (NaBH,, BDH) is an anti-fixa- which the primary serum was derived (mouse serum for
tive and also breaks cross-links created by the aldehyde all the antibodies). A dilution of 1:1200 of mouse
fixatives. It was trialed here to further facilitate tissue serum yielded a final protein concentration that was
penetration by the antibodies. either equivalent to, or more than, the final protein
A 3% normal sheep serum block was utilised to concentration for each of the diluted antibodies.
occupy non-specific binding sites. The bonds at these
sites are weaker than antigen-antibody reactions, thus 2.7. Counterstaining
allowing the specific sites to react with the highly
competitive primary antibody (Polak and Van Noor- Sections immunocytochemically labelled for GFAP
den, 1987). Sheep serum was used so that when the and CNP-ase were mounted onto gelatine subbed
secondary antibody (sheep anti-mouse, Amersham) was slides, air dried for 30 min and counterstained for glial
applied, it would not bind to any sheep serum that may cell nuclei. As the immunocytochemical reaction prod-
have remained on the section. uct is brown, various blue/purple stains were experi-
D. Stuart, D. E. Oorschot /Journal of Neuroscience Method.7 61 (I 995) 5-14 9

mented with. The counterstaining protocol needed to secured within the dural sheath or the agar block,
be easily reproducible and easily adjusted. Toluene resulting in sections of variable thickness (or even
Blue, Haematoxylin (Gills numbers 1, 2 and 3), Cresyl making it impossible to complete the sectioning due to
Fast Violet and Cresyl Violet Acetate were all trialled it pulling from the agar). Thus an attempt was made to
at varying concentration and incubation times with manually remove the dura from the fixed spinal cord
Cresyl Fast Violet at 0.1% being optimal. The counter- before embedding (it was not possible to remove the
staining worked best when the sections, after being air dura immediately after perfusion). This proved suc-
dried, were taken through a graded series of ethanol cessful if the dura was completely removed but was
first to maximally rehydrate them before staining rather extremely difficult to do without damaging the tissue
than placing them straight into distilled water. This because it was still quite soft. Consequently, agar em-
procedure also eliminated any substances left over bedding was abandoned in search of an embedding
from the immunocytochemistry that would otherwise medium or method that was more rigid, and that
compromise the uptake of the stain. reduced or eliminated any movement of the tissue.
Frozen sectioning using the sledge microtome was
2.8. Penetration of antibodies through sections experimented with and found to be most successful on
unlesioned tissue. It fulfilled the above requirements in
For the optical disector to be used efficiently the that the tissue was quite rigid and secure during the
antibody must penetrate the full depth of the section. sectioning process. All of the tissue was able to be
To establish the depth of penetration, the sections consistently sectioned at 40 pm and the immunocyto-
were viewed using a X 100 oil immersion objective (NA chemical staining was very good. A major drawback
1.4) on an Olympus BH-2 microscope. The image was was discovered when lesioned spinal cord tissue was
projected onto an adjacent television monitor via a frozen sectioned. The sections would tear apart at the
video camera connected to the microscope with the lesion site as they were sectioned due to the instability
final magnification being X4500. By focusing through of the lesion site itself. This was difficult to overcome
the section, the depth of penetration (or the presence so another embedding and sectioning method was
of complete penetration) and the intensity of the im- sought.
munocytochemical labelling could be easily discerned. Gelatine embedding also fulfilled the requirements
The depth of penetration through the section in the z to eliminate movement of the tissue while sectioning.
plane was measured by an electronic microcator that Gelatine embedding is an infiltration process rather
was connected to the microscope stage. like wax embedding, binding the tissue and embedding
medium together, in this case holding the lesion site
and the dural sheath rigid. Initial trials involved using
3. Results 16% and 12% gelatine without further hardening but
this was found to be too soft to section. After this,
3.1. Embedding and sectioning 16%, 12%, 10% and 8% gelatine solutions hardened in
4% NBF after being trimmed into blocks was trialled.
Agar is often utilised as the embedding medium for Only the 8% block was too unstable, while all the
vibratome sectioning (Borgens et al., 1986). Using agar others sectioned very well with no movement of the
as the embedding medium for this spinal cord tissue tissue within the block and excellent sectioning through
posed the major problem of the tissue pulling out of the lesion site. After sectioning, the tissue and the
the agar once just over half of the tissue had been gelatine cannot be separated either by teasing with a
sectioned. This resulted in thick/ thin sections being brush or by heating the sections in PBS in an attempt
cut due to the tissue moving within the agar block. to redissolve the gelatine. Therefore the lowest concen-
None of the following attempts worked well enough to tration of 10% gelatine was chosen over the 12% and
consider using; a solution of 6% agar made up in 16% solutions to minimise the severity of post-treat-
phosphate buffer, cooling the agar as much as possible ments that were required to remove the gelatine from
before embedding to reduce the amount of shrinkage the sections after sectioning. For these optimal 10%
that would occur as it set; ‘dipping’ the tissue into agar blocks, it was not necessary to infiltrate the tissue with
to coat it before embedding; using 7% agar, and/or 5% gelatine as part of the embedding procedure.
dipping the tissue into lower percentages of agar first;
and embedding the tissue at different orientations. It 3.2. Immunocytochemistry
was found that the dural sheath was the cause of the
movement of the tissue. The spinal cord is secured to Free-floating 40 pm frozen sections were initially
the dura at two lateral points via the denticulate liga- used to test immunocytochemical labelling of cells.
ments. When these are removed during the normal GFAP was experimented with first and found to work
process of sectioning, the spinal cord is no longer well provided all of the solutions were freshly made.
I0 D. Stuurt, D.E. Oorschor /Jortrtrd of Neuroscience Methods 61 (1995) 5-l-/

However, frozen sectioning was not continued as some 3.3. Counter-staining

distortion of the tissue due to the freezing process was
evident and there was an inability to section the le- Cresyl Fast Violet (CFV) was the counterstain used
sioned spinal cord satisfactorily. Immunocytochemical for this study. Individual nuclei were easily distinguish-
labelling was then experimented with using free-float- able and the staining protocol was easily adjusted for
ing gelatine embedded, vibratome sections (40 pm) any changing circumstances. A stock solution of 1%
and after much trial and .error, each antibody had its CFV was made up and diluted to 0.1% as required.
own immunocytochemical protocol, as listed in Table The mounted sections were air dried at room tempera-
1. From this table it can be seen that the optimal PK ture for 30 min before counterstaining. The protocol
concentration for the first treatment step varied for was as follows:
each antibody. For the next step of quenching endoge-
nous peroxidases, the methanol/H,O, combination Absolute ethanol 1 min
was more efficient than H,O, alone at quenching 95% Ethanol 1 min
peroxidases, but resulted in a loss of immunoreactivity 70% Ethanol 1 min
for CNP and MBP sections and was thus omitted from 50% Ethanol 1 min
these protocols. For the GFAP protocol, the success of Distilled water 1 min
this incubation step meant no H,O, treatment was 0.1% CFV 20 min
needed after exposure to NaBH,. For all three proto- Distilled water 1 min
cols, exposure to NaBH, improved antibody penetra- 70% Ethanol 1 min
tion and immunolocalisation of glial cell sub-types (see 95% Ethanol 1 min
Figs. 3 and 2). After incubation with the primary anti- 95% Ethanol + 0.3% glacial acetic acid 5-30 min
body, the inclusion of 2% rat sera with the secondary 95% Ethanol 1 min
antibody was highly effective in reducing immune-in- Absolute ethanol 1 min
duced binding in lesioned spinal cord tissue (see Fig. Xylene 2 X 2 min
1). Slightly longer incubation times for CNP-ase im- Mount in DPX
proved the penetration and intensity of the labelling
(Fig. 1). Since MBP primarily localised myelin and not 3.4. Antibody penetration, tissuethickness and applicabil-
oligodendrocytes, a counterstain for glial nuclei was ity of the disector and Cavalien. methods
not undertaken (Fig. 1). For all 3 protocols, their
respective negative controls exhibited no immunoreac- For all 3 antigens, immunoreactivity was evident
tivity (Fig. 1). throughout the sections and was highly specific (see

Table 1
Specific immunocytochemical processing schedule for each glial cell antibody
Activity CNP-ase GFAP MBP
Protease K: 30 min@37”C 6.3 Ups 1.68 Ups 8.4 ups
PBS(B) wash: 3 X 10 min YES YES YES
Methanol + 0.1% concHCl + 3% H,Oz: 1 hour NO YES NO
1% NaBH, in Phosphate Buffer: 30 min YES YES YES
PBS(B) wash: 3 x 10 min YES YES YES
3% H,O, in ddH,O: 30 min YES NO YES
PBS(B) wash: 3 x 10 min YES NO YES
Normal Sheep Serum in PBS(A) (1: 30) 1 hour 30 min 30 min
Primary Antibody in PBS(A) 1:500 I:400 1:200
and negative control in PBS(A) (1: 1200)
17-20 hours overnight at 4°C
PBS(B) wash: 3 x 20 min YES YES YES
Sheep-anti-mouse (1 : 200) + 2% Rat Sera in PBS(A) 1 hour 40 min 40 min
PBS only wash: 3 x 10 min YES YES YES
Conjugated Streptavidin-HRP in PBS(A) (1 :300) 40 min 30 min 30 min
PBS only wash: 3 x 5 min YES YES YES
DAB incubation: 10 min YES YES YES
PBS only wash: 3 x 5 min YES YES YES
Mount sections onto gelatine subbed slides YES YES YES
and air dry for 30 min
Key: Protease K: Ups = Number of units/mg solid of activity in 300 ~1 of PK buffer per section = units per section
PBS(A) = PBS + 1% Bovine Serum Albumin + 0.5% Triton X-100
PBS(B) = PBS + I % Non-fat milk powder + 0.5% Triton X-100
D. Siuart, DE. Oorschot /Journal of Neuroscience Methods 61 (199s) 5-14 11

Fig. 1). At the end of immunocytochemical processing, (i.e., every 4th section, with the pottle containing these
the thickness of the vibratome sections had diminished sections being randomly selected), the total volume of
consistently to around 25 pm (i.e., a 40% reduction of the spinal cord and the number of glial cells within a
the original thickness of 40 pm). This has also been subvolume of these sections (i.e., the NV) could thus be
noted by others for frozen sections (Janson and Moller, determined using the Cavalieri and optical disector
1993). This consistent reduction does not compromise methods respectively. For the MBP sections, penetra-
the use of the optical disector. Since the sections<were tion throughout the sections meant that the volume
a systematic fraction of a complete series of sections fraction (i.e., V,) could be systematically sampled in

Fig. 1. Immunocytochemical localisation of GFAP, GNP-ase and MBP in vibratome sections of the adult rat spinal cord. A: GFAP
counterstained negative control, x 110. B: GFAP reactivity showing astrocytes and their nuclei (see arrow), X 110. C: GNP-ase counterstained
negative control, x110. D: GNP-ase reactivity showing oligodendrccytes, their processes and nuclei (see arrows), X110. E: MBP negative
control, x55. F: MBP reactivity showing the myelin (at arrows) in the grey matter (GM) and the white matter (WM), X55.
I?. D. Stuart. D.E. Oorschot /Journal of Neuroscience Methoti.~ 61 (1995) S-14

each section. This meant that unbiased stereological 4. Discussion

methods, yielding reliable results of the total numbers
or total volumes, could now be applied to the lesioned The methods in this paper enable optimal immuno-
spinal cord. cytochemical localisation and stereological assessment
of the total number of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes
in the lesioned rat spinal cord.
Crucial to these methods is the ability to serially
section the lesioned spinal cord with minimal damage
to the tissue. This was achieved by embedding the
tissue in gelatine, and involved a modification of the
method developed by Gurusinghe and Ehrlich (1986)
for normal avian brains. The distinct advantage of
gelatine embedding over agar is that the spinal cord is
infiltrated rather than encased, thus providing com-
plete and overall stability. In contrast, stability is much
reduced after agar embedding due to the spinal cord
being anchored to the dural sheath solely by the den-
ticulate ligaments. During sectioning, the cord is ini-
tially stable, but once these anchoring sites are re-
moved, instability ensues with consequent section un-
evenness. Other advantages with gelatine are (1) the
gelatine fills in the lesion site keeping it in a fixed
position (which was not the case during frozen section-
ing), (2) the gelatine can be resoftened into liquid if
another attempt at embedding is required, and (3) this
method requires no freezing and consistent and repeat-
able sectioning using the vibratome is possible. These
advantages have also been highlighted for lesioned
hypothalamus by Griffioen et al. (1992).
From Table 1, it is noteworthy that each glial cell
antibody (i.e., GFAP, CNP-ase and MBP) required a
specific immunocytochemical protocol in order to be
effectively localised and to be seen throughout the
depth of a vibratome section.
As a first step in these protocols, gelatine embed-
ding provided the challenge of how to efficiently re-
move the gelatine from the sections without damaging
the tissue or destroying the antigenic sites. This was
accomplished by using a pre-treatment with PK. The
results are reproducible provided the temperature and
time of incubation, and the volume of the incubation
solution per section, is strictly adhered to. It was neces-
sary to use different units per section of PK for each
antibody (see Table 1). This indicates that each glial
cell antigen has a different sensitivity to PK. Others
have also noted that the optimal concentratrion of
proteolytic enzyme depends very heavily upon the sen-
sitivity of the antigenic site (Finley and Petrusz, 1982).
Therefore many different concentrations of PK at vari-
Fig. 2. Immunocytochemical localisation of GFAP in 40 pm vi- able incubation times were trialled in order to optimise
bratome sections illustrating the penetration of the antibody the outcome. When too little a concentration of PK
throughout the middle 10 pm of this 2.5 pm section. These 3 photos was used, the innermost structures were not stained
are identical except for the depth. The arrowed astrocyte is in focus and when too much was used, the enzyme degraded
in photo (A) and out of focus in photos (B) and (C). The double-
arrowed astrocyte is out of focus in photo (A), clearly visible in photo
the tissue to shreds.
(B) and out of focus again in photo (0, where another astrocyte fat For GFAP, 1.68 units per section gave excellent
arrowhead) is clearly visible. All X 110. immunoreactivity, while increasing the units has a di-
D. Stuart, D.E. Oorschot /Journal of Neuroscience Methods 61 (1995) 5-14 13

rect relationship with loss of labelling. CNP-ase and be time-consuming with respect to finding or following
MBP both required higher concentrations of PK to the same neurons in consecutive sections (e.g., Moller
visualise the antigenic sites and to improve the inten- et al., 1990; Raadsheer et al., 1994). Thus the optical
sity of the labelling. These results are all due to effec- disector is a very attractive variant of the original
tive degradation by PK of fixative-induced protein physical disector principle, provided that the immuno-
cross-linkages. cytochemical reagents can penetrate throughout the
The addition of methanol to the CNP-ase and MBP depth of the section.
protocols (see Table 1) resulted in a loss of immunore- When penetration of immunocytochemical reagents
activity in the middle of the sections, while labelling is not possible in thick sections, then the physical
was throughout the sections when methanol was omit- disector is the method of choice (see Raadsheer et al.,
ted. The methanol could be either removing or chang- 1994). This may often be the case for the neurotrans-
ing the antigenic sites or preventing the penetration of mitters of neurons since they are enclosed not only
the antibodies. This phenomenon occurred with the within the cell membrane, but also within vesicular
two antibodies that stain for similar structures so it is membranes inside the ceil membrane. This is in con-
possible that the methanol had a direct effect upon the trast to glial cell antigens which are either expressed by
antigenic sites. When the methanol step was omitted, the cell membrane or are enclosed only by the cell
the 3% H,O, block was placed after the sodium boro- membrane. Thus, barriers to the penetration of im-
hydride step. munoreagents to the antigen source are likely to be
All of the antibodies were diluted in PBS in order to less for glial cells in comparison to neuronal transmit-
reduce non-specific binding due to electrostatic forces. ters.
A non-ionic detergent, Triton X-100 was also added to The methods described in this paper now permit the
reduce hydrophobic interactions while bovine serum optical disector method to be used for astrocytes, oligo-
albumin was added as a competitive protein also to dendrocytes and myelin within the thoracic spinal cord
reduce non-specific binding. The washes were PBS of the adult rat. With a slight modification to the PK
with Triton X-100 and milk powder as the source of protocol, this method is also very applicable to the
protein rather than bovine serum albumin (due to the detection of astrocytes within the cerebrum of normal
expense of bovine serum albumin). The addition of 2% and injured young adult rats (Oorschot and Galvin,
rat sera to the secondary antibody diluent was highly 1995). It therefore appears to be useful for glial cell
effective in reducing what was probably immune-in- detection throughout the central nervous system.
duced F, receptor binding in lesioned spinal cord tis- There are, of course, 3 glial cell types (astrocytes,
sue (see Fig. 1). oligodendrocytes and microgiia). The individual im-
For the penetration of immunochemical reagents it munocytochemical protocol for microglia using OX-42
was found there was not a direct relationship between (Serotec) as the specific antibody is currently under-
incubation time and depth of penetration. Increasing way.
the incubation time of an antibody did not necessarily
increase the penetration of that antibody. Other fac-
tors such as antibody size, hydrophobic and electro- Acknowledgements
static forces may effect how far an antibody can pene-
trate into the tissue. The generous support of the New Zealand Neuro-
The consistent penetration of 3 glial cell antibodies logical Foundation (to D.A.S., 1991-1993 Miller Post-
through thick 40 pm sections is extremely useful. This graduate Scholar) and of the Dean of the University of
is because it allows the use of the efficient optical Otago’s Health Research Council Fund (to D.E.O.) is
disector method for determining the glial cell density gratefully acknowledged. We would also like to thank
as a first step in total glial cell number determination. Dr. Ian McLennan and Dr. Glenn Buchan for helpful
Prior to publication of the optical disector method by discussions.
Gundersen (1986), the physical disector method was
published by Sterio (1984, alias Gundersen). In con-
trast to the optical disector method, where cells are References
counted as one focuses through one thick 2.5-50 pm
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counting cells in two (usually adjacent) thin 4-5 pm (1991) Growth of regenerating goldfish axons is inhibited by rat
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