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WA 201-205

Slippery Slope- One thing happens so another must be true and so on. The idea acts almost as a
chain of results that ultimately the first action caused the final action which isn’t necessarily
true. An example of a slippery slope is that if you’re on a diet and you eat one cookie today, you
will want to eat 10 cookies tomorrow and 20 the day after that. Just because you eat a cookie
today doesn’t mean that you are going to want to eat 20 cookies in a few days.

Ad Hominem- Occurs when something is aimed at the character of another person instead of
the argument they are presenting. This occurs a lot in politics where instead of fighting the
argument, a candidate will take a direct blow to the character of the person.

Bandwagon (Ad Populum)- This happens when everyone is doing something which then in turn
makes it acceptable even though it may not be. The fact that everyone is doing it does not
constitute that it is the correct thing to do. An example of bandwagon is bullying because if
everybody is doing it, then it seems acceptable to do even though it definitely is not. An
example of ad populum is when the collective society is doing the ice bucket challenge, a
challenge where you dump ice over your head, it pushes someone to participate just because
everyone else is doing it.

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