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Lesson plan name: Roll and Retell Fiction Comprehension

Grade level: First Grade

Group size: Small Group/Whole Group
Subject: Reading Comprehension and Writing

3.4 respond to literature selections

a. retell details of text

b. discuss text

c. answer literal questions (who, what, when, where, why and how)

d. write responses


5.2 write to communicate

a. identify a purpose for writing

b. write for a variety of purposes

6.11 read and share writing with others [NS 6.1.7]

a. select draft to be published

b. select a written piece to share with an audience

c. display a written selection through informal/formal publications


8.1 listen for a variety of purposes [NS/PS 8.1.1]

8.2 identify purposes for listening such as to obtain information, to solve problems, or for enjoyment [NS/PS 8.1.1]


9.1 participate in various forms of oral communication

a. interact verbally in informal situations

b. storytelling

9.2 communicate in complete sentences

9.3 speak clearly at an understandable pace [NS 9.1.2]

9.4 use varied vocabulary to communicate ideas [NS 9.1.1]

9.5 present ideas and ask questions in small and large groups [NS 9.1.3]

9.7 recount experiences and retell stories in sequence [NS/PS 9.1.4]

Content Standard

Build summarizing, communication, and writing skills.


By the end of this lesson students will be able to answer who, where, when, and what
questions that pertain to the detail of the story material and be able to show understanding
of key details.


Laminated copies of roll and retell game worksheet to hand out to each table group (only
one needed per group), a die (one dice) for each table group, a short story for students to
read and answer questions, timer, paper and pencil to write/share responses.


*Please note that the groups the students will be working in are already formed by the grouping
of their desks. Therefore there will be no more than five students per group.

Start the lesson by asking the students in class if they know what the 4 W’s (who, what,
when, and where) are and as they come up with the correct answers, write them on the
white board. If students can’t come up with all 4 W’s on their own, write the rest on the
board for them. Writing them on the white board will give them a reminder throughout
the entire lesson on what they need to focus on.
Give examples of each W from previous stories that have been recently read in the
classroom. Write those examples on the white board so they have an idea throughout the
lesson on how to answer each question.
Inform the students that together, in their groups, they will read a story.
Have each student in the group take turns reading the story (have each student read one
page and then pass the book clockwise until the book is finished)
Remind the students to pay attention while reading because after they will be playing a
game that involves answering questions on the 4 W’s, on their own, inside their groups,
about the story they just read together. Advise them they will also be writing and sharing
their responses with the entire class.
Have the students begin reading the story (allow enough time for each group to finish the
Once the students have finished the story, inform them they will now play a game (as a
group) to discuss what they comprehended while reading the story.
Pass out the Roll and Retell game worksheet to each group.
Pass out the dice to your students, give the die to the student who will start the game first
and explain to them that they will roll first and once they are done they will pass the dice
Go over the questions on the worksheet with your students.
o Who are the main characters? (2 dots)
o Where does the story take place? (3 dots)
o When does the story take place? (4 dots)
o What happened at the beginning, middle, and end of the story? (five dots)
o What questions do you have about the story? (six dots)
Give the directions for the game/activity to the students so they know how to play and
what is required of them during and after.
o Each question on the Roll and Retell worksheet game is next to a dice with a dot,
the number of dots on the dice will determine what question the student will
answer. Let the students know they are to roll the die and however many dots are
on the die will determine what question that student will answer.
o As you can see on your worksheet, there is no question for rolling a dice with one
dot (because each group only has five students) let the class know that if a student
rolls a one, to roll again.
o Each student in the group should answer a different question from the Roll and
Retell game worksheet. If a student rolls the die with dots for a question that has
already been answered, have them roll again (this will also give the students the
opportunity to roll more than once, making it more fun).
o Let the students know that they are to answer whatever question their die landed
on out loud to their group before passing the die on to the next student.
o Once the game is over and each student has had a chance to answer a question, let
them know a timer will be set for five minutes, for each student to individually
write about what they learned about the story.
o Once the five minutes are up for the individual writing exercise, each student (if
they want) can share their responses with the entire class.
o Once all directions are given please ask the class if they have any questions in
regard to the game, prior to starting, that way you know that everyone
understands what is going on.
Start the game, allow the students to play and have fun.
Once the game is over, collect all materials.
Once all materials are collected (the students should be settled down by that point) ask
them what their favorite part of this lesson was (this will also allow them to continue to
settle down prior moving on to the next subject lesson).

For this lesson students will be graded on embedded assessment. The class will be
assessed by using the assignment the students were given as a unit. They will be graded on how
well they work together in their groups, how well they understand the information in the lesson,
how well they follow directions, their behavior while playing the game, participation, and I will
individually grade their writing responses that they wrote down after the game.

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