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Lesson Reflection

I’ve taught the students a math lesson about heavy and light objects. Before I start the lesson, I
distributed Wow cards to the students. These cards are individualized for each student and its
meant for classroom management. The idea is that I will have the wow badges and whenever
the students behave well and participate by raising their hands, I will give them one and by the
end of the class, we will count the badges together and who have the most will have a reward
(Kinder joy).
I started the lesson by presenting a descriptive song about heavy and light. The students were
engaged as they follow the song together. After the song ends, I've asked the students
questions about the song. For example, can you tell me what did you see in the song? And they
mentioned elephant, so is the elephant heavy or light? Most of the students knew but some no.
I had different objects and a balance scale. We started comparing and asks the students
questions; the students were engaged as they see the heavy object was going down and the
light object up. Whenever a student answered my questions, i was giving them directly the
badges, so it was more effective.
After carpet time, the students had to do their activities. I prepared five different activities
depending on the student’s level (Mastery, Developing, and Emerging). I showed the students
the activities and explained to them using a power point while they were sitting in the carpet,
but I didn't recognize that the students are already were sitting for a long time in the carpet. As
I was going through the activities, some of the students forgot where they would be going to
which activity. So, when I said the students you can go to your activities some of the students
sat in different groups and somewhere asking me about where they need to go. I had to explain
to them again and guide them to their groups.
During the activities, I noticed that some of the students finished their activities fast and I didn't
prepare an extra work for them. So, I asked them to play with the blocks or outside.
After the activities, I asked the students to clean up and come to the carpet. I reflected the
students learning by asking questions about their activities. I've used self-assessment fans to
know if the students understood the outcome or not. The lesson was considered successful as
most of the students were able to differentiate between heavy and light objects.
For my next lesson, I will guide each group to their table and explain the activity to them rather
than using a power point, and it also saves time for working. Secondly, I will prepare for the
students an extra activity, so they keep working until all the student's finishes.
The classroom management strategy that I used was very useful. The students behaved very
well, and they were participating. My MST was impressed, and she used this strategy for other

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