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› LST BRD - Use this command to query the configuration about a board

› DSP BRD - Use this command to query the status of the specified board.

› DSP BRDVER - Use this command to query the hardware and software versions of a board.

› DSP OMU - Use this command to query the information about the OMU.

› DSP OMUHW - Use this command to query the information about the OMU hardware.

› DSP OMUVER - Use this command to query the version information of the OMU.

› DSP OMUMODULE - Use this command to query the state of the OMU module.

› DSP SAU - Use this command to query the information about the SAU. The information includes
the running state of the SAU, fixed IP addresses, and version.

› DSP SAUAREA - Use this command to query the version information of the SAU area.

› DSP SAUMODULE - Use this command to query the running state of modules on the SAU.

› DSP SAUSRV - Use this command to query the state of the SAU Server.

› LST M3LNK - Use this command to query the configuration data of an M3UA link.

› DSP M3LNK - Use this command to query the status of an M3UA link. The query result includes
the administrative state, congestion state, time of M3UA link operating state change, and
reason of M3UA link operating state change.

› LST SCTPLNK - Use this command to query the configuration of an SCTP link. The query result
includes the application type, working mode, maximum number of link retransmissions, and
maximum number of path retransmissions.

› LST BTS - Use this command to query the configuration information about a BTS.

› LST BTSIP - Use this command to query the communication address of a BTS in IP transmission

› LST BTSCONNECT - Use this command to query the BTS connection information.

› LST BTSIPRT - Use this command to query the BTS route information, This command applies only
to the BTS that supports Single RAN or uses the IP transmission mode.

› MOD BTS - Use this command to modify attributes of a BTS.

› MOD BTSCONNECT - Use this command to modify the connection between the BTS and the BSC.

› ACT BTS / DEA BTS - Use this command to activate/deactivate a BTS.

› LST BTSMPLNK - Use this command to query the configuration of an MLPPP link on a BTS.

› LST BTSMPGRP - Use this command to query the configuration of the Multilink Point-to-Point
Protocol (MLPPP) group on a BTS.
› LST BTSPPPLNK - Use this command to query a PPP link on a BTS in IP over E1 (IPOE)
transmission mode.

› LST BTSENVALMPORT - Use this command to query the environment alarms of a BTS.

› SET BTSENVALMPORT - Use this command to set the alarm port of the BTS environment alarms.

› LST BTSRET/MOD BTSRET - Use this command to query/modify the configuration data of a RET

› DSP BTSALDVER - Use this command to query the software version information of an ALD,
including the device model, ESN, software version, hardware version, and protocol version.

› STR BTSALDSCAN - Use this command to start scanning a connected ALD: RET antenna and

› STR BTSVSWRTST - Use this command to start a VSWR test for a BTS

› RST BTS - Use this command to reset a BTS.

› RST BTSBRD - Use this command to reset a specified BTS board.

› DSP BTSBRD - Use this command to query the BTS board information, including the basic
information, extended information, configuration information, running parameters, BTS bar
code, and in-position board information. The available board information is board-specific.

› LST BTSCLK / SET BTSCLK -Use this command to query/set the clock type of a BTS.

› SET BTSCLKPARA - Use this command to set BTS clock parameters.

› SAV BTSCLKPARA - Use this command to save BTS clock parameters.

› LST BTSTUNNEL - Use this command to query the configuration data of a BTS tunnel.

› LST BTSDEVIP - Use this command to query the configuration data on a BTS, including IP address
and the IP mask.

› LST GCELL - Use this command to query the information about a GSM internal cell.

› ACT GCELL / DEA GCELL - Use this command to activate/deactivate a GSM internal cell.

› LST GCELLBASICPARA - Use this command to query the basic Parameters of a cell.

› SET GCELLADMSTAT - se this command to set the management Status of a cell.

› LST GCELLFREQ - An OM command that queries frequencies of cells in the configuration


› RST GCELL - Use this command to reset a specified GSM cell.

› DSP GCELLSTAT - Use this command to query the running status of a GSM cell.

› DSP PSCELL - Use this command to query attributes of a general packet radio service (GPRS) cell.

› LST GTRX - Use this command to query the information about TRXs of a BTS.
› ACT GTRX / ACT GTRX - Use this command to activate / deactivate a TRX.

› LST GTRXDEV - Use this command to query the device attributes of a TRX.

› DSP CHNJAM - Use this command to display the channel interference band level of a specified

› LST TRXBIND2PHYBRD - Use this command to query the binding between logical TRX and
channel on TRX board.

› SET GTRXDEV - Use this command to set the device attributes of a TRX.

› DSP CELLUECOUNT- To Check traffic at cells in 4G ENODEB.

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