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Boateng 1

Danielle Boateng

Dr. Cuddy

English 102

24 April 2019

Reflection of My Work

English 102 was everything that I thought it would be before signing up for it. I knew that

it would intake more essays with more content and different structures. I learned a lot in this

course from how to create an infographic to writing a good research paper. I know that I can take

a lot out of this class that will help me become a better writer. Also, I know that I still have a few

things that I must work on to become the writer I want to be. For example, my grammatical

errors, I need to take the them to go back and proofread my essays to make sure everything flows

within my essays. There were some easier times writing some of the essays while other times it

was a struggle. For example, Project 1 and 2 was easier for me I believe because they were very

straightforward prompts and I took my time with them.

What I struggled with mostly was proofreading my essays. For example, with the

research paper I had various little mistakes that was fixable if I went back and just read it

properly. I also struggled with finding strong claims to support my topic. I would have a concept,

but I usually would not know how to execute them. With this I would come to your office hours

and ask for some advice moving forward. I also struggled with how I worded phrases in some of
Boateng 2

my essays. I need to continue to work on finding the right words and executing them properly

into my essays.

What I found to be easy was the infographics. I enjoyed creating the infographics and designing

them. Even though it's hard to find the content to put into the infographic I enjoyed making it. I

also found to be easy was prompt 1 and 2 I believe they were very straight forward prompts and I

refered back to the rubric serval times so I could fully execute the essay. What also helped me

was the one on one instruction days. I believe that the one on ones were very helpful and directed

me in the right direction when writing my essays. I believed that I improved on my writing

structure and my use of transition words. I believe that my writing skills have improved in

general. Such has how I write and how my concepts or ideas come on paper. I still need to work

on things such as grammar, proofreading, and my ending my essays. What I am most aware of

my writing structure and how to structure essays now due to your class. My future goals after

English 102 is improving my writing structures as well as my grammar and punctuation marks.

Also, to enhance my usage of words such as using words like good and nice and the repetition of


In conclusion I believe that I have improved as a better writer since Eng 102 but I still

have a few things to improve on. I believe the research paper was out of my comfort zone so it

really pushed me to become a better writer. Lastly, I believed your help and feedback truly

helped me to become a stronger writer and I enjoyed this class a lot.

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