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Keeping Skin Healthy and Beautiful, Do not Need Expensive!

Numerous ladies are willing to do anything to get solid and excellent skin. Not occasionally
they are upbeat to pay enormous to keep her skin sound and wonderful. This sensation can be
found in ladies today. They invested more energy in spots of excellence for magnificence
tend to stay conscious. Squeeze ourselves had been the way of a lady. However, remember,
don’t do something unreasonable in light of the fact that it was bad and precluded by religion.

To restore instinctive nature for solid and wonderful skin does not need to oblige a huge
charge but rather there is way simpler, less expensive, and obviously sound. Here are a few
privileged insights to keep your skin sound and wonderful.

1. A general shower with shower

Water from the shower will quickly wash the soil and cleanser suds from our body.
Interestingly, in the event that we gave by wading, soil from the body will be blended in
water and can be re-connected to the body.

2. Utilization cleanser as indicated by skin sort

Frequently feel the skin dry after a shower? Means tones need to take a gander at the cleanser
you utilize. Cleanser that delivers a ton of froth means it contains cleansers that much in any
case. This will make the skin dry and harsh. We have to know, in the wake of washing with
cleanser, skin pH will ascend to 9 of ordinary skin pH is 4.2 to 6.2 (pH offset). Thus, pick a
low pH cleanser.

3. Wear sunscreen when outside

It’s difficult to stay away from direct daylight. For that, utilization a sunscreen (sun piece) to
keep skin shielded from the sun that contain destructive UV beams. Clearly, select sun piece
recipe is protected to utilize and as indicated by skin sort.

4. Savoring water adequate amounts

The human body is made out of 80% water so it is essential for us to expend water that is not
lack of hydration and dry skin. Drink a lot of water is one of the ways the most effective
healthy skin and characteristic and suitable for all skin sorts. Drink 8 glasses of water a day or
more to get solid skin.

5. Eat more vegetables and natural products

Vegetables and natural products contain numerous vitamins are useful for the strength of the
body and skin. Admission of vitamins and cell reinforcements from products of the soil is
essential for the skin on the grounds that it can neutralize free radicals that harm the skin.
Wellbeing is the most imperative thing for us. Particularly for ladies who need a solid and
lovely skin ought to continue eating and living. Not hard and don’t have to spend a great deal
of cash to have a sound and lovely skin. Just by drinking loads of water and eating vegetables
and organic products. Accordingly, how about we apply solid life for themselves and their
families for a sound life is everybody’s fantasy.

Benefits coffea to the skins

About 10 of 8 adults really like the habit of drinking coffee. Coffee is a drink that is
derived from the seeds of the fruit of the coffee that‘s been crushed. There are many types of
coffee, ranging from coffee robusta coffee, badgers etc. In addition to
the useful as relievers drowsiness and body warmers, coffee drinks also have other
benefits for skin health and beauty. reveals that in substance content in the form of copies of carbohydrates,
glycosides, minerals, amino acids, protein, caffeine, aliphatic carboxylic acid/acid,
trigoneline acid, klorogenat and many more. [1] in addition tonourish the body, all
of the content also has the ability to nourish the skin becausethe coffee also has benefits for
the skin, especially on the part of the face.
Pictures of coffee for the skin
The benefits of coffee for the face also already proven, because there are some places face
care spa and salon which has been coffee to use face masks. As quoted from, as
for the benefits offered by coffee for the facial skin is as follows:
7 Coffee Benefits for skin
Resolve Acne Problem
Coffee dregs can be used as a facial scrub to address acne problems with how to
make pimples to dry more quickly, so avoid the problem of inflammatory acne.
Eliminate Blackheads
In addition to acne, a problem which is often dropped in on the skin of the
face isblackheads. Blackhead occurs because the face had deposits of excess
oil, oilyface serve as a suitable place for blackheads. To address the problem of
blackheads, can be done by using the mask the dregs of coffee regularly.
Disguise The Stain Black Acne Scars
Either the coffee or the coffee dregs, when smeared on the face of each has the ability to
disguise the stain black flecks–acne scars and black flecks. This is because the coffee has the
ability to remove dead skin cells.
Brighten Skin Face
In the coffee there is content of antioxidants which serves to lift the dead skin cellsthat
accumulate due to free radicals. Thus, the face will look brighter and skin free of dullness.
Control The Excess Oil Content
The next coffee benefits i.e., when used as a face mask on a regular basis can control
the content of excess oil on the face so the face looks more clean, freeFlash and to
avoid acne.
Shrink skin pores Face
If used as a face mask on a regular basis, coffee can shrink the pores of the faceso that it
can make the skin free from acne and blackhead problem. Please note, one of the causes
of the emergence of pimples and blackheads on the face skincaused by pores are
clogged by dirt and excretion of excessive fat.
Moisturizes and Smoothes the skin
Coffee used as a facial mask and a natural facial scrub on a regular basis canmake the
skin become more moist and smooth. [2]
How to mask any coffee making is easy to do, do I just use pure coffee dregs ordregs of
coffee that is not mixed with sugar, then apply it on the face as a mask, domassage or rub
it gently on the face, let stand about 20 – 25 minutes, then bilaslahusing facial SOAP and
clean water. Coffee mask can also be made by means ofmixing pure coffee dregs with
honey, egg white or olive oil.
To get maximum results, use face masks or facial scrub on a regular basis, a maximum of 2 –
3 times a week. Make sure also that have used the original and pure coffee,
namely ground coffee is not mixed with any ingredient. The reason, to decrease production
costs there are some manufacturers that mix the other ingredients such as corn powder into
the coffee products they make.
Tips to ensure the security and authenticity of the coffee, we recommend that youbuy coffee
beans and then sangrailah himself or cooking with a pan of clay without the use
of oil. Then, puree the beans already roasted peanuts. If you already know the process of
making coffee powder, prmbaca can be found the security andauthenticity of the material to
be used for facial skin. This is because the face is one of a precious asset so as not to
be arbitrary in selecting natural ingredients, beauty products and cosmetics to be used. Read
also the benefits of orange peel to lowercholesterol levels.
Breakfast Make Children Smarter

Nowadays, many parents are busy. They have no time to take care of their children especially
in the morning before their children go to school. They prefer to give money to their children
rather than making breakfast before going to school. They consider making breakfast is an
activity that is wasting time. However, these parents do not realize that having a breakfast has
so many advantages for their children. In this essay, the author personally says that providing
breakfast for children in the morning can increase their intelligence. To be more concrete,
here are two paragraphs that discuss the reasons of statement above.

The first reason is breakfast can improve children’s concentration while studying at school.
Breakfast can prevent them from hunger and sleepiness while learning so that they will focus
on lessons delivered by teachers. By having a large concentration while studying, they will
more easily understand what they are learning in school.

The second reason is the nutrients and minerals contained in the breakfast makes children
more active in participating in learning activity. This is because they get energy from the
combustion process inside their bodies. Students who are more actively study harder than
passive students. Active children tend to have a desire in study than the passive one. So that
is why active children are cleverer than the passive students

Therefore, providing breakfast to children before going to school could make them become
smarter. This is because the breakfast can make them concentrate on learning and more active
in participating in learning activities at school. So as a good parent don’t forget to make
breakfast for your child before going to school.
The advantage of Pisang Mas (gold banana)

Banana is a kind of fruit that is very easy to be found in Indonesia. There are 230 genus of it.
One of them is Pisang Mas. In some region of indonesia it also called as Pisang
Muli. This fruit is not big. It is clogged but it is solid. The color of its fleshis yello
reddish, it tastes sweet and it is sticky. Besides that, this fruit contains good advantage for
heath, this makes this fruit becomes favourite desert in every foodstall.
The asdvantages of Pisang Mas (gold banana) are as follows:
1. preventing and curing Anemia
The content of iron, vitamin and mineral of the Pisang mas is high enough, so it can prevent
anemia that makes body becomes pale and weak. Besides that, this kind of banan also
contains folic acidthat is very advantageous fornutrient of baby in pregnancy. Folic
acidfunctions to reduce dissablement risk of baby.
2. become source of energy
Pisang mas (gold banana) is sweet. It also becomes energy source because of the calory that
is easy tobe absorbed by body. In the research shows that long ago people consumed this
banana to be more powerful.
3. cleaning face, making skin haelthy
Dont throw banana peel ! because the peelof banana has also the advantage. The kulit of gold
banana (pisang mas) can remove dead skin cell.Just shake the inside peelof banana, let it till
45-60 minutes. To get maximum result, do it 2 times a day till your skin becomes bright.
Thats all some great advantages of Pisang mas (gold banana). It is not only tasty but also
The Benefits And Efficacy Of Honey
The Benefits And Efficacy Of Honey Has Long Been Known By Man. Quality–The Quality
Of Nutrition AndMedicine From Honey Has Been Documented In The Vedas, Greece,
Roman, Christian, Islamic Texts And More.Doctors From Antiquity, Such As Aristotle (384-
322 BC),Aristoxenus (320 BC), Hippocrates, Porphyry, CorneliusCelsus (Early First Century
AD) And Dioscorides, And ArabDoctors Have Referred To The Healing Qualities
OfHoney. Although The Scientific Arguments Have Been Made For The Use Of Honey In
Modern Times, Its Use Is Still Considered Part Of Alternative Medicine. HoneyContains A
Powerful Antioxidant With Antibacterial AndAntiseptic Properties. Here Are Some Of The
Benefits AndEfficacy Of Honey For Health:
1. Prevent Cancer
The Content Of Flavonoids Found In The Honey AndAntioksidan Can Reduce The Risk Of
Cancer And Heart Disease. Meanwhile The Content Of Carcinogens InHoney Can Prevent
A Variety Of Tumors.
2. Increase Of The Immune System (Immune)
Honey Is Also Rich In Antioxidants Which Can Improve The Performance Of The Digestive
System Of The Body So That The Body Becomes More Healthy And Fit. Not Only That, The
Content Of Honey Has A Content OfNutraceuticals Can Fight Free Radicals In The Body.
3. Improve Stamina
According To Research Results, The Honey Can Improve Performance (Ergogenic), Which
Can Enhance The Performance Of Athletes. Honey May Help The BodyControl Blood
Sugar And Also Help The Healing
OfMuscle And Stamina Recovery After Strenuous Activity.
4. Sources Of Vitamins And Minerals
Honey Is Also Known To Be Rich In Vitamin And MineralContent. The Levels Of Vitamins
And The MinerlDepending On The Nectar That Is Smoked By The Honey Bees.
5. Keep Out Bacteria And Fungi
Honey Also Contains Antiseptic Substance That Acts To Inhibit The Growth Of Bacteria, It
Is Able To Keep The Body To
Avoid Infection. If Seserorang Were Scratch OrBurns, Then The Honey Is Often Made
Into Medicine First Aid To Apply So As To Avoid The Occurrence OfInfections.
6. Lose Weight
In Contrast To The High Calorie And Sugar Lukosa, HoneyContains Vitamins And
Minerals That The Body Needs.Many Are Convinced That The Honey Could Be Used As A
Natural Remedy For Weight Loss. Usually DicampungHoney With Lemon Juice Drink In
The Morning Is Believed To Be Able To Eliminate Cellulite.
7. Treat Cough And Sore Throat
Like Just On Point 6, Anti Bacterial Content In Honey Can Fight Mikrobakteri The Cause
Of Inflammation, EvenHoney Can Kill The Bakter–Bacteria That Cause InfectionIn The

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