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1) The concrete and steel is utilized

effectively thus have less deflection than
steel beams.
2) Composite construction is faster because
of using rolled steel and pre-fabricated
components than cast-in-situ concrete.
3) Encased steel beam sections have
improved fire resistance and corrosion.
4) Composites are more economical 1) Large column free spans more than 15m cannot
optionsas compared to RCC resulting in be achived. 2)
10% so as with steel it will be 6-7%. Large span will lead to increase in height of the
Composite structure 5) Flexible in vertical direction. structure as the ratio of span: height is high.

1) Speed and ease of erection by bolting

the members.
2) Large column free spans upto 50m can
be achived. 1) Portal frames are generally limited to
3) Latticed portal frames also offer a great construction of single storey.
degree of flexibility in their cross-section 2) Subjected to corrosion.
design. 3) Poor resistance to fire as it bends easily when
Portal frame 4) Good height to strength ratio. hot.

1) Large column free spans upto 50m can

be achived.
2) The steel elements are portable and
lightweight and their assembly is modular.
3) It is capable of bearing heavy loadings
with minimum deflections.
4) Great flexibility in terms of architecture,
using repeated seemingly identical 1) The failure of one critical compression member
geometric shapes. leads to the catastrophic failure of the whole
5) Easily expandable space structure.
6) Space frame structure is easy transport, 2) The space structures are costlier for the smaller
Lattice frame as the sizes of components are small. span.

1) Suspended structures has longer spans,

through the suspension cables .
2) Buildings with high visual and
architectural quality can be realised. 1) The joints may be very complex and more time
3) Suspension structures has high degree of consuming to construct and install.
modularity and can easially be extended in 2) These structures are susceptible to wind uplift,
Suspended structure future. vibration and to asymmetrical and moving loads.
1) Light weight
2) Covers large span without internal
3) Flexible and portable, can be quickly
erected and dismantled. 1) Need for continuous maintanence of excess
4) Rapid assembly and low initial cost pressure in the envelope
5) High strength-to-weight ratio, superior 2) Relatively short service life.
Pneumatic structure malleability and excellent corrosion 3) Not always cost effective for very small
resistance. constructions

1) Steel framed fabric buildings are lighter-

weight which makes them a better choice
for soil conditions.
2) Building’s fabric sheathing is
translucent, allowing abundant daylight
into the structure, eliminating the need to
turn on electric lights during daytime
3) The fabric does not conduct heat,
4) Fabric buildings offers flexiblity as
everything can be customized even the
walls, doors and beams.
5) Fabric buildings can be installed in one
third the time of conventional structures
6) Fabric is resistant to common corroding
agents like salts, acids and alkalis.
7) Typically, the fabric is FR fire rated,in fire
event it shrinks away from the heat source
and exhaust the heat and the smoke out of
the building
8) These structure are easially can be
altered and moved anytime, anywhere. 1) Not always cost effective for very small
Modular design allows to easily add or constructions.
Fabric structure remove modules. 2) Loss of tension is dangerous for stability

1) Eliminates building columns since rack

supports the structure 2)
Can be built at heights >100ft (30M) 3)
Economical due to lighter rafter and purlin
sections due to close spacing of the racks
4) The cost of a clad-rack warehouse is less
than the more traditional racks. The
greater the construction height, the more
profitable the clad-rack system. 5) Being a 1) Warehouse space typically needs to have
structure formed by standard rack generous aisle widths large enough to
elements that come pre-assembled or accommodate picking and restocking.
bolted, they can be dismounted with ease 2) For warehouses which are less than 12 m high,
6) Simple base foundations thanks to load this system is uneconomical
Clad rack structure distribution across multiple columns.

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