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4, JULY 2015 1323

A Distributed Architecture for HVAC Sensor

Fault Detection and Isolation
Vasso Reppa, Member, IEEE, Panayiotis Papadopoulos, Student Member, IEEE,
Marios M. Polycarpou, Fellow, IEEE, and Christos G. Panayiotou, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— This paper presents a design and analysis method- The HVAC system is comprised a large number of electrical
ology for detecting and isolating multiple sensor faults in heating, and mechanical components, including the heating and cool-
ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. The proposed ing plant (boilers, chillers, and dehumidifier), the ventilation
methodology is developed in a distributed framework, consid-
ering a multizone HVAC system as a set of interconnected system [variable air volume (VAV) terminal units and air
nonlinear subsystems. A dedicated local sensor fault diagnosis handling unit (AHU)], and one or more zones served by
(LSFD) agent is designed for each subsystem, while it may the terminal units of the ventilation system. Each subsystem
exchange information with other LSFD agents. Distributed sensor consists of several hardware components, such as sensors
fault detection is conducted using robust analytical redundancy (e.g., temperature and humidity), electrical and mechanical
relations of estimation-based residuals and adaptive thresholds.
The distributed sensor fault isolation procedure is carried out actuators (e.g., coils, dampers, and valves), and controllers.
by combining the decisions of the LSFD agents and applying a Over time, it is inevitable that one or more HVAC components
reasoning-based decision logic. The performance of the proposed will fail, necessitating the utilization of a successful fault
methodology is analyzed with respect to robustness, sensor fault detection and isolation (FDI) mechanism [4], [5]. Such a
detectability, and isolability. Simulation results are used for mechanism may be one of the enhanced functionalities of a
illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed methodology applied
to an eight-zone HVAC system. smart building, while, according to [6], it can save 10%–40%
of the HVAC energy consumption.
Index Terms— Distributed fault diagnosis, fault detection, fault During the last two decades, various methodologies have
isolation, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
system, sensor faults. been developed for detecting and isolating faults in HVAC
systems [7]–[10]. Most of these methodologies have focused
on the detection and isolation of faults in actuators and

R ECENT technological advancements in home automation

have contributed to the design of the so-called smart
buildings. A usually large scale and smart building can be
the plant of the HVAC system. However, the detection and
isolation of sensor faults are becoming a key challenging
problem, since the number of sensors used for monitoring
viewed as a cyber-physical system [1], which consists of the and control of the energy consumption and living conditions
physical-engineered system (the conventional building) that is in large-scale smart buildings is increasing. For example, in
usually large scale and complex, and the cyber core, com- the electromechanical part of the HVAC system, there may
prised of communication networks and computational means, be sensors for measuring supply/return/mixed air tempera-
designed to monitor, coordinate, and control the building ture, supply/return air flow, differential pressure, return air
environment to increase energy efficiency and cost effective- humidity, and so on. Even in a single zone (e.g., room and
ness, improve comfort, productivity and safety, and increase corridor), there may be a temperature sensor, humidity sensor,
system robustness and reliability [2], [3]. One of the essential CO2 sensor, and an infrared occupancy sensor. Any fault in
components of a smart building is the heating, ventilation, one or more of these sensors may have significant impact in
and air conditioning (HVAC) system, which is responsible the smooth operation of the HVAC system or even jeopardize
for providing a high quality and healthy environment for the the safety of the occupants. For example, a fault in the zone
building’s occupants. temperature sensor (stuck at a high temperature) can cause the
Manuscript received July 12, 2014; accepted September 14, 2014. Date continuous operation of the chiller, leading to both discomfort
of publication November 21, 2014; date of current version June 12, 2015. and increased energy consumption; or a fault in the CO2 sensor
Manuscript received in final form October 13, 2014. This work was supported can give the wrong signal to the controller for adjusting the
by the European Research Council (ERC) under the ERC Advanced Grant
through the FAULT-ADAPTIVE Project and by the European Union’s Sev- air flow of the zone, leading to improper ventilation and
enth Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) within the People Programme unfavorable working conditions.
(Marie Curie Actions) through the Research Executive Agency under grant HVAC sensor faults may also affect the functionality
agreement n◦ 626891. Recommended by Associate Editor C. De Persis.
V. Reppa is with the Department of Automatic Control, Supélec, of supervision schemes [11], executing safety critical tasks
Gif-sur-Yvette 91192, France (e-mail: leading to wrong decisions and disorientation of remedial
P. Papadopoulos, M. M. Polycarpou, and C. G. Panayiotou are with
the KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks, Depart-
actions. For example, evacuation plans in case of contaminant
ment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus, release in a building are usually designed in combination with
Nicosia 1678, Cyprus (e-mail:;; emergency control strategies for the HVAC system. These
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
plans are activated based on measurements of contaminant
online at and occupancy sensors [12], e.g., aiming at making a zone
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2014.2363629 to be a safe haven in case of contamination, the exhaust
1063-6536 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

damper in the zone may be activated for directing the conta- The objective and main contribution of this paper are the
minant to another zone, where there are no people, according design and analysis of a distributed, model-based method
to the measurements of an occupancy sensor. However, a for detecting and isolating multiple sensor faults affecting
faulty contaminant sensor may indicate low or zero levels a multizone HVAC systems. Based on the nonlinear HVAC
of contamination in the zone, leading to the nonactivation of model developed in [23] and [36], we develop a distributed
the exhaust damper and characterization of the contaminated SFDI methodology exploiting the spatial distribution of the
zone as safe. Or, the contaminant may be directed by the HVAC system, i.e., modeling the HVAC system as a set of
exhaust damper to a zone, which is indicated as empty, N + 1 interconnected nonlinear systems (N zones and the
although it is occupied, due to a faulty occupancy sensor electromechanical part). For each nonlinear subsystem, we
(stuck at zero). design a dedicated local sensor fault diagnosis (LSFD) agent,
Sensor FDI (SFDI) methods for HVAC systems can which is responsible for detecting and isolating the presence of
be classified into data-driven and model-based methods. sensor faults in a distributed manner. To this end, each LSFD
Data-driven methods are the most commonly used for SFDI agent uses the input and output measurements of its underlying
in HVAC systems, since they can be developed using a subsystem, as well as the sensor measurements or reference
black-box model, without the requirement of understand- signals of its neighboring subsystems. The sensor fault detec-
ing the system’s model [13]–[18]. However, these methods tion decision logic implemented in the agents relies on check-
need a plethora of data collected under both healthy and ing whether certain analytical redundancy relations (ARRs)
faulty conditions (data under faulty conditions are neces- are satisfied. The ARRs are formulated using estimation-based
sary for fault isolation), implying increased cost due to the residuals and adaptive thresholds, considering bounded mod-
utilization of redundant sensors beyond the sensors required eling uncertainties and measurement noise. The distributed
for the proper system operation [19]. On the other isolation of multiple faulty sensors in the HVAC system is
hand, model-based methods require additional modeling and carried out using a diagnostic reasoning-based decision logic
calibration effort, since a HVAC model with physical signifi- applied to a sensor fault signature matrix. The performance of
cance has to be developed using a priori knowledge of system the proposed methodology is analyzed with respect to sensor
process [20]–[23]. Nevertheless, the model-based SFDI meth- fault detectability and isolability [37], characterizing under
ods are designed based on the data acquired by the certain conditions the class of sensor faults that can be detected
sensors that are usually installed for feedback control and isolated.
purposes [24]–[27]. The added value of this particular case study is the design
The majority of the SFDI methods developed so far of a distributed isolation decision logic and its application
are based on a centralized approach, or have focused on to multizone HVAC systems that are inherently distributed
the diagnosis of faults in one of the HVAC subsystems, systems, where the interconnected subsystems are character-
e.g., chiller, AHU, and VAV, considering each subsystem ized by heterogeneous nonlinear dynamics, as well as the
separately [16], [17], [24]. HVAC systems are highly com- analysis of the different ways that local and propagated
plex nonlinear systems, typically comprising multiple inter- sensor faults may affect each subsystem. Moreover, the uti-
connected subsystems, especially in the case of large-scale lization of adaptive thresholds ensures the robustness of the
buildings, such as hospitals, shopping malls, business centers, proposed method against modeling uncertainties and measure-
airports, universities, and many more. Thus, a centralized ment noise, excluding false alarms that are not only annoying
approach for fault diagnosis may be less suitable compared to the occupants but also deceptive in emergency situations.
with a noncentralized approach, since it is characterized by: This paper is organized as follows. The HVAC system
1) increased computational complexity of the FDI algorithms, is described in Section II. The architecture and the design
since centralized architectures are tailored to handle (multi- details of the proposed distributed SFDI methodology are
ple) faults globally; 2) increased communication requirements presented in Section III. The HVAC sensor fault detectability
due to the transmission of information to a central point; and isolability are analyzed in Section IV. Simulation results
3) vulnerability to security threats, because the central cyber of the application of the proposed SFDI architecture to an
core in which the SFDI algorithm is implemented is a single- eight-zone HVAC system are provided in Section V, followed
point of failure; and 4) reduced potential of scalability in by concluding remarks in Section VI.
case of system expansion (e.g., building a new ward in a
hospital), due to the utilization of a global physical model
or black box. Moreover, treating the occurrence of faults in a
HVAC subsystem separately may be less efficient, since the Consider a HVAC system, which consists of N separated
propagation of faults in a distributed control architecture is zones (e.g., dormitory rooms and classrooms) and the electro-
neglected. Several researchers have developed decentralized mechanical part. The basic components of the electromechan-
or distributed techniques for diagnosing actuator, process, or ical part of the HVAC shown in Fig. 1 are the cooling coil, the
sensor faults in specific classes of distributed interconnected chiller and the chilled water tank, the fan, the supply and return
nonlinear systems [28]–[34]. However, there are very few ducts, and the VAV boxes. The cooling coil is connected to
distributed techniques for diagnosing multiple sensor faults in the chiller through the chiller water tank, which regulates the
HVAC systems [35], which are likely to occur in large-scale water inserted to the cooling coil. The control inputs to the
buildings. HVAC system are the air flow rate to each of the N zones

flow rate of air entering into the I th zone and χ (m3 /s)
is the chilled water mass flow rate. The variable T z I (°C/s)
represents the rate of internal heat change, due to occupants
and appliances from the I th zone. For the purposes of this
paper, it is assumed that the ambient temperature Tamb (°C)
is constant and known. The remainder constant parameters of
the HVAC system are the heat mass capacitance corresponding
to the I th zone Mz I (kg), specific heat at constant volume
Cv (J/kg · K), the overall heat transfer coefficients of the
I th zone, the cooling coil, and the chilled water tank Uz I , Ucc ,
and Ut (W/m 2 · K), respectively, the density of air and water
ρa and ρw (kg/m3), respectively, the area of the I th zone, the
Fig. 1. Schematic of a N -zone HVAC system. cooling coil, and the chilled water tank A z I , Acc , and At (m2 ),
(controlled through the fan and the VAV boxes) and the respectively, the specific heat at constant pressure of air and
chilled water mass flow rate (controlled by a three-way valve). water Cpa and Cpw (J/kg · K), respectively, the latent heat of
By controlling these inputs, the objective is to achieve the water h fg (J/kg), the temperature of output water Two (°C),
desired temperature in each building zone (for occupants’ and the humidity factors wz and wao [23].
comfort) and in the cooling coil (for energy efficiency). The In each of the N zones, there exists a sensor measuring
humidity and indoor air quality are not controlled. the zone temperature Tz I , while two sensors are available
The temperature dynamics in each zone, cooling coil, and in the electromechanical part of the HVAC, measuring the
chiller water tank can be modeled based on the fundamental temperature of the air exiting the cooling coil Tao and the
mass and energy conservation equations under the following temperature of the chilled water in the tank Tt . The control
assumptions [23], [36]: 1) the air temperature and velocity inputs to the N-zone HVAC system are the volumetric flow
have uniform behavior throughout a zone; 2) the transient and rate of air Q a I to each zone and the chilled water mass flow
spatial effects are neglected at the components that exchange rate to the storage tank χ, generated by distributed feedback
air; 3) at the exterior and interior surface of the zones, controllers based on some reference signals. The objective
supply/return ducts, and so on, the heat transfer is modeled of this paper is to design a methodology for detecting and
using constant heat transfer coefficients; 4) the heat transfer isolating multiple sensor faults that may affect the sensors used
at the chilled water tank with the ambient is modeled using for monitoring and control of the N-zone HVAC system.
a single constant heat transfer coefficient for all surfaces; III. D ISTRIBUTED HVAC S ENSOR FAULT
and 5) the axial mixing of water is neglected and the water D ETECTION AND I SOLATION
temperature is constant across the cross section of the tubes.
The temperature dynamic equations of the N-zone HVAC This section provides the design details of the distributed
system are described by architecture for detection and isolation of sensor faults in
d Tz I (t) the HVAC system described in Section II. The main step for
Mz I C v = ρa Cpa (Tao (t) − Tz I (t))Q a I (t) employing the proposed distributed model-based sensor fault
+ Uz I A z I (Tamb − Tz I (t)) + T z I (t) (1) diagnosis methodology is to formulate the multizone HVAC
  N system given in (1)–(3) as a set of interconnected nonlinear
d Tao (t) 1  N 
Mcc Cv = ρa Cpa Tz I (t) − Tao (t) Q a I (t) subsystems, where every local subsystem is described by
dt N
I =1 I =1
   ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + γ (x(t), u(t)) + h(x(t), u(t), u z (t), z(t))
+ Ucc Acc Tamb − Tao (t)+ Tz I (t) + η(x(t), u(t), u z (t), z(t), t) (4)
I =1
+ Q w ρw Cpw (Tt (t) − Two ) where x ∈ Rn and u ∈ R are the state and input vector of

N the local subsystem, respectively, while z ∈ R p and u z ∈
+ ρa (h fg − Cpa )wz Q a I (t) Rz are the interconnection state and input vector, respec-
I =1 tively containing the states and inputs of the neighboring,
interconnected subsystems. The constant matrix A ∈ Rn×n
− ρa (h fg − Cpa )wao Q a I (t) (2) is the linearized part of the state equation and γ : Rn ×
I =1
R → Rn represents the known nonlinear dynamics. The
d Tt (t)
Mt Cv = Q w ρw Cpw (Two −Tt (t))+Ut At (Tamb −Tt (t)) term Ax + γ (x, u) represents the known local dynamics,
dt while h : Rn × R × Rz × R p → Rn represents the known
+ χ(t) (3) interconnection dynamics. The last term η : Rn × R × Rz ×
Vt ρw Cpw R p × R → Rn denotes the modeling uncertainty of the local
where Tz I (°C) is the temperature of the I th zone, subsystem, representing various sources of uncertainty, such
I ∈ {1, . . . , N}, Tao (°C) is the output air temperature from the as system disturbances, linearization error, uncertainty in the
cooling coil, and Tt (°C) is the temperature of the water in the model’s parameters, and so on. The input vector u is generated
chiller storage tank. The variable Q a I (m3 /s) is the volumetric by a local feedback controller based a desired reference input.

A. Architecture characterized by the output y (I ) ∈ R

The N-zone HVAC system can be regarded as a set of S (I ) : y (I ) (t) = Tz I (t) + d (I ) (t) + f (I ) (t) (13)
N + 1 interconnected nonlinear subsystems that correspond
to the electromechanical part, comprising the cooling coil where d (I ) ∈ R denotes the noise corrupting the measurements
and chiller water tank, and the N building zones. Let us y (I ) of sensor S (I ) and f (I ) ∈ R represents the possible sensor
define T e = [T1e , T2e ] = [Tao , Tt ] , Tz = [Tz1 , . . . , Tz N ] , fault, i.e., the change in the I th output y (I ) due to a single
and Q a = [Q a1 , . . . , Q a N ] . By writing (2) and (3) in the fault in the I th sensor is described by
form of (4) with x ≡ Te , u ≡ χ, z ≡ Tz , and u z ≡ Q a ,  ) (I )  )
f (I ) (t) = β (I ) t − t (I
f φ t − t (I
f (14)
the subsystem that corresponds to the electromechanical part,
denoted by  e , can be expressed as where β (I ) is the time profile and φ (I ) is the (unknown)
d T e (t) function of the sensor fault that occurs at the (unknown)
e : = Ae T e (t) + γ e (χ(t)) + h e (T e (t), Tz (t), Q a (t)) time instant t (I )
f . The time profile of the fault is modeled as
dt (I )
(5) β (I ) (t) = 0 for t < 0 and β (I ) (t) = 1 − e−k t for t ≥ 0,
where k (I ) is the (unknown) evolution rate of the fault. In the
where case of abrupt sensor faults, the time profile of the fault is
 Q w ρw C pw  modeled by letting k (I ) → ∞. In practice, there may be more
− UMccccACccv Mcc C v
A =
Q ρ C +U A (6) than one sensor covering a single zone (especially large zones).
0 − w Vwt ρwpwCpw t t In this case, the multiple measurements can be combined by
 Q w ρw C pw 
Ucc Acc averaging or using advanced sensor fusion methods, while the
Mcc C v Tamb − Mcc C v Two
γ (χ) =
Ut At Q w ρw C pw proposed methodology can still be applied.
Vt ρw C pw Tamb + Vt ρw C pw Two The nonlinear subsystem  e is monitored and controlled
0 using a sensor set S e that includes two temperature sensors
+ 15000 χ (7) S e {1} and S e {2}, characterized by
Vt ρw C pw

e e
 e h 1 T1 , Tz , Q a S e {1} : y1e (t) = T1e (t) + d1e (t) + f1e (t) (15)
h T1 , Tz , Q a =
(8) e
0 S {2} : y2e (t) = T2e (t) + d2e (t) + f2e (t) (16)
ρa Cpa  Ucc Acc 1 
 e where y ej∈ R, j = 1, 2, is the sensor output, ∈ R denotes
d ej
h 1 T1 , Tz , Q a =
QaI − Tz I
Mcc Cv Mcc Cv N the noise corrupting the measurements of sensor S e { j }, and
I =1 I =1
ρa  f je ∈ R represents the possible sensor fault described by
+ (h fg − Cpa )(wz − wao )  
Mcc Cv f je (t) = β ej t − t ef j φ ej t − t ef j , j = 1, 2 (17)
− Cpa T1e QaI . (9) where β ej is the time profile (the time profile β ej is modeled
I =1 as β (I ) ) and φ ej is the (unknown) function of the sensor
It is noted that the first two terms of (5) represent the local fault that occurs at the (unknown) time instant t ef j . Assuming
dynamics of  e , while h e characterizes the interconnection the occurrence of sensor faults described by (13)–(16) allows
dynamics between  e and { (1), . . . ,  (N) }, where  (I ) cor- us to test several time profiles (the time profile is the way that
responds to the temperature dynamics of the I th zone for a fault evolves) and fault functions (the forms of the faults)
all I ∈ {1, . . . , N}. By writing (1) in the form of (4) with that may vary for every subsystem.
x ≡ Tz I , u ≡ Q a I , z ≡ T1e , and u z = 0, the subsystem of the The design of the proposed distributed SFDI technique is
I th zone can be expressed as realized as follows. Considering the N +1 subsystems, defined
through (5) and (10), the first step is to design a LSFD agent
d Tz I (t)
 (I ) : = A(I ) Tz I (t) + γ (I ) (Tz I (t), Q a I (t)) for each of the interconnected subsystems, i.e., the agent Me
dt  dedicated to subsystem  e and the agent M(I ) dedicated to
+ h (I ) T1e (t), Q a I (t) + η(I ) (t) (10) subsystem  (I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , N} [33], [34], [38]. Each LSFD
z I and agent has access to the input and output data of the underlying
where A(I ) = −(Uz I A z I /Mz I Cv ), η(I ) = (1/Mz I Cv )T
subsystem, while it may exchange information with some
ρa Cpa Uz A z agents. The exchanged information is associated with the form
γ (I ) (Tz I , Q a I ) = − Tz I Q a I + I I Tamb (11)
Mz I C v Mz I C v of the physical and input interconnections. Particularly, the
 ρ C agent Me that monitors the electromechanical part transmits
h (I ) T1e , Q a I =
a pa
T e Qa . (12) the measurements of S e {1} to each agent M(I ) , while it
Mz I C v 1 I
uses a priori known temperature reference signals of  (I ) ,
Again, the first two terms A(I ) Tz I and γ (I ) (Tz I , Q a I ) corre- I ∈ {1, . . . , N} from the agent M(I ) [39].
spond to the local dynamics of  (I ) , while h (I ) represents the The task of Me is to detect and isolate sensor faults affect-
interconnection dynamics between  (I ) and  e . ing S e {1} and S e {2}. Assuming the occurrence of multiple
The I th subsystem  (I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , N}, is monitored sensor faults, two modules are designed in the agent Me
and controlled using a temperature sensor, denoted by S (I ) , such that the j th module, denoted by Mej is dedicated to

the sensor S e { j }, j = 1, 2, and is responsible for isolating conditions can be rewritten as

a sensor fault that affects S e { j }. The task of M(I ) is to Ae t
εey1 (t) = C1e e L 1 εTe 1 (0) + d1e (t)
isolate sensor faults in S (I ) . However, each agent M(I ) t
Ae (t −τ )  e  e
uses the sensor information y1e transmitted from Me , which + C1e e L 1 h T1 (τ ), Tz (τ ), Q a (τ )
may be faulty, thus affecting the decision of M(I ) , i.e., the 0 
− h e y1e (τ ), Tr (τ ), Q a (τ )
agent M(I ) may not be able to distinguish between sensor
faults in S (I ) and S e {1}. Therefore, the decision of the agent − L e1 d1e (τ ) dτ (21)
Me is transmitted to M(I ) upon request, after the time where y1e is the sensor measurement defined in (15). According
instant that M(I ) detects the presence of sensor faults [34]. to (20) and (21), the residual εey1 is affected only by a possible
The decision logic implemented in Me1 , Me2 , and M(I ) , fault in the sensor S e {1}.
I ∈ {1, . . . , N} relies on checking whether ARRs are satisfied, The estimator in the module Me2 is structured as in (18)
while every ARR is formulated using estimator-based residuals with y ≡ y2e , u ≡ χ, A ≡ Ae22 , γ ≡ γ2e (γ2e is the second
and adaptive thresholds. Considering (4), the structure of every e ≡ x̂
element of γ e ), and h ≡ 0 and defining T 2
estimator, designed for each agent/module, has the following
˙ e e

general representation: T̂ (t) = A T (t) + γ (χ(t)) + L y (t) − T
22 2
e e
e (t)
2 (22)
x̂(t) = A x̂(t) + γ (y(t), u(t)) + h(y(t), u(t), z
(t), u z (t)) where e
T∈ R is the estimation of T2e ,
with initial conditions
+ L(y(t) − C x̂(t)) (18) e (0) = 0, Ae is the element {2, 2} of the matrix Ae given
T 2 22
in (6), and L e2 ∈ R is the estimator gain chosen such that
where x̂ ∈ Rn is the estimation of x (with x̂(0) = 0) using AeL 2 = Ae22 − L e2 is stable.
the measurements y ∈ Rm , L is the gain matrix chosen such The residual generated by the module Me2 , denoted by
that the matrix A − LC is stable, and z
∈ R p is comprised ε y2 ∈ R, is expressed as
of a priori known reference signals or measurements of the
interconnection variables z. The sensor output is described 2e (t)
εey2 (t) = y2e (t) − T (23)
by y(t) = C x(t) + d(t) + f (t), where C ∈ Rm×n is the where y2e is the sensor measurement described by (16). Let us
output matrix, while d and f are the noise and fault vector, define the state estimation error as εTe 2 (t) = T2e (t) − T e (t);
respectively, corrupting the sensor measurements. The estima- given (5), (16), and (22), the residual ε y2 under healthy
tor (18) is a special case of the Lipschitz observer designed conditions is rewritten as
in [33] and [34], satisfying the corresponding assumptions, t
AeL t e Ae (t −τ ) e e
while the stability of the estimator (18) is ensured if the pair ε y2 (t) = e
e 2 εT2 (0) + d2 (t)−
e L2 L 2 d2 (τ )dτ . (24)
(A, C) is observable. 0
According to (23) and (24), the residual εey2 is affected only
B. Residual Generation
by a possible fault in the sensor S e {2}.
The first stage of decision-making process conducted by The nonlinear estimator implemented in the agent M(I ) ,
the LSFD agents is the generation of residuals. Residuals are I ∈ {1, . . . , N} is structured as in (18) with y ≡ y (I ) , u ≡
features that portray the status of the monitoring subsystem. Q a I , z
≡ y1e , A ≡ A(I ) , γ ≡ γ (I ) , and h ≡ h (I ) and defining
Any unusual change in these features may imply the presence z I ≡ x̂
of faults. In this paper, residuals represent the deviations of ˙ 
the sensor data (observed behavior) from the estimated sensor T̂z I (t) = A(I ) T z I (t) + γ (I ) y (I ) (t), Q a I (t)

outputs (expected behavior). z I (t)) (25)
+ h (I ) y1e (t), Q a I (t) + L (I ) (y (I ) (t) − T
The nonlinear estimation model of the module Me1 is
where T z I ∈ R is the estimation of Tz I , I ∈ {1, . . . , N},
selected as in (18) with y ≡ y1e , u ≡ χ, u z ≡ Q a , z
≡ Tr ,
e ≡ x̂ with initial conditions T z(II ) (0) = 0 and L (I ) ∈ R is the
A ≡ Ae , γ ≡ γ e , and h ≡ h e and defining T
estimator gain, chosen such that A(I )
1 (I ) − L (I ) is stable,
˙  L = A
1e (t) + γ e (χ(t)) + h e y1e (t), Tr (t), Q a (t)
T̂1e (t) = Ae T (I )
i.e., L > A . (I )

1e (t)
+L e1 y1e (t) − C1e T (19) The residual generated by the agent M(I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , N},
is denoted by ε(I )
y ∈ R and is described by
where T e ∈ R2 is the estimation of T e (using the measure-
e (0) = [0, 0] , L e ∈ R2×1 ε(I ) (I )
y (t) = y (t) − Tz I (t). (26)
ments y1e ), with initial conditions T 1 1
is the estimator gain matrix, chosen such that AeL 1 = Ae − Considering (10), (13), and (25), the residual ε y , I ∈
(I )
L e1 C1e is stable, C1e = [1, 0] and Tr (t) = [Tr1 (t), . . . , Tr N (t)] , {1, . . . , N} under healthy conditions can be expressed as
where Tr (t) includes the a priori known reference signals of t
(I ) (I )
subsystem  (I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , N}. (I ) A L t (I ) (I )
ε y (t) = e εT (0) + d (t) + e A L (t −τ )
The residual generated by the module Me1 , is denoted by  0
ε y1 ∈ R and is defined as
× η (τ ) − L d (τ ) + γ (I ) (Tz I (τ ), Q a I (τ ))
(I ) (I ) (I )

1e (t).
εey1 (t) = y1e (t) − C1e T (20) 
− γ (I ) (y (I ) (τ ), Q a I (τ )) + h (I ) T1e (τ ), Q a I (τ )

e (t);
Let us define the state estimation error εTe 1 (t) = T e (t)− T 
1 − h (I ) y1e (τ ), Q a I (τ ) dτ (27)
given (5), (15), and (19), the residual ε y1 under healthy

where y (I ) and y1e are sensor measurements described where T I is a known constant bound such that
by (13) and (15), respectively. Based on (26) and (27), the |Tz I (t) − Tr I (t)| ≤ T I for all t.
(I )
residual ε y is affected by possible faults in either sensor Considering (24), the adaptive threshold εey2 , implemented
S {1} or sensor S (I ).
e in the module Me2 , is described by
e e e
εey2 (t) = ρ2e e−ξ2 t T 2 + d 2 + ρ2e e−ξ2 (t −τ )|L e2 |d 2 dτ (31)
e e
C. Computation of Adaptive Thresholds
Due to the presence of disturbances and sensor measurement
e e
noise, the observed behavior is typically not identical to the where T 2 is a known bound such that |T2e (0)| ≤ T 2 , and
Ae t
are positive constants such that |e L 2 | ≤ ρ2e e−ξ2 t
expected behavior even during the healthy operation of the ρ2e and ξ2e
sensors in the building zones and electromechanical part. For for all t.
this reason, the residuals are compared with thresholds that The adaptive threshold implemented in the agent M(I ) ,
are designed to bound the residuals under healthy conditions, (I )
denoted by ε y (t), I ∈ {1, . . . , N}, is computed such that
ensuring the robustness of the agents Me and M(I ) , for all I ,  (I ) 
with respect to various sources of uncertainties. The adaptive ε (t) ≤ ε(I ) (t) (32)
y y
thresholds designed in this paper are time-varying functions
of measured or computable signals. The adaptive nature of where ε(I )
y (t) is the residual under healthy conditions
the thresholds can contribute in reducing the conservativeness ( f (I ) = 0, I ∈ {1, . . . , N} and f 1e = 0) defined in (27). Hence,
in the decision making compared with fixed thresholds. The the adaptive threshold ε(I )
y (t) is described by
adaptive thresholds are computed considering the following t
(I ) −ξ (I ) t (I ) (I )
assumption. ε(I
(t) = ρ e T zI + d + ρ (I ) e−ξ (t −τ )
Assumption 1: The modeling uncertainty of  (I ) ,  0

I ∈ {1, . . . , N} and the measurement noise of each sensor (I ) ρa pa  (I )
C e
× η(I )+|L (I ) |d + d +d 1 |Q a I (τ )| dτ
S (I ) and S e { j }, j = 1, 2 are unknown but uniformly bounded, Mz I C v
(I ) e
i.e., |η(I ) (t)| ≤ η(I ) , |d (I ) (t)| ≤ d , and |d ej (t)| ≤ d j , where (33)
(I )
η(I ) , d j , and d̄ ej are known constant bounds. where T z I is a known bound such that |Tz I (0)| ≤ T z I , ρ (I )
(I ) (I )
The bound η(I ) is commonly used for distinguishing and ξ (I ) are positive constants such that |e A L t | ≤ ρ (I ) e−ξ t
between disturbances and faults [40], while the noise bounds for all t, and
(I ) e
d and d j correspond to a practical representation of the  (I )  
available knowledge for the sensor noise that is typically γ (Tz , Q a ) − γ (I ) y (I ) , Q a  ≤ ρa Cpa |Q a |d (I ) (34)
Mz I C v
provided in a given operation range by sensor manufacturers.
 (I )  e   ρa Cpa
It is noted that in the case of available time varying bounds h T1 , Q a I − h (I ) y1e , Q a I  ≤
|Q a I |d 1 . (35)
(I ) e Mz I C v
η(I ) (t), d (t), and d j (t), this information can be incorporated
into the following procedure without significant difficulties. It is noted that the adaptive thresholds defined in (29),
The adaptive threshold implemented in the module Mej , (31), and (33) can be implemented using straightforward linear
denoted by εey j (t), j = 1, 2, is computed such that filtering techniques:
 e   e 
ε̄ey1 (t) = ρ1e e−ξ1 t T 1 + d 1 + H1e (s) d 1 + h (t)
e e e e
ε (t) ≤ εe (t) (28) (36)
yj yj  e e
T + d + H (s) L d
e −ξ2e t e
e e e
ε̄ (t) = ρ e
y2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (37)
where εey j (t) is the residual defined in (20) for j = 1 and (23) (I ) (I )
(I ) −ξ (I ) t
for j = 2. Considering Assumption 1 and that there exists ε̄(I )
y (t) =ρ e T z I + d + H I (s)(η(I ) + |L (I ) |d )
e e
a known bound T such that |T ee (0)| ≤ T , and positive

ρa Cpa  (I ) e
constants ρ1e and ξ1e such that |C1e e L 1 | ≤ ρ1e e−ξ1 t for all t, the
A t e +H I (s) d + d 1 |Q a I (t)| (38)
Mz I C v
adaptive threshold is obtained considering (21) under healthy
conditions ( f 1e (t) = 0) and Assumption 1 where H (I )(s) = ρ (I ) /(s + ξ (I ) ), I ∈ {1, . . . , N}, H1e (s) =
ρ1e /(s + ξ1e ), and H2e (s) = ρ2e /(s + ξ2e ) are stable, first-order
e e
εey1 (t) = ρ1e e−ξ1 t T + d 1
filters. Note that for any signal z(t), the notation H (s)[z(t)]
t denotes the output of the filter H (s) with z(t) as input, while
 e e
ρ1e e−ξ1 (t −τ ) |L e1 |d 1 +h (τ ) dτ
+ (29) s is the Laplace operator.
where h (t) is computed such that D. Distributed SFDI Decision Logic
|h e (T1e (t), Tz (t), Q a (t)) − h e (y1e (t), Tr (t), Q a (t))| ≤ h (t)
This section presents the decision-making process realized
ρ C  by the agent Me and its modules Me1 and Me2 , and the agent
Ucc Acc  1 
e  a pa
h (t) =  Q a I (t) −  TI M(I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , N} for detecting and isolating multiple
 Mcc Cv Mcc Cv  N
I =1 I =1 sensor faults in a distributed manner. The decision logic relies
ρa Cpa e  

on checking the satisfaction of a set of ARRs [41]–[43]. In this
+ d1  Q a I (t) (30) paper, the ARRs are dynamical constraints, formulated using
Mcc Cv  
I =1 the residuals and adaptive thresholds.

1) Sensor Fault Detection: The decision logic implemented TABLE I

in the modules Me1 and Me2 , which are included in the S ENSOR FAULT S IGNATURE M ATRIX F e (F1e = { f 1e },
agent Me , is based on the following ARR: F2e = { f 2e }, AND F3e = { f 1e , f 2e })
E ej : εey j (t) − εey j (t) ≤ 0, j = 1, 2 (39)
where εey1 , εey2 and εey1 , εey2 are defined in
(20), (23) and (29), (31), respectively. Under healthy
conditions, the inequality (39) is always true, implying that
the ARRs E1e and E2e are always satisfied. The module Mej TABLE II
(I )
infers the presence of sensor fault f je , j = 1, 2, when E ej S ENSOR FAULT S IGNATURE M ATRIX F (I ) (F1 = { f (I ) },
(I ) (I )
defined in (39) is violated. The decision of the module Mej , F2 = { f 1e }, AND F3 = { f (I ) , f 1e })
j = 1, 2 can be described by the following Boolean function:

0, if t < t D e
D j (t) = j
1, if t ≥ t D je
tD j
= min t : εey j (t) − εey j (t) > 0 (41)
where e
tD is the time instant of detection. When D ej (t) = 1, F2e = { f 2e }, and F3e = { f 1e , f 2e }. The j th theoretical pattern
the module Mej , j = 1, 2 detects the sensor fault f je . Note of the matrix F e is defined as F je = [F1ej , F2ej ] , j = 1, 2, 3,
that as long as D ej (t) = 0 either there is no sensor fault where Fqej = 1 if at least one sensor fault of the combination
affecting S e { j } or sensor fault f je has occurred, but has not F ej is involved in the ARR Eqe , and Fqej = 0 otherwise. Based
been detected by the module Mej until the time instant t D e . on the sensor fault signature matrix presented in Table I, all
possible sensor fault combinations are isolable by the agent
If D ej (t) = 1, this implies that the sensor fault f je is guaranteed
Me , since there are three distinct theoretical patterns.
to affect S e { j }.
Assuming the occurrence of multiple sensor faults, the
The sensor fault detection decision logic of the agent M(I ) ,
decision of the agent M(I ) is combined with the decision of
I ∈ {1, . . . , N} is based on the following ARR:
 (I )  the agent Me . Specifically, when M(I ) detects the presence
(I )
E (I ) : ε y (t) − ε y (t) ≤ 0, I ∈ {1, . . . , N} (42) of sensor faults (D (I,1) (t) = 1), it requests from Me to
(I ) (I ) transmit its decision D1e on whether the sensor S e {1} is faulty
where ε y and ε y are defined in (26) and (33), respectively. to isolate a sensor fault affecting S (I ) . The reason for the
Under healthy conditions the ARR E (I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , N} is combinatorial process of the decisions is that the agent M(I )
always satisfied. If E (I ) is violated, then this implies that a uses the measurements of sensor S1e for the generation of the
sensor fault has occurred in either S (I ) or S e {1} or both of residual and adaptive threshold as well as the formulation of
them. The decision of M(I ) on the presence of sensor faults the ARR E (I ) . Hence, the distributed sensor fault isolation is
f (I ) or f 1e is represented by a Boolean function, defined as conducted by comparing the observed pattern of sensor faults,

(I ) defined as D (I ) (t) = [D (I,1) (t), D1e (t)] to the columns of the
(I,1) 0, if t < t D
D (t) = (I ) (43) sensor fault signature matrix F (I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , N}, presented
1, if t ≥ t D in Table II. The rows of F (I ) correspond to the ARRs E (I )
(I )   )  
tD = min t : ε(I  (I )
y (t) − ε y (t) > 0 (44) and E1e , while the columns correspond the three possible
t (I )
combinations of sensor fault occurrence, i.e., F1 = { f (I ) },
(I )
where tD is the time of detection for agent M(I ) . When F2(I ) = { f 1e }, and F3(I ) = { f (I ) , f 1e }.
(I,1) (t) = 1, the agent M(I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , N} infers
D The j th column of the matrix F (I ) corresponds to the
that either f 1e or f (I ) or both, have occurred. As long j th theoretical pattern of sensor faults, defined as F j(I ) =
as D (I,1) (t) = 0 either there is no sensor fault in both (I ) (I ) (I )
[F1 j , F2 j ] , j = 1, 2, 3 where: 1) Fq j = 1, if the sensor
S (I ) and S e {1} or sensor faults have occurred, but have not
been detected by the agent M(I ) until the time instant t D .
(I ) fault combination F (Ij
contains at least one sensor fault that
If D (I,1) (t) = 1, then it is ensured that at least one of S (I ) can provoke the violation of (or else, is involved in) the ARR
(I )
and S e {1} is faulty. of the qth row, q = 1, 2; 2) Fq j = 0, if none of the sensor
2) Sensor Fault Isolation: In the context of smart buildings, faults of the combination F (I
are involved in the ARR of
it is important not only to be able to detect the occurrence of (I )
the qth row, q = 1, 2; and 3) Fq j = ∗, if none of the
sensor faults but also to be able to isolate the location of the
fault as soon as possible. The agent Me can isolate multiple sensor faults of the combination F (I )
may affect the sensor
sensor faults in the sensor set S e by comparing the observed set S (I ) , but all of them are involved in the ARR of the qth
(I )
pattern of sensor faults, defined as D e (t) = [D1e (t), D2e (t)] to row, q = 1, 2. Particularly, equation F21 = ∗ implies that the
the columns of the sensor fault signature matrix F e , presented sensor fault f 1 can explain why E is violated, but E (I ) may
e (I )

in Table I. The rows of F e correspond to the ARRs E1e be less sensitive to f 1e than f (I ) , so it may be satisfied although
and E2e , while the columns correspond to the three possible f 1e has occurred. This is based on the fact that the effects of the
(I )
combinations of sensor faults that occur in S e , i.e., F1e = { f 1e }, faulty transmitted information y1e on the residual ε y , used in

the formulation of E (I ) , depend on the type of interconnection Me and M(I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , N}. Specifically, certain condi-
dynamics h (I ) , defined in (12). The sensitivity of ARRs to tions are derived, under which we characterize the class of
sensor faults is analyzed next. sensor faults affecting S e , S (I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , N} that can be
For isolating multiple sensor faults, the agents detected and isolated. It is important to note that the class
Me and M(I ) check the consistency between the observed of detectable/isolable sensor faults satisfying these conditions
patterns D e (t) and D (I ) (t) and the theoretical patterns is obtained under worst-case assumptions, in the sense that
F e and F (I ) , respectively. As long as D e (t) = [0, 0] and they are valid for any modeling uncertainty and measurement
D (I ) (t) = [0, 0] , no consistency check is realized; otherwise, noise satisfying Assumption 1. It is noted that in practice, the
the result of the consistency test is the determination of the modeling uncertainty and measurement noise may not reach
sensor fault diagnosis set, which contains the diagnosed the limit (worst case) of Assumption 1.
sensor fault combinations. Specifically, the agent Me isolates
sensor faults in the electromechanical part of HVAC based A. Electromechanical Sensor Fault Isolability Conditions
on the diagnosis set Dse (t), defined as
The conditions for guaranteeing the isolation of sensor faults
Dse (t) = Fcei : i ∈ ID
(t) (45) f 1e and f 2e by the modules Me1 and Me2 , respectively, are
stated in the following Lemma.
where ID e (t) = {i : F e = D e (t), i ∈ {1, 2, 3}}. The decision
i Lemma 4.1: Consider that the sensor faults f 1e and f2e occur
of the agent M(I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , N}, relies on the diagnosis set at the time instants t ef1 and t ef2 , respectively.
(I )
Ds (t), defined as 1) The occurrence of a fault in the temperature sensor
 (I )  of the cooling coil S e {1} is guaranteed to be isolated
Ds(I ) (t) = Fc(Ii ) : i ∈ ID (t) (46)
under worst-case conditions, if there exists a time instant
(I )
where ID (t) = {i : Fi(I ) = D (I ) (t), i ∈ {1, 2, 3}}. It is noted t ∗ > t ef1 such that the sensor fault f 1e satisfies the
(I ) condition
that F21 = ∗ is consistent to either 0 or 1.  t∗

Remark 3.1: The proposed sensor fault diagnosis methodol-  e ∗ Ae (t ∗ −τ )  e e
 f 1 (t ) − C1e e L 1 L 1 f 1 (τ )
ogy has been developed by applying a dedicated scheme with  e
multiple observers, where each observer of an agent/module ⎡ 1
 N  ⎤⎞
ρa C pa 
is driven by a single sensor (like in Me1 and Me2 ) or a set of Q (τ ) f 1 (τ ) ⎦⎠
+ ⎣ Mcc Cv I =1 a I dτ | > 2εey1 (t ∗ ) (47)
one local sensor and one sensor in the neighboring subsystem
(as the observer in M(I ) for all I ). The isolation decision logic 0
relies on the fact that the agents/modules are characterized by: where εey1 (t) is the adaptive threshold, generated by the
1) robustness, i.e., the agents are insensitive to modeling uncer- module Me1 .
tainties and measurement noise under healthy conditions and 2) The occurrence of a fault in the temperature sensor of
2) structural fault sensitivity, implying that the agents/modules the chilled water tank S e {2} is guaranteed to be isolated
are sensitive to subsets of sensor faults. Particularly, the agent under worst-case conditions, if there exists a time instant
M(I ) is designed to be structurally sensitive to sensor faults t ∗ > t ef2 such that the sensor fault f 2e satisfies the
f (I ) and f 1e , while the modules Me1 and Me2 are sensitive condition
to sensor faults f 1e and f 2e , respectively. The residuals are  t∗ 
 e ∗ AeL (t ∗ −τ ) e e 
generated using an observer driven by a set of sensors, while  f 2 (t ) − e 2 L 2 f 2 (τ )dτ  > 2εey2 (t ∗ ) (48)
the adaptive thresholds are designed to bound the residual  te 
under healthy conditions. Therefore, when the magnitude of
a residual exceeds the corresponding adaptive threshold, this where εey2 (t) is the adaptive threshold, generated by the
sensor set is isolated as faulty. An alternative decision logic module Me2 .
for isolating sensor faults is to infer that there are faults in Proof: 1) Assume that no fault affects S e {1}, i.e., f 1e = 0;
a specific sensor set, when the magnitudes of all residuals then using (5) and (19), the state estimation error of the module
generated by the observer, which is not driven by this specific Me1 satisfies
sensor set, do not exceed the corresponding thresholds [44]. e AeL t e Ae (t −τ )  e  e
This decision logic is applied to a generalized scheme of εT1 (t) = e 1 εT1 (0) + e L1 h T1 (τ ), Tz (τ ), Q a (τ )
multiple observers or an unknown input observer (UIO)  0
−h e T1e (τ ) + d1e (τ ), Tr (τ ), Q a (τ ) − L e1 d1e (τ ) dτ.
scheme [45], [46]. In the case of multiple sensor faults, the
number of observers in a dedicated scheme may be less than
the number of observers in a generalized or UIO scheme. For t ≥ t ef1 , the residual εey1 is described by
εey1 (t)
AeL t −t ef  t
AeL (t −τ )
AND I SOLABILITY = C1e e 1 1 εTe 1 t ef1 + d1e (t) + f1e (t) + C1e e 1
t ef
The objective of this section is to analyze the performance  1

of the proposed distributed SFDI methodology with respect × − L e1 d1e (τ ) − L e1 f 1e (τ ) + h e (T1e (τ ), Tz (τ ), Q a (τ ))

to the sensor fault detectability and isolability of the agents − h e (T1e (τ ) + d1e (τ ) + f1e (τ ), Tr (τ ), Q a (τ )) dτ. (50)

t AeL (t −τ )
By adding and subtracting the integral t ef C1e e 1 i.e., f 1e = θ1e , and at some time instant t ∗ , the constant sensor
×h e (T1e (τ ) + d1e (τ ), Tr (τ ), Q a (τ ))dτ , and using (49), we
fault θ1e satisfies
obtain 2εey1 (t ∗ )
|θ1e | > (58)
εey1 (t) = εey1H (t) + εey1F (t) (51) |w(t ∗ )|
where εey1H (t) is equal to the residual under healthy conditions
described by (21), and εey1F (t) describes the effects of sensor w(t) = 1
⎛ ⎡ ⎤⎞
fault f1e on the residual εey1 and is defined as t∗ ρa C pa 
e ∗
A (t −τ ) ⎝ (I ) Q a I (τ ) ⎦⎠
 − C1e e L 1 L +⎣ Mcc C v
I =1 dτ
e A L 1 (t −τ )
ε y1F (t) =
C1 e h e T1e (τ ) + d1e (τ ), Tr (τ ), Q a (τ ) t ef
1 0
t ef

−h T1e (τ ) + d1e (τ ) + f 1e (τ ), Tr (τ ), Q a (τ ) dτ given that w(t ∗ )
= 0, the module Me1is guaranteed to isolate
t sensor fault f 1e . Similarly, if f 2e is constant, i.e., f 2e = θ2e , and
AeL (t −τ ) e e
+ f 1e (t) − C1e e 1 L 1 f 1 (τ )dτ . (52) at some time instant t ∗ , the constant sensor fault θ2e satisfies
t ef
1 2εey2 (t ∗ )
|θ2e | >    (60)
Considering (28) and (51), it yields  e ∗ e !
1 − Le2 1 − e A L 2 t −t f2 
ε (t) ≥ εe (t) − εe (t) ≥ εe (t) − εe (t). (53)  AL

y1 y1F y1H y1F y1

If there exists a time instant t ∗ such that the effects of sensor Ae (t ∗ −t e )

given that |1 − (L e2 /AeL 2 )(1 − e L 2 f 2 )| = 0, the module

fault f1e on the residual εey1 satisfy the condition |εey1F (t ∗ )| > M2 is guaranteed to isolate sensor fault f2e .
2εey1 (t ∗ ), i.e., satisfy (47), then, based on (53), this implies Considering (58) and (60), we can derive valuable intu-
that |εey1 (t ∗ )| > εey1 (t ∗ ) and the violation of the ARR E1e . Thus, ition for the minimum isolable magnitude of sensor fault θ ej ,
sensor fault f 1e is guaranteed to be isolated by the module Me1 . e
j = 1, 2, with respect to the bound of sensor noise d j , and
2) Assume that no fault affects S e {2}, i.e., f 2e = 0; using the selected design parameters used for the implementation of
(5) and (22), the state estimation error of the module Me2 is the estimator in the module Mej (e.g., L ej ) and the adaptive
AeL t e Ae (t −τ ) e e thresholds (ρ ej , ξ ej ).
εT2 (t) = e 2 εT2 (0) −
e L2 L 2 d2 (τ )dτ . (54)
B. Building Zone Sensor Fault Detectability
For t ≥ t ef2 ,the residual is expressed as εey2 and Isolability Conditions

Ae t −t ef e The conditions for ensuring the detection/isolation of f (I )
εey2 (t) = e L 2 2 ε
T2 t f 2 + d2 (t) + f 2 (t)
e e e
and f 1e by the agent M(I ) , are stated in the following Lemma.
Ae (t −τ ) e  e Lemma 4.2: Consider that the sensor faults f 1e and f (I )
− e L2 L 2 f 2 (τ ) + d2e (τ ) dτ . (55) (I )
t ef occur at the time instants t ef1 and t f , respectively.
(I )
1) Let t f < t ef1 : the occurrence of a fault in the tem-
By replacing εTe 2 (t ef2 ) using (54), we have
perature sensor of the I th zone S (I ) is guaranteed to
εey2 (t) = εey2H (t) + εey2F (t) (56) be isolated under worst-case conditions, if there exists
a time instant t ∗ ∈ [t (I ) e
f , t f 1 ) such that the sensor fault
where εey2H (t) is equal to the residual under healthy conditions
described by(24), and εey2F (t) describes the effects of sensor f (I ) satisfies the condition
fault f2e on the residual εey2 and is defined as  (I ) ∗ (I ) ∗
 f (t ) − e A L (t −τ )
 (I )
εey2F (t) = f 2e (t) −
AeL (t −τ ) e e
L 2 f 2 (τ )dτ . ρa Cpa 
e 2 (57) (I ) (I )
× L f (τ ) − Q a I (τ ) f (τ ) dτ  > 2ε(I
(I ) ) ∗
y (t )
t ef Mz I C v

Following the same procedure described in (53), if there exists (61)

a time instant t ∗ such that the effects of sensor fault f 2e on (I )
where ε y (t) is the adaptive threshold, generated by the
the residual εey2 satisfy the condition |εey2F (t ∗ )| > 2εey2 (t ∗ ), agent M(I ) .
i.e., (48) is valid, then it is implied that |εey2 (t ∗ )| > εey2 (t ∗ ) and 2) Let t ef1 < t (I )
f : the occurrence of a fault in the temper-
the ARR E2e is violated. Thus, sensor fault f 2e is guaranteed ature sensor of the cooling coil S e {1} is guaranteed to
to be isolated by the module Me2 . be detected under worst-case conditions, if there exists
In general, (47) and (48) can be regarded as a figure of a time instant t ∗ ∈ [t ef1 , t (I )
f ) such that the sensor fault
merit, characterizing the ability of Me1 and Me2 to capture e
f 1 satisfies the condition
the occurrence of sensor faults f 1e and f 2e , respectively. Based  ∗ 
 A L (t ∗ −τ ) ρa Cpa 
on these conditions, we can define the minimum magnitude (I )
 e Q a I (τ ) f 1 (τ )dτ  > 2ε(I
e ) ∗
y (t ). (62)
of sensor faults f 1e and f 2e that are isolable by the modules  te Mz I C v 
Me1 and Me2 , respectively. Particularly, if f 1e is constant,

3) The occurrence of faults in the temperature sensors entails that |ε(I ) ∗ (I ) ∗

y (t )| > ε y (t ), leading to the isolation of
S (I ) and S e {1} is guaranteed to be detected under (I
sensor fault f . )

worst-case conditions, if there exists a time instant 2) Part 2 of Lemma 4.2 can be proved in a similar way to
t ∗ ≥ max(t (I ) e
f , t f1 ) such that the sensor fault f
(I ) part 1.
(I ) (I )
satisfies the condition 3) For t ≥ t ef1 > t f , the residual ε y is expressed as
 (I ) ∗ ρa Cpa ε(I )
(I ) ∗
 f (t ) − e A L (t −τ ) Q a I (τ ) f 1e (τ )dτ y (t)
 e Mz I C v
tf (I ) t (I )
A (t −t ef ) (I ) e (I ) (I ) (t −τ )
t∗ = e L 1 ε
T (t f 1 ) + d (t) + f (t) + e AL
(I ) ∗ ρa Cpa 
− e A L (t −τ ) (I ) (I )
L f (τ )− Q a I (τ ) f (τ ) dτ 
(I )

t ef
(I ) Mz I C v
× η(I ) (τ ) − L (I ) d (I ) (τ ) − L (I ) f (I ) (τ )
> 2ε(I ) ∗
y (t ). (63)
Proof: 1) Assume that no fault affects S (I ) , I ∈ + γ (I ) (Tz I (τ ), Q a I (τ ))
{1, . . . , N}, and S e {1}, i.e., f (I ) = f 1e = 0; based on (10) − γ (I ) Tz I (τ ) + d (I ) (τ ) + f (I ) (τ ), Q a I (τ )
and (25), the state estimation error of the agent M(I ) is
(I )
+ h (I ) (T1e (τ ), Q a I (τ )) − h (I ) (T1e (τ ) + d1e (τ )
εT (t) 
t + f 1 (τ ), Q a I (τ )) dτ.
(I ) (I )
= e A L t εT(I ) (0) + e A L (t −τ )
 (I )
The term εT (t ef1 ) is determined through the following
× η(I ) (τ ) − L (I ) d (I ) (τ ) + γ (I ) (Tz I (τ ), Q a I (τ )) equation:
(I ) (I )
! t
+ h (I ) (T1e (τ ), Q a I (τ ))−γ (I ) (Tz I (τ ) + d (I ) (τ ), Q a I (τ )) εT(I ) (t) = e L
A t −t f
εT(I ) (t (I )
) +
(I )
e A L (t −τ )
 f (I )
(I ) e e 
− h (T1 (τ ) + d1 (τ ), Q a I (τ )) dτ. (64)
× η(I ) (τ )− L (I ) d (I ) (τ )− L (I ) f (I ) (τ )
For t ≥ t (I ) (I )
f , the residual ε y is expressed as
+γ (I ) (Tz I (τ ), Q a I (τ )) − γ (I ) (Tz I (τ )
ε(I )
y (t) +d (I ) (τ ) + f (I ) (τ ), Q a I (τ )) + h (I ) (T1e (τ ), Q a I (τ ))
(I ) (I )
! t 
t −t f (I )
AL (I ) (I )
=e εT (t f ) + d (I ) (t) + f (I ) (t) + e AL (t −τ ) (I )
−h (T1 (τ ) + d1 (τ ), Q a I (τ )) dτ.
e e
(I )

Using (64) and (70) and after some algebraic manipulation,
× η(I ) (τ ) − L (I ) d (I ) (τ ) − L (I ) f (I ) (τ ) (I )
the effects of sensor faults f (I ) and f 1e for t ≥ t ef1 > t f are
+ γ (I ) (Tz I (τ ), Q a I (τ )) + h (I ) (T1e (τ ), Q a I (τ )) described as
(I ) ρa Cpa
− γ (I ) (Tz I (τ ) + d (I ) (τ ) + f (I ) (τ ), Q a I (τ )) ε(I )
(t) = f (I )
(t) − e A L (t −τ ) Q a I (τ ) f 1e (τ )dτ
 y F e
tf M z I C v
− h (I ) (T1e (τ ) + d1e (τ ), Q a I (τ )) dτ. t  
(65) (I ) ρ C
e A L (t −τ ) L (I ) f (I ) (τ ) − Q a I (τ ) f (I ) (τ ) dτ.
a pa

(I ) Mz I C v
After some algebraic manipulation and using (64), it yields tf
ε(I ) (I )
y (t) = ε y H (t) + ε y F (t)
(I )
If there exists a time instant t ∗ such that the effects of sensor
(I )
where ε y H (t) corresponds to the residual under healthy con- fault f (I ) on the residual ε(I )
y satisfy the condition |ε y F (t )| >
(I ) ∗
(I ) (I )
ditions described by (27), and ε y F (t) describes the effects of 2ε y (t ∗ ), implying that (63) is valid, then, using (68) and (71),
sensor fault f (I ) (I )
on the residual ε y and defined as it is implied that |ε(I ) ∗ (I ) ∗
y (t )| > ε y (t ), leading to the detection
t of sensor faults f (I ) e
and f 1 . Following the same procedure,
(I )
(I ) (I )
ε y F (t) = f (t) − e A L (t −τ )
it can be proved that (63) is also valid for t ≥ t (I )
f > t f1 .
(I )
tf Using Lemma 4.2, we may characterize the class of sen-
ρa Cpa sor faults f (I ) and f e that are detectable/isolable by the
× L (I ) f (I ) (τ ) − Q a I (τ ) f (I ) (τ ) dτ. (67) agent M(I ) with respect1 to the bounds of modeling uncertainty
Mz I C v
and measurement noise, as well as the selected design para-
Considering (32) and (66), it yields meters used for the implementation of the estimator of M(I )
 (I )   (I )   (I )   (I ) 
ε (t) ≥ ε (t) − ε (t) ≥ ε (t) − ε (t). (I )
(68) (e.g., L (I ) ) and the adaptive thresholds (ρ (I ) , ξ (I ) ). During the
y yF yH yF y
design, we can simulate various types of faults, i.e., various
If there exists a time instant t ∗ such that the effects of sensor fault functions and profiles, which may affect a single sensor,
(I ) (I )
fault f (I ) on the residual ε y satisfy the condition |ε y F (t ∗ )| > and seek the minimum fault magnitude that satisfies the sensor
(I ) ∗
2ε y (t ), implying that (61) is valid, then, using (68), this fault detectability/isolability conditions. This analysis can be

performed offline for calibrating the design parameters before i.e., controlling the temperatures of each building
the real-time implementation of the proposed agents. zone and the electromechanical part and assuming no
Comparing (61) with (62), we may infer that sensor fault uncertainty, the steady state values are defined when the
f (I ) affects the residual generated by M(I ) in a different way temperatures converge to the desired reference signals.
than sensor fault f 1e in the sense that the effects of f (I ) are Here, Y1e = 10, Y2e = 4, and Y (I ) = 24 for all I .
function of f (I ) and its filtered version that depends on L (I ) , Eight feedback linearization controllers [47] were imple-
while the effects of f 1e are the filtered version of f 1e that mented, where each controller is responsible for keeping
depends only on the interconnection function h (I ) [defined the temperature of each zone at 24 °C. A backstepping
in (12)]. The fact that sensor fault f 1e may affect E (I ) in a controller [48] was applied for maintaining the temperature
different way than f (I ) is exploited in the design of the sensor of the output air of the cooling coil at 10 °C. It is noted
(I )
fault signature matrix F (I ) , I = 1, 2, by differentiating F11 that every zone temperature controller uses the measurements
(I ) of the temperature of the cooling coil, while the controller
from F12 . Based on (61) and (62) and assuming constant
sensor faults, we may determine the minimum magnitude of of the electromechanical part uses the a priori known set
sensor faults f (I ) and f 1e that are detectable/isolable by the points of the temperature of the zones, as well as the air flow
agent M(I ) in a similar way as in (58) and (60). rate (control input) of every zone. Based on Section III, we
For the modules Me1 and Me2 of the agent Me , the design nine agents, one for the electromechanical part and
detectability analysis is equivalent to the isolability analysis, eight for the zones, while the agent of the electromechanical
since each module is dedicated to monitor the status of a single part consists of two modules. The estimators of the agents
sensor, leading to the sensor fault signature matrix presented are structured as in (19), (22), and (25) with estimator gains
in Table I. Thus, in Lemma 4.1, we characterize the minimum L (I ) = 3, I ∈ {1, . . . , 8}, L e1 = [4.97, 5.16] , and L e2 = 3.
effects of sensor faults f 1e (t) and f 2e (t) that will be isolable The adaptive thresholds of the agents, defined in (29), (31),
by the modules Me1 and Me2 , respectively, by provoking the and (33), are designed using the following parameters: ρ1e = 1,
violation of E1e and E2e , respectively. In the case of the agent ξ1e = 4, ρ2e = 1, ξ2e = 3 ρ (I ) = 1, and ξ (I ) = 3.
M(I ) , we distinguish the case of a single sensor fault occur- We have considered two multiple sensor fault scenarios:
rence and the occurrence of two sensor faults. In the first case, in the first scenario, the sensors of the electromechanical
we characterize the minimum effects of a local sensor fault subsystem and zones 3–6 are affected by faults, while in the
( f (I ) ) or a propagated sensor fault ( f 1e ) that are guaranteed to second scenario, the sensors in all building zones become
provoke the violation of the ARR E (I ) of the agent M(I ) in faulty. In all scenarios, the sensor faults are abrupt with time
conjunction with the sensor fault signature matrix presented varying fault functions, i.e., φ1e (t) = 15%Y1e + 0.5sin(0.01t),
in Table II. In the second case, we characterize the minimum φ2e (t) = 15%Y2e + 0.5sin(0.01t) and φ (I ) (t) = 15%Y (I ) +
effects of both local and propagated sensor faults that are 0.5sin(0.01t), I ∈ {1, . . . , 8}. The time instants of occurrence
guaranteed to be detectable by the agent M(I ) . of sensor faults are t ef1 = 2000 s, t ef2 = 2500 s, t (1)
f = 3000 s,
(2) (3) (4) (5)
tf = 3500 s, t f = 4000 s, t f = 4500 s, t f = 5000 s,
t (6)
f = 5500 s, t (7)
f = 6000 s, and t (8)
f = 6500 s. Note that the
The objective of this section is to illustrate the application
considered amounts of uncertainty and fault functions were
of the proposed distributed SFDI method applied to the
chosen such that the isolation of sensor faults is guaranteed,
class of HVAC systems described in Section II consisting
because the goal of this example is to illustrate the proposed
of eight zones (N = 8) [23]. The operation of the HVAC
distributed sensor fault isolation decision logic.
system is simulated based on (5)–(12). The dimensions
The results of the application of the distributed SFDI
of each zone are 3.5 m × 1.75 m × 2 m. The parameters
method to the HVAC system are shown in Figs. 2–5, with
used for the simulation of  e described by (5)–(9) are:
Figs. 2 and 4 presenting the results for the first sensor
(Ucc Acc /Mcc Cv ) = 0.02815, (Q w ρw Cpw /Mcc Cv ) = 1.2084,
fault scenario, while Figs. 3 and 5 for the second scenario.
and ((Q w ρw C pw + Ut At )/Vt ρw C pw ) = 0.0007, and
Comparing the observed pattern, D e (t) = [D1e (t), D2e (t)] ,
Two = 5, (Ucc Acc /Mcc Cv ) = 0.02815, (Ut At /Vt ρw Cpw ) =
where the temporal evolution of D1e (t) and D2e (t) is shown
5.4566×10−4 , (Q w ρw Cpw /Vt ρw Cpw ) = 1.544×10−5 , and
in Fig. 2(a) and (b), respectively, to the columns of fault
(15000/Vt ρw Cpw ) = 0.006. The function h e is defined using
signature matrix F e shown in Table I, the agent Me isolates
the parameters (ρa Cpa /Mcc Cv ) = 3.932, (Ucc Acc /Mcc Cv ) =
the sensor faults initially in the cooling coil and then in
0.02815, and ((ρa /Mcc Cv )((h fg − Cpa )(wz − wao )) =
the chilled water tank, based on the following diagnosis set:
0.0005. The parameters used for the simulation of
1) Dse (t) = { f 1e }, since D e (t) = F1e for t ∈ [2000, 2500) and
the subsystem  (I ) I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} given in (10)–
2) Dse (t) = { f 1e , f 2e }, since D e (t) = F3e for t ≥ 2500.
(12) are A(I ) = −0.0006, (ρa Cpa /Mz I Cv ) = 0.1144,
It is noted that the effects of the sensor fault in the
(Uz I A z I /Mz I Cv ) = 0.0006, and Tamb = 35. The modeling
cooling coil on the residuals and thresholds of the eight
uncertainty η(I ) (t) is simulated as η(I ) (t) = 5%Y (I ) sin(2πνt)
agents that monitor the building zones are low and are not
and ν = 10, and the noise of each sensor is uniformly
( j) e detectable by these agents [Fig. 2(c)–(j)]. The distinct effects
distributed and bounded by d = 3%Y ( j ) and d j = 3%Y je , of local sensor fault ( f (I ) ) and propagated sensor fault ( f 1e ),
j = 1, 2, where Y (I ) and Y je are the steady state values which are analyzed in Section IV-B, can be observed through
of y (I ) and y ej , respectively, under healthy conditions, the simulation results presented in Fig. 2(c)–(j). Based on

Fig. 2. Decision-making process of (a) Me1 , (b) Me2 , and (c)–(j) M(I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} for isolating multiple sensor faults that affect the electromechanical
(I )
subsystem and building zones 3–6 consecutively. The temporal evolution of the magnitude of the residuals (blue line) (a) εey1 , (b) εey2 , and (c)–(j) ε y ,
(I )
I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} and the adaptive thresholds (green line) (a) ε̄ey1 , (b) ε̄ey2 , and (c)–(j) ε̄ y , I ∈ {1, . . . , 8}, as well as the Boolean decision functions (red dashed
line) (a) D1e , (b) D2e , and (c)–(j) D (I,1) , I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} are presented in (a)–(j).

Fig. 3. Decision-making process of (a) Me1 , (b) Me2 , and (c)–(j) M(I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} for isolating multiple sensor faults that affect all building zones
(I )
consecutively. The temporal evolution of the magnitude of the residuals (blue line) (a) εey1 , (b) εey2 , and (c)–(j) ε y , I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} and the adaptive thresholds
(I )
(green line) (a) ε̄ey1 , (b) ε̄ey2 , and (c)–(j) ε̄ y , I ∈ {1, . . . , 8}, as well as the Boolean decision functions (red dashed line) (a) D1e , (b) D2e , and (c)-(j) D (I,1) ,
I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} are presented in (a)–(j).

Fig. 2(c)–(j), the agents M(1) , M(2) , M(7), and M(8) do lution of D1e , D (3,1) , D (4,1) , D (5,1) , and D (6,1) is shown
not detect the presence of the faulty temperature sensor in in Fig. 2(a) and (e)–(h) to the columns of the sensor fault
the cooling coil, although they use its measurements. These signature matrix F (I ) shown in Table II. Given that D (I ) (t) =
agents do not also detect the occurrence of sensor faults in the [1, 1] for all I ∈ {3, 4, 5, 6}, the resultant diagnosis set is
building zones 3–6, but this is due to the fact that every agent Ds(I ) (t) = {{ f (I ) , f 1e }, f 1e }. Based on this diagnosis outcome,
M(I ) is sensitive to faults f (I ) and f1e and not to fault f (Q), the agent M(I ) for all I ∈ {3, 4, 5, 6} infers that the sensor
Q = I . S (I ) in the I th building zone is possibly faulty, because it
Each of the agents M(3)–M(6) detects the presence of cannot conclude if only the sensor fault f 1e has occurred,
sensor faults just after the consecutive occurrence of the possibly provoking the violation of E (I ) or both f1e and
sensor fault in each monitoring building zone, as shown f (I ) have occurred. On the other hand, in the second fault
in Fig. 2(e)–(h). Then, using the decision of Me1 , the scenario, where the sensors of all building zones become
agent M(I ) compares the observed pattern D (I ) (t) = faulty, but the temperature sensor of the cooling coil is healthy,
[D (I,1) (t), D1e (t)] , I ∈ {3, 4, 5, 6}, where the temporal evo- the agent M(I ) not only detects the presence of sensor

Fig. 4. Temperature estimation models (magenta dashed line) (a) T̂1e , (b) T̂2e , and (c)–(j) T̂z I , I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} of (a) Me1 , (b) Me2 , and (c)–(j) M(I ) ,
I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} compared with actual temperatures (blue solid line) (a) T1e , (b) T2e , and (c)–(j) Tz I , I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} of the cooling coil, chilled water tank, and
building zones under healthy conditions and consecutive occurrence of sensor faults in the electromechanical subsystem and building zones 3–6.

Fig. 5. Temperature estimation models (magenta dashed line) (a) T̂1e , (b) T̂2e , and (c)–(j) T̂z I , I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} of (a) Me1 , (b) Me2 , and (c)–(j) M(I ) ,
I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} compared with actual temperatures (blue solid line) (a) T1e , (b) T2e , and (c)–(j) Tz I , I ∈ {1, . . . , 8} of the cooling coil, chilled water tank, and
building zones under healthy conditions and consecutive occurrence of sensor faults in all building zones.

faults but also isolates the sensor fault in the I th building infer that the occurrence of the local fault f (I ) is more likely
zone. This is realized in conjunction with the decision of to have provoked the violation of E (I ) , I ∈ {3, 4, 5, 6}, than
the module Me1 [Fig. 2(a)]. In other words, all monitoring the single occurrence of the propagated sensor fault f 1e , and
agents M(1) –M(8) can isolate in a distributed manner the characterize the sensor S (I ) as faulty for all I ∈ {3, 4, 5, 6} .
consecutive occurrence of multiple sensor faults in all zones The effects of sensor faults on the actual temperature
[Fig. 3(c)–(j)]. Particularly, when the agent M(I ) detects sen- of the cooling coil, chilled water tank, and all building
sor faults, the observed pattern is equal to the D (I ) (t) = zones, as well as the temperature estimations derived by
[1, 0] , which is consistent with the first column of the sensor the modules Me1 and Me2 and agent M(I ) , I ∈ {1, . . . , 8}
fault signature matrix F (I ) shown in Table II, leading to the can be observed in Figs. 4 and 5. According to Fig. 4(a),
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observer,” Int. J. Control, vol. 81, no. 4, pp. 591–606, 2008. with the KIOS Research Center for Intelligent
[29] J. Weimer, J. Araujo, M. Amoozadeh, S. Ahmadi, H. Sandberg, and Systems and Networks, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. She was
K. H. Johansson, “Parameter-invariant actuator fault diagnostics in a Researcher in various Hellenic and European research and operational
cyber-physical systems with application to building automation,” in programs. She is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher with the Department
Control of Cyber-Physical Systems (Lecture Notes in Control and Infor- of Automatic Control, Supélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Her current research
mation Sciences), vol. 449. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2013, interests include fault diagnosis, fault-tolerant control, adaptive learning, and
pp. 179–196. set-membership identification, with applications to microelectromechanical
[30] R. M. G. Ferrari, T. Parisini, and M. M. Polycarpou, “Distributed fault systems and large-scale engineering systems.
detection and isolation of large-scale discrete-time nonlinear systems: An Dr. Reppa was a recipient of the Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship in
adaptive approximation approach,” IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, vol. 57, 2014.
no. 2, pp. 275–290, Feb. 2012.
[31] C. Keliris, M. M. Polycarpou, and T. Parisini, “A distributed fault
detection filtering approach for a class of interconnected continuous-
time nonlinear systems,” IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, vol. 58, no. 8, Panayiotis Papadopoulos (S’13) received the
pp. 2032–2047, Aug. 2013. B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the University of
[32] Q. Zhang and X. Zhang, “Distributed sensor fault diagnosis in a class of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, in 2012 and 2014, respec-
interconnected nonlinear uncertain systems,” Annu. Rev. Control, vol. 37, tively, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
no. 1, pp. 170–179, 2013. degree, all in electrical engineering.
[33] V. Reppa, M. M. Polycarpou, and C. G. Panayiotou, “Multiple sensor His current research interests include fault
fault detection and isolation for large-scale interconnected nonlinear diagnosis for distributed nonlinear systems, nonlin-
systems,” in Proc. Eur. Control Conf., Zurich, Switzerland, Jul. 2013, ear control theory, intelligent systems, and adaptive
pp. 1952–1957.
[34] V. Reppa, M. M. Polycarpou, and C. G. Panayiotou, “A distributed detec- fault-tolerant control in HVAC Systems
tion and isolation scheme for multiple sensor faults in interconnected
nonlinear systems,” in Proc. IEEE 52nd Conf. Decision Control (CDC),
Florence, Italy, Dec. 2013, pp. 4991–4996.
[35] V. Reppa, P. Papadopoulos, M. M. Polycarpou, and C. G. Panayiotou,
Marios M. Polycarpou (F’06) is currently a
“Distributed detection and isolation of sensor faults in HVAC sys-
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
tems,” in Proc. 21st Medit. Conf. Control Autom. (MED), Jun. 2013,
and the Director of the KIOS Research Center
pp. 401–406.
[36] A. Talukdar and A. Patra, “Dynamic model-based fault tolerant control for Intelligent Systems and Networks, University
of variable air volume air conditioning system,” HVAC&R Res., vol. 16, of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. He has authored over
no. 2, pp. 233–254, 2010. 250 articles in refereed journals, edited books, and
[37] M. Polycarpou and A. Trunov, “Learning approach to nonlinear fault refereed conference proceedings, and co-authored
diagnosis: Detectability analysis,” IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, vol. 45, six books. He holds six patents. His current research
no. 4, pp. 806–812, Apr. 2000. and teaching interests include intelligent systems
[38] V. Reppa, M. M. Polycarpou, and C. Panayiotou, “Distributed sensor and control, fault diagnosis, adaptive and coopera-
fault detection and isolation for nonlinear uncertain systems,” in Proc. tive control systems, computational intelligence, and
8th IFAC SAFEPROCESS, Mexico City, Mexico, 2012, pp. 1077–1082. distributed agents.
[39] W. Chen and J. Li, “Decentralized output-feedback neural control Prof. Polycarpou was a recipient of the Prestigious European Research
for systems with unknown interconnections,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Council Advanced Grant in 2011. He served as the President of the IEEE
Cybern. B, Cybern., vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 258–266, Feb. 2008. Computational Intelligence Society from 2012 to 2013 and the Editor-in-
[40] P. M. Frank, “Handling modelling uncertainty in fault detection and Chief of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON N EURAL N ETWORKS AND L EARNING
isolation systems,” J. Control Eng. Appl. Informat., vol. 4, no. 4, S YSTEMS from 2004 to 2010. He participated in 60 research projects/grants,
pp. 29–46, 2002. funded by several agencies and industry in Europe and the U.S.
[41] M. Blanke, M. Kinnaert, J. Lunze, and M. Staroswiecki, Diagnosis and
Fault-Tolerant Control. New York, NY, USA: Springer-Verlag, 2003.
[42] M.-Q. Cordier, P. Dague, F. Lévy, J. Montmain, M. Staroswiecki, and
L. Travé-Massuyès, “Conflicts versus analytical redundancy relations: A Christos G. Panayiotou (SM’06) received the
comparative analysis of the model based diagnosis approach from the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer
artificial intelligence and automatic control perspectives,” IEEE Trans. engineering from the University of Massachusetts,
Syst., Man, Cybern. B, Cybern., vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 2163–2177, Oct. 2004. Amherst, MA, USA, in 1994 and 1999, respectively.
[43] V. Puig, A. Stancu, and J. Quevedo, “Robust fault isolation using non- He was a Research Associate with the Center for
linear interval observers: The DAMADICS benchmark case study,” in Information and System Engineering, Department
Proc. 16th IFAC World Congr., 2005, pp. 1850–1855. of Manufacturing Engineering, Boston University,
[44] M. Du, J. Scott, and P. Mhaskar, “Actuator and sensor fault isolation
of nonlinear process systems,” Chem. Eng. Sci., vol. 104, pp. 294–303, Boston, MA, USA, from 1999 to 2002. He was with
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
Dec. 2013.
[45] S. Klinkhieo, R. J. Patton, and C. Kambhampati, “Robust FDI for FTC neering, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, from
coordination in a distributed network system,” in Proc. 16th IFAC World 2002 to 2003, where he is currently an Associate
Congr., Seoul, Korea, 2008, pp. 13551–13556. Professor and a Founding Member of the KIOS Research Center on Intelligent
[46] I. Samy, I. Postlethwaite, and D.-W. Gu, “Survey and application of Systems and Networks. His current research interests include wireless, ad
sensor fault detection and isolation schemes,” Control Eng. Pract., hoc, and sensor networks, distributed control systems, fault diagnosis and
vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 658–674, 2011. fault-tolerant systems, computer communication networks, optimization and
[47] H. K. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice- control of discrete-event systems, resource allocation, and simulation.
Hall, 2002. Prof. Panayiotou is an Associate Editor of the Conference Editorial Board
[48] J. A. Farrell and M. M. Polycarpou, Adaptive Approximation Based of the IEEE Control Systems Society, the Discrete-Event Dynamical Systems
Control. New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 2006. journal, and the European Journal of Control.

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