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Buckling Loads of Columns with Gradually changing

Cross-Section subjected to Combined Axial Loading

Talat H. ABDEL-LATEEF, Professor,
El - Minia University, Minia, Egypt
Mohamed A. DABAON, Assoc. Professor,
Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
Omer M. ABDEL-MOEZ, Lecturer
El - Minia University, Minia, Egypt
Magdy I. Salama, Engineer,

In this paper, the elastic stability of a column with variable cross-section subjected to combined
distributed and concentrated axial load is presented. The analysis is carried out by using the
minimum potential energy technique. The moment of inertia and the load intensity at different
cross-sections are varied according to power of the distance along the column length. The
buckling loads for perfect columns are given in explicit expressions for a wide range of the
power of the function of the moment of inertia and the power of the load intensity function. Also,
a simple, yet accurate expression, for the critical buckling coefficient is obtained instead of using
the explicit expression.
A comparison between the results of the present analysis and that of some previous studies shows
the accuracy and the simplicity of the developed method to find the critical load in such cases.

Keywords: Buckling, Columns, Combined loading, Variable cross section

The case of a fixed-free column is important for many practical applications as the column of the
lift bridges and the column which carries the crane girder. These columns are usually long
columns so that the buckling load is the most effective aspect in the design. Thus, the critical
buckling load under combined action of the own weight (distributed axial load) and the
concentrated load applied at the top should be calculated accuratly by a simple expression.
Also, in order to decrease the weight of these columns, gradually changing cross-section is
sometimes a good solution. As a result, the intensity of axial load due to own weight of the
column and the moment of inertia of the cross section are also gradually changed. Both of the

moment of inertia of different cross sections and the intensity of the load varry according to a
power function of the distance along the column length.
There are many researches concerning the compression members with gradually changing cross-
section [1,2,3]. In this paper, the study was performed to determine the critical load of the fixed-
free column with a gradually
changing cross section (the moment of inertia at any section is
given by I x    l  x 
 . IThe
column is subjected to both distributed and concentrated axial load.
 l  energy is used to establish the necessary equation taking into
The minimum potential
consideration two terms of the Fourier Series for the deflected shape of the column.

Analysis and assumptions

Buckling loads of column submitted to distributed axial load

Consider a column of variable cross section submitted to a distributed axial load as shown in Fig.
(1), the following assumptions can be considered:
1) The material, of which the column is made, is linearly elastic.
2) The column is perfectly straight (i.e. has no initial imperfections).
3) No local buckling at any cross-section along the column length is allowed.
4) The column is of gradually varying cross section and the moment of inertia at any section is
given by
 lx 
Ix    I0
 l  (1)
Where, I0 is the moment of inertia at the fixed end.
5) The columns is submitted to a distributed axial load at any section which is given by
 lx 
qx    q0
 l  (2)
Where, q0 is the intensity of load at the fixed end.
p = 0

p = 1

p = 2

n = 0

n = 1

n = 2

qx qx qx Ix Ix Ix

q0 q0 q0 I0 I0 I0

(a) (b) (c)

(a) Statical system
(b) Variation of load distribution in order (p)
(c) Variation of moment of inertia in order (n)
Fig. (1) Column subjected to distributed axial load

Deflection Function
The buckling shape must be firstly assumed in order to apply the minimum potential energy
method. The best approximation can be obtained by taking the deflection y as a function which
satisfies the geometric conditions. Two terms of the deflection curve are assumed as follows:
 3
y  a1 (1  cos x)  a 2 (1  cos x) (3)
2l 2l
Method of Analysis and Theoretical Equations
By applying the energy method using the deflection function (3), one can obtain the following:
(a) The strain energy takes the form
U   I x y  2 dx (4)
Thus, E
(l  x)  n
 3 3
2 I 0
l n
[( ) 4 a12 cos 2
2l 2l
x  ( ) 4 a 22 cos 2
2l 2l

 2 3 2  3
 2a1 a 2 ( ) ( ) cos x cos x] dx
2l 2l 2l 2l
EI 0  4 2 l l

 1     (l  x ) n cos x dx )
[ a ( (l x ) dx
64l 0 0
l l
 81 a 22 (  (l  x ) n dx   (l  x) n cos x dx)
0 0
2 
l l
 18 a1a 2 (  (l  x) n cos x dx   (l  x ) n cos x dx )
l 0

Finally, the strain energy takes the form:

IE 0  4 2 \ \ 2 \
\ 
1 U  3 [a1   2a1a2   a2  ]
 J 1n

n 1
64 l
 9 ( J 1n  J 2 n )
 \
 81 (  J 3n )
n 1
J 10  0 J 20  0 J 30  1
n n( n  1)
Jhn   Jh  2 2
( h ) 2 ( h ) 2
n 2
J 11  2 J 21  0 J 31 
 (3 ) 2

(b) The work done T by the distributed axial load is:

T   (qdx) u x
Where, 1
ux   ( y  ) 2 d
2 0
2 x
 3
ux 
8l 2 
[ a12 sin 2
  9 a 22 sin 2 
 2
 3 a1 a 2 ( cos   cos  ) ] d
l l

2 1 2 l  9 2 l 3
 [ a1 ( x  sin x)  a2 ( x  sin x)
8l 2
2  l 2 3 l
l  l 2
 3 a1 a 2 ( sin x  sin x )]
 l 2 l

(l  x) p
T   q0 p
u x dx
0 l
Thus, q 2 l l 
T  0 p  2  [a12 (l  x) p ( x  sin x )
16 l 0  l
l 3
 9 a 22 (l  x) p ( x  sin x)
3 l
l  l 2
 6 a1a2 (l  x) p ( sin x  sin x ) ] dx
Finally,  l 2 l
q0  2
T [ a12   2 a1 a 2   a 22  ] (7)
Where: 1 1
   I1 p
( p  1) ( p  2) 
1 1
 3 ( I1 p  I2p )
 2
1 1
 9 (  I3p )
( p  1) ( p  2) 3 2 2
I10  I 20  0 I 30 
1 p ( p  1)  3
I hn   I h p2 1 1 1
h (h  ) 2 I11  I 21  I 31 
 2 3

Thus, the critical value of the load P is found from the equation;
UT (8)
Which represents the condition when the equilibrium configuration changes from stable to
unstable mode, so that:

EI0 2 \ \ 2 \ q0 2 2
4 2
[a  2a a  a  ]  [a1  2a1a2 a2 ]
The conditions for (q0 l)cr are:
 (ql ) cr  (ql ) cr
3 1 12 2 0 and 0 (9)
64l  EI 16  a1
 2 EI 0 \
 a2

a1[ 2   2(ql) cr  ]  a2 [ 2   2(ql) cr  ]  0
0 \

2l 2l
The possibility of buckling
a2 [ 0 \2 that the
 EI
2 2 EI 0 occurs2 when these equations
 EI
 2 EI 0 \ give solutions for a1 and a2 different
(ql0 )\ cr  ]  a2of[ the2 equations
 2determinant   2(qlmust
) cr  ] be 0equal to zero, so that:
from zero. This requires
2 cr 2 c r
 2(ql)   2(ql)   0
2l 2l
 0
Which finally gives
 EI 0 \  EI 0 \
2 2
(q 0 l ) cr 
 b  b 2  4ac
 2(ql)   2(ql)   0
  2 EI 0

2 cr 2 cr
 2l 2

 4
2l 2l
 
a  4 (     2
) \
The summation of the distributed load P cr can be calculated by integrating the intensity of the
load qx along the length of the column
b  2 (   \   \  2  \ )
(l  x) p
P   q0 p dx \
Where: l
c   \P \  (q l)
0 cr

EI (11)
p 1 2 l2 b  b 2  4ac
m  ( )
2 ( p  1) 2a

Approximation of Predicted Expressions

Simple equations, from which the critical buckling coefficient m can be easily and manually
calculated instead of using the general predicted expression given in Eq. (11), is
developed. These simple and yet accurate equations [Eq.(12) to Eq. (16)] are obtained for
various values of the power of the moment of inertia of cross section (n) and the power of the
load intensity (p) functions by using the method of curve fitting of the general predicted values.
These equations are expressed as follows:
 Case of n = 0 (constant inertia)
m  7.839  6.858 p  1.377 p 2  0.110 p3 (12)
 Case of n = 1 (linear variation of inertia)
m  5.782  6.031 p  1.158 p 2  0.082 p 3 (13)
 Case of n = 2 (second order variation of inertia)
m  3.734  4.934 p  1.277 p 2  0.034 p 3 (14)
 Case of n = 3 (third order variation of inertia)
m  2.099  2.949 p  1.755 p 2  0.035 p 3 (15)
 Case of n = 4 (forth order variation of inertia)
m  1.316  0.730 p  2.027 p 2  0.052 p 3 (16)

Buckling loads of column submitted to combined axial Loads

In this case, the critical buckling load is found for combined axial distributed load, (q0 l/p+1), and
axial compressive force (P) applied at the ends as shown in Fig. (2). The case of column with
variable cross section subjected to an axial force (P) only has to be studied first. Then, the
combination with the previous case can be introduced. To study the case of axial compressive
force, the previous assumptions and the previous deflection curve can be also considered.

p= 0






qx qx qx Ix Ix Ix

(a) (b) (c)


q0 q0 q0 I0 I0 I0

Fig. (2) Column submitted to combined concentrated and distributed axial loading
The work done T by the axial load P at the end is:
P (17)
T   y 2 d x
2 0 we obtain
Substituting Eq. (3) in Eq. (17),
P 2 2 (18)
T  ( a1  9 a22 )
16 l
The strain energy is:

E I  4 (19)

U  3 [a1  2a1a2 \  a22 \] P is found from the equation

Thus, the critical value0 of2 \the load

64l T U (20)

IE 0 2 \ \ 2 \ P 2 2
4 2
[a   2 aa   a  ]  (a1  9a2 )
Thus, the critical load Pcr is a function of the constants a1 , a2 and Pcr is found from:
3 1 12 2
64 l
Which gives,
 Pcr
 a1
0 16l
 Pcr
 a2
0 (22)

Pcr   2 (23)

1  1
1(  b  b  144c )
, b  2 (   9 )
When a distributed axial load acting on the column for which the intensity varies according to a
power of the distance along the column, Eq.
\ 2 (2), the distributed axial load (P ) (0wn weight)
\ \
, c    
reduces the critical value of the load (Pcr) so we can put
EI (24)
Pcr   2
where the factor (), smaller than the factor () obtained in Eq. (23), gradually diminishes when
\ \
the distributed axial load (P ) increases and approaches zero when (P ) approaches the value
given by Eq. (11). The study of this situation depends on the ratio between the sum of the
distributed axial load (P ), which can be obtained by integrating the intensity of the load along
the length of the column, and the critical load of the column subject to a force (P) applied at the
ends only. Assuming this ratio is  where:

P \ (own weight)
 (25)
 EI / l 2
The distributed axial load reduces the critical value of the load (Pcr). The value of the reduction
of the load (Pcr) is equal to the load P divided by the factor (m) and multiplying by the factor ()
. The critical load (Pcr) after reduction due to the effect of the distributed axial load can be put as
Eq. (24) where

   (1   )


The preceding analysis gave the values of the critical loads for various types of cases of loading,
but the designer usually works with the stresses. In the case of a uniform cross section with end
conditions as the column under study, one end fixed and the other is free, the critical stress is
given by:
 cr  cr (27)
Where, i = I / A0
Putting  = l / i, then the critical stress is:
 2E
 cr  (28)
4 ( ) 2
 EI
 E 2
Or  cr  2

4l A 0 4 (l / i) 2

Therefore, the critical stress of a column is dependent only on the Young’s Modulus and the
slenderness ratio  of the column.
Similar expressions can be obtained for the column of gradually variable cross section as
(a) If the column is subjected to axial load P only at the ends :
Pcr  
Then, l2
 cr   
( ) 2 ( /  ) 2
 (29)
( m ) 2
Where, m  

(b)If the column is subjected to the combined action of a distributed axial load and a compressive
force P applied at the ends
The total compressive force Pt , which is the sum of the own weight and the applied load at the
ends, will be as follows:
( Pt ) cr   2
  2
l l
Thus, ( Pt ) cr  (   ) 2
and  cr  (   ) 
( ) 2
( / (   ) ) 2

( m ) 2


Results  P \ (own weight)

Where, andDiscussion
m  
(    )  EI /l2
Columns Submitted to Distributed Axial Load
Table (1) shows the critical buckling loads (factor m), which are obtained from the theoretical
analysis for various values of the power of the moment of inertia of the cross section (n) and the
power of the intensity of the load (p) functions. Also, these results are plotted in Fig. (3). If the
power of the intensity of the load is not an integer (fracture number) the critical load can be
found from these curves. Thus, the results obtained from this work can cover any values of the
factors (n, p).

Columns submitted to Combined Action of Concentrated and Distributed Axial

Tables (2 to 5) give the values of the factor () for different values of factors (p, n and ). Also,
these values are plotted in Figs. (4 to7). From these tables, it can be noticed that the critical load
(Pcr) (represented by factor ) decreases when the total of the distributed axial load (represented by
factor  ) increases. The factor () approaches zero when the factor () approaches a certain
value which means that the buckling of the column will occur due to the distributed axial load
only (own weight) without any external load (P) at the ends. If the factor () increases over this
value, (Pcr) becomes negative which means that a tensile force (Pcr) must be applied at the end
in order to prevent the column from buckling.
The relationship between the non-dimensional ratio (cr /E) and the slenderness ratio () is
shown in Fig. (8) from which the critical stress may be determined.

Comparison of the Results

Comparison of the results obtained from the present work, with the theoretical results of some
previous studies is carried out to check the accuracy of the present analysis. Table (6) as well as
Figs. (9 to 12) show distinctly the accuracy of the results, for the values of the critical loads
calculated from the present equation (Eq. 11), in comparison with the previous studies carried
out by [1].
Also, it can be noticed that the present equation may be considered simple if compared with the
solution of the differential equations of the deflection curve by means of Bessel functions for
each value of (n and p), that used in [1].
For more simplicity, equations (12 to 16) are predicted by means of curve fitting from which the
buckling coefficient (m) can be manually calculated.
Table (7) shows a comparison between the results obtained from the theoretical analysis, Eq.
(11), and the simple equations, which can be rather used by the designer engineers.

In this research, the theoretical analysis is developed to determine the buckling loads and
buckling stresses of columns with gradually variable cross section. A relatively simple but

accurate method is presented for the prediction of the buckling load and the collapse stresses for
columns under study.
From the previous results the following conclusions may be drawn
1. The critical buckling load for column with gradually changing cross-section under the action
of a distributed axial load, can be accurately determined through an explicit form by means
of energy solution tacking into account two terms of the Fourier Series in the deflection
2. The proposed method of analysis offers many simple expressions from which the buckling
loads, hence the buckling stresses, can be calculated in the case of the action of the axial
distributed load. The results obtained from this work can cover any values of the power of
the moment of inertia function of the cross section and the power of the intensity function of
the load functions (represented by factors n, p). If the power of the intensity of the load is not
an integer (fracture number), the critical load can be found from the given curves.
3. The great advantage of the present analysis is the determination of the buckling loads in the
case of column under combined action of axially distributed load along the column and a
compressive force applied at the ends by simple and accurate equations. The results were
given also in tables and curves, which can be used by the designer engineers for wide ranges
of (q) and (P).
4. The simple concept of the “modified slenderness ratio” is applied for the calculation of the
critical stress for columns under investigation.

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[2] Dinnik, A. N., in the book of smith, M. J. and Bell, B. J., “ Theory of Structures”,
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Table ( 1 ) Values of factor m Eq.( 12 ) P cr  mEI /l2

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 7.84 16.18 27.95 43.78 64.36 90.34

1 5.79 13.03 23.15 36.52 53.66 75.14

2 3.76 9.90 19.04 30.97 45.98 64.54

3 2.12 6.71 14.76 25.86 39.64 56.34

4 1.27 4.17 10.33 20.33 33.44 49.13

n = 2
p = 0

p = 1

p = 2

n = 0

n = 1

q 0 q 0 q 0 I0 I0 I0




60 n=3






0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. ( 3 ) Values of factor m in Eq.( 12 )



n =0
















Fig. 4) 
( Values of factor


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