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Lesson Plan Template 2017-2018

Name Joshua Becker

Grade Level 11
Subject Area US history
CCSD Standard Standard 2

Introduction: Students will use credible online resources and software to learn about the events that
started World War l and will use their critical thinking skills to examine how the war affected
the political landscape of Europe into the future.
Daily Reviews: I will use a Google Form quiz to review the previous days material and to warm up the
students’ brains and get them ready for today’s lesson

Daily Objective: SWBAT: identify the event that sparked WW l and what political move caused the war to
break out so quickly

Concept and Skill Development Students will use a web quest to explore the internet and research the geo political
and Application: landscape and the military advancement at the time [NEPF 2, Learning Tasks and Cognitive

Guided Practice (Teacher led): I will guide the students through the web quest after they’ve done it on their own and make
sure they understand what really happened and why it happened the way it did.

Group Practice (Whole class or Students will break off into groups and create a flow chart on in order to show the
small groups): cause and effect relationship the prewar events of Europe had.

Independent Practice (Alone): Students will work on their chapter packets independently and fill out the vocab worksheet.

Homework Assignments: Students will complete and turn in a one page assignment on google classroom which will ask
them to think about what they would have done if they were the leader of a mid-European
country during the outbreak of the war and ask them to justify their reasoning
Closure: At the end of class I will conduct a quick classroom discussion that will review what the
students learned in class and will tease the events of next class. I will mostly as the class
questions in order guide the conversation in the right direction [NEPF 3, engagement]

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