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Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo

College of Education, Arts and Sciences

Activity 4-B : Seat Plan

Grade III-Molave Seat Plan

Seating arrangements are a main part in a teacher’s plan for classroom management. Not

only do the teachers need to consider the physical arrangement of the room but also the

nature of the students involved. The considerations in arranging the physical environment of

the room is so that teaching and learning can occur as efficiently as possible. The teacher

needs to be able to walk around the room without the students having to move their desks.

Teachers needs to take into account that students seated in the center or front of the

classroom tend to interact more frequently with the teacher and the number of behavioral
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo

College of Education, Arts and Sciences

problems tend to increase as the students sit farther from the teacher. Also, students in the

back and corners of the room are more likely to be off task than those close to the front or to

the teacher’s desk. There are many seating arrangements that the teachers can use, six

common arrangements are cluster, rows, table rows, semi- circle, pairs and centers or

activity zones. From my personal experiences working in the classroom and being a student.

The best arrangement depends on the situation of the class and teacher.

Activity 5 : Lesson Planning

A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction or

"learning trajectory" for a lesson. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to

guide class learning. Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject

being covered, and the needs of the students. There may be requirements mandated by

the school system regarding the plan. A lesson plan is the teacher's guide for running a

particular lesson, and it includes the goal, how the goal will be reached the method,

procedure and a way of measuring how well the goal was reached (test,

worksheet, homework etc.). A well-developed lesson plan reflects the interests and needs of

students. It incorporates best practices for the educational field. The lesson plan correlates

with the teacher's philosophy of education, which is what the teacher feels is the purpose of

educating the students. A lesson plan is the instructor’s road map of what students need to

learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time. Then, you can design

appropriate learning activities and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning.

Having a carefully constructed lesson plan for each 3 hour lesson allows you to enter the

classroom with more confidence and maximizes your chance of having a meaningful

learning experience with your students.

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo

College of Education, Arts and Sciences

Activity 6: Art of Questioning

Most of teacher waste their time by asking question which are intended to

discover what pupil does not know where as the true art of questioning has for its purpose to

discover what pupils know or is capable of knowing. (Albert Einstein)

For having a creative and interactive environment a teacher should have skills in

constructing meaningful question. As a teacher we should learn and acquire that art of

questioning. Classroom teaching practices, including questioning, are critical indicators of

teacher effectiveness. When questioning, focus on posing open-ended questions of a

consistent quality that allow students time to reflect and respond. In order to engage

students meaningfully, questions should be prepared in advance. My cooperating teacher

has a good skill in terms of her pupils. In my practice teaching I learn from her different

strategies in art of questioning. I learn how to use different styles when questioning where in

very useful. If no one quickly understand the question I will rephrase the question. I will make

sure that all of my pupils understand our lesson before having an activity. I let them ask

question if they are not understood. I believe in the saying “Learn from yesterday, live for

today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. (Albert Einstein)

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