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Hariton Tzannis Alivizatos - Vitamin B3

“Greek Cancer Cure”
(sometimes spelled as Dr. Hariton
Tzannis Alivazatos)

Hariton Tzannis Alivizatos Serum contains:

. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - see the work of “Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD on Niacin (Vitamin
B3) and Niacinamide”

. Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)

. L-Alanine (Amino Acid)

DR. ALIVIZATOS / Alivazatos

DR. ALIVIZATOS / Alivazatos

The following letter was written in 1987 by a previous patient of Dr. Alivizatos. Dr.
Hariton-Tzannis Alivizatos, MD practiced medicine in Athens Greece from the early
1960’s until his death in 1991. The following letter is unedited and helps to provide
a general understanding of the man and his therapy.

dr alivizatos


I wish to share with you some very good news and a fantastic discovery I recently
made that everyone should know about. Some of my friends and acquaintances will
remember that I was diagnosed in October '86 and again in August '87 as having
breast cancer (Specifically, lobular carcinoma in Situ). I heard of Greek doctor who
was curing cancer patients from all over the world, but mostly from the U.S. and
Greece, through a Greek friend of mine whom he had cured of a terminal case of
lupus six years ago. Since I spend most of my vacations in Greece every year, I
thought I would see him in October '87. He diagnosed me as having cancer of the
lymphatic system, much more serious than localized breast cancer, and that it was
at a rather progressed state. So I decided to undergo the treatment based on my
impressions and evaluation of the doctor himself, his history and surrounding,
patients he had treated successfully, and patients he was then treating. Following is
some information on the doctor, patients, his treatment, etc., gleaned from my own
questions to him (I worked with him in his, office for several weeks and I do speak
Greek), from case histories, from my talks with his father, the housekeeper, his
brothers, taxi drivers who have brought patients to him over the years, and an
interview conducted by the UPI chief of the Athens bureau, Mr. Rigos (in '82).

SOME BACKGROUND ON THE DOCTOR (The Doctor’s name and address)

(His speciality {sic} is HARlTON-TZANNlS ALIVIZATOS, M.D.


ATHENS, Greece

dr alivizatos w secretary and fatherThe Alivizatos name is well known in Greek
medical circles, as his father was a highly respected doctor (he’s now retired and
helps his son), two of his uncles were doctors, two Alivizatos doctors 'teach at the
Athens University, and a wing of the Halandri Hospital is named after Alivizatos, as
is a clinic in Athens.

The doctor is 50 years old, unmarried, and has dedicated most of his life to research.
His mother encouraged his interests when she outfitted an entire lab for him on the
floor above his office when he was very young, which he uses even today. He found
his cure when he was still in medical school, after he had researched all the cancer
cures that had been rejected by the Greek Commission on Drugs, the equivalent of
the US Food and Drug Administration. He worked long hours on animals and then
convinced his skeptical teachers, after they had to admit to the truth of what they
saw in his lab demonstrations. They then attempted to extract the formula from him
and when he refused to give it to them, they with-held his degree. The doctor had to
take the matter to court, and when the prosecuting attorney was sent to witness his
final exam, he dropped the case, becoming a witness on the doctor's behalf instead,
and the doctor was finally awarded his M.D. degree with a speciality {sic} in
microbiology. His father did not believe him, either, at first, so he gave himself
cancer of the bone and blood, and cured himself with his serum. His father has been
helping him ever since. Those long hours of research and stress took their toll on
him, however, as it developed a propensity for brain seizures.

Having to take legal action to obtain his degree was only the first of many great

When cancer cured US patients went on a TV program in the States, with their own
doctors present, confirming the fact that they had gone to Greece with cancer and
returned without, the Greek Medical Association accused him of advertizing (which
is against the law) and revoked his right to practice medicine. Again it took a lengthy
court case to have the highest court in the land reinstate his right to practice

Greek and American doctors both have attempted to steal his formula. Staff that
have {sic} worked for him actually did steal the serum several times (but, of course,
the interpretation of the blood test is the critical factor as well as the proportion of
the components, so his treatment could only partially be deciphered).

The American Medical Association had invited Dr. Alivizatos to the US as they were
extremely interested in obtaining his treatment. He was willing to give it to them
(provided he got the credit for its discovery as Salk did for his vaccine), on the
condition that it be made available to everyone, not only the rich. The AMA told Dr.
Alivizatos that in a free enterprise system as America’s there can be no price control
and, furthermore, if they applied his therapy nationwide, there would be economic
disaster in the US. (presumably they were referring to the fact that pharmaceutical
companies would suffer as would research institutes, where it may be more
profitable to LOOK for a cure than to FIND one). I hate to think that cancer research
has become only a business.

The doctor attempted to set up some type of cooperation with a hospital in Tijuana,
Mexico (Hospital Del Mar), but he could not come to a proper agreement so he
returned to Greece after a few weeks. Unfortunately, that hospital is still using the
ALIVIZATOS name without permission and many people mistakenly think they are
getting HIS treatment. Dr. Alivizatos and his father are the only ones who administer
the correct treatment (in Athens) that he discovered.

Dr. Alivizatos also attempted to obtain recognition for his work at a large meeting of
the Greek Medical Association with many doctors present confirming patients they
had sent to him had been cured. As he was about to start his overhead projection
program, outlining the cases, the Chairman of the meeting announced there wasn't
time for this as it would take all day. The many doctors there in support of Dr.
Alivizatos protested violently at this, but the chairman overrode their protests and
called the meeting to a close nipping any possible recognition in the bud. No doubt
the chairman was under the influence of other probably very jealous doctors. Dr.
Alivizatos may try again as the chairman has changed.

My own impressions of the doctor are that he is a very gentle, kind, soft-spoken,
generous and very polite individual who will bend over backwards to help people in
need. (as did his father years before when treating the poor for free and in the
process kindling the animosity of other doctors in the area), Dr. Alivizatos does not
charge those who cannot afford it and allows patients to pay what they are able. His
set fees are very reasonable -- $40 for each injection and $50 for a blood test.

He is rather reclusive, preferring his research to dealing with people, although he
never turns anyone away unless he is definitely unable to help them. One could say
he is even a bit shy and does not usually volunteer a lot of information – it must be
coaxed out of him. Not the type to fight the establishment at all! Due to all his
discouraging experiences, it is no wonder that he trusts very few people and is
reluctant to hire anyone to help him, working long hours which in turn is affecting
his health. Dr. Alivizatos allows very informal procedures in his office; not even an
appointment is needed. A patient may show up any day (including weekends) from
7 to 12 AM and receive treatment. Having treated thousands of patients over the
years, he is extremely confident of his method's success, and, as a result, questions
the patients very little about their history or previous
diagnosis. His English is limited so his speech can sometimes be blunt but he
patiently takes time to address the questions people ask. After working with Dr.
Alivizatos, I am thoroughly convinced he would never treat patients unless he was
certain the treatment would be beneficial -- he is a man of the highest moral ethics
and integrity.


Dr. Alivizatos, through years of research, has come to the conclusion that cancer is
caused by a chemical imbalance in the body, and many different things can trigger
this. The cause can be seen in the blood and he can determine from the examination
of a patient's blood where, in the body, he has cancer and to what degree. Five
reactions within the blood can show him this, but other labs would not know what
to look for. The theory of the serum is this: cancer cells build a protective jelly-like
substance around themselves, preventing our natural immune system from killing
them or even recognizing them as being dangerous. The serum dissolves the jelly-
like substance and white blood cells can then kill the cancer. This usually happens
within a span of only three weeks. The serum works for another six months,
dissolving dead cancer cells which are then eliminated through the urinary system,
bowels, or through coughing up phlegm in the case of lung cancer.

Immune therapy is a very new field in the US, showing a great deal of promise there,
too, but Dr. Alivizatos has been curing people for over 20 years -- 6,000 documented
cases of cured patients are on file with the Greek Commission on Drugs, but it is still
regarded as experimental and has not been officially approved.

Details of the treatment: blood is taken and tested for cancer, (The blood can also be
mailed to him or sent with someone coming -- he needs 5 cc’s of whole blood
containing an anti-coagulant; it must arrive in cold, not frozen condition). The
diagnosis is then given and the patient decides if he wishes to undergo treatment,
which consists of daily injections of a bio-chemical nature. Every 6th day blood is
tested again to assure the serum is working effectively. When the tests show the
cancer level to be within normal range, the injections are stopped (usually 3 weeks,
depending on the state of the patient's immune system as well as other factors); the
maximum injections he gives are 30.

The level of cancer is measured on a scale of 1 to 10 where up to 2.5 is considered
normal (as everyone has some cancer cells in their body). Between 2.51 and 3.0
shows a tendency towards cancer. From 3.01 to 8.5 the body has or/and is
developing cancer. At 8.5 and over, the body has deteriorated so far that it can rarely
contribute to the fight against cancer. This is also one reason that Dr. Alivizatos
insists his patients be off immune system depressing chemotherapy and radiation
for at least 2 weeks before beginning treatment, or the depressed immune system
will not be able to attack cancer cells when the serum exposes them. Along with the
injections, the doctor requires patients to get a lot of rest, stay away from items that
may interfere with the effectiveness of the serum such as alcohol, vitamins, salty and
acidy foods, other medicines, and preservatives. Patients must avoid mental and
physical fatigue, emotional stress fluctuations in body temperature, and drink lots of
water. This diet continues for 6 months, preferably a lifetime, if recurrences are to
be avoided. After 3 and 6 months, the blood is tested again, and if the level rises,
booster shots will be necessary (although the doctor claims few people will need
them). Boosters are usually from 6 to 12 injections.

Dr. Alivizatos' serum, with some variation, also cures ulcers, arthritis, aplastic
anemia, high blood pressure, scleroderma (The Crest Syndrome) and it could
possibly cure many others: his research continues and he hopes to have a cure for
epilepsy shortly.

The IRPA laboratories in Geneva, Switzerland (an independent testing agency)
found his serum to be 90% more effective on ulcer patients than Tagamet, the
current treatment and an 86% cure rate for cancer in animals.


During the time I was helping Dr. Alivizatos process his patients and set up his
record keeping (simultaneously undergoing treatment), he had 60 patients from
allover the US, having come because they all had heard of cancer patients having
been cured by the doctor. Ninety percent of those who had come in pain or ill-being,
felt better at the end (even before) and 99% reduced their cancer level according to
the blood test. Some cancers, the doctor says, are more difficult to cure than others.
Bone and nerve are the most difficult because he cannot rejuvenate the bone
marrow or the nerve ends which have been damaged by the cancer. He can KILL the
cancer in the bones, but there will probably always be some pain. Two or three
patients came too late, and probably could not be cured. He was also treating
Greeks, of course, some of them for ulcers. A little girl had cancer of the bones --
after radiation at the Greek Institute, they had told the parents that she was fine, but
Dr. Alivizatos found she still had cancer at an 8.3 level. At the end of her treatment,
her level had dropped to the normal range. Her red blood count had been 13 when
she came. After 12 injections, it had risen to 42. One man, who also had diabetes,
(his level was 3+ where the normal range is .8 to 1.2) found that his level dropped to
1.8 after 12 injections. One patient could not walk and after 6 injections (she) was
able to go up and down stairs. One well known case involved a man whom the Greek
Institute had told to go home and die (he had 2 weeks to live); he couldn't even eat,
but lay motionless on his bed. After only 6 injections, he sat up in bed and said, “Isn't
anyone going to give me any food?” One lady had had an inverted nipple for years,
and with the treatment, it was coming out. Another lady arrived, unable to keep
from vomiting all sustenance she took in. After 3 days, she was able to keep some
food down. Patients reported other good side affects (none reported any bad ones,
although the doctor says sometimes a person will feel nausea for a few days), such
as lower blood pressure (also my case), less arthritic pain and less allergy
sensitivity. Some people, who accompanied patients, were so impressed at their
rapid recovery that they decided to take a few injections, too, for minor ailments
they had. The doctor permits this as he says the serum also strengthens the body
against diseases and lowers sensitivity to allergies, although it cannot cure a patient
of the actual allergy. One patient told me the Veterans Administration had used him
as a guinea pig to try all sorts of new medicines on him -- such as Interleuken (sic) 2,
Tumor Necrosis Factor. He also had surgery, 2 months of chemotherapy and
maximum radiation for 5 weeks. This was all to no avail and to the tune of $93,000
of the taxpayers' money. He came to Greece in February ‘87, testing at 8.3 level. At
the end of the series of injections, the level had dropped to 2.5. In October '87 it had
risen slightly to 3.0, so he came for his booster shots and brought it back down to 2.5
before leaving. He is doing fine. I spoke to a lady who had come 6 years ago as a
terminal case (cancer of breast, liver, bones). She had been given 3-4 months to live
by US doctors. She's received booster shots once a year and she appears to be the
picture of health. She did tell me, however, that a few' patients she has known over
the years have died because they went right back to their old habits of drinking
alcohol, eating spicy and salty foods and not bothering to monitor their blood, telling
themselves they were cured. Well, what did they expect? The serum is not a miracle
cure -- patients must still act responsibly and follow doctor's orders and
suggestions. All patients treated at this time signed a “letter to the Editor” - to be
mailed to various publications expressing their satisfaction at the Doctor's having
fulfilled their expectations of help and cure and calling for the doctor to be
recognized internationally for the work he is doing and the discovery he has made.


It is notoriously difficult to get recognition from the established medical
associations for any new procedure, even when results are visible, if usual methods
of testing are not strictly adhered to. Often someone with a radical idea or
unconventional theory and approach is ostracized, not taken seriously, or even
persecuted and ridiculed -- scientific history is full of such examples. So it appears to
be the case with Dr. Alivizatos, particularly when he's been unable to do proper
follow-ups on foreign patients because of the distance and lack of staff, although that
is being corrected now. Most US doctors are quick to dismiss him with “Yes, I’ve
heard of him, but he doesn't keep any records,” forgetting that records of 6,000
Greeks are with the Greek Commission on Drugs, which seems quite substantial.

However, more and more cured patients are reporting back to their doctors who are
at a loss to explain the cures.
Interest in him is increasing –

1. A US author wants to write a book about him

2. Dr. Alivizatos has received invitations from the Mayo Clinic, the AMA, an institute
in Washington, and the US State Department. Also, the US Ambassador to Athens,
believing in the importance of his work, arranged for his permanent visa to the US.

3. Patients have been sent to him from many institutes, including famous ones such
as John Hopkins University Hospital and Stanford University Children's Hospital.
One doctor paid for the trip of one of his staff members to be treated.

4. Some doctors in Greece are finally realizing the importance of his work. (While I
was there, a pediatrician sent her nephew to him; the doctor whose patient he cured
of lupus -- which is incurable in the US -- admits he MUST accept the evidence, it
speaks for itself; an eminent Greek physician, who obtained his degree at the
University of Vienna and lectures there every year as well as holds seminars for
other doctors in Greece said that, as a scientist, he cannot Say much, as the records
are incomplete, but he has himself sent patients to Dr. Alivizatos and stated that the
government, as well as other doctors, were “persecuting” him (his words)

5. Several US medical staff, who have been treated by Dr. Alivizatos, are convinced of
the efficacy of his treatment.

6. The IRPA, an independent testing agency in Geneva, Switzerland, has proof of the

7. Several doctors I spoke with, regarding his treatment, feel it sounds too good to
be true, but admit to the logic of it.

8. A doctor, at the Richardson Clinic in Lake Tahoe, says he has been familiar with
Alivizatos patients since 1979 and has never known him to be wrong on a "diagnosis
(his often differs from or expands on previous ones)


The Story of Dr. Alivizatos and his cancer treatment is not only fascinating, but
totally plausible. The real question is not whether he keeps proper records on
foreigners, but the fact that so many patients have benefitted from his treatment. At
the very least, funding should be made available to study further this technique as
this method must be considered as a viable alternative to the devastatingly invasive
techniques of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, all of which depress the
immune system so desperately needed to fight the disease. I have read statistics
which say only one out of ten people survive chemotherapy, but the most telling
figures of all are that, in general, treated cancer patients have no better prognosis
than untreated ones. Perhaps one day science will catch up with Dr. Alivizatos. He
needs to continue with his research – how else can the serum be adapted to cure
other diseases for the sake of mankind. We must remember that other Greek Doctor
(PAPANIKOLAO), who was forced to leave Greece and was only recognized upon his
death; today his PAP smear is used all over the world as a standard diagnostic tool
in the diagnosis of cancer.


Dr Hariton Tzannis Alivizatos - Vitamin B3
“Greek Cancer Cure”
(sometimes spelled as Dr. Hariton
Tzannis Alivazatos)

Hariton Tzannis Alivizatos Serum contains:

. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - see the work of “Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD on Niacin (Vitamin
B3) and Niacinamide”

. Vitamin C

. L-Alanine (Amino Acid)

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