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英文姓名 班级
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School Name

1 小学一年级  STANDARD 1 1
1 小时


1. Do not open the booklet until told to do so by your teacher.

2. This question paper consists of 30 questions.

本试卷共有 30 题。

3. Diagrams are NOT drawn to scale. They are intended only as aids.

4. Neither mathematical tables nor calculators may be used.


5. Write your answers in the answer boxes on the separate answer sheet provided.

6. Working may be shown in the space below each question.


7. Marks are awarded for correct answers only.


8. The MiMAS reserves the right to re-examine students before deciding whether to grant
official status to their score.
为确保竞赛之公平及公正,MiMAS 主办单位保留要求考生重测之权利。
1 - 10 题,每题 3 分。

1. 数数看,下图中一共有几颗弹珠?
How many marbles in below?

(A) 28 (B) 27 (C) 26 (D) 25

2. 请计算:9+12+9=( )
Compute : 9+12+9=( )

(A) 29 (B) 30 (C) 28 (D) 31

3. 已知 37-8+( )=35,请问( )是多少?

Given that 37-8+( )=35,What is the value of ( )?

(A) 8 (B) 7 (C) 6 (D) 5

4. 请问:6 个一和 9 个十合起来是多少?

6 ones and 9 tens is equal to?

(A) 15 (B) 36 (C) 69 (D) 96

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5. +=,=++,那麼=( )把
+=,=++,then =( ) pieces 

(A) 9 (B) 8 (C) 7 (D) 6

6. 将 7 个 6 加起来是多少?
What should we get when 7 sixes are added up?

(A) 13 (B) 41 (C) 42 (D) 43

7. 数一数,小尊的右边有几个人?
How many people on the right hand side of Xiao Zhun?

Xiao Zhun

(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7

8. 下图中灰色三角形中间的白色图形是哪一个?
What shape is in the middle of the grey triangle?

(A) 正方形 (B) 圆形 (C) 三角形 (D) 长方形

Square Circle Triangle Rectangle

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9. 下面的线段是几公分长?
What is the length of the line below in cm?

(A) 4 公分 (B) 5 公分 (C) 6 公分 (D) 7 公分

4 cm 5 cm 6 cm 7 cm

10. 将一张正方形纸对折,再沿着虚线剪下,摊开之后是下边哪一个图形?
A square piece of paper is folded. A cut is made along the dotted line. Which of the
following could be the shape of the paper when it is unfolded?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

11 - 20 题,每题 4 分。

11. 娟娟用同样长的绳子分别去绑 4 个圆柱体礼物盒:A 礼物盒绕了 3 圈,B 礼物盒绕

了 4 圈,C 礼物盒绕了 5 圈,D 礼物盒绕了 2 圈,请问哪一个圆柱礼物盒最粗?
Jun tied 4 cylinder boxes by same length ribbon. She round box A in 3 circles, box
B in 4 circles, box C in 5 circles and box D in 2 circles. Which box is the thickest

(A) A 礼物盒 (B) B 礼物盒 (C) C 礼物盒 (D) D 礼物盒

Box A Box B Box C Box D

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【题组】看右图回答第 12~13 题。
Answer Question 12-13 based on the right figure:

12. 右图中,比长颈鹿矮的动物
How many animals are
shorter than Giraffe, in the
right figure?

(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 4

13. 一个 和一只 一样高度,请问 2 只长颈鹿堆叠起来会和几个


One is one tall. How tall is when stacking up 2 giraffe in ?

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6

14. 一只蚂蚁依 A 点出发,先往上走三格,再往右边走一

格,接着又往上走一格,最后又往左走 4 格,请问现在
An ant starts from point A, goes up 3 cells first, then it turns
right 1 cell, after that goes up 1 cell again, finally turns left
4 cells. Which side of tress is it on now?

(A) 东边 (B) 西边 (C) 南边 (D) 北边

East West South North

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15. 小乐今年 12 岁,小瑄今年 7 岁,17 年后,小乐比小瑄大多少岁?
Xiao Le is 12 years old and Xiao Xuan is 7 years old. After 17 years ago, how
many years old is Xiao Le older than Xiao Xuan?

(A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 17 (D) 16

16. 一个正方体有 6 个面,那么 8 个正方体有几个面?

A cube have 6 faces. How many faces does 8 cubes have?

(A) 48 (B) 40 (C) 32 (D) 56

17. 阿咪问妹妹说:「如果昨天的前三天是星期二的前两天,那么明天是星期几呢?」
Mi ask her sister: “If 3 days before yesterday is 2 days before Tuesday. What day
of the week is tomorrow?”

(A) 星期五 (B) 星期四 (C) 星期三 (D) 星期六

Friday Thursday Wednesday Saturday

18. 4 枝铅笔与 2 块橡皮擦排起来一样长,3 块橡皮擦与 2 枝原子笔排起来一样长,

The length of 4 pencils lined up is same with the 2 erasers. The length of 3 erasers
lined up is same with 2 pens. Which stationary is the longest?

(A) 铅笔 (B) 橡皮擦 (C) 原子笔 (D) 一样长

Pencil Eraser Pen same

19. 用 4、0、6、8 这 4 个数字作两位数的组合,请问一共可以拼出几种不同的组合?

Use 4, 0, 6 and 8 to form a 2-digit number. How many different 2-digit numbers
can be make?

(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 12 (D) 9

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20. 校园绿化环境,要在校园一旁种下漂亮的花和小树。老师规定每 2 棵玫瑰花中间就
种 1 棵小树(如下图),现在有 26 棵玫瑰花,请问需要准备多少棵小树?
For greening environment, we need to plant some flowers and trees in the campus.
Teacher plans to plant a tree in the middle of 2 rose flower (as figure below). How
many trees does we need for 26 rose flowers?

(A) 13 (B) 12 (C) 26 (D) 25

21 - 30 题,每题 5 分。

21. 计算:
Compute :

(a) 2+4+6+8+10+12=( )

(b) 1-2+4-8+10-6+8=( )

22. 在□内填上>、<的符号:
Use symbol > and < to fill in □:
(a) 7+3 □ 9

(b) 16-8 □ 16

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23. 算一算,再将□内的数字填一填。 求 A 的值?
Fill in the number. Find value of A?



6 7 4

24. ○+○=10,
○=( )
△=( )
□=( )

25. 黄小鸭将三条一样长的缎带,各自剪了一段下来做美劳。 蓝缎带剪下 8 公分、紫

缎带剪下 9 公分、红缎带剪下 6 公分,最后哪个颜色的缎带剩下最多?请在( )
内打”  。
Ooi has 3 same length ribbons, she cuts each ribbon a section for decoration. She
cuts blue ribbon in 8 cm, purple ribbon in 9 cm, red ribbon in 6 cm. Which color of
ribbon left the most? Please fill ” “ in ( )?

蓝 ( )
紫 ( )
红 ( )

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26. 下面图形的“?” 应填什么样的图形? 请在□内画一画。
What kind of symbol should be “?” ? Please draw it on the □.


27. 妹妹要使第二行比第一行多 4 个,应该怎样摆?画一画,填一填。

Sister wants the second line 4 circle more than the first line. How to do it?

First line

Second line

答:第( )行要給第( )行( )個○

Answer:The ( ) line give the ( ) line ( ) ○

28. 数数看,右图可以数出多少个大大小小的
How many difference triangles and
squares are there in the right diagram?

正方形( )个;三角形( )个
Square:( ) ; Triangle: ( )

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29. 有 24 个小朋友排成一队要领点心,第 1 个往左边走,第 2 个往右边走,第 3 个再
往左边走,按照顺序下去,请问第 15 个小朋友应该要往哪一边走? 第 24 个小朋
There are 24 children line up in canteen. The first child goes to left, the second
child goes to right, and the third child goes to left, and so on. Where should the
15th child go? Where should the 24th child go?

30. 小孙、小净、小戒三人去钓虾,钓完后,大唐问他们今天钓了多少只虾? 小孙说“共

钓 27 只”,小孙比小净多钓 4 只,小戒比小净少钓 1 只,请问小孙和小戒分别钓

Shun, Jin and Jie go to shrimp fishing. After fishing, Tang ask them how much
shrimp they get. Shun say:” 27 in total”. Shun has 4 shrimps more than Jin. Jie
has 1 shrimp less than Jin. How many shrimp does Shun and Jie get each??

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本试卷共有 12 页(包括本页)

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