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Assalamualaikum, and good morning to the respected teachers and my dear colleagues.

I m Saima
Islam, student of pie academy at Uttara branch. It's very pleasing to be among all the other individuals
present here and I m grateful to all the distinguished member of pie academy and miss Aisha for
allowing me to be a part of this contest. I am the typical girl that stays behind the shadows which
people makes fun of. I m not typically the one, to grab an opportunity at first-hand. Perhaps today's
event shall uplift my courage for declamation.

Today, I would like to speak about treasures found in life which is not a necessity for a living but to
lead our life. books.

u can find it in the library, the net and sometimes in your head!

Firstly the library, they are the building blocks of the knowledge we have gained so far. if the library
would not be a thing. ppl would not evolve and civilization would not be at the palm of our hand. the
library is storage or archive, that records every single literature from the past up till this day. and I
hope it continues.

Turning, to the books hanging out on the internet, they are easily accessible as we are familiar with
the net these days. they are also known as e-books. where e stands for enhancing, our ABility to
understand the world. e-books can be found in your pocket. they are the most reliable place to visit
for reading a novel or book they travel with you, whether you are at home, workplace or even in the

On the other hand, the library they are can be handy if you are not lazy and like to move a lot, the
library consists of a small place with blocks of papers. and there is a limit in every collection, U name it
and the limit just got started. Whereas, e-books they are an enormous collection of novels, books,
chapters, u name it, and its there. e-books are also a large muddle. they require registration on the
internet and obviously the internet itself. however, the library is just an entry and exit through the
door. no registration no fees required unless. u are a huge geek and bookworm.

you might think why I did not speak about books in your head, cuz they are just fantasy written by
your dreams.

Signing off

Saima Islam

Did u ever walk into the library without any real purpose?

Assalamualaikum, and good morning to the respected teachers and my dear colleagues. I m Saima
Islam, student of pie academy at Uttara branch. It's very pleasing to be among all the other individuals
present here and I m grateful to all the distinguished member of pie academy and miss Aisha for
allowing me to be a part of this contest. I am the typical girl that stays behind the shadows which
people makes fun of. I m not typically the one, to grab an opportunity at first-hand. Perhaps today's
event shall uplift my courage for declamation.

Today, I would like to speak about treasures found in life which is not a necessity for a living but to
lead our life. books.

u can find it in the library, the net and sometimes in your head!

Firstly the library, they are the building blocks of the knowledge we have gained so far. if the library
would not be a thing. ppl would not evolve and civilization would not be at the palm of our hand. the
library is storage or archive, that records every single literature from the past up till this day. and I
hope it continues.

Turning, to the books hanging out on the internet, they are easily accessible as we are familiar with
the net these days. they are also known as e-books. where e stands for enhancing, our ABility to
understand the world. e-books can be found in your pocket. they are the most reliable place to visit
for reading a novel or book they travel with you, whether you are at home, workplace or even in the

On the other hand, the library they are can be handy if you are not lazy and like to move a lot, the
library consists of a small place with blocks of papers. and there is a limit in every collection, U name it
and the limit just got started. Whereas, e-books they are an enormous collection of novels, books,
chapters, u name it, and its there. e-books are also a large muddle. they require registration on the
internet and obviously the internet itself. however, the library is just an entry and exit through the
door. no registration no fees required unless. u are a huge geek and bookworm.

you might think why I did not speak about books in your head, cuz they are just fantasy written by
your dreams.

Signing off

Saima Islam

Did u ever walk into the library without any real purpose?

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