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Life of the Buddha

The Bikkuni Order.

he Bhikkuni Order was set up for daughter of noble families, widows,

T lay women. The Buddha founded
the Bhikkuni Order on the fifth
sorrowful mother, helpless women and
dancing ladies. One in the Order, they were
year of His ministry. Earlier, the Buddha did all looked upon equally.
not agree to this set up. Maha Pajapathi
Gothami never gave up. She went to see Amongst the nuns, there were two female
Venerable Ananda. Venerable ananda chief disciples, Arahant Khema and Arahant
begged the Buddha agreed on condition that Uppalavanna. The other were the two chief
the bhikkhunis observed the eight chief rules Dhamma speakers, Venerable
and regulations. Dhammadinna and Venerable Bhadda
The Order accepted Women form all walks
of life. They included queens, princesses.

Many women wear able to overcome their sorrow after listening to the Dhamma. They realised
the true nature of life and found the way out of suffering. A good example was Lady Patacara,
who lost her husband, two children, both parents and a bother. After to the Buddha, she came
bake to her senses. She entered the Order. Working hand, she became an Arahat.
Life of the Buddha
Level 1

Contents Page no

The Queen's Dream............................................................... 5

Birth of Prince Siddhartha..................................................... 9

Naming Ceremony................................................................. 18

Wounded Swan...................................................................... 24

Marriage and Yasodhara........................................................ 29

The Four Sights......................................................................35

Leaving Home........................................................................43

Buddha and anathapindika.....................................................48

Buddha and King Suddhodana............................................... 56

Chulla Panthaka..................................................................... 63

Bakkula.................................................................................. 68

Kisa Gothami......................................................................... 74
(Approved charity L.D.B,7/68 gazette No, 14,758 of July 20, 1967)

Jinarathana Bhikkhu Abhyesa Vidyalaya GANGARAMAYA

Gneswara Privena 61, Sri Jinarathana Road
Tel : 2327084, 2435169 colombo 2
Fax : 2439508
Email : 2004.10.21

In a cordial message to mark the 25th anniversary of the Singapore Buddhist Meditation centre, I deem it
quite essential to felicitate the author and fountain of it all – Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero I feel
privileged to offer my good wishes at this happy and historical occasion, Sasana and my intimate

I have always admired strong will and unflagging determination to achieve the goals he sets out to
attain. He has been able to transform SBMC from its modest beginnings into a formidable global
presence, largely because of his personality trait of facing challenges undaunted.

Today, SBMC he founded is synonymous with publications-both print and electronic-of supremely high
quality. In these 25 years he has reached the status of an international missionary monk, with the support
of his dedicated devotees and well-wishes.

May the Blessings of the Triple Gem ensure that the SBMS and Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero will
scale higher peaks of service to the Dispensation of the Supremely Enlightened Buddha.

Metta Cittena,

Ven. Galboda Siri Gnanissara Maha Thero
Chief Incumbent - Gangaramaya
Chief Patron - Sri Jinaratana Bhikku Abhyasa Vidyalaya Karaka Sabhawa
- Sri Jinaratana Adhyapana Palaka Sabhawa
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.x.d;s,l rcuyd úydria:
Y%s Oïudkkao odhl iNdj
Wv m<d; Wv nq,;a.u
m%Odk ix>kdhl moúh m<sno

ioaO¾uNdkl úu,lS¾;s Y%S .=Kdkkao

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Wv m<d; Wv nq,;a.u
m%Odk ix>kdhl iajdñkaøhka jykafia

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