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4 = I understand the topic and can teach and explain the topic to others
3 = I understand most of the topic and can answer questions with confidence
2 = I am familiar with the topic but need to review my notes to answer questions
1 = I have never learnt this topic OR I am confused and unsure about the topic

YEAR 7 TOPICS 4 3 2 1
Force and Motion
1.1 Introduction to forces
1.2 Balanced forces
1.3 Friction
1.4 Gravity
1.5 Questions, evidence and explanations
1.6 Air resistance
1.7 Planning an investigation
1.8 Tension and upthrust
1.9 Presenting results: tables and line graphs
1.10 A journey into space
2.1 What is energy?
2.2 Energy from the Sun
2.3 Energy types
2.4 Energy transfer
2.5 Conservation of energy
2.6 Storing energy: potential energy and GPE
2.7 Storing energy: elastic potential energy
2.8 Suggesting ideas and collecting evidence
2.9 Energy calculations and Sankey diagrams
The Earth and Beyond
3.1 How do we see the Sun, stars and planets?
3.2 Day and night
3.3 What causes seasons?
3.4 Why do the stars seem to move?
3.5 Our Solar System
3.6 The moon
3.7 Questions, evidence and explanations
3.8 Beyond our Solar System
3.9 Using secondary sources
3.10 The origin of the Universe


4 = I understand the topic and can teach and explain the topic to others
3 = I understand most of the topic and can answer questions with confidence
2 = I am familiar with the topic but need to review my notes to answer questions
1 = I have never learnt this topic OR I am confused and unsure about the topic

YEAR 8 TOPICS 4 3 2 1
Forces and Motion
4.1 Speed
4.2 Taking accurate measurements
4.3 Distance-time graphs
4.4 Acceleration and speed-time graphs
4.5 Presenting results in tables and graphs
4.6 Asking scientific questions
5.1 Sound, vibrations and energy transfer
5.2 Detecting sounds
5.3 Loudness and the decibel scale
5.4 Loudness, amplitude and oscilloscopes
5.5 Pitch and frequency
5.6 Making simple calculations
5.7 Echoes
6.1 What is light?
6.2 How do we see things?
6.3 The speed of light
6.4 Reflection at plane surfaces
6.5 The law of reflection
6.6 Refraction at boundary between air and water
6.7 Refraction at boundary between air and glass
6.8 Dispersion of white light
6.9 Colour
6.10 More on colour
6.11 Asking scientific questions
6.12 Lasers
7.1 The properties of magnets
7.2 The magnetic field of a bar magnet
7.3 Electromagnets
7.4 Identifying and controlling variables
7.5 Using electromagnets


4 = I understand the topic and can teach and explain the topic to others
3 = I understand most of the topic and can answer questions with confidence
2 = I am familiar with the topic but need to review my notes to answer questions
1 = I have never learnt this topic OR I am confused and unsure about the topic
YEAR 9 TOPICS 4 3 2 1
Forces and Motion
8.1 Pressure and how it is caused
8.2 Pressure and its application
8.3 Pressure in liquids
8.4 Using pressure in liquids
8.5 Pressure in gases
8.6 Pressure and temperature in gases
8.7 Preliminary work
8.8 Density and how to measure it
8.9 Explaining density
8.10 Questions, evidence and explanations
8.11 Turning forces
8.12 Planning investigations
8.13 Calculating moments
8.14 Centripetal forces
9.1 Electrostatic phenomena
9.2 Explaining electrostatics
9.3 Digital sensors
9.4 Electric circuits - what can you remember?
9.5 Current - what is it and how can we measure it?
9.6 Parallel circuits
9.7 Explaining parallel circuits
9.8 How components affect current
9.9 Voltage
9.10 Choosing ideas and making plans
9.11 Electrical energy and power
10.1 Hot and cold
10.2 Energy transfer - conduction
10.3 Energy transfer - convection
10.4 Energy transfer - radiation
10.5 Cooling by evaporation
10.6 The world's energy needs
10.7 Fossil fuels
10.8 Generating electricity - introduction
10.9 Renewable energy sources - solar and geothermal
10.10 Renewable energy sources - wind, wave, tidal,
10.11 Energy for the future

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