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3 letters – AeonReadings



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1 of 3 5/3/19, 12:04 PM
3 letters – AeonReadings

3 letters

February 1, 2017
There are distinct moments in life, when decisions affect so much all possible futures
that it is impossible to calculate.

These decisions or affirmations of thoughts need not length to have extreme power.
They are, on the contrary, very quickly taken and short in their containing vessels of ex‐

It is known that in the very height of the Cuban missile crisis, it was the decision of the
second officer in a Soviet nuclear submarine that averted global nuclear war. Somehow,
communications in the submarine were cut and all indications were that the Americans
had launched a first nuclear strike. It was Vasili Arkhipov, 36 year old then who refused
to launch nuclear weapons, when the ship’s commander and the third officer had

In Russian, no is comprised of 3 letters. Nyet.

About 90 years ago, a Rothschild died. It was a special funeral, during which someone
asked his lawyer. ‘How much did he leave ?’. It appears that lawyers of that era had a
sense of humor and humility. The solicitor replied ‘All’.

My wife of 11 years together revealed true cruelty against me when, in one period of
difficulties, I asked her to help me, practically with no needed sacrifice from her side.
Details are personal and not important. She answered ‘No’. This set up a mechanism
that changed the lives of all of us, to a degree unimaginable at the moment of her de‐
nial. These changes are irreversible and so powerful, that the rest of our lives will con‐
tinue to their tracks. No in Greek is comprised also of 3 letters. Ohi.

In the early hours of the morning of 28 October 1940, Ioannis Metaxas, Greek dictator
and friend of the western axis replied No (Ohi) to the Italian ambassador’s request for
surrender of Greece. War in the north followed, with approximately 13.676 dead Greek
boys and men. The occupation from the Germans that followed took the lives of about
750000 people, from executions, hunger, cold and misery. The Germans were angry
Greece had resisted.

It is sorrow that really defines who we are. It is deep sorrow that carves new roads
ahead for those left alive.Our paths in life are progressive, the next moment is born
from the previous one, linearly. Distinct moments that change the future irreversibly,
for individuals, for families, for all humanity.

Decisions not long in length in thought or in expression, on the contrary. Many times,
they only need 3 letters.

Do you love me ? Asked Romeo. ‘Yes’, Juliette answered.

2 of 3 5/3/19, 12:04 PM
3 letters – AeonReadings

Published by giorgossaridakis

View all posts by giorgossaridakis

One thought on “3 letters”

Faith Goedde says:

February 1, 2017 at 5:03 pm Edit
Beautifully expressed.


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