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Running head: Technology in Business 1

Technology in Business

John Gale

Central Piedmont Community College

Author Note

This paper is being submitted on May 5, 2019 for Shawn Allison’s BUS110_85

Introduction to Business course.

Technology in Business 2

Technology in Business

In an ever-changing environment, businesses are using technology to engage and reach

out to customers more and more every day. Business is providing a service people need and

meeting their needs. As generational trends evolve businesses are forced to adapt in order to stay

competitive and even traditionally human interaction heavy industries and services are becoming

more digitalized. Having spent much of my short career in sales I have seen first hand many of

these changes and expect business to adapt even more in near time. Technology allows

businesses to be more efficient in serving people and meeting their needs and this is essential to


Having spent much of my career dealing with insurance sales I have seen how technology

changed the sales industry. When I first began sales, much of the time we were generating leads

from direct mailers or other print advertisement but over the years most marketing was done

through the internet. Technology allows you to reach out to more potential clients as you are able

to go past geographic lines and carries a much lower cost as well. Whenever the company I

represented, Horizon Blue Cross would send out emails they would warn us because there would

be such a large influx of calls but it is difficult to achieve a similar effect with print

advertisement. The actual agency I worked at did a lot of their own online advertisement as well

which provided us many sales throughout my time there. Market insights show that in the

insurance industry first links from search results generate more than 60 percent of the clicks.

Since my company paid for a lot of search engine ad results, we would have the result of people

calling our phones when they were already ready to purchase a policy.

Not only did technology have an effect on marketing and outreach at companies I worked

for but it was also essential to every day operation of my job. Our central purpose as insurance
Technology in Business 3

agents was to serve our clients and ensure satisfaction and technology allowed us to do this.

Much of the time when you have people calling in, they are asking questions you may not know

the answer to and being able to research any question is essential to service. Without technology

you would not adequately be able to complete the essential part of business, serving the

customer. As time evolves customers expect the speed and simplicity of an operation that is

integrated with technology and if you are not with the latest trends you can never deliver service.

According to the United States Census’s American Community Survey in the year of 2015 77%

of households had internet. (Ryan, Lewis 2015). Since most households have internet online

marketing is the best and most efficient way to connect with customers to deliver service while

reaching out to potential customers you may have never before. As technology continues to

evolve it will better allow business to serve its customers and provide a better experience.
Technology in Business 4


Ryan, Camille, and Jamie M. Lewis, “Computer and Internet Use in the United States:

2015,” American Community Survey Reports, ACS-37, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC,


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