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“ F a r m i n g S c h o l a r G r o u p ” i s a n i d e a t o h e l p t h e f a r m e r s r e g a r d i n g ‘Agriculture’
in order to give awareness by conducting camps. his website
on this concept! students can enroll as
isd e v e l o p e d
v o l u n t e e r s ! a n d t h e university representatives "#G$’s
% are provided with these volunteers toconduct the
camps.Further! the website also serves as an online
portal! which providescomplete information about
‘Agriculture’ in the form of articles! videos andaudio. &t
also consists of registration and login pages so as to interact
well. The articles are written by the professors of that
particular university. This bridgesthe gap between the
NGO’s! volunteers and villagers.
the system has five types of users.
Village Representatives
Students"volunteers or users%
The outsiders The admin is the one who has full control. He
is the one who creates alogin id and password for the village
representative. He can make change to the database by
adding articles or any events to the website and can
alsod e l e t e u n n e c e s s a r y d e t a i l s s u c h a s d e t a i l s r
e g a r d i n g c a m p s w h i c h a r e already ta-en place. &f
the university people plan for any events such
ascamps! the information regarding them will be posted by
the admin itself. he professors of a particular
university can also register as membersand they will be given
permission to view the articles! events and so on. &t is

the professors who post the articles in the website.

he main tas- of theprofessors is that! they are given
permission to answer to the ueries postedto them by the
village representative of any particular village.&t is very
di/cult to conduct awareness camps in rural areas because of
of interaction between people who are interested t
o participate in theAgriculture 0amps and #G$s whi
ch are interested in organi1ing such camps.2sing
this website we can ma-e this tas- a lot simpler by
assigning one
for each individual village who will be responsible for
guiding thefarmers. he village representative helps the
farmers by reading the e3isting
ornewly posted articles! videos! audio regarding seeds!
pesticides! e uipments!latest technologies! precautions for
farming from the website. &f incase! there areany ueries!
and if the village representative is not sure about the answer!
thenhe will post the ueries directly to the professors which
will be later answered
bythem. he students of the university can also enroll as the v
olunteers bygetting registered in the website and are
given permission to view all thearticles! and upload the
video audio 'les. 4y viewing the events page! if
anyo f t h e s t u d e n t s w o u l d l i -
e to be a volunteer for the camps! they canp
ersonally go and enroll their names. he outsider is one who
is new to this system and wishes to -now theinformation
through the website. ,e can go through the homepage!
contactdetails and articles. he main reason for developing
this pro5ect is to guide the rural peoplewho are unaware of the
farming techni ues and concepts which play a ma5orrole for
the development of &ndia in the 'eld of ‘Agriculture’

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