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(Temp & rainfall)




(Temp & rainfall)



(Temp & rainfall)

includesthe area on both the sides of equator in abelt bet10° N &10°S latitude / includes Amazon lowland,
Congo Basin,Guinea Coast & some parts of the Caribbean sea.
expeinces uniformly high temp. throughout the year./Avg.temp. 27°C/Annual range of temp.Is only 3° C/Heavy and well distributed rainfall/
Avg.annual rainfall is about 250 cm/no dry season/convection rainfall brings thunder & lightning.
No well-marked season due to high temp./Nights are cool and termed as Winter Season of the Equatorial Region
hot & humid climate helps the growth of trees,creepers, bushes etc./forests have large no. of plant species say about 40to 100 in one hectare land /
broad leaved,tall,hardwood evergreen dense forest cover at a higher layer / thick undergrowth bushes form 2nd layer
/Mahogany,rosewood,ebony,palm,cane,bamboos /hardwood used as costly furniture.

Equatorial reg. has red and yellow soil /low fertility /human settlement small & scattered / Malaria,,yellow fever and other tropical deases widespread /
Amazon basin and Congo Basin are inhabited by the tribals.Main crops in Amazon basin -yams,potatoes,manioc,rice, rubber,maize etc. and in Congo basin-
rice,cotton,tobacco,cocoa,kola nuts etc.
other crops- rice tea,tea,coconut,spices,coffee , pineapple / a migratory system of agriculture known as milpa in Latin america fang in Africa and ladang in
Indonesia is practised.
called SAVANA /found in the interior continents in the tropical belt /forms a zone of transition bet. Hot & humid equatorial region and hot & dry tropical deserts. /
situated bet. 5° & 20° north and south of the Equator /found mainly in S-America, Africa and Australia.
The largest area under tropical grassland in S-America is lcoated in the south of Equator is known as Campos.
It also includes the Gran chaco in in S-America/In Africa the areas included are Congo basin,central nigeria,S-keniya,Uganda,Ghana etc. / In Australia the areas
included are the interior lands marginal to the deserts in the northern parts.

wet and dry season /mean temp. very high betw. 24° C- 32° C/low humidity / dry and dusty air
3 main seasons
1.Cold dry season-high day temp.( 26°C-32°C) but low temp at night( 20 °C)
2.The warm dry season experiences vertical sun rays and has high temp(32°C-38°C)
3..The warm wet season receives about 80% of the total rainfall.
***Avg.annual rainfall is about 30 cm on the desert and about 120 cm on the forest edge.

..coarse tall grass,height about 3 m is savana/rainfall neither sufficient nor well distributed to support the growth of tall trees./has three layers of vegetation in the
savana grassland -
1.Ground Layer : Coarse,stiff and hard grasses(1-3 m)/elephant grass -5 m height/
2.Middle layer : Consists of shrubs and stunted woody plants.
3. Canopy Layer : .. is formed by various types of trees.
The main trees found : baobab,Acacia,Eucalyptus,Tarmarind etc. park landscape is suitable for grass-eating animals.

....peaple engaged in various occupation, such as cattle rearing,hunting,agriculture and trading/

region is mainly pastoral but cultivation is increasing/some lead settled life and work on plantation
Africa -Main crops :Tobacco,sugarcane,cotton,ground nuts etc.
South America :..cattle rearing on commercial scale is increasing/Lianos have great cattle ranches.
Other crops grown : peas,beans,sweet potatoes.
located on the west margin of the continent betw. 15° and 30° latitude in both hemisphere./ lie in sub tropical high pres. Belt and includes some of the driest areas
on the earth.
In northern Hemis. The Afro-Asian deserts includes the Sahara,Arabia and Thar deserts.
In North America :California,Arizona and New Mexico states of USA.
The Atacama desert in South Americathe Namib and the kalahari deserts in Africa are in Southern Hemisphere

main feature of climate is shortage of water and very high insolation.It is due to: 1) the trade winds give enough rainfall on the eastern margins
of the continents but as they reach the western margin they become dry 2)The ground temp. is so high that raindrops evaporate .
Two distinct Seasons -Summer and Winter
During summer avg. temp. betw. 30°C and 40°C, may go up 50°C / temp. falls drastically at night /Azizia has highest temp.of 58°C.
during winter season day temp. betw. 15° and 25°C at night 10°C
Avg. rain fall generally less than 25cm / occasional downpour

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