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Care este rezultatul asteptat asupra participantilor,organizatiilor participante, grupului tinta si asupra
altor parti/ relevante implicate.

Local,national si international educabilii cauta sa imbunatateasca sansele vietii pentru tineri.Raportul

Comisiei Europene asupra programului Incluziunea activa, a aratat ca inca mai trebuie sa se faca
multe in Europa pentru a sustine tinerii in educatie.Aceasta se potriveste cu tintele locale. În 2012,
un studiu efectuat în Turcia pe relatiile dintre profesor / elev au arătat că relațiile proaste au cauzat
lipsa de motivație, probleme de comportament și dificultăți in a urma învățământul superior. In
2013, în Țara Galilor un studiu similar comandat de guvernul din Țara Galilor indică faptul că este
nevoie de mai mult progres pentru a îmbunătăți nivelul de prezență și de comportament al elevilor
din școlile din Țara Galilor. Există multe dovezi că grupurile vulnerabile sau marginalizate, cum ar fi
cele menționate în mod specific ca grupuri țintă pentru acest proiect sunt grupurile de chiulangii, au
prezență slaba la scoala, manifestă o slaba educatie sau prezinta probleme emoționale și de
comportament; ele sunt simultan grupurile mai puțin probabil să aibă putere sa se exprime și să au o
nevoie crescută de creație artistică ca mijloc de exprimare.Totusi, Cu toate acestea, la celălalt capăt
al scalei acelor elevi recunoscuți ca fiind capabili și talentați, de asemenea, de-motivat și
underachieve, ca urmare a unei abordări stătut a zonelor țintă curriculare în cadrul acestui proiect,
alfabetizare, numerație și digitale.

There is much evidence that marginalised or vulnerable groups such as those specifically mentioned
as target groups for this project are the groups more likely to truant, have poor attendance,
manifest poor behaviour or develop emotional and behavioural problems; they are simultaneously
the groups less likely to have voice and have an increased need for creative arts either as a means of
expression. However, at the other end of the scale those pupils recognised as being the Able and
Talented are also de-motivated and underachieve as a result of a stale approach to the target
curriculum areas in this project, literacy, numeracy and digital.

The cultural exchange of artistic influences between partners will add a dimension to this project
which could not be achieved locally. The teachers will bring influences from abroad back into the
classroom impacting on the creative work completed by young people inspired by Europe. The
introduction of these influences will impact directly on global citizenship skills amongst learners,
teachers and, as a result of the family engagement element of this project, the wider school
community. The lesson planning and embedding of creative arts in the curriculum will bring the
innovation to teaching looked for by Erasmus+ and this innovation has potential for Europe wide
dissemination trough this project.
In addition to providing a creative outlet through which young people can improve engagement and
raise educational standards , this project aims to allow young people to express themselves
creatively whilst developing competences in literacy, numeracy and digital. Pupils such as those
targeted by this project face barriers that other groups of pupils do not face and without projects
such as this such pupils would be further excluded by their own education services. It is imperative
that projects such as this exist in order to allow pupils who would otherwise not be able to, to access
the curriculum equally.

The engagement of pupils, staff, families and the wider community will build positive collaborative
working relationships locally and the positive other pupils and staff both in their own school and
partner schools providing a platform from which local, national and international targets can be

Local Authorities will:

- have developed a culture of creativity and inspirational learning

- have a bank of quality materials for dissemination to all schools locally and nationally

- have further established positive working relationships with colleagues across Europe

- have introduced the project to a wider audience of schools and local authorities across Europe thus
securing broader cooperation and partnership opportunities.

Students will:

- have improved attainment levels

- have the opportunity to discover their creativity

-express themselves through art

- have increased levels of motivation and self confidence,

- widen their horizons and increase awareness of the other partners' countries and cultures

And we anticipate we will see improvement in:

- behaviours,

- social interaction

- involvement in school life and society

- motivation to learn
Teachers will:

- learn from colleagues transnationally in the use of art as a

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