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Welcome 2 Graders!
(716) 467-8547 Ms. Jackson

Hello Friends,
I am looking forward to being your
child’s 2nd grade teacher! It is going to
be a great year full of new friends,
Classroom Rules: Classroom Routines: new adventures and new discoveries!

1-Be respectful
Entering the Classroom- As the In this classroom…
students walk in to start the day, we
2-Be responsible will develop a plan that gets them Your children are appreciated. I
3-Listen to others focused and ready for the day to value all opinions, ideas, thoughts,
4-Use kind words come. This will help develop a and actions. I know they will be
5-Always be ready to learn environment for a successful school brining so much to our class and I
6-Do your BEST! day. cannot wait to learn more about
Lining Up- Being quiet and courteous them!
These 6 rules are important to the
classroom culture and me. in the hallways is a general school
rule. We are showing respect towards
Homework Polices:
Explaining these rules to my
our friends by remaining silent. Students will be assigned no more
students and collectively coming up
with consequences will help Recess- Our main goal is to stay safe
than 30 minutes of homework.
construct a fair community, where and friendly while also having fun! Typical homework will include 20
students will know and understand We will practice patience and sharing minutes of reading either
what is expected from them. in our environment. independent or with a partner.
Reading for 20 minutes every day
Connecting Home & How can I help my student can significantly increase the
School: succeed? chances of your child’s educational
It is both easy and common to feel Read everyday! Pick a book your child Also, sent home will be occasional
disconnected to your child’s academic enjoys and you can read to them or
life when they are reluctant to let you math practice sheet or spelling
let them read to you.
know what is happening while they are words intended for practice.
in school. With that said, involvement Encourage your child in all areas of
in your child’s education is an academics! Even if a subject doesn’t
imperative indicator of their academic excite you, help them get excited
about it.
I wish to be your partner in helping to
make sure your child is meeting their
Stay involved! Make it a point to ask
full potential! There are so many
them about their day.
different platforms in which you and I
can communicate. Email, Google
Classroom, phone calls, meetings, Communicate – please remember
weekly newsletters and more! If any of that you can always contact me with
these works for you, please contact me any questions or concerns.

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