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Produceragreements A produ@rwi I be responsible
fo. c ea.inganysamples and
onsentsiromsesion musicians forlhe useof their

Many of the lerns of a pbducefs agreement are similar to lhe

provisions oi the anist's contact witir the re@rd @mpany (see our alsospocilyhowmanymireshavelo b€
guideto Recordingagfeementson ihe OneMuslcsite lor more on thai.)

flowever,thee ae a few lhingsparlicularto prcduceragreementsand Withsingles.lor il is common

exafiiple, fora reord company
lheyare coveEd here,includlng: requne3 or 4 difierentmixes.

Thedrafrcontacr mayspecifysomethinglike all easonabre

numberoi m&esrequied by the re@rdcompany'.Thats a bil loo
vaguelor comfort.Youwantto havea limiton lhe numbec oi
diilerentversionsof eachlrackyou mustdeliver,or at leasllo
havea verygooddelinition of whal'r€asonable"means
. Auditprcvisions
Mrkesureyoucansuppy allthemixesyou'EcontEcied lor
withinthebudgelandcandellverlhem on lime.lf youdontthink
The conlract will also include practical mailers such as lhe recording eitherot theseis pmcli€|,thenyouhaveto letthelabelknow
budgeland timesand placesoI €6rdin9. befoE you s gn the ontEct You'llned to negoiialean improved
lee and€@ding costsor lewermi\es.

Ofien prodlcerswill M.k in thek own studios.

A very newproducerwilh no lrack €cord will probablyjuslget a fat
Th s couldcountas amnging to make the €cording.As iI le lorthe €cordlngof thealbunr,Producers withsomeexperien@
youle €ad our Coptright booklet, thal @n mean lhat they oM the
'oullknow andreputalionen ususlly€lsonegotrate t perce.tage or sd6
opyright in the recordingsthat they make. inconein addilion
lo thenfee.Thiswillnomallysianat abund3%of
PPDior a lesswell knownproducer,and goesup to a maximumof 5
The labelwillwanllo make s!re that ihey end up as lhe oMer of this
@pyng sothere willdelinilelybe a clausestatng the producer
willsign lhese righlsovef to the label. nuch likeanartisi.
Produe6 willreeive an advaneon thenroy€lti€s
Typi€llyintheUK,theadvance elemenloI a p.odu@/sieewiilbe
11 500€5,000buttoppoducers@n@mmand muchnore.

It is commonlor mullitalenlodproduceEloalso playinst wents on

recordings,and lhis wouldgivelhen psrforders'igh6. Re@rd Recordingcost and royarties
@mpanieswilla so requi.erheseio be assignedrothem. OftenpbduceGwillcharge onefee,whichwillcoverallthe€@ding
sludioumeandhle oI sessionmusicians. The
prcdu@rkeps whatever'slett overaflerall lh6e expenseshave
bed paid.This€n worklo the producelsadvantageii they navelheir
A pbdu@r may ofrenbe involvedin mlting some ol lhe songs on a ownstudioand€n €cordsomeor allofthealbumlhere.
.ecordand sothey wouldds have dghtsin lhe composliion.Inthose
cases yo! will need 10agree with your @triie6 how lhe publishi.g This kindol paymenlschemeis knowr as a'RecordingCosls
lncomefrom the t€cks willbe splil. Inclusivefee.In @ses likelhis,the @nlractmay specilylhal lhe
produ@/s rot€lUesarenl payableuntIthe cco.ding cosls have been
A€ wilh any Mil6r,lhe labelwili needlhe prod!@/s consenllo exploil recouped by lhe recod conpany.
lhe compositons.Or ifthe pbduer has a publisher,then the bbelwill
ne€d lo obtain thei @nsent lo exploit lhe recordings. Thls cooldmeanthal the albummust selltensoi thousnds of @pies
before the pbdu@r starts ge(ing any royallies. The p€Ie€ble My
alr of rhese wi I be negoliated and Mitten into the cont6ct. lrcm the produ@/s po nl of view is thal royalties are 'pald from rsrd

Obligations of a Producsr This neansrharyou srarrro gekoyaltiesas soon as lour own

advancehas be6r re@upod regadlecsor whateve/sgoingon
betweenLhearristand the label.otheMi$ lou wont gel paid lor a
A produ@rwili be €qoired to ensurethe €drding s carnedout good longwhie, and willmissoui on quitea bit oi moneyloo.
withinthe allotledrecordng budget.Any overspendmighl be
rakenour ofthe prcdue/s money.

lMakesure this en on y happeniI lhe oveGpendis direcilyyou. As a producer you should be very @reful aboul lhe samples you might
iaull as a €sult of your willulneg ecl or defaull in legalterms.

Ceanng sampes involveslawyersand royaliiesand lees and so @sts

The p.odu@r wi I a so be requned to enslre that the r€@rdings
are of a certainst3ndard.
This @mes from the eording budget,e !!U llneed lo makesure
Usually lhe conlract w ll stale they musl be ol a dass and lhat you €n affod to use the sampl6s thal tou want.
techni€lly salislactoryslandardand commensuElewilh lie oIa
s milarqualty tol prcviousrccordingsnade by lho produce/. OtheMise you wonl be able lo use them,orwillhave lo perslade lhe
fecord@mpanyto dig deeperinto lheir pock€I.
Thee wllusually be a requiremonllhal the €corls a€
'@mnerciallystisfrctory', whichcan be a bitwoollybul basielly
means that theyte suitable ior .elease and nol so we rd lhat thoy
won l sell in ths shoPs. The producer'sroyaltywill oiien be €lcubted in the same way as lhe
artist's Dyaily, with the eme fomat, ierriiorial and olher reductions.
You €n lry and negoliaie yolr way out of these but it s hard wort(.
ll is i s a n e x a , . e l oads more r h { 1,vbbL
AuditproviiioG and dedit
You shouldatsolry and get,A side' probabtyneedlo Youwill wantto havefte nghtto inspectthe recordcompany'sbooks
be an establishedprodocertogei this but it may afteciyour royatties ora@unr,or carryouta fu[ auditil youthinkyoule beenundepaid.

r lou prodL@only lhe B side oi a s .gte and ^e oher prodLcerhas

jc s'de proredion yourroyalhesmay sufler.
ProduceBshouldreceivea c€dit on a[ e@rd deevs and prelerabty
A'side proleclionq@s tite thrs al oth€rusessuchas filmandWloo. Theymighraisowaftonave
he nghtlo emovetheircEditif somere €tse€mixesthetuneand
under nomal cir Jrslances. b' d srnotewrrlone song on each side, lhey?enol happywithlhe newve6ion.
ure prodLce'soreach sidesoutd €m ia\€ hdl lher rf
you were on a 3% rale for the atbumlrack,youd be dom to 1.5%il il

Prcdlcerswth a b ot ctout@n oprurd lr hey Sellhen ,u[ royatry

€E r a son! hey prodJceddppeaBas thp A sde ota srngte.rhis is
usJally urder lhespctrLJ-stdnes -e F@rd @rpdnyw wanr lo
pay a rmer rarelofl-e Droduer o,.he B s,oe
-wrim isa birroLgh ,
lf youte @mmissionedto romt a iune,you needsomektndot
aqreemenlwilhlhe labelloe4sure rhatvouboh agFe q,u.vouF
So you I nelni'ety walr d ltdJse sralrnqlt-aryoJ wont gel tessrhan
vdr su"o rovJry itbd tur is ba.k ng one o@dJcedoysoreone
with A side polecton. Th6 s€clionscoversthe Mainlems oi a remixer'sagreement,

This c€n be hard io. a new p@ducer bd a rea$nabty estabtished one

shouldbe able to hang onto lhe r properrale.
. The seryices
Re€liyhuge prcduceG@n demand iu Asde protection.This is
wlrerell-ey get lhpi. tutroyatry evel !rher 5onoapp@rs04lhe B
srde.This ic probabvshy rhpvtool so s-us s[ he ii. u

Othor UBB ofthe mGic

Podu@ls should6l& lryto a,oyaly on videos.rhiswi,l As a €mixer, you wittned to agreea lew thingswih lhe ecord
a rGt c€rldinlvbe subied ro'e@'ve
lhe prcducjon costsof rhe vids being cohpanythatcornmissions youtom|kon lhe t€ck.
recouped,blt somethingmightntterlhrougheveniua y,
Fn$ o'all youneedto MowwhsLty?eof rerir s equied . yoL
r ll-e re@rd companyhds he song rem red. lhey'tlarmosr@tuinty teng. ior lhe tn,shed
snou|daqreegen€anda suirabte pre@.
Mrr ro €duce rre rale ar whict-lhev pdy.oya[.es to rheonginal
podu@r of rhe l€ck. Y@ mayaiso hav€ro provkremoc lhanone , maybea ctubfllx wittl
theodginalt€cksvocalanda dobor instrumenlat
lf it's one ot yrur l€cks lhal has ben rem xed, you may wel be abte
to prevontlhis.An inexpenen@dpbdlcerwoutd probabtyhave ro
gire up 0.5olo or so though.
Youwill also needto agreeon oetiverytems - lhe technicatand other
Producersshoulda so .eceivea shareof flal tee income which@mes cntena|hatlheEmixshoutd tutntbetorether@rd companywitl
lm organisalionsthat pay a tumpsum to ticensethesong.This kind acceptyourfinishedrecording.
or ncome hprcallycores 'om rt-euseot a eng n ar aoven, ntmo,
The€willusuallybea clausestatinglhal mixmustbeofa simitar
standardto any previousremixesthal you've
'ourdoneand rhe@maybe
somelhing star'ngthatir shoutdbeof a '@mmerci€ly ac@prabte
Perfoming Produc..s srandard."Tharc€nbe a bittoovaguefor@mfortbLnyoumayhsve
Producersmay also bo entiled to a shaE of ppL incomerom recoros ltuublepeBuading lhetabe|lodopitfom lhe conrracl

A produer who has ptayed insrrunents on a re@rd wil quatify for lhis
asa ranerofcolrse Bd rhereisatsoa ren pertoro,ngprcducer' The rord companywill needio detiverlhe bits ot the originaltunelo
Mcn @nru\rngly,@vers olduceB who havenrallua y pe.tored
on the re@.d buthayctaim PpL in6nelDm it.
Youneedto specifythe tormalin whichyouwantlhis sourcena@na
l.efe6 to p.odo@lswho have m6de a @ntributjonbeyondsimpty
supervisno tire ?@rdng *rs,or ' 1 s 6L,o be ti<e@achrnqa
sr.gerlo @rror a re$ $no or:Jggecnnq new deas,ul Ofien_a labelcommtssioning s €mixwil havelhewhote,ras@r 6pe
afangemenrsor an arristswn hatetut. run ofi trackby trackonlo DAT,wilh lhe originatpartson one channel
andlrmecode on lhe other
The actua delin bon is a bil grey so rhe botton ine s lhal ilhe aftjst
agces li€lhe prodL(e.qJa' re: as a oe/oFrng p@ducer.then ThalwayyoucanecEale lhewhotet€ck in a harddiskedilo. Butit's
ata one. Th's el op dor rl lhe srudiodr fe seas,on.Akerrdhve,y prcty boringit youlust w€nlto [n a tew vo€t phraseswith a smptef
he prcduce.€n apptyafrerlhe.ecord s fnished and rhe adistwiltbe aid addeveryahing d* rou6etl.
noMed and askedfor lhe r consent.
on CD.Make
Perforir! DodJeB dre entitt{ to up to b", o, oD. from eavr uach sureyou agreerhe fomst beforehand.
wher^ lhevquarry -he erall sptr deperdsol he nLmbero.othef
nonjealured perfomersonthelrack. For moE infomalionon this,
see the to PPLon lhe Onei,4usicsite,
in HMTo...

fais is rn exampleof a oneMlaicguide.Thereare r..,s mr..€,usr.

Fin6lly, you wi I want to know when the masler lapes will be delivered
UsefulLinks & Resources
lo you end, the deadlineby whichyou shoulddeliverlhe linlshedmix

Nomally,a emixerwillbe paid a sngleree.
Basicallyyou get to kep wlrats left over once youle paid lour htlp:/

hnp:/ /onemusidslarlingoov
Th€twillincludelhe cosl ofcleanng any samplesthal yo! ue, so ^
yo!'llneedto budgelcarefullyand be carelLlwhomyou sample.lts
unommon lor anyoneotherthan a big-nane DJ or prcdu@rto get
HNTo... GelYourMoslcOut
any iom ot .oyahy for the lrack, which keps remixing agr66me.ts

l XMusic:PromoteYourMusic

Ofien, the labe w ll wEnl lo pay half lhe f€o up-ftont and the olher haff
whenlhe @mpletedrenlx is delivered.

Thafs why agreeingdeliverytermsis so imponantas you ll needto Helpwithlindinga lawyer, s€€rchengine

meet rhe labels lerms before you gel tully paid for the job.$

some labelsmay evenwant a €mixerto work iof l€e and onlypay "if
lhey ikelhe mix'and releaseil.

Thatsnolan idealwayro e.ter into a conlractbut it may be soflething

thar you have to do li youte just daning out and have yet to eslablish
a reputationas a remlxer

A le lor a re.r\ €n be as lowas1500'orar unknNn remirer TheMusicProdu@rs Guild

rci<ing ior a smalllabel. The proiessionalbodyfor UK musicproducers
PO Box32, Harow HA27ZX
Yourfewilllhen indeaseas you. narnegels aroundand wu should 02073718848
be ablelo chargea few ihouend poundson@ you ve had some

You may expect to receive !1 0 000 or nore if youte @mmissionen by TheMe.hanlcal4opyright Sodely(McPs)
a majorlabelto remlxa successtulaftist.
Allian@,2+33Berne6steet, LondonwlT3AB
lf you ieelas thoughyour fee shouldbe largerthanlhe bbelis oifering, 02073064801
you mayq ano negot6l6a lunherpaymell rl lhe teleaseis
successfuland sellswe L
Phonographic Perlomance Ltd.(PPL)
Thal can bea bitofa9€ya€a, as a rcmixis uslallya B sideand il collect pertomerroyallies
may be hard to eslablishwhai proporiionoIa b g-selling.ecordwas 1 UpperJamesStreet,LondonW1F gDE
doM to your mix ratherthan the'A side. o2075341234

Yo!'llwantlo makesure that you havelhe nght to be dediled on lhe

sleeveand labelolthe e@rd wnen your remx is released.
forlhe conientoIe*ernalstes
TheBBc is nolresponsible
(c)BBCRadio1 OneMusic2005

This seclion was pul logelher with lhe help oi enbnainmenl lawye.
MartinOellerol Nofthop McNaughtanDellerelicto6. lt is ntended
as gene.alinlomat on onlyand is not to be lreatedor reliedupon as
specilic egal or conmerc al advice.Specifc professionallegaladvie
shouldbe taken beloreanv cou6e of aclionis pu.suedin relalionto
lh6 infordation.NeithertheBBC nor NofthroplMcNaughtan Deller
acceptany responsibilLty for any lGs ordafrage arisingfrcm any
infomation on the website.

fhls is an exrii:rla a:r lirevusic guida.larae::re loadsnrre


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