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Lesson Plan Example

Date:04/05/2019 Teacher name: Metin Guclu

Lesson plan type: Direct instruction
Grade Level and Subject/Topic: 12 math/trigonometric functions TimeLine: 90 minutes
TEKS objectives (or other state objectives):
4.A: determine the relationship between the unit circle and the definition of a periodic function to
evaluate trigonometric functions in mathematical and real-world problems.
4.D: represent angles in radians or degrees based on the concept of rotation in mathematical and
real-world problems, including linear and angular velocity.
Lesson objectives (written by teacher):
1. The student should be able to use the unit circle values to solve trigonometric functions in
mathematical and real-world problems.
2. The student should be able to angles in both radians and degrees in standard position and then
use them to solve problems. They should be able to calculate arc length and sector area.
Materials: Textbook, calculator, projector, computer, whiteboard, worksheet, notebook, binder
pencil, manipulatives.
Introduction (Set Induction/Anticipatory Set + Specific Content to be taught):
Anticipatory set: 1. Warm-ups from previous section per day
2. Pass-out graded papers
3. Use table to grade student work

I will ;
1) Give each student a copy of the above circle worksheet
2) Explain the properties of the Unit Circle: has a radius =1, Circumference = 2𝜋
3) Guide students in finding the radians for the circle (may want to just do the x- & y-axis and
the multiples of 4

4) Extension Topic: Discuss how to find the rest of the radians, discuss how to find sin, cos, &
tan for all
Specific content to be taught: • unit circle,
• circular functions,
• reference arc,
• linear speed v,
• angular speed w,
Instructional Activities and Procedures:
We start the lesson with a bell ringer and all students know this procedure by now. While
they try to solve the question I take attendance. After the attendance I start walking across the
room to see the common mistakes they might do. It takes around 5 to 10 minutes. Finally, I go to
board and I explain the question and ask them to write while I do the question on the board.
After bell-ringer part I start to talk about the objectives and then I start explaining the
lesson on the board for only 15 minutes. I will use Direct instruction, discussion and also
Socrates method while I deliver my lecturing.
The followings are the ones I will emphasize during my lecturing.
Emphasize “Definitions of Trigonometric Functions in Terms of a Unit Circle” in the book.
Showing how the trigonometric identities are derived will help students remember them.
Emphasize “Even and Odd Trigonometric Functions” in the book.
Understanding the repetitive nature of the sine, cosine, and tangent functions will help students
when they begin to graph these trigonometric functions.
After 15 minute of instruction the students will start working on the given worksheet for
about 20 minutes. They can ask the questions each other if they want to. Even I can make them
working in groups so that they will try to succeed as a group. They might be more comfortable
asking each other questions in a small group settlement.
For the second period they work on their chromebooks. In my country we were solving
lots of questions to be familiar with the concept. We try to do the same here using online
platforms rather than solving on textbooks such as aleks, khan academy, pearson etc. Certainly I
will be around the students if they want to ask me any clarification.
Modifications/Differentiated Instruction:
ESL support: 1)Reinforcing vocabulary, 2)more visual presentations with the help of technology
GT support: discuss information in detail , elaborate
SPED/504 support : 1)concrete examples , 2)minimizing distractions to the students , 3)visual
,verbal , or tactile reminders to stay on task 4)manipulatives 5)modified assignments.
In trigonometry, they are supposed to find trigonometric functions of 30,45 and 60
degrees. They will be doing that without a help from a calculator. But for some students it’s still
so challenging. In their papers, find it with a help of a calculator will be written. For the other
kids it will be just do it without using a calculator.
On the other hand, some students are so advanced unlike their peers. I will assign them ap
format questions when they are doing their assignments on Chromebook.
For ESL population (actually for all the kids) I will be drawing trigonometric identities,
equations etc. on graphic organizers. I will place them on the wall across the room to make them
visible by all students. You can see the students looking at them while they work on their
worksheets and online assignments.
Evaluation (Formative and/or Summative Assessment):
Their classwork on worksheet will be graded. Their performance on online assignments
also will be graded. It will be their formative assessment. It takes longer to finish trigonometric
functions so I will divide the entire chapter into small pieces like. At the end of each 3 or 4
concepts to learn I will give them quiz and it will be their summative assessment.
Closure - Optional/Bonus Points:
We make the closure with an exit ticket.
Worksheets - Optional/Bonus Points:
It will be attached on moodle.

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