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Macross 30: Voices Across the Galaxy Translation FAQ/Guide Version 0.


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The latest version of this FAQ will always be available at and at
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© 2013 by J.F. Fox
Traducción al español de este faq by Keyla -
Todos los créditos a J.F. Fox por esta excelente guía

¡ Bienvenido a mi traducción Guía para el Macross 30: las voces por toda la galaxia.
"Macross 30 es un juego de RPG de acción especial desarrollado por ''' d'Artdink Studio'' ' para
celebrar el 30 aniversario de la animación de la Super Dimensional Fortress Macross,
que primero salió al aire en octubre de 1982. Producida por Studio Nue, escrita por Kawamori
Shouji y dirigida por Ishiguro Noboru, Super Dimensional Fortress Macross es conocida como una
de las series de anime clásico todos los tiempos y ha sido profundamente influyente en tanto medio,
así como japonés ciencia ficción en general. Es mi esperanza que esta guía puede, en cierta medida
pequeña, ayudar los fanáticos occidentales de Macross apreciar mejor ese legado fino--jugando un
gran partido al mismo tiempo!
Según mi mantra habitual: he intentado montar toda la información contenida en este documento en
tan lógica, concisa y organizada una manera como sea posible. Esta guía es actualmente (y
perpetuamente) un work-in-progress y como tal no puede esperarse que sea un recurso completo,
infalible. Con el tiempo, debo procurar este documento Ayude a convertirse en una guía cada vez
mayor, aún mejores, cada vez más útil. Independientemente de su estado actual, espero que usted
encontrará esta guía para ser un recurso valioso mientras juegas el juego. Tenga en cuenta que esta
guía está escrita con la suposición de que el lector tiene al menos un familiaridad de paso con las
convenciones y el vocabulario de juegos, así como la franquicia Macross.
Como Lea detenidamente a esta guía, te darás cuenta muchas imágenes del juego. En un
intento de hacer más fácil seguir las diversas traducciones de menú, me he tomado la libertad de
edición de imágenes del juego para sustituir el texto japonés con texto en español. Es mi esperanza
que estos foto-traducciones hará que los segmentos de la traducción de la guía más accesible,
aumentando así la eficiencia y la utilidad de esta guía como una herramienta de referencia.
Current FAQ/Guide Status:
Currently, this is the first iteration of my Translation Guide for Macross 30. It's very much a
"bare bones" affair, but hopefully it should still be a useful resource. I am very busy with school this
semester, and have little time to play the game myself—let alone write a guide for it—so I am
relying on community contributions (from GameFAQs, the Macross World Forum and the Japanese
Wiki site) to fill out this guide. Even so, I am sufficiently busy that it would not be wise to expect to
see this guide fully completed any time soon.


Macross 30: Voces a través de la galaxia es un trepidante juego de acción-combate con
fuertes elementos de RPG, que incluyen subir de nivel mecánicos, actualizaciones estadísticas,
mech personalización, retos, etc.. Fue desarrollado por el enorme talento y experiencia Artdink
Studio, que han sido responsables de una serie de fantásticos juegos Macross y Gundam publicados
en Playstation Portable, Playstation Vita y Playstation 3. Este título marca el cuarto titulo de la saga
Macross de Artdink en la Playstation 3, sino que (extrañamente) es su primer juego realizado
completamente en la plataforma.
Macross 30 presenta una flamante historia tiene lugar después de los acontecimientos de
Macross Frontier, fusión de los moldes (y mecha) de cada serie animada de Macross (excepto
Macross II) en una historia bastante elaborado estilo crossover con un elenco original. El jugador
asume el papel de piloto de pruebas SMS Leon Sakaki después él aterriza en el planeta misterioso

Release Date February 28, 2013 (Japan)

Platform Sony Playstation 3
Price ¥8,380
Rating CERO B*
Publisher Namco Bandai Games
Developer Studio Artdink

Nota: CERO es la computadora entretenimiento valorar organización, que clasifica a los

juegos electrónicos en Japón usando la siguiente escala:
CERO A Conveniente para todas las
CERO B Conveniente para las edades
de 12 y para arriba.
CERO C Conveniente para las edades
de 15 y para arriba.
CERO D Conveniente para las edades
de 17 y hasta.
CERO Z No recomendado para niños
menores de 18 años.
Hay tres esquemas de control predefinidos para 30 de Macross. El primero se basa en los
controles utilizados anteriormente en Artdink Macross títulos en la PSP de Sony; el segundo se basa
en controles de shooter en tercera persona; y la tercera se basa en el cámara-con el objetivo de
mecánico. Puede alternar entre estos esquemas de tres control en cualquier momento a través de los
menús de opciones o sistema.
Cuando se utiliza el menú de opciones, te darás cuenta que hay dos tipos de controles de
vuelo disponibles. Controles normales son, como era de esperar, el valor por defecto. Reales
controles le permiten volar su avión como un luchador en un juego de Ace Combat — balanceo con
movimiento horizontal stick analógico, que le da un mayor control sobre su trayectoria de vuelo.
Por desgracia, también seleccionar controles de vuelo Real presenta varios elementos HUD molesto
que son gran distracción, por lo que no lo recomiendo.
Por favor tenga en cuenta que 30 de Macross, como la mayoría de los juegos japones,
invertir no las teclas por defecto confirmar/cancelar. Esto significa que el botón círculo
(correctamente) está relacionado con el comando "confirmar" y el botón cruzado para el comando
"cancel". Cómo guardar y cargar el juego, sin embargo, utiliza los mismos botones de comando
como región del hardware de la PS3. Esto significa que los jugadores que juegen en consolas
europeas y americanas deben ser conscientes de que los botones de confirmar/cancelar se
"invierten" .

De los tres planes, me encontré con control de esquema A ser el más natural y eficaz,
aunque B también fue muy útil. Yo recomendaría contra el uso de control Plan A, como
utilizando el pad direccional para el movimiento y el stick analógico para la transformación es
muy intuitivo.

Control Scheme A
Right Analog Stick Camera
Left Analog Stick Up Transform (Fighter)
Left Analog Stick Left/Right Transform (GERWALK)
Directional Pad Left/Right Transform (Battroid)
Directional Pad Movement
Circle Secondary Weapon
Cross Boost
Square Primary Weapon
Triangle Melee
R1 Lock-On
R2 N/A
R3 Center Camera
L1 Guard
L2 N/A
L3 N/A
Start In-Game Menu
Select Issue Orders

Control Scheme B
Right Analog Stick Camera
Left Analog Stick Movement
Directional Pad Up Transform (Fighter)
Directional Pad Left/Right Transform (GERWALK)
Directional Pad Down Transform (Battroid)
Circle Secondary Weapon
Cross Boost
Square Dash
Triangle Melee
R1 Primary Weapon
R2 Guard
R3 Center Camera
L1 Lock-On
L2 Weapon Selection Menu
L3 Zoom
Start In-Game Menu
Select Issue Orders
Control Scheme C
Right Analog Stick Camera
Left Analog Stick Movement
Directional Pad Up Transform (Fighter)
Directional Pad Left/Right Transform (GERWALK)
Directional Pad Down Transform (Battroid)
Circle Weapon Selection Menu
Cross Boost
Square Dash
Triangle Melee
R1 Primary Weapon
R2 Secondary Weapon
R3 Center Camera
L1 Lock-On
L2 Guard
L3 Zoom
Start In-Game Menu
Select Issue Orders

En el modo GERWALK, usted necesitará el doble clic en el botón de impulso (Cruz) para
Como es el caso con otro mech juegos de combate de Artdink, tienes un medidor de SP que
llena poco a poco mientras usted toma y recibe daño; Este medidor puede ser agotado para usar
movimientos especiales y ataques.
Action SP Cost Command
AMS Anti-Missile System 1 Guard + Dash
Reload Weapon 1 Primary Weapon (double-tap)
Activate Skill 1 Guard + Weapon Menu
Charged Ranged Attack 1 Guard + Secondary Weapon
Charged Melee Attack 1 Guard + Melee Attack
Charged Boost 1 Guard + Boost
Activate Support Skill 2 Triangle + Circle
Special Attack 2 Circle + Cross

Nota que dio el nombre de la función de costo 1 SP acciones en lugar de los botones porque
va a cambiar los comandos de entrada para habilidades de SP 1 costo basado en cuál de los
esquemas de tres control usas. Las habilidades de SP 2-costo, sin embargo, se activan con el mismo
comando de entrada no importa qué esquema de control utiliza.
Macross 30 may be an action-RPG based on a long-running series of action-combat games,
but it also introduces a number of new skill-based mechanics. I'd like to take a moment now to point
out some tips for new players to help them better take advantage of these new mechanics, as well as
to point out some basic tips to help make your experience with the game less frustrating and more

General Tips
 Remember to manage your inventory! If you have a full stack of any item, you will not be
able to acquire any additional items of that type. If your inventory itself is full, you will not
be able to receive any additional items—including quest rewards.
 Sell your junk parts! When assembling new aircraft, you want to use quality applicable parts
(you want to use a VF-0 Engine while building a VF-0S, not a Junk Engine, for example).
This means junk parts are a very useful means of additional income.
 Save your game at every opportunity! Enemies can re-spawn at random, and/or gang up on
you en masse suddenly and unexpectedly. Higher level enemies with special weapons can
dish out a lot of damage very quickly, and if you are destroyed you have to start over from
whenever it was that you last launched from your ship.
 Every time you launch from your ship, head to the nearest town and make certain you have a
decent stock of recovery items and ammunition boxes for your secondary weapons.
Ammunition boxes for your secondary weapons are applied automatically when you run out
of ammo; if you don't have any ammo boxes, you won't be able to reload your secondary
weapons, and you do not want to suddenly find yourself without any missiles.

Combat Tips
 In Battroid and GERWALK modes, locks tend to “slip” off enemies, requiring you to
actively aim. This third-person shooter mechanic allows for skill-based gameplay—not only
do you have to lead the target to score hits (aim where the enemy aircraft will be, not where
it is)—and mechanics. If you score hits in the central body of an enemy aircraft, you will do
extra damage (critical hit); if you score hits on the cockpit/head of an enemy aircraft, you
will do even more extra damage (headshot).
 Most aircraft have two types of missiles: multi-lock (usually assigned to Sub-1) and rapid-
fire (usually assigned to sub-2). Multi-lock missiles are (obviously) best for taking out
multiple targets simultaneously, but because the missiles eject away from the aircraft before
they ignite, they are not well suited for use while in Fighter mode. (When used in Fighter
mode, they tend to over-shoot the target and miss). It is, therefore, best to use multi-lock
missiles in Battroid and GERWALK modes, and save rapid-fire missiles for Fighter mode.
 While in Fighter mode, your primary weapon will automatically lead the target provided you
are “pointed” directly at it, more or less. This makes strafing a very viable tactic.
 While in Fighter mode, dashing causes your aircraft to roll to in the direction you hold the
analog stick. This is very useful for breaking, as well as avoiding enemy weapons fire. Also
keep in mind that for situations where you cannot avoid incoming fire, you can use your
AMS (Anti-Missile System) to shoot down incoming missiles (Guard + Dash).
 Damage effects two separate variables on enemy aircraft: permanent damage and
momentary damage. This means that if you do not completely destroy an enemy quickly, it
will slowly regenerate a portion of its HP. For larger enemies that regenerate HP quickly, try
alternating between primary and secondary weapons while reloading (thus maintaining a
constant stream of fire) to stall this process.
 When enemy aircraft explode in proximity to the player, you are awarded tuning points (TP)
and experience, regardless of whether or not you destroyed the enemy yourself. Destroyed
enemies also drop items in the form of glowing orbs: yellow orbs are money, purple orbs are

Tuning Tips
 Though you have the option of purchasing tuning points (1,000TP for 1,000G), I would
strongly recommend against doing so. I think it's important to get a good feel for an aircraft
before deciding which stats and/or weapons you want to upgrade, as well as to get an
appreciation for an aircraft's base stats.
 Your primary weapons have infinite ammunition, which makes them absolutely essential to
your survivability during long-term flights. I would, therefore, recommend tuning the
primary weapon(s) before anything else, especially bolstering power, accuracy and
projectile speed.
 Most Valkyries' third secondary weapon (Sub-3) is a head-mounted laser turret. These
weapons are not entirely worthless (in fact, they can be very useful) but they are very much
a stop-gap measure—so don't bother investing any TP into them. You won't get enough of an
increase in effectiveness to justify the cost.
 When you apply tuning points, you extend a yellow bar marking the increased stats.
Eventually this bar will turn red. When you reach the “red threshold,” each additional
upgrade will cost more TP. Red tuning is called “over-tuning,” and should not be done until
after you have fully tuned all of the aircraft and weapon stats to their maximum yellow value
unless you are specifically setting out to make a specialized build.
 Some aircraft have multiple primary weapons. Generally speaking, it's better to choose
whichever primary weapon suits your play style best, and only tune that weapon.

Macross 30 is an open-world style game, so there is no central menu tree to navigate. There
are three basic menu clusters you will use as you play the game: the My Ship menu, which serves as
your game hub; the In-Game menu; and the Town menu. Each menu is accessed from the field. To
view the My Ship menu, you must enter the circular blue field projected underneath your
mothership; to view the In-Game menu, you must press the Start button while in the field; to view
the Town menu you must land in the blue field of a Town building.
Your ship, a rather angular carrier, is fairly easy and obvious to spot. Towns, however, can
sometimes be hidden by terrain, and appear as simple (large) buildings. Both project blue fields that
you must interact with in order to “enter” town or “land” on your carrier. While in blue fields, you
can go to the ship (left) or town (right) by pressing Triangle, or save your game by pressing the
Select button.

The “My Ship” menu is actually the bridge of your SMS carrier, the Gefion, and it serves as
the central hub of the game. You can manage your aircraft, items and squadron from the Hangar;
move your ship to a different field (over-world); view movies, sound files, and loading screen
wallpaper, or even peruse through a Macross encyclopedia in the Gallery; save or load your game;
or alter your options.
Take special note of the general information window in the upper right corner: it displays
your (Leon's) level, the total amount of money you have, your current play time and selected
difficulty. It also informs you of your current position in the main quest—those first two numbers in
the photo-translation above, 4-1, indicate that the player is currently in mission 1 of chapter 4.
You can launch (exit the Gefion and return to the field) at any time by pressing Start, or buy
selecting the Launch option from the menu.

Hangar Menu:

If the “My Ship” menu is the heart, the Hangar is the brain. Here you'll find all of the really
important stuff. You can manage your characters and aircraft, as well as purchase and apply tuning
points from the Flight Deck; you can construct new aircraft in the Mechanic's Room; manage your
inventory and item storage in the Item Box; go back to the carrier's bridge (My Ship menu) or take-
off immediately.
The Squadron Settings menu should look very familiar to anyone who's played any of
Artdink's other Macross or Gundam games.
Until you clear the game and move into New Game Plus, the player character will be locked
as Leon Sakaki. The window on the left side of the screen is your squad—can select your pilot
(after clearing the game), the pilots for your allies, and your aircraft—as well as a support character,
who brings a unique Support Skill to the game. It's all very simply and efficiently set up, so you
really shouldn't have any trouble selecting pilots, support characters or aircraft.
You can view the respective stats of your pilot here, as well, but beyond setting a skill
growth type (which effects how skills grow when you level up) and selecting up to three auto-skills,
there's no real customization.
The real “meat” of the Squadron Settings screen is the tuning menu, on the right. Here you
can spend Tuning Points, or TP, to enhance the stats of your aircraft and its weapons. There are two
things you need to know about tuning: first, tuning upgrades are not permanent—you can remove or
redistribute tuning points at your leisure; and second, there are two levels of tuning. When you
apply tuning points, you extend a yellow bar marking the increased stats. Eventually this bar will
turn red. When you reach the “red threshold,” each additional upgrade will cost more TP. Red
tuning is called “over-tuning,” and should generally not be done until after you have fully tuned all
of the aircraft and weapon stats to their maximum yellow value.
Also note that each aircraft can only be tuned so far—see the TP limit displayed as a fraction
in the upper right.
Each aircraft has six stats that can be tuned: HP effects your total amount of health; ranged
defense effects how much damage you take from ranged weaponry; melee defense effects how
much damage you take from melee attacks; speed effects your normal (unboosted) movement
speed; boost effects the consumption rate of the boost gauge, allowing you to boost or dash for
greater lengths of time; mobility effects your general “turning ability,” or maneuverability; radar
range effects the maximum distance at which you can detect enemy aircraft.

Secondary weapons, or sub-weapons, appear in the menu screen in the same order as they do
in the weapon selection menu. Sub-1 will be the secondary weapon linked to Triangle; Sub-2 will
be the secondary weapon linked to circle; Sub-3 will be the secondary weapon linked to Cross.
Before moving on to the other menus, I should point out that you equip secondary
equipment—armored packs, ghost boosters, etc.—using the small sub-selection function of the
aircraft selection box. Just play around with the menus—it's all straightforward enough you should
be able to easily figure things out without help from me.

Mechanic's Room Menu

The Mechanic's Room is where you go to upgrade old aircraft and construct new ones. To
construct a new aircraft, you will need two things: a blueprint and parts. Parts come in three color-
coded categories: blue represents frame parts, green represent armor parts, and red represents
engine parts. Each new aircraft requires a certain total value of points in each category, and each
part has a certain intrinsic point value.
Note that you cannot use more than twelve parts total to build an aircraft.
When you're able to upgrade aircraft (rank 2, rank 3) it's important to fill out all of the ranks
—build a rank 1 before a rank 2, both a rank 1 and a rank 2 before rank 3, because the part values
used in the construction of one aircraft affect the required part values of its next incarnation.

The in-game menus consist of five separate menus, and defaults to the third menu—the item
screen—when you open it. For clarity, I will describe the menus in left-to-right, in the order of
Status, Quest, Item, Map and then, finally, System.
Status menu: this menu depicts the status of your aircraft, specifically. You will see your
pilot character at the top of the screen, along with all of his (or her) stats listed. These are the same
stats (in the same order) as what appears in the pilot select screen (see hangar menu).
The Quest menu displays you active quests (both story and Guild) as well as quests that have
not yet been turned in. You can see quest descriptions and clear conditions on the right side of the
The Item menu displays all of the items in your inventory. See the Items section for details.
Note that some items cannot be used in certain aircraft forms. Hand grenades, for example, can only
be used while in Battroid mode.
The map is fairly simple. See the Guild Quests section for translations of town names.
Towns appear in gold, caves/bases appear in green.
Finally: the system screen. The first option here is “Retry Mission” – selecting this will
reset your progress to the last time you left the carrier. The middle option is “Options,” and the third
option is “Return to Title,” which will exit the game.
You cannot save from the in-game menu. To save, you must enter a blue field at either a
town or your ship and press select, or from within the My Ship menu.


Macross 30 features an original storyline written by Kodachi Ukyo (who wrote the
novelizations for Macross Frontier) with supervision by Macross creator Kawamori Shoji. Set one
year after the events of Macross Frontier, players assume the role of SMS test pilot Leon Sakaki as
he explores the alien world Ouroboros. Characters from other Macross series, including Super
Dimensional Fortress Macross, Macross Zero, Macross Plus, Macross Seven and Macross Frontier
all play a role in this new story in the Macross saga.

It is the year 2060 A.D.. One year has passed since the Frontier Colonial Fleet's battle with
the Vajra ended, and since then the galaxy has been at peace. Leon Sakaki, of the SMS' Sephira
branch, is sent to the vicinity of planet Ouroboros on a mission, but is forced to crash-land on the
planet after being attacked by an unknown enemy.
Leon is rescued by Aisha Blanchett, head of the SMS' Ouroboros branch—but she is unable
to recover his prototype VF-25 due to a mysterious phenomenon known as the “Ouroboros Aurora.”
Deciding to work together to solve the mysteries of Ouroboros, Leon and Aisha set out to
explore the planet's underground ruins. There, they discover a mysterious sleeping girl.
This is the story of what transpires when she awakens.
Leon Sakaki, allied with the legendary singers and pilots of the past, must fight not only for
the fate of Ouroboros, but for the fate of the galaxy itself.

 Leon Sakaki: The main character of Macross 30. A passionate test pilot with exceptional
skill and a strong sense of justice. The story opens when he arrives at planet Ouroboros.
Voiced by Irino Miyu.
 Aisha Blanchett: The first heroine of Macross 30, she is a Zentraedi prodigy who was given
command of the SMS Ouroboros branch at a young age. She is very positive and has a
bright personality, and is primarily focused on studying the ruins that litter Ouroboros'
landscape. Voiced by Inoue Marina.
 Mina Forte: The second heroine of Macross 30, she is a mysterious, amnesiac girl who was
discovered sleeping in ancient ruins. The story will unravel as she recovers her memory.
Voiced by Chigusa Haruka.
 Rod Baltmar: Leon's rival Rod is a N.U.N.S. Pilot assigned to the special task force
“Hamaval.” He has known Leon since they where children, but the two became estranged
from one another after a certain incident. Voiced by Miyano Mamoru.
 Ushio Todo: Commanding officer of the N.U.N.S. Special task force “Hamaval,” he seems
to be conducting an independent investigation in the ruins of Ouroboros.... Voiced by
Nakada Joji.
...Coming soon!

There are two different types of skills in Macross 30: auto-skills and support skills. Auto-
skills either activate only once, automatically, when certain requirements are met (typically when
you lose a certain amount of HP) or are constantly active. Each pilot can select up to three different
auto-skills. Support skills are a little different. These are dependent on your selected support
character—so if you don't have one, you can't use 'em—and are activated directly by the player
(command: Guard + Weapon Menu, see Controls subsection for details).

Icon Skill Name Effect
オートガード Automatically guard against attacks in Battroid and
Auto-Guard GERWALK modes.

修理 Restore up to 80% of HP when HP falls below 40%

Repair (only activates once per sortie).

千里眼 Increases both aircraft speed and lock-on range by

Clairvoyance 30%.

ローリングプラス Increases speed by 300% while rolling in Fighter

Rolling Plus mode.

救護班 Increases effectiveness of HP recovery items by

Rescue Party 50%.

ゼントラーディの血族 Increases melee combat damage by 30%.

Zentraedi Blood

反撃の狼煙 Fills all 6 SP gauge bars when HP falls below 30%.

Counterattack Signal

トレジャーハンター Displays complete map of the entire dungeon.

Treasure Hunter

ブーストマニア Decrease boost gauge consumption by 25%.

Boost Mania

ショップ常連客 Get a discount on town shops' item 1. (The first

Regular Shop Customer item in each shop's inventory?)
爆撃王 Increase capacity of all armaments by 20%.
Bombing King

気力充実 Fill all 6 SP gauge bars when starting at the start of

Energetic a combat quest (subjugation/Bounty).

パインケーキ When HP reaches 0, recover with invincibility for a

Pineapple Cake limited time (only activates once per sortie).

スナイパー Increase damage of sniper rifles by 50%.


スペシャリスト Decrease SP gauge consumption by 25%.


ミサイル処理班 Increase capacity of AMS (anti-missile system) by

Missile Squadron 50%.

戦艦クラッシャー Deal 50% extra damage to battelships.

Battleship Crusher

チューン愛好家 Acquire 50% more TP when shooting down enemy

Tuning Lover aircraft.

実戦派パイロット Acquire 100% more experience when shooting

Professional Pilot down enemy aircraft.

覚醒 When HP falls below 30%, zero-cost SP attack will

Awakening activate (only activates once per sortie).

Character Skill Name General Effect Effect at Level 50
ミーナ Planet's Cradle Increases defense and HP Increases defense by 110% and
Mina recovery. recovers up to 7,200 HP.
サラ Song of Ruin Powerful damage to a Attack power 11,000.
Sara wide area.
マオ Mayan Blessing Erects a Pinpoint Barrier Barrier can withstand a total of
Mao to prevent damage. 5,000 damage.
ミンメイ Do You Remember Decreases attack power Decrease attack power and
Minmei Love? and defense of Zentraedi defense of Zentraedi aircraft by
aircraft, recovers HP. 70%, restores 7,450 HP.
美沙 Macross Cannon Macross cannon attack. Attack power 9,000.
ミュン VOICES Resurrect wingman and Recover wingman with 7,200
Myun recover HP. HP recovery.
シャロン Sharon's Temptation Increase attack power of Increase attack power of all
Sharon all allied aircraft. allied aircraft by 110% for 18
バサラ Totsugeki Love Heart Increases attack power and Increase attack power by 7,200,
Basara HP recovery. increase HP recover 140%.
ミレーヌ MY FRIENDS Restores HP and prevents Restores up to 7,200 HP.
Mylene stagger.
ランカ Super-Dimensional Restores HP and pauses Restores up to 7,200 HP and
Ranka Cinderella enemy HP recovery. prevents enemy HP recovery for
15 seconds.
シェリル Galaxy's Fairy Increases attack power and Increases HP recovery by 110%,
Sheryl HP recovery. attack power by 7,700.
グレイス Implant Network Increases attack power and Increases both attack power and
Grace defense. defense by 110%.

Macross 30 is a semi-open world game. The game world is split into three large fields, with
scattered dungeons, towns and enemies throughout. In the maps I've provided below, I've indicated
the player's ship (the Gefjon) with a cyan icon; towns with yellow icons; and dungeons with red
icons. These are still rough translations of area names I'm using, so don't expect that katakana I'm
basing the location-names after to match with the proper anglicized Norse names that appear in
English in the game.

Aside from the missions of the main plot, you can also take part in a number of optional
side-missions known as Hunter Guild quests. Participating in Hunter Guild quest offers players
greater challenges, and greater rewards. There are five types of Guild quests, and each is color-
 B, or Bounty quests (purple), involve hunting down and destroying a specific enemy. These
enemies will be marked on the map with a green icon—travel to it, and you'll see blue quest
icon.. Approach it, and activate the quest with the Triangle button. This will summon the
enemy you're supposed to take down, so make sure you're prepared! I strongly recommend
stocking up on repair kits and ammo boxes, as these enemies can deal out a lot more damage
in a very short amount of time than your average mooks.
 S, or Subjugation quests (red), involve going to a specific dungeon and destroying a set
number of enemies. These are pretty straightforward. Keep in mind you do not get a map-
marker for these, so if you don't understand kana you'll probably want to keep the translation
tables below handy.
 E, or Escort quests (???), are exactly what you'd think they are. You'll be given a quest
marker for an area, and once you arrive, you'll be tasked with defending an allied unit from
an enemy attack.
 D, or Delivery quests (green), involve either transporting an item from one location to
another, or seeking out a specific item in the world. For transporting items from one town to
another, you'll need to look behind the town building after accepting the quest—there will be
a container. Open it to receive the transport item, and then take it to the destination. For
delivery quests where you're tasked with finding a specific item, you'll typically see a large
blue circular field in your mini-map—this is your search area. Sometimes the items you'll
need to find will be in containers, sometimes they'll be blue (unique) item points. In either
case, the blue search field will disappear from the mini-map once you've discovered all of
the items you need to complete the quest.
 O, or Other quests (???), involve hunting down and destroy specific enemies or groups on
enemies in the field.

There are multiple open-world areas, or fields, in the game. Each field contains a number of
towns and dungeons. I have organized the following Hunter Guild Quest translation tables by town,
but indicate the field (ex., Yuria) after the town name with a dash. For help finding town and
dungeon locations, please refer to the Field Maps section.
Guild Quest Status: 184 out of 201 (91%)

DAOREN - YURIA (ダオレン )

Daoren is located in the far Southern area of the Yuria Archipelago Field. See Area Maps section for
Quest Name Clear Conditions Reward
S シャーク団の野望 Defeat 10 bandits in プラズマグレネードⅢ
Shark Team's Ambition Ratatoskr Cave. Plasma Grenade III
D 世界樹の恵み Deliver 5 Tree Sap to ハンドグレネードⅢ
Blessing of the World Tree Vrlitwhal City. Hand Grenade III
D バンデットの巣 Recover 4 materials カバ牛アイスクリーム
Bandit Nest from Fovos Base. Hippo-Cow Ice Cream
D 柱の海の試練 Recover 5 Hunter 設置式大型爆弾Ⅲ
Trial of the Sea Pillars Medals. Proximity Mine III
D リーロンの気持ち Obtain Bukan-gu(?). アフターバーナーⅠ
Riron's Feelings Afterburner I
D デリバリー指令 1 Transport order from まぐろ鰻
Delivery Order 1 Daoren to Yue. Tuna & Eel
D デリバリー指令 2 Transport order from シェリルのイヤリング
Delivery Order 2 Daoren to Bowen. Sheryl's Earring
D デリバリー指令 3 Transport order from vf-1&スカル小隊隊長機設計図Ⅰ
Delivery Order 3 Daoren to Leopold VF-1 Skull Blueprints (I)
D C 級ハンターライセンス試 Obtain Class-C リペアキットⅢ×1
験 certificate in Mimir Repair Kit III
Class-C Hunter Exam Cave.
D B 級ハンターライセンス試 Obtain Class-B VF-1J 一条機設計図Ⅰ
験 certificate in Mimir VF-1J Blueprints (I)
Class-B Hunter Exam Cave.
D A 級ハンターライセンス試 Obtain Class-A VF-1W ストライクパック設計図
験 certificate in Mimir VF-1W Strike Pack Blueprints
Class-A Hunter Exam Cave.
S リガード掃除 Defeat 5 Regults. VF-0S スカル小隊隊長機設計図Ⅰ
Regult Mop-Up VF-0S Skull Blueprints (I)
D 納品トレーニング Recover 1 Hunter ハンドグレネードⅢ
Training Delivery Medal. Hand Grenade III

VRLITWHAL City - YURIA (ブリタイシティ )

Vrlitwhal City is located in the central area of the Yuria Archipelago Field. See Area Maps section
for details.
Quest Name Clear Conditions Reward
B 1500G の首 Defeat the Canyon アフターバーナーⅡ
1,500G Bounty pirates. Afterburner II
Mishima Mushroom (Speed)
B 2200G の首 Defeat the World Tree プラズマグレネードⅢ
2,200G Bounty thieves. Plasma Grenade III
Mishima Mushroom (Concentration)
B 特別任務:藤堂ノート Repel the Convict 獅子印 三島産キノコ(Lv)
Special Mission: Todo's Note Bandits Lion's Mark Mishima's Mushroom
Mishima's Mushroom (Spiritia)
O C 級任務:ゼントラ抗争 Defeat both Zentraedi 至高カバ牛アイスクリーム
C-Rank Mission: Zentora Feud forces. Hippo-Cow Ice Cream
Mishima Mushroom (Strength)
E B 級任務:守護兵器汚染 Defend allied forces. 巨大まぐろ
B-Rank Mission: Guardian Gigantic Tuna
Containment 三島産キノコ(射撃)
Mishima Mushroom (Ranged)
E A 級任務:正義の味方 Defeat the bandits' アフターバーナーⅢ
A-Rank Mission: Ally of boss. Afterburner III
Justice 獅子印 三島産キノコ(格闘)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
B A 級任務:狂戦士 Confront the enemy ミンメイ人形 獅子印
A-Rank Mission: Berserker berserker. Lion's Mark Minmay Doll
Mishima Mushroom (Defense)
O S 級任務:バンデット討伐 Defeat the Bandit グレイスの眼鏡
S-Rank Mission: Bandit Killer Leader. Grace's Glasses
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
B S 級任務:バーサク兄弟 Defeat the Basaku ガネスのファー
R-Rank Mission: Basaku siblings. Ganesu's Fur
Brothers 獅子印三島産キノコ(集中)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
E SS 級任務:蹂躙 Defend the civilians VF-1J ミレーヌ機設計図Ⅱ
SS-Rank Mission: Stampede from the Guardians. VF-1J Mylene Blueprints (II)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
S 討伐トレーニング Defeat 5 VF-1As. ステーキ(150g)
Suppression Training Steak (150g)
D 特別任務:遺跡の胎動 Explore the Bolverkr パインサラダ
Special Mission: Fomenting Ruins. Pineapple Salad
D レアメタル G を探せ 1 Find a Rare Metal パインケーキ(ブロック)
Find the Rare Metal Coin 1 Coin. Pineapple Cake (Block)
D ウロボロス研究 1 以下略 Find Todo's notes in 三島産キノコ(速度)
Ouroboros Research 1 World Tree Ruins. Mishima Mushroom (Speed)
D ウロボロス研究 2 以下略 Find Todo's notes in SV-51α 設計図Ⅱ
Ouroboros Research 2 Ratatoskr Cave. SV-51 Alpha Blueprints (II)
D ウロボロス研究 3 以下略 Find Todo's notes in VF-0S 設計図Ⅱ
Ouroboros Research 3 Bolverkr Ruins. VF-0S Blueprints (II)
D ウロボロス研究 4 以下略 Find Todo's notes in VF-0S スカル小隊隊長機 設計図Ⅱ
Ouroboros Research 4 Mimir Cave. VF-0S Skull Blueprints (II)
D ウロボロス研究 5 以下略 Find Todo's notes in SV-51γ 設計図Ⅱ
Ouroboros Research 5 Vafudr Ruins. SV-51 Gamma Blueprints (II)
D ウロボロス研究 6 以下略 Find Todo's notes in VF-1A 設計図Ⅱ
Ouroboros Research 6 Nidhogg Cave. VF-1A Blueprints (II)
D ウロボロス研究 7 以下略 Find Todo's notes in 獅子印三島産キノコ(Lv)
Ouroboros Research 7 Volundr Cave. Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
D ウロボロス研究 8 以下略 Find Todo's notes in ロッドの写真
Ouroboros Research 8 Gangleri Ruins. Rod's Photo
D ウロボロス研究 9 以下略 Find Todo's notes in リーロンのハンター教本
Ouroboros Research 9 Baleygr Ruins. Riron's Hunter Textbook
D 空から現われた者 Obtain 4 eyewitness 設置式大型爆弾Ⅳ
What Fell from the Sky testimonies. Proximity Mine IV
D 嘆く女 Search for the 高性能レーダー
Mourning Woman remains near Bowen. High-Performance Radar
D 迷う女 Search for the VF-0D 設計図Ⅱ
Lost Woman remains near the VF-0D Blueprints (II)
World Tree.
D 逃げる女 Search for the VF-0A 設計図Ⅱ
Fleeing Woman remains near Yue. VF-0A Blueprints (II)
D 極秘任務:リーロンの願い 1 Deliver items to 設置式大型爆弾Ⅳ
Secret Mission: Riron's Wish 1 Bowen. Proximity Mine IV
D 極秘任務:リーロンの願い 2 Obtain 3 Tree Sap ハンドグレネードⅣ
Secret Mission: Riron's Wish 2 near the World Tree. Hand Grenade IV
D 極秘任務:リーロンの願い 3 Recover 5 monitoring 三島産キノコ(体力)
Secret Mission: Riron's Wish 3 devices. Mishima Mushroom (Strength)
D 極秘任務:リーロンの願い 4 Investigate Todo's 三島産キノコ(射撃)
Secret Mission: Riron's Wish 4 trail. Mishima Mushroom (Ranged)
D 極秘任務:リーロンの願い 5 Recover 5 monitoring 三島産キノコ(魂)
Secret Mission: Riron's Wish 5 devices. Mishima Mushroom (Spiritia)
D レアメタル G を探せ 2 Find 5 Rare Metal 三島産キノコ(集中)
Find the Rare Metal Coin 2 Coins. Mishima Mushroom (Concentration)
D 守護兵器の卵 1 Obtain 5 Dyaus eggs. 三島産キノコ(速度)
Protect the Eggs 1 Mishima Mushroom (Speed)
D レアメタル G を探せ 3 Find 10 Rare Metal VF-171EX 設計図Ⅰ
Find the Rare Metal Coin 3 Coins. VF-171EX Blueprints (I)
D ユーリア貝調査 Obtain 20 Yuria プラズマグレネードⅣ
Yuria Shellfish Research Shellfish. Plasma Grenade IV

YUE – YURIA (ユエ )

Yue is located in the Eastern area of the Yuria Archipelago Field. See Area Maps section for details.
Quest Name Clear Conditions Reward
D ゼントラおじさんの思い出 Find the old man's ステーキ(150g)
Old Man Zentora's Memories precious pipe. Steak (150g)
D とんがり遺跡を探せ Find the big ring. パインサラダ
Find the Remains Pineapple Salad
D 海上捜索隊 Find the transport パインケーキ(ブロック)
Find the Marine Squadron ship's cargo x8. Pineapple Cake (Block)
D 群島 Lv4 コース増設計画 Find the Level 4 アフターバーナーⅠ
Level 4 Course Plans course plan. Obtain Afterburner I
10 Ouroboros Stones.
D 群島 Lv5 コース増設計画 Find the Level 5 ハンドグレネードⅡ
Level 5 Course Plans course plan. Obtain Hand Grenade II
10 Ouroboros Stones.
D 群島 Lv6 コース増設計画 Find the Level 6 設置式大型爆弾Ⅲ
Level 6 Course Plans course plan. Obtain Proximity Mine III
10 Ouroboros Stones.
D 群島 Lv7 コース増設計画 Find the Level 7 プラズマグレネードⅢ
Level 7 Course Plans course plan. Obtain Plasma Grenade III
10 Ouroboros Stones.
D 群島 Lv8 コース増設計画 Find the Level 8 ハンドグレネードⅣ
Level 8 Course Plans course plan. Obtain Hand Grenade IV
10 Ouroboros Stones.
D 群島 Lv9 コース増設計画 Find the Level 9 高性能レーダー
Level 9 Course Plans course plan. Obtain High-Performance Radar
10 Ouroboros Stones.
D 群島 Lv10 コース増設計画 Find the Level 10 VF-22 設計図Ⅰ
Level 10 Course Plans course plan. Obtain VF-22 Blueprints (I)
10 Ouroboros Stones.
S ヴァーヴズ討伐作戦 Defeat 10 bandits in まぐろ鰻(ダブル)
Vafudr Operation Vafudr Ruins. Eel & Tuna (Double)
S ヴァーヴズ討伐作戦 2 Defeat 15 bandits in 獅子印三島産キノコ(Lv)
Vafudr Operation 2 Vafudr Ruins. Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom

LEOPOLD CITY – YURIA (レオポルドシティ )

Leopold City is located in the Northern area of the Yuria Archipelago Field. See Area Maps section
for details.
Quest Name Clear Conditions Reward
B 聖剣 Defeat the enemy VF-0 ファストパック設計図
Holy Sword bounty. VF-0 Fast Pack Blueprints
Mishima Mushroom (Speed)
E C 級任務:バジュラを守れ! Escort the Vajra. サラのヤリウェイ
C-Rank Mission: Protect the Sara's Yarivei
Vajra! 三島産キノコ(射撃)
Mishima Mushroom (Ranged)
O B 級任務:ゼントラ抗争 2 Defeat both Zentraedi パインケーキ(ホール)
B-Rank Mission: Zentora Feud forces. Pineapple Cake (Whole)
2 三島産キノコ(防御)
Mishima Mushroom (Defense)
B S 級任務:スピード狂 Arrest the speeder. まぐろ鰻(ダブル)
S-Rank Mission: Speeder Eel Tuna (Double)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
B SS 級任務:ウロボロスの狼 Defeat the Wolf. VF-19E アイシャ機設計図Ⅱ
SS-Rank Mission: The VF-19E Aisha Blueprints (II)
Ouroboros Wolf 獅子印三島産キノコ(速度)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
S ヌーシャテル・ガー討伐
Nushateru Subjugation
S クァドラン・ロー討伐
Queadluun-Rau Subjugation
D 群島のタイプカプセル 1 Help Mina with her VF-1J 設計図Ⅱ
Archipelago Time Capsule 1 research. VF-1J Blueprints (II)
D 失われた秘宝 Get a picture of the アルトの紙飛行機
Lost Treasure Guardians. Alto's Paper Airplane

BOWEN – YURIA (ポーウェン )

Bowen is located in the far Northwestern area of the Yuria Archipelago Field. See Area Maps
section for details.
Quest Name Clear Conditions Reward
B 追撃 Defeat the bandit SV-51γ 设计図Ⅰ × 1
Pursuit thief. SV-51 Gamma Blueprints (I)
三島産キノコ(速度) × 1
Mishima Mushroom (Speed)
O C 級任務:バジュラ捕獲指令 Capture the Vajra. パインサラダ(ゼントラ盛)×1
C-Rank Mission: Vajra Capture Pineapple Salad
Mishima Mushroom (Concentration)
O B 級任務:賞金首を討て Arrest the Bounty. ステーキ(200g)×1
B-Rank Mission: Revenge of Steak (200g)
the Bounty 三島産キノコ(魂)×1
Mishima Mushroom (Spiritia)
O A 級任務:ゼントラ抗争 3 Crush both Zentraedi ブレラのハーモニカ×1
A-Rank Mission: Zentora forces. Brera's Harmonica
Dispute 3 獅子印 三島産キノコ(格闘)×1
Mishima Mushroom (Melee)
S VF-1J 討伐
VF-1J Subjugation
S ゼントラーディ退治 Defeat 20 Zentraedi. 三島産キノコ(速度)×1
Zentraedi Subjugation Mishima Mushroom (Speed)
S VF-11B 討伐
VF-11B Subjugation
S フラミンゴを叩け 1 Defeat 8 Flamingos in 三島産キノコ(集中)×1
Fight the Flamingo 1 Nidhogg Cave. Mishima Mushroom (Concentration)
S SV-51α 討伐
SV-51 Alpha Subjugation
S ファロス討伐作戦 Defeat 10 bandits in 三島産キノコ(防御)×1
Faros Operation Faros Base. Mishimia Mushroom (Defense)
S VF-0D 討伐
VF-0D Subjugation
S フラミンゴを叩け 2
Fight the Flamingo 2
S VF-0S 討伐
VF-0S Subjugation
S VF-0A 討伐
VF-0A Subjugation
S ヴァーヴズ討伐作戦 Defeat 10 bandits in 至高カバ牛アイスクリーム×1
Vavudr Operation Vavudr Ruins. Hippo-Cow Ice Cream
S バーレイグ討伐作戦 Defeat 10 bandits in VF-22S 設計図Ⅰ×1
Baleygr Operation Baleygr Ruins. VF-22S Blueprints (I)
S ガングレリ討伐作戦 Defeat 15 bandits in VF-1A スカル小隊機設計図Ⅱ×1
Gangleri Operation Gangueri Ruins. VF-1A Skull Blueprints (II)
S ベルヴェルク討伐作戦 Defeat 15 bandits in YF-21 設計図Ⅱ×1
Bolverkr Operation Bolverkr Ruins. YF-21 Blueprints (II)
E SS 級任務:続・ 正義の味方 Repel the enemy and VF-11C ミーナ機設計図ⅡX 1
SS-Rank Mission: Ally of protect the civilians. VF-11C Mina Blueprints (II)
Justice 獅子印 三島産キノコ(射撃)X 1
Mishima Mushroom (Ranged)

CLEEF TOWN – ??? (クリーフタウン )

Cleef Town is located in the ??? area of the ??? Field. See Area Maps section for details.
Quest Name Clear Conditions SS-Rank Mission: Reward
B 5000G の首 Defeat the Oasis 三島産キノコ(防御)
5,000G Bounty bandits. Mishima Mushroom (Defense)
Afterburner IV
E B 級任務:バジュラを守れ Defend the Vajra. バサラのギター
B-Rank Mission: Protect the Basara's Guitar
Vajra 三島産キノコ(速度)
Mishima Mushroom (Speed)
B SS 級任務:賞金首を討て Arrest the Bounty. YF-21 ガルド機設計図Ⅱ
SS-Rank Mission: Revenge of YF-21 Garudo Blueprints (II)
the Bounty 獅子印三島産キノコ(格闘)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
D ウロボロスの研究 10 以下略 Find Todo's notes in 高性能レーダー
Ouroboros Research 10 Alfathr Ruins. High-Performance Radar
D ウロボロスの研究 11 以下略 Find Todo's notes in 三島産キノコ(射撃)
Ouroboros Research 11 Grotti Cave. Mishima Mushroom (Ranged)
D ウロボロスの研究 12 以下略 Find Todo's notes in VF-171EX アルト機設計図Ⅰ
Ouroboros Research 12 Sanngetall Ruins. VF-171EX Alto Blueprints (I)
D ウロボロスの研究 13 以下略 Find Todo's notes in VF-1S 設計図Ⅱ
Ouroboros Research 13 Heithrun Cave. VF-1S Blueprints (II)
D ウロボロスの研究 14 Find Todo's notes in VF-11B イサム機設計図Ⅱ
Ouroboros Research 14 Alv Cave. VF-11B Isamu Blueprints (II)
D ウロボロスの研究 15 以下略 Find Todo's notes in 獅子印三島産キノコ(射撃)
Ouroboros Research 15 Doverugu Cave. Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
D ウロボロスの研究 16 以下略 Find Todo's notes in YF-29 スーパーパック設計図
Ouroboros Research 16 Heruburindi Ruins. YF-29 Super Pack Blueprints
S オルコス討伐作戦 Defeat 15 bandits in 三島産キノコ(集中)
Orkos Operation Orkos Base. Mishima Mushroom (Concentration)
D S 級ハンターライセンス試 Obtain Class-S 三島産キノコ(体力)
験 certificate in Alv Mishima Mushroom (Strength)
Class-S Hunter Exam Cave.
D SS 級ハンターライセンス試 Obtain Class-SS VF-19S 設計図Ⅰ
験 certificate in Alv VF-19S Blueprints (I)
Class-SS Hunter Exam Cave.

MORICONE HILL – ??? (モリコーネヒル )

Moricone Hill is located in the ??? area of the ??? Field. See Area Maps section for details.
Quest Name Clear Conditions Reward
S グロッティ討伐作戦 Defeat 10 bandits in 三島産キノコ(射撃)X1
Grotti Operation Grotti Cave. Mishima Mushroom (Ranged)
S アルフォズル討伐作戦 Defeat 15 bandits in YF-29 オズマ機設計図Ⅰ
Alfathr Operation Alfathr Ruins. YF-29 Ozma Blueprints (I)
S サンゲタル討伐作戦 Defeat 15 bandits in ガムリンの指輪
Sanngetall Operation Sanngetall Ruins. Gamlin's Ring
B 3000G の首 Defeat the Desert 至高カバ牛アイスクリーム
3,000G Bounty Canyon bandits. Hippo-Cow Ice Cream
Mishima Mushroom (Concentration)
B C 級任務:賞金首を討て Arrest the Bounty. ミレーヌのベース
C-Rank Mission: Revenge of Mylene's Bass
the Bounty 三島産キノコ(魂)
Mishima Mushroom (Spiritia)
E S 級任務:輸送船団 SOS Defend the convoy. VF-25F アルト機設計図Ⅱ
S-Rank Mission: Convoy SOS VF-25F Alto Blueprints (II)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
E バジュラを狩る者 Defend the Vajra. RVF-25 ルカ機設計図Ⅱ
Those who hunt Vajra RVF-25 Luca Blueprints (II)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
S VF-1S 討伐 Defeat 5 VF-1Ss. 三島産キノコ(格闘)
VF-1S Subjugation Mishima Mushroom (Melee)
S VF-11C 討伐 Defeat 5 VF-11Cs.
VF-11C Subjugation
S SV-51γ 討伐 Defeat 5 SV-51
SV-51 Gamma Subjugation Gammas.
S 砂漠の守護兵器討伐 Defeat 10 Guardians.
Desert Guardian Subjugation
S VF-22 討伐 Defeat 5 VF-22s.
VF-22 Subjugation
S ケーニッヒモンスター討伐 Defeat 3 Konig
Konig Monster Subjugation Monsters.
S ヘイズルーン討伐作戦 Defeat 10 bandits in アフターバーナーⅣ
Heithrun Operation Heithrun Cave. Afterburner IV
D 魅惑のユーリア貝 Obtain 30 Yuria 三島産キノコ(魂)
The Charm of Yuria Shellfish Shellfish. Mishima Mushroom (Spiritia)
D サボテン集め Obtain 20 Ouroboros 三島産キノコ(体力)
Cactus Gathering Cactus. Mishima Mushroom (Strength)
D サボテンワクチン1 Deliver cactus VF-19A レイヴンズ機設計 図Ⅰ
Cactus Vaccine 1 vaccine to Vrlitwhal VF-19A Raven Bleuprints (I)

RAMAD – ??? (ラマード )

Ramad is located in the ??? area of the ??? Field. See Area Maps section for details.
Quest Name Clear Conditions Reward
B A 級任務:闇に潜む者 Defeat the enemies. VF-11C スーパーパック設計図
A-Rank Mission: Lurkers in VF-11C Super Pack Blueprints
the Dark
B S 級任務:賞金首を討て Arrest the Bounty. ミュンのブレスレット
S-Rank Mission: Revenge of Myun's Bracelet
the Bounty 三島産キノコ(防御)
Mishima Mushroom (Defense)
E SS 級任務:逆襲 Defend the civilians VF-22S ミリア機設計図Ⅱ
SS-Rank Mission: from the Guardians. VF-22S Millia Blueprints (II)
Counterattack 獅子印三島産キノコ(集中)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
D 動物見学の落とし物 Deliver the lunchbox. 高性能レーダー
Dawn Drop-Off High-Performance Radar
D 浮島の落とし物 Deliver the parts. 設置式大型爆弾Ⅳ
Floating Island Dawn Proximity Mine IV
D 要塞の落とし物 Deliver the message ステーキ(200g)
Fortress Dawn to Surudoheimu Steak (200g)
D 砂漠の宝1 Find the ancient パインサラダ(ゼントラ盛)
Desert Treasure 1 Ouroboros treasure. Pineapple Salad (Zentora)
D 砂漠の宝 2 Find the ancient 獅子印三島産キノコ(LV)
Desert Treasure 2 Ouroboros treasure. Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
D 砂漠の宝 3 Find the ancient プラズマグレネードⅤ
Desert Treasure 3 Ouroboros treasure. Plasma Grenade V
D 砂漠の宝 4 Find the ancient レストレーションキットⅤ
Desert Treasure 4 Ouroboros treasure. Restoration Kit V
D 砂漠の宝 5 Find the ancient 巨大まぐろ
Desert Treasure 5 Ouroboros treasure. Eel Tuna
D 砂漠の宝 6 Find the ancient VF-1S スカル小隊隊長機設計図Ⅱ
Desert Treasure 6 Ouroboros treasure. VF-1S Skull Blueprints (II)
D 砂漠の宝 7 Find the ancient ミンメイ人形
Desert Treasure 7 Ouroboros treasure. Minmei Doll
S ヌーシャテル・ガー討伐 Defeat 10 Nushateru- アフターバーナーⅣ
Nushateru-Ga Subjugation Gas. Afterburner IV
S クァドラン・ロー討伐 Defeat 10 Queadluun- RVF-171EX ルカ機設計図Ⅰ
Queadluun-Rau Subjugation Raus. RFV-171EX Luca Blueprints (I)
S ゼントラーディ兵討伐 Defeat 10 Zentraedi VF-11C 設計図Ⅱ
Zentraedi Soldier Subjugation Soldiers. VF-11C Blueprints (II)
S クァドラン・レア討伐 Defeat 10 Queadluun- 高性能レーダー
Queadluun-Rhea Subjugation Rheas. High-Performance Radar

RAGHBAR – ??? (ラグバ )

Raghbar is located in the ??? area of the ??? Field. See Area Maps section for details.
Quest Name Clear Conditions Reward
B C 級任務:追撃 Arrest the bounty. パインサラダ(ゼントラ盛)
C-Rank Mission: Pursuit Pineapple Salad (Zentora)
Mishima Mushroom (Ranged)
B A 級任務:賞金首を討て Arrest the bounty. ガルドのお守り
A-Rank Mission: Revenge of Garudo's Amulet
the Bounty 三島産キノコ(格闘)
Mishima Mushroom (Melee)
O SS 級任務:ハンター暴動 Subdue the riot. マックスの艦長帽子
SS-Rank Mission: Hunter Riot Max's Captain's Hat
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
D 砂漠のタイムカプセル1 Help Mina with her 獅子印三島産キノコ(LV)
Desert Time Capsule 1 research. Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
砂漠のタイムカプセル2 ステーキ(200g
D Help Mina with her
Desert Time Capsule 2 research. Steak (200g)
D 盗まれたバイオリン Recover the stolen
Stolen Violin violin. Eel Tuna

D 盗まれたオルゴール Recover the stolen 至高カバ牛アイスクリーム

Stolen Music Box music box. Hippo-Cow Ice Cream
D 盗まれたスパイス Recover the stolen パインケーキ(ホール)
Stolen Spices spices. Pineapple Cake (Whole)

JURGEN – ??? (ユルゲン )

Jurgen is located in the ??? area of the ??? Field. See Area Maps section for details.
Quest Name Clear Conditions Reward
B B 級任務:レイヴンズ Defeat the enemies. Vf-11B イサム機設計図Ⅰ
B-Rank Mission: Ravens VF-11B Isamu Blueprints (I)
Mishima Mushroom (Strength)
E S 級任務:守護兵器の楽園 Defend the civilians. カムジンのマント
S-Rank Mission: Guardian Kamujin's Cloak
Paradise 三島産キノコ(射撃)
Mishima Mushroom (Ranged)
B SS 級任務:賞金首を討て Arrest the bounty. ミリアのイヤリング
SS-Rank Mission: Revenge of Millia's Earrings
the Bounty 獅子印三島産キノコ(魂)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
S スルードヘイム討伐作戦 Defeat 10 bandits in パインケーキ(ホール
Suroduheimu Operation Suroduheimu Pineapple Cake (Whole)
S ドウェルグ討伐作戦 Defeat 10 Zentraedi ステーキ(200g)

Doverugu Operation in Doverugu Cave. Steak (200g)

S ノモス討伐作戦 Defeat 10 bandits in アフターバーナーⅢ

Nomosu Operation Nomosu Base. Afterburner III

D 砂漠 Lv6 コース増設計画 Find the level 6
Level 6 Desert Course Plans course plan. Obtain High-Performance Radar
10 Ouroboros stones;
obtain 5 Shiera Stars.
D 砂漠 LV7 コース増設計画 Find the level 7 ハンドグレネードⅢ

Level 7 Desert Course Plans course plan. Obtain Hand Grenade III
10 Ouroboros stones;
obtain 5 Shiera Stars.
D 砂漠 Lv8 コース増設計画 Find the level 8 設置式大型爆弾Ⅳ

Level 8 Desert Course Plans course plan. Obtain Proximity Mine IV

10 Ouroboros stones;
obtain 5 Shiera Stars.
D 砂漠 Lv9 コース増設計画 Find the level 9 プラズマグレネードⅤ

Level 9 Desert Course Plans course plan. Obtain Plasma Grenade V

10 Ouroboros stones;
obtain 5 Shiera Stars.
D 砂漠 Lv10 コース増設計画 Find the level 10 レストレーションキットⅤ

Level 10 Desert Course Plans course plan. Obtain Restoration Kit V

10 Ouroboros stones;
obtain 5 Shiera Stars.

URTHR – ??? (ウルズ )

Urthr is located in the ??? area of the ??? Field. See Area Maps section for details.
Quest Name Clear Conditions Reward
B A 級任務:達人 Defeat the Expert. ノーラのゴーグル
A-Rank Mission: Expert Nora's Goggles
獅子印 三島産キノコ(体力)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
A 級任務:脱走兵
B Arrest the Deserter. ジェフリーの艦長帽
A-Rank Mission: Deserter Jeffrey's Captain Hat
獅子印 三島産キノコ(射撃)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
O S 級任務:バジュラ捕獲作 Capture the Vajra. VF-1S 一条機設計図Ⅱ
戦 VF-1S Ichijo Blueprints (II)
S-Rank Mission: Vajra Capture 獅子印 三島産キノコ(格闘)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
B S 級任務:氷の牙 Defeat the Havamaru VF-0A シン機設計図Ⅱ
S-Rank Mission: Ice Fang Squadron. VF-0A Shin Blueprints (II)
獅子印 三島産キノコ(防御)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
E S 級任務:守護兵器の楽園 Repel the enemy and クァドラン・レア(KK)設計図Ⅱ
S-Rank Mission: Guardian protect the civilians. Queadluun-Rau Klan Blueprints (II)
D 盗まれた壺 Recover the vase. YF-19 設計図Ⅱ
Stolen Vase YF-19 Blueprints (II)
D 盗まれた茶器 Recover the tea set. VF-25 トルネードパック設計図
Stolen Tea Set VF-25 Tornado Pack Blueprints
D 坊ちゃまの夢 モードラー財閥の ミンメイのマイク
Gentleman's Dream 坊ちゃまを探す Minmei's Mic
Search the gentle-
man's Company
S ハーヴァマールを殲滅せよ Destroy the VF-19F 設計図Ⅱ
Havamaru Annihilation Havamaru Squadron. VF-19 Blueprints (II)
D 氷河 Lv6 コース増設計画 Find the Level 6 リペアキットⅴ
Level 6 Glacier Course Plans Course Plans. Obtain Repair Kit V
10 Ourobos Mona
D 氷河 Lv7 コース増設計画 Find the Level 7 高性能レーダー
Level 7 Glacier Course Plans Course Plans. Obtain High-Performance Radar
10 Ourobos Mona
D 氷河 Lv8 コース増設計画 Find the Level 8 ハンドグレネードⅴ
Level 8 Glacier Course Plans Course Plans. Obtain Hand Grenade V
10 Ourobos Mona
D 氷河 Lv9 コース増設計画 Find the Level 9 プラズマグレネードⅴ
Level 9 Glacier Course Plans Course Plans. Obtain Plasma Grenade V
10 Ourobos Mona
D 氷河 Lv10 コース増設計画 Find the Level 10 レストレーションキットⅴ
Level 10 Glacier Course Plans Course Plans. Obtain Restoration Kit V
10 Ourobos Mona

VERTHANDI – ??? (ヴェルザンディ )

Verthandi is located in the ??? area of the ??? Field. See Area Maps section for details.
Quest Name Clear Conditions Reward
B S 級任務:氷の牙 Defeat the Havamaru マオの首飾り
S-Rank Mission: Ice Fang Squadron. Mao's Necklace
獅子印 三島産キノコ(集中)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
B SS 級任務:賞金首を討て Arrest the Bounty. ルカのノートパソコン
SS-Rank Mission: Revenge of Luca's Laptop
the Bounty 獅子印 三島産キノコ(魂)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
B SS 級任務:氷の牙 Defeat the Havamaru オズマの FB お宝ディスク
SS-Rank Mission: Ice Fang Squadron. Ozma's Firebomber Record
獅子印 三島産キノコ(体力)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
B SS 級任務:賞金首を討て Arrest the Bounty. VF-25G ミハエル機設計図Ⅱ
SS-Rank Mission: Revenge of VF-25G Michael Blueprints (II)
the Bounty 獅子印 三島産キノコ(射撃)
Lion's Mark Mishima Mushroom
D 氷河のタイムカプセル 1 Look into things for 三島産キノコ(体力)
Glacier's Time Capsule 1 Mina. Mishima Mushroom (Strength)
D 氷河のタイムカプセル 2 Look into things for VF-19A レイヴンズ機設計図Ⅱ
Glacier's Time Capsule 2 Mina. VF-19A Ravens Blueprints (II)
D 氷河のタイムカプセル 3 Look into things for 未沙の水着写真
Glacier's Time Capsule 3 Mina. Misa's Swimsuit Photos
S ラグナロク党を叩け Defeat 15 machines VF-22 設計図Ⅱ
Strike the Ragnarok Party in Feunir Cave. VF-22 Blueprints (II)
S バジュラを救出せよ Defeat 20 Vajra in the VF-27γ 設計図Ⅰ
Vajra Rescue Glaciers. VF-27 Gamma Blueprints (I)

SKULD (スクルド )
Skuld is located in the ??? area of the ??? Field. See Area Maps section for details.
Quest Name Clear Conditions Reward
B SS 級任務:赤い幽霊の噂 Defeat the mysterious VF-25S オズマ機設計図Ⅱ
SS-Rank Mission: Red Spectre red aircraft. VF-25S Ozma Rank II Blueprints
S カノナス討伐 Defeat 10 aircraft in 三島産キノコ(魂)
Kanonos Operation Kanonos Base. Mishima Mushroom (Spiritia)
S フロプト討伐作戦 Defeat 10 aircraft in 三島産キノコ(集中)
Furoputo Operation Furoputo Base. Mishima Mushroom (Concentration)
S ガグンラーズ討伐作戦 Defeat 15 machines VF-25 アマードパック設計図
Gagnarthor Operation in Gagnarthor Base. VF-25 Armored Pack Blueprints (I)
S イヤールク討伐作戦 Defeat 15 machines イワノフの操縦指南書
Hropt Operation in Hropt Base. Ivanov's Piloting Manual
D ウロボロス研究 17 以下略 Find Todo's notes in シンのタグ
Ouroboros Research 17 Furoputo Base. Shin's Tags
D ウロボロス研究 18 以下略 Find Todo's notes in アフターバーナⅤ
Ouroboros Research 18 Gagnarthor Base. Afterburner V
D ウロボロス研究 19 以下略 Find Todo's notes in VF-19S 設計図Ⅱ
Ouroboros Research 19 Hropt Base. VF-19S Rank II Blueprints (I)
D ウロボロス研究 20 以下略 Find Todo's notes in VF-22S 設計図Ⅱ
Ouroboros Research 20 Feunir Cave. VF-22S Rank II Blueprints (I)
D ウロボロス研究 21 以下略 Find Todo's notes in 輝のチタニム賞メダル
Ouroboros Research 21 Yuruba-Aga. ???


Daoren Shop Inventory
Item Cost Notes
リペアキットⅠ 100
Repair Kit I
リペアキットⅡ 200
Repair Kit II
リペアキットⅢ 2,000
Repair Kit III
レストレーションキットⅠ 1,000
Restoration Kit I
レストレーションキットⅡ 2,000
Restoration Kit II
弾薬 BOX(特殊 1) 100
Ammo Box (Sub-1)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 2) 100
Ammo Box (Sub-2)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 3) 100
Ammo Box (Sub-3)
高性能レーダー 700
High-Performance Radar
VF-0S 設計図Ⅰ 2,000
VF-0S Blueprints (I)
VF-0D 設計図Ⅲ 20,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-0D Blueprints (III)
VF-0A 設計図Ⅲ 20,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-0A Blueprints (III)
VF-0S 設計図Ⅲ 20,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-0S Blueprints (III)
VF-0S スカル小隊隊長機設計図Ⅲ 20,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-0S Skull Blueprints (III)
VF-0A シン機設計図Ⅲ 50,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-0A Shin Blueprints (III)

Vrlitwhal City Shop Inventory

Item Cost Notes
リペアキットⅠ 240
Repair Kit I
リペアキットⅡ 1200
Repair Kit II
リペアキットⅢ 2,400
Repair Kit III
レストレーションキットⅠ 1,200
Restoration Kit I
レストレーションキットⅡ 2,400
Restoration Kit II
弾薬 BOX(特殊 1) 120
Ammo Box (Sub-1)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 2) 120
Ammo Box (Sub-2)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 3) 120
Ammo Box (Sub-3)
簡易フォールド・ ブースター 2,000
Simple Fold Booster
VF-1S 設計図Ⅰ 10,000
VF-1S Blueprints (I)
VF-1S 設計図Ⅲ 40,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-1S Blueprints (III)
VF-1S スカル小隊隊長機設計図Ⅲ 40,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-1S Skull Blueprints (III)
VF-1S 一条機設計図Ⅲ 50,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-1S Ichijo (III)
パワード・スーツ設計図Ⅰ 2,000 Available in New Game Plus.
Powered Suit Blueprints (I)
パワード・スーツ設計図Ⅱ 20,000 Available in New Game Plus.
Powered Suit Blueprints (II)
パワード・スーツ設計図Ⅲ 50,000 Available in New Game Plus.
Powered Suit Blueprints (III)
リガード設計図Ⅰ 3,000 Available in New Game Plus.
Regult Blueprints (I)
リガード設計図Ⅱ 20,000 Available in New Game Plus.
Regult Blueprints (II)
リガード設計図Ⅲ 50,000 Available in New Game Plus.
Regult Blueprints (III)
クァドロン・ロー設計図Ⅰ 4,000 Available in New Game Plus.
Queadluun-Rau Blueprints (I)
クァドロン・ロー設計図Ⅱ 20,000 Available in New Game Plus.
Queadluun-Rau Blueprints (II)
クァドロン・ロー設計図Ⅲ 50,000 Available in New Game Plus.
Queadluun-Rau Blueprints (III)
クァドロン・ロー(MF)設計図Ⅰ 5,000 Available in New Game Plus.
Queadluun-Rau MF Blueprints (I)
クァドロン・ロー(MF)設計図Ⅱ 30,000 Available in New Game Plus.
Queadluun-Rau MF Blueprints (II)
クァドロン・ロー(MF)設計図Ⅲ 60,000 Available in New Game Plus.
Queadluun-Rau MF Blueprints (III)

Yue Shop Inventory

Item Cost Notes
リペアキットⅠ 260
Repair Kit I
リペアキットⅡ 1,300
Repair Kit II
弾薬 BOX(特殊 1) 130
Ammo Box (Sub-1)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 2) 130
Ammo Box (Sub-2)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 3) 130
Ammo Box (Sub-3)
ハンドグレネードⅠ 400
Hand Grenade I
ハンドグレネードⅡ 800
Hand Grenade II
プラズマグレネードⅠ 800
Plasma Grenade I
プラズマグレネードⅡ 1,600
Plasma Grenade II
設置式大型爆弾Ⅰ 600
Proximity Mine I
設置式大型爆弾Ⅱ 1,200
Proximity Mine II
SV-51α 設計図Ⅰ 3,000
SV-51 Alpha Blueprints (I)
SV-51α 設計図Ⅲ 20,000 Available in New Game Plus.
SV-51 Alpha Blueprints (III)
SV-51γ 設計図Ⅲ 30,000 Available in New Game Plus.
SV-51 Gamma Blueprints (III)
SV-51γ ノーラ機設計図Ⅱ 40,000 Available in New Game Plus.
SV-51 G. Nora Blueprints (II)
SV-51γ ノーラ機設計図Ⅲ 90,000 Available in New Game Plus.
SV-51 G. Nora Blueprints (III)
SV-51γ イワノフ機設計図Ⅱ 40,000 Available in New Game Plus.
SV-51 G. Ivanov Blueprints (II)
SV-51γ イワノフ機設計図Ⅲ 90,000 Available in New Game Plus.
SV-51 I G. Ivanov Blueprints (III)

Leopold City Shop Inventory

Item Cost Notes
リペアキットⅠ 300
Repair Kit I
リペアキットⅡ 1,500
Repair Kit II
レストレーションキットⅠ 1,500
Restoration Kit I
弾薬 BOX(特殊 1) 150
Ammo Box (Sub-1)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 2) 150
Ammo Box (Sub-2)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 3) 150
Ammo Box (Sub-3)
ハンドグレネードⅠ 400
Hand Grenade I
ハンドグレネードⅡ 800
Hand Grenade II
プラズマグレネードⅠ 800
Plasma Grenade I
プラズマグレネードⅡ 1,600
Plasma Grenade II
設置式大型爆弾Ⅰ 600
Proximity Mine I
設置式大型爆弾Ⅱ Proximity Mine II 1,200
VF-11B スーパーパック設計図 11,000
VF-11B Super Pack Blueprints
VF-11B 設計図Ⅲ 40,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-11B Blueprints (III)
VF-11B イサム機設計図Ⅲ 40,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-11B Isamu Blueprints (III)

Bowen Shop Inventory

Item Cost Notes
リペアキットⅠ 280
Repair Kit I
リペアキットⅡ 1,400
Repair Kit II
リペアキットⅢ 2,800
Repair Kit III
レストレーションキットⅠ 1,400
Restoration Kit I
レストレーションキットⅡ 2,800
Restoration Kit II
弾薬 BOX(特殊 1) 140
Ammo Box (Sub-1)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 2) 140
Ammo Box (Sub-2)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 3) 140
Ammo Box (Sub-3)
ステーキ(150g) 1,500
Steak (150g)
パインサラダ 800
Pineapple Salad
パインケーキ(ブロック) 1,800
Pinapple Cake (Block)
カバ牛アイスクリーム 1,000
Hippo-Cow Ice Cream
ディヤウスの卵 20,000
Dyaus Egg
VF-1A 設計図Ⅲ 30,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-1A Blueprints (III)
VF-1A スカル小隊機設計図Ⅲ 30,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-1A Skull Blueprints (III)
VF-1J 設計図Ⅲ 30,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-1J Blueprints (III)
VF-1J 一条機設計図Ⅲ 30,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-1J Ichijo Blueprints (III)
VF-1J ミレーヌ機設計図Ⅲ 50,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-1J Mylene (III)

Cleef Town Shop Inventory

Item Cost Notes
リペアキットⅠ 300
Repair Kit I
リペアキットⅡ 1,500
Repair Kit II
リペアキットⅢ 3,000
Repair Kit III
リペアキットⅣ 4,500
Repair Kit IV
レストレーションキットⅠ 1,500
Restoration Kit I
レストレーションキットⅡ 3,000
Restoration Kit II
レストレーションキットⅢ 6,000
Restoration Kit III
レストレーションキットⅣ 9,000
Restoration Kit IV
弾薬 BOX(特殊 1) 150
Ammo Box (Sub-1)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 2) 150
Ammo Box (Sub-2)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 3) 150
Ammo Box (Sub-3)
VF-11C 設計図Ⅰ 11,500
VF-11C Blueprints (I)
VF-11C 設計図Ⅲ 40,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-11C Blueprints (III)
VF-11C ミーナ機設計図Ⅲ 60,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-11C Mina Blueprints

Moricone Hill Shop Inventory

Item Cost Notes
リペアキットⅠ 320
Repair Kit I
リペアキットⅡ 1,600
Repair Kit II
レストレーションキットⅠ 1,600
Restoration Kit I
弾薬 BOX(特殊 1) 160
Ammo Box (Sub-1)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 2) 160
Ammo Box (Sub-2)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 3) 160
Ammo Box (Sub-3)
ステーキ(150g) 1,500
Steak (150g)
パインサラダ 800
Pineapple Salad
パインケーキ(ブロック) 1,800
Pineapple Cake (Block)
カバ牛アイスクリーム 1,000
Hippo-Cow Ice Cream
YF-21 設計図Ⅰ 21,000
YF-21 Blueprints (I)
YF-21 設計図Ⅲ 25,000 Available in New Game Plus.
YF-21 Blueprints (III)
VF-22 設計図Ⅲ 30,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-22 Blueprints (III)
VF-22S 設計図Ⅲ 30,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-22S Blueprints (III)
YF-21 ガルド機設計図Ⅲ 60,000 Available in New Game Plus.
YF-21 Garudo Blueprints (III)
VF-22S マックス機設計図Ⅲ 50,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-22S Max Blueprints (III)
VF-22S ミリア機設計図Ⅲ 50,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-22S Millia Blueprints (III)
VF-22S ガムリン機設計図Ⅲ 50,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-22S Gamlin Blueprints (III)

Ramad Shop Inventory

Item Cost Notes
リペアキットⅠ 380
Repair Kit I
リペアキットⅡ 1,900
Repair Kit II
弾薬 BOX(特殊 1) 190
Ammo Box (Sub-1)
ハンドグレネードⅠ 400
Hand Grenade I
ハンドグレネードⅡ 800
Hand Grenade II
プラズマグレネードⅠ 800
Plasma Grenade I
プラズマグレネードⅡ 1,600
Plasma Grenade II
設置式大型爆弾Ⅰ 600
Proximity Mine I
設置式大型爆弾Ⅱ 1,200
Proximity Mine II
VF-171EX アーマードパック設計図 22,000
VF-171EX Armored Pack Blueprints
VB-6 設計図Ⅰ 24,000
VB-6 Blueprints (I)
VB-6 設計図Ⅱ 30,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VB-6 Blueprints (II)
VB-6 設計図Ⅲ 40,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VB-6 Blueprints (III)
VF-171 設計図Ⅱ 10,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-171 Blueprints (II)
VF-171 設計図Ⅲ 30,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-171 Blueprints (III)
VF-171EX 設計図Ⅱ 20,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-171EX Blueprints (II)
VF-171EX 設計図Ⅲ 40,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-171EX Blueprints (III)
VF-171EX アルト機設計図Ⅱ 10,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-171EX Alto Blueprints (II)
VF-171EX アルト機設計図Ⅲ 30,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-171EX Alto Blueprints (III)
RVF-171EX ルカ機設計図Ⅱ 10,000 Available in New Game Plus.
RVF-171EX Luca Blueprints (II)
RVF-171EX ルカ機設計図Ⅲ 40,000 Available in New Game Plus.
RVF-171EX Luca Blueprints (III)
VF-171EX ガネス機設計図Ⅱ 40,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-171EX Ganesu Blueprints (II)
VF-171EX ガネス機設計図Ⅲ 90,000 Available in New Game Plus.
VF-171EX Ganesu Blueprints (III)

Raghbar Shop Inventory

Item Cost Notes

Jurgen Shop Inventory

Item Cost Notes

Urthr Shop Inventory

Item Cost Notes
リペアキットⅠ 400
Repair Kit I
リペアキットⅡ 2,000
Repair Kit II
リペアキットⅢ 4,000
Repair Kit III
リペアキットⅣ 6,000
Repair Kit IV
リペアキットⅤ 12,000
Repair Kit V
レストレーションキットⅠ 2,000
Restoration KitI
レストレーションキットⅡ 4,000
Restoration Kit II
レストレーションキットⅢ 8,000
Restoration Kit III
レストレーションキットⅣ 12,000
Restoration Kit IV
レストレーションキットⅤ 24,000
Restoration Kit V
弾薬 BOX(特殊 1) 200
Ammo Box (Sub-1)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 2) 200
Ammo Box (Sub-2)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 3) 200
Ammo Box (Sub-3)
高性能レーダー 700
High-Performance Radar
簡易フォールドブースター 2,000
Simple Fold Booster
VF-25A 設計図Ⅰ 25,000
VF-25A Blueprints (I)
Available in New Game Plus.

Verthandi Shop Inventory

Item Cost Notes
リペアキットⅠ 420
Repair Kit I
リペアキットⅡ 2,100
Repair Kit II
リペアキットⅢ 4,200
Repair Kit III
リペアキットⅣ 6,300
Repair Kit IV
レストレーションキットⅠ 12,600
Restoration KitI
レストレーションキットⅡ 12,600
Restoration Kit II
レストレーションキットⅢ 8,400
Restoration Kit III
弾薬 BOX(特殊 1) 210
Ammo Box (Sub-1)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 2) 210
Ammo Box (Sub-2)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 3) 210
Ammo Box (Sub-3)
ステーキ(150g) 1,500
Steak (150g)
ステーキ(170g) 3,000
Steak (170g)
パインサラダ 800
Pineapple Salad
パインサラダ(大盛) 2,400
Pineapple Salad (Large)
パインケーキ(ブロック) 1,800
Pineapple Cake (Block)
パインケーキ(ハーフ) 3,600
Pineapple Cake (Half)
カバ牛アイスクリーム 1,000
Hippo-Cow Ice Cream
究極カバ牛アイスクリーム 2,500
Ultimate Hippo-Cow Ice Cream
VF-25S 設計図Ⅰ 28,000
VF-25S Blueprints (I)
Available in New Game Plus.

Skuld Shop Inventory

Item Cost Notes
リペアキットⅠ 440
Repair Kit I
リペアキットⅡ 2,200
Repair Kit II
リペアキットⅢ 4,400
Repair Kit III
リペアキットⅣ 6,600
Repair Kit IV
レストレーションキットⅠ 13,200
Restoration KitI
レストレーションキットⅡ 13,200
Restoration Kit II
レストレーションキットⅢ 8,800
Restoration Kit III
弾薬 BOX(特殊 1) 220
Ammo Box (Sub-1)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 2) 220
Ammo Box (Sub-2)
弾薬 BOX(特殊 3) 220
Ammo Box (Sub-3)
ハンドグレネードⅠ 400
Hand Grenade I
ハンドグレネードⅡ 800
Hand Grenade II
ハンドグレネードⅢ 1,600
Hand Grenade III
ハンドグレネードⅣ 3,200
Hand Grenade IV
プラズマグレネードⅠ 800
Plasma Grenade I
プラズマグレネードⅡ 1,600
Plasma Grenade II
プラズマグレネードⅢ 3,200
Plasma Grenade III
プラズマグレネードⅣ 6,400
Plasma Grenade IV
設置式大型爆弾Ⅰ 600
Proximity Mine I
設置式大型爆弾Ⅱ 1,200
Proximity Mine II
設置式大型爆弾Ⅲ 2,400
Proximity Mine III
設置式大型爆弾Ⅳ 4,800
Proximity Mine IV
VF-27β 設計図Ⅰ 27,000
VF-27 Beta Blueprints (I)
Available in New Game Plus.

Item Name Japanese Buy Sell Description
Repair Kit I リペアキットⅠ 200 100 +2,000 HP
Repair Kit II リペアキットⅡ 1,000 500 +4,000 HP
Repair Kit III リペアキットⅢ 2,000 1,000 +8,000 HP
Repair Kit IV リペアキットⅣ 1,500 +1,600 HP
Repair Kit V リペアキットⅤ 3,000 Full HP recovery
Restoration Kit I レストレーションキ 1,000 500 Revive ally
ットⅠ +2,000 HP
Restoration Kit II レストレーションキ 2,000 1,000 Revive ally
ットⅡ +4,000 HP
Restoration Kit III レストレーションキットⅢ 2,000 Revive ally
+8,000 HP
Restoration Kit IV レストレーションキットⅣ 3,000 Revive ally
+16,000 HP
Restoration Kit V レストレーションキットⅤ 6,000 Revive ally
Full HP recovery
Eel Tuna 750 Recover 3 SP units
Eel Tuna (Double) まぐろ鰻(ダブル) 1,500 Fully SP gauge recovery
Minmei Doll 15,000 +SP generation rate
Giant Tuna 2,500 Full HP/SP recovery
Ammo Box (Sub-1) 弾薬 BOX(特殊 1) 100 50 +1 Magazine Sub-1
Ammo Box (Sub-2) 弾薬 BOX(特殊 2) 100 50 +1 Magazine Sub-2
Ammo Box (Sub-3) 弾薬 BOX(特殊 3) 100 50 +1 Magazine Sub-3
Hand Grenade I ハンドグレネードⅠ 200 1,500 damage
Hand Grenade II ハンドグレネードⅡ 400 3,000 damage
Hand Grenade III ハンドグレネードⅢ 800 4,500 damage
Hand Grenade IV ハンドグレネードⅣ 1,600 6,000 damage
Hand Grenade V ハンドグレネードⅤ 3,200 7,500 damage
Plasma Grenade I プラズマグレネード 400 Stun (8 seconds)

Plasma Grenade II プラズマグレネード 800 Stun (12 seconds)

Plasma Grenade III プラズマグレネード 1,600 Stun (16 seconds)

Plasma Grenade IV プラズマグレネードⅣ 3,200 Stun (20 seconds)
Plasma Grenade V プラズマグレネードⅤ 6,400 Stun (24 seconds)
Proximity Mine I 設置式大型爆弾Ⅰ 300 1,500 damage
Proximity Mine II 設置式大型爆弾Ⅱ 600 3,000 damage
Proximity Mine III 設置式大型爆弾Ⅲ 1,200 4,500 damage
Proximity Mine IV 設置式大型爆弾Ⅳ 2,400 6,000 damage
Proximity Mine V 設置式大型爆弾Ⅴ 4,800 7,500 damage
High-Performance Radar 高性能レーダー 700 350 Reveal map (cave)
Simple Fold Booster 簡易フォールドブー 2,000 1,000 Warp to entrance (cave)
Steak (150g) ステーキ(150g) 750 Attack +50%
Defense -50%
Steak (170g) ステーキ(170g) 1,500 Attack +70%
Defense -50%
Steak (200g) 6,000 Attack + 100%
Defense -50%
Pineapple Salad パインサラダ 400 Defense +50%
Attack -50%
Pineapple Salad (Large) 1,200 Defense +100%
Attack -50%
Pineapple Salad (Zentora) 3,600 Defense +200%
Attack -50%
Pinapple Cake (Block) パ イン ケー キ ( ブ ロ 900 Attack +20%
Pineapple Cake (Half) パ イン ケー キ ( ハ ー 1,800 Attack +40%
Pineapple Cake (Whole) 5,400 Attack +80%
Hippo-Cow Ice Cream 500 Defense +20%
Ultimate Hippo-Cow Ice 1,250 Defense +40%
Super Hippo-Cow Ice 5,000 Defense +80%
Afterburner I アフターバーナーⅠ 600 +Speed (10 seconds)
Afterburner II アフターバーナーⅡ 1,200 +Speed (15 seconds)
Afterburner III アフターバーナーⅢ 2,400 +Speed (20 seconds)
Afterburner IV アフターバーナーⅣ 4,800 +Speed (25 seconds)
Afterburner V アフターバーナーⅤ 9,600 +Speed (30 seconds)
Mishima Mushroom 三島産キノコ(体力) 500 +2 Strength
Lion's Mark Mishima 1,000 +5 Strength
Mushroom (Strength)
Mishima Mushroom 三島産キノコ(射撃) 500 +2 Ranged combat
Lion's Mark Mishima 1,000 +5 Ranged Combat
Mushroom (Ranged)
Mishimia's Mushroom 三島産キノコ(格闘) 500 +2 Melee combat
Lion's Mark Mishima 1,000 +5 Melee combat
Mushroom (Melee)
Mishima Mushroom 三島産キノコ(防御) 500 +2 Defense
Lion's Mark Mishima 1,000 +5 Defense
Mushroom (Defense)
Mishima Mushroom (Speed) 500 +2 Speed
Lion's Mark Mishima 1,000 +5 Speed
Mushroom (Speed)
Mishima Mushroom 500 +2 Concentration
Lion's Mark Mishima 1,000 +5 Concentration
Mushroom (Concentration)
Mishima Mushroom 三島産キノコ(魂) 500 +2 Spiritia
Lion's Mark Mishima 1,000 +5 Spiritia
Mushroom (Spiritia)
Mishima Mushroom (Level) 三島産キノコ(Lv) 500 +2 Levels
Lion's Mark Mishima 獅子印三島産キノコ 1,000 +5 Levels
Mushroom (Level) (Lv)

Note: stat effects (Defense, speed, weaponry, etc.) are all temporary.
Note: Grenades and mines can only be used while in Battroid mode.

Special equipment can be equipped in the inventory screen (select the item you want to equip and
press circle). Whichever item is equipped will be highlighted in cyan (light blue). Special
equipment confers special bonuses (and, in some cases, penalties) so be careful which items you
equip. Also note that you can only equip one single item at a time, so there's no point in keeping all
of the special equipment in your inventory—take the items you don't need to equip regularly and
dump them in storage!
Item Name Japanese Description
Leon's Pendant リオンのペンダント +5 Melee Combat
+5 Concentration
+10 Spirit
Aisha's Glasses アイシャのメガネ +5 Ranged Combat
+10 Defense
Mina's Hairpin ミーナの髪飾り +10 Ranged Combat
+10 Melee Combat
Riron's Hunter Textbook +30 Ranged
+30 Speed
Ganesu's Fur +100 Melee
-100 Concentration
Rod's Photo ロッドの写真 +50 Ranged
-50 Spiritia
Shin's Tags +20 Concentration
+20 Defense
Sara's Yariuei +20 Concentration
+30 Spiritia
Mao's Necklace +50 Spirita
-10 Concentration
Nora's Goggles +10 Ranged
+10 Speed
Ivanov's Piloting Manual +10 Melee
+10 Speed
Titanium Task-Force Medal +5 Ranged
+5 Melee
+5 Speed
Minmei's Mic +50 Spiritia
Misa's Swimsuit Photos +30 Speed
+40 Spiritia
-50 Concentration
Kamujin's Mantle +15 Melee
+20 Defense
Garudo's Charm ガルドのお守り +10 Ranged
+10 Concentration
+30 Speed
Myun's Bracelet +30 Speed
+30 Concentration
+50 Spiritia
Alto's Paper Airplane
Brera's Harmonica ブレラのハーモニカ
Sheryl's Earring シェリルのイヤリング
Ozma's Firebomber Record オズマの FB お宝ディス

Item Name Japanese Buy Sell
Ouroboros Stone ウロボロス石 250
Tree Sap 樹液
Yuria Shellfish ユーリア貝 100
Ring 指輪


Item Name Japanese Development Points
Junk Frame I ジャンクフレームパーツⅠ 1 (Frame)
Junk Frame II ジャンクフレームパーツⅡ 3 (Frame)
Junk Frame III ジャンクフレームパーツⅢ
VF-0 Frame I VF-0 フレームパーツⅠ 2 (Frame)
VF-0 Frame II VF-0 フレームパーツⅡ 4 (Frame)
VF-0 Frame III VF-0 フレームパーツⅢ
VF-1 Frame I VF-1 フレームパーツⅠ 2 (Frame)
VF-1 Frame II VF-1 フレームパーツⅡ 4 (Frame)
VF-1 Frame III VF-1 フレームパーツⅢ
VF-11 Frame I VF-11 フレームパーツⅠ
VF-11 Frame II VF-11 フレームパーツⅡ 4 (Frame)
VF-11 Frame III VF-11 フレームパーツⅢ 6 (Frame)
YF/VF-19 Frame I YF/VF-19 フレームパーツⅠ
YF/VF-19 Frame II YF/VF-19 フレームパーツⅡ 6 (Frame)
YF/VF-19 Frame III YF/VF-19 フレームパーツⅢ
VF-171 Frame I VF-171 フレームパーツⅠ
VF-171 Frame II VF-171 フレームパーツⅡ 4 (Frame)
VF-171 Frame III VF-171 フレームパーツⅢ
Zentora PS Frame I ゼントラ PS フレームパーツ 2 (Frame)

Zentora PS Frame II ゼントラ PS フレームパーツ 4 (Frame)

Zentora PS Frame III ゼントラ PS フレームパーツ

Vajra Tail I バジュラの堅尾Ⅰ 2 (Frame)
Vajra Tail II バジュラの堅尾Ⅱ
Vajra Tail III バジュラの堅尾Ⅲ
Dyaus Frame I ディヤウスフレームパーツ 2 (Frame)

Dyaus Frame II ディヤウスフレームパーツ 4 (Frame)

Dyaus Frame III ディヤウスフレームパーツ

Dyaus' Claws I ディヤウスの鋭爪Ⅰ 2 (Frame)
Dyaus' Claws II ディヤウスの鋭爪Ⅱ 4 (Frame)
Dyaus' Claws III ディヤウスの鋭爪Ⅲ
Regult Frame I リガードフレームパーツⅠ 2 (Frame)
Regult Frame II リガードフレームパーツⅡ
Regult Frame III リガードフレームパーツⅢ
Junk Armor I ジャンク装甲パーツⅠ 1 (Armor)
Junk Armor II ジャンク装甲パーツⅠ 3 (Armor)
Junk Armor III ジャンク装甲パーツⅡ
VF-0 Armor I VF-0 装甲パーツⅢ 2 (Armor)
VF-0 Armor II VF-0 装甲パーツⅡ
VF-0 Armor III VF-0 装甲パーツⅢ
SV-51 Armor I SV-51 装甲パーツⅠ 2 (Armor)
SV-51 Armor II SV-51 装甲パーツⅡ 4 (Armor)
SV-51 Armor III SV-51 装甲パーツⅢ
VF-1 Armor I VF-1 装甲パーツⅠ 2 (Armor)
VF-1 Armor II VF-1 装甲パーツⅡ
VF-1 Armor III VF-1 装甲パーツⅢ
VF-11 Armor I VF-11 装甲パーツⅠ 2 (Armor)
VF-11 Armor II VF-11 装甲パーツⅡ
VF-11 Armor III VF-11 装甲パーツⅢ
VF-171 Armor I VF-171 装甲パーツⅠ 2 (Armor)
VF-171 Armor II VF-171 装甲パーツⅡ 4 (Armor)
VF-171 Armor III VF-171 装甲パーツⅢ
Zentora PS Armor I ゼントラ PS 装甲パーツⅠ 2 (Armor)
Zentora PS Armor II ゼントラ PS 装甲パーツⅡ 4 (Armor)
Zentora PS Armor III ゼントラ PS 装甲パーツⅢ 6 (Armor)
Regult Armor I リガード装甲パーツⅠ 2 (Armor)
Regult Armor II リガード装甲パーツⅡ 4 (Armor)
Regult Armor III リガード装甲パーツⅢ 6 (Armor)
Nuja Armor I ヌージャ装甲パーツⅠ
Nuja Armor II ヌージャ装甲パーツⅡ 6 (Armor)
Nuja Armor III ヌージャ装甲パーツⅢ
Vajra Shell I バジュラの外殻Ⅰ
Vajra Shell II バジュラの外殻Ⅱ 2 (Armor)
Vajra Shell III バジュラの外殻Ⅲ
Dyaus Armor I ディヤウス装甲パーツⅠ 2 (Armor)
Dyaus Armor II ディヤウス装甲パーツⅡ 4 (Armor)
Dyaus Armor III ディヤウス装甲パーツⅢ
Junk Engine I ジャンクエンジンユニット 1 (Engine)

Junk Engine II ジャンクエンジンユニット 3 (Engine)

Junk Engine III ジャンクエンジンユニット 5 (Engine)

SV-51 Turbofan I SV-51 ターボファンジェッⅠ 2 (Engine)
SV-51 Turbofan II SV-51 ターボファンジェッⅡ
SV-51 Turbofan III SV-51 ターボファンジェッⅢ
VF-1 Thermonuclear Turbine I VF-1 熱核タービンⅠ 2 (Engine)
VF-1 Thermonuclear Turbine II VF-1 熱核タービンⅡ 4 (Engine)
VF-1 Thermonuclear Turbine III VF-1 熱核タービンⅢ
VF-11 Thermonuclear Turbine I VF-11 熱核タービンⅠ
VF-11 Thermonuclear Turbine II VF-11 熱核タービンⅡ 6 (Engine)
VF-11 Thermonuclear Turbine III VF-11 熱核タービンⅢ
VF-171 Thermonuclear Turbine I VF-171 熱核タービンⅠ 2 (Engine)
VF-171 Thermonuclear Turbine II VF-171 熱核タービンⅡ 4 (Engine)
VF-171 Thermonuclear Turbine III VF-171 熱核タービンⅢ
Zentora PS Engine I ゼントラ PS エンジンユニッ 2 (Engine)
Zentora PS Engine II ゼントラ PS エンジンユニッ
Zentora PS Engine III ゼントラ PS エンジンユニッ
Regult Heat Reactor I リガード熱核反応炉Ⅰ 2 (Engine)
Regult Heat Reactor II リガード熱核反応炉Ⅱ
Regult Heat Reactor III リガード熱核反応炉Ⅲ
Vajra Thin Wing I バジュラの薄羽Ⅰ 2 (Engine)
Vajra Thin Wing II バジュラの薄羽Ⅱ
Vajra Thin Wing III バジュラの薄羽Ⅲ
Dyaus Engine Unit I ディヤウスエンジンユニッ 2 (Engine)
Dyaus Engine Unit II ディヤウスエンジンユニッ 4 (Engine)
Dyaus Engine Unit III ディヤウスエンジンユニッ

Aircraft Type Japanese Notes
VF-0A (I)
VF-0A (II) VF-0A 設計図Ⅱ Vrlitwhal City: Fleeing Woman
VF-0A (III) VF-0A 設計図Ⅲ Daoren: Buy for 20,000G (NG+)
VF-0A Shin (I)
VF-0A Shin (II) VF-0A シン機設計図Ⅱ Urthr: S-Rank Mission: Ice Fang
VF-0A Shin (III) VF-0A シン機設計図Ⅲ Daoren: Buy for 50,000G (NG+)
VF-0D (I) VF-0D 設計図Ⅰ Starting aircraft, cannot build
VF-0D (II) VF-0D 設計図Ⅱ Vrlitwhal City: Lost Woman
VF-0D (III) VF-0D 設計図Ⅲ Daoren: Buy for 20,000G (NG+)
VF-0S (I) VF-0S 設計図Ⅰ Daoren: Buy for 2,000G
VF-0S (II) VF-0S 設計図Ⅱ Vrlitwhal City: Ouroboros Research 3
VF-0S (III) VF-0S 設計図Ⅲ Daoren: Buy for 20,000G (NG+)
VF-0S Skull (I) VF-0S スカル小隊隊長機 Daoren: Regult Mop-Up
VF-0S Skull (II) VF-0S スカル小隊隊長機 Vrlitwhal City: Ouroboros Research 4
VF-0S Skull (III) VF-0S スカル小隊隊長機 Daoren: Buy for 20,000G (NG+)
VF-0 Fast Pack VF-0 フ ァ ス ト パ ッ ク 設 Leopold City: Holy Sword
SV-51 Alpha (I) SV-51α 設計図Ⅰ Yue: Buy for 3,000G
SV-51 Alpha (II) SV-51α 設計図Ⅱ Vrlitwhal City: Ouroboros Research 2
SV-51 Alpha (III) SV-51α 設計図Ⅲ Yue: Buy for 20,000G (NG+)
SV-51 Gamma (I) SV-51γ 设计図Ⅰ Bowen: Pursuit
SV-51 Gamma (II) SV-51γ 設計図Ⅱ Vrlitwhal City: Ouroboros Research 5
SV-51 Gamma (III) SV-51γ 設計図Ⅲ Yue: Buy for 30,000G (NG+)
SV-51 G. Ivanov (I)
SV-51 G. Ivanov (II) SV-51γ イワノフ機設計図 Yue: Buy for 40,000G (NG+)

SV-51 G. Ivanov (III) SV-51γ イワノフ機設計図 Yue: Buy for 90,000 (NG+)

SV-51 G. Nora (I)
SV-51 G. Nora (II) SV-51γ ノーラ機設計図Ⅱ Yue: Buy for 40,000G (NG+)
SV-51 G. Nora (III) SV-51γ ノーラ機設計図Ⅲ Yue: Buy for 90,000G (NG+)
SV-51 Twin Booster SV-51 ツインブースター Yue: Race 3 (Silver)
VF-1 Skull (I) VF-1 ス カ ル 小 隊 隊 長 機 Daoren: Delivery Order 3
VF-1 Skull (II)
VF-1 Skull (III)
VF-1A (I)
VF-1A (II) VF-1A 設計図Ⅱ Vrlitwhal City: Ouroboros Research 6
VF-1A (III) VF-1A 設計図Ⅲ Bowen: Buy for 30,000 (NG+)
VF-1A Skull (I) VF-1A スカル小隊機設計 Yue: Race 6 (Silver)
VF-1A Skull (II) VF-1A スカル小隊機設計 Bowen: Gangleri Operation
VF-1A Skull (III) VF-1A スカル小隊機設計 Bowen: Buy for 30,000G (NG+)
VF-1 Strike Pack VF-1 ス ト ラ イ ク パ ッ ク Yue: Race 8 (Silver)
VF-1J (I) VF-1J 一条機設計図Ⅰ Daoren: Class-B Hunter Exam
VF-1J (II) VF-1J 設計図Ⅱ Leopold City: Archipelago Time Capsule 1
VF-1J (III) VF-1J 設計図Ⅲ Bowen: Buy for 30,000G (NG+)
VF-1J Ichijo (I)
VF-1J Ichijo (II)
VF-1J Ichijo (III) VF-1J 一条機設計図Ⅲ Bowen: Buy for 30,000G (NG+)
VF-1J Mylene (I)
VF-1J Mylene (II) VF-1J ミレーヌ機設計図 Vrlitwhal City: SS-Rank Mission: Stampede

VF-1J Mylene (III) VF-1J ミレーヌ機設計図 Bowen: Buy for 50,000G (NG+)

VF-1S (I) VF-1S 設計図Ⅰ Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 10,000G
VF-1S (II) VF-1S 設計図Ⅱ Cleef Town: Ouroboros Research 13
VF-1S (III) VF-1S 設計図Ⅲ Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 40,000G (NG+)
VF-1S Ichijo (I)
VF-1S Ichijo (II) VF-1S 一条機設計図Ⅱ Urthr: S-Rank Mission: Vajra Capture
VF-1S Ichijo (III) VF-1S 一条機設計図Ⅲ Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 50,000G (NG+)
VF-1S Skull (I)
VF-1S Skull (II) VF-1S スカル小隊隊長機 Ramad: Desert Treasure 6
VF-1S Skull (III) VF-1S スカル小隊隊長機 Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 40,000G (NG+)
VF-1W Strike Pack VF-1W ス ト ラ イ ク パ ッ Daoren: Class-A Hunter Exam
VB-6 (I) VB-6 設計図Ⅰ Ramad: Buy for 24,000G
VB-6 (II) VB-6 設計図Ⅱ Ramad: Buy for 30,000G (NG+)
VB-6 (III) VB-6 設計図Ⅲ Ramad: Buy for 40,000G (NG+)
VF-11B (I)
VF-11B (II)
VF-11B (III) VF-11B 設計図Ⅲ Leopold City: Buy for 40,000G (NG+)
VF-11B Isamu (I) VF-11B イ サ ム 機 設 計 図 Jurgen: B-Rank Mission: Ravens

VF-11B Isamu (II) VF-11B イ サ ム 機 設 計 図 Cleef Town: Ouroboros Research 14

VF-11B Isamu (III)
VF-11B Super Pack VF-11B ス ー パ ー パ ッ ク Leopold City: Buy for 11,000G
VF-11C (I) VF-11C 設計図Ⅰ Cleef Town: Buy for 11,500G
VF-11C (II)
VF-11C (III) VF-11C 設計図Ⅲ Cleef Town: Buy for 40,000G (NG+)
VF-11C Mina (I)
VF-11C Mina (II) VF-11C ミーナ機設計図 Bowen: Ally of Justice SS

VF-11C Mina (III) VF-11C ミ ー ナ 機 設 計 図 Cleef Town: By for 60,000G (NG+)

VF-11C Super Pack VF-11C ス ー パ ー パ ッ ク Ramad: A-Rank Mission: Lurkers in the Dark
VF-171 (I)
VF-171 (II) VF-171 設計図Ⅱ Ramad: Buy for 10,000G (NG+)
VF-171 (III) VF-171 設計図Ⅲ Ramad: Buy for 30,00G (NG+)
VF-171EX (I) VF-171EX 設計図Ⅰ Vrlitwhal City: Find the Rare Metal Coin 3
VF-171EX (II) VF-171EX 設計図Ⅱ Ramad: Buy for 20,000G (NG+)
VF-171EX (III) VF-171EX 設計図Ⅲ Ramad: Buy for 40,000G (NG+)
VF-171EX Alto (I) VF-171EX アルト機設計 Cleef Town: Ouroboros Research 12
VF-171EX Alto (II) VF-171EX アルト機設計 Ramad: Buy for 10,000G (NG+)
VF-171EX Alto (III) VF-171EX アルト機設計 Ramad: Buy for 30,000G (NG+)
VF-171EX Gamesu
VF-171EX Gamesu VF-171EX ガネス機設計 Ramad: Buy for 40,000G (NG+)
(II) 図Ⅱ
VF-171EX Gamesu VF-171EX ガネス機設計 Ramad: Buy for 90,000G (NG+)
(III) 図Ⅲ
VF-171EX Armored VF-171EX アーマードパ Ramad: Buy for 22,000G
Pack ック設計図
RVF-171 Luca (I) RVF-171EX ルカ機設計図 Ramad: Queadluun-Rau Subjugation

RVF-171 Luca (II) RVF-171EX ルカ機設計図 Ramad: Buy for 10,000G (NG+)

RVF-171 Luca (III) RVF-171EX ルカ機設計図 Ramad: Buy for 40,000G (NG+)

YF-19 (I)
YF-19 (II) YF-19 設計図Ⅱ Urthr: Stolen Vase
YF-19 (III)
VF-19A Raven (I) VF-19A レイヴンズ機設 Moricone Hill: Cactus Vaccine 1
計 図Ⅰ
VF-19A Raven (II) VF-19A レイヴンズ機設 Verthandi: Glacier's Time Capsule 2
VF-19A Raven (III)
VF-19E Aisha (I)
VF-19E Aisha (II) VF-19E ア イ シ ャ 機 設 計 Leopold City: SS-Rank Mission: The
図Ⅱ Ouroboros Wolf
VF-19E Aisha (III)
VF-19F (I)
VF-19F (II) VF-19F 設計図Ⅱ Urthr: Havamaru Annihilation
VF-19F (III)
VF-19S (I) VF-19S 設計図Ⅰ Cleef Town: Class-SS Hunter Exam
VF-19S (II) VF-19S 設計図Ⅱ Skuld: Ouroboros Research 19
VF-19S (III)
YF-21 (I) YF-21 設計図Ⅰ Moricone Hill: Buy for 21,000G
YF-21 (II) YF-21 設計図Ⅱ Bowen: Bolverkr Operation
YF-21 (III) YF-21 設計図Ⅲ Moricone Hill: Buy for 25,000G (NG+)
YF-21 Garudo (I)
YF-21 Garudo (II) YF-21 ガルド機設計図Ⅱ Cleef Town: SS-Rank Mission: Revenge of the
YF-21 Garudo (III) YF-21 ガルド機設計図Ⅲ Moricone Hill: Buy for 60,000G (NG+)
VF-22 (I) VF-22 設計図Ⅰ Yue: Find the Level 10 Course Plans
VF-22 (II) VF-22 設計図Ⅱ Verthandi: Strike the Ragnarok Party
VF-22 (III) VF-22 設計図Ⅲ Moricone Hill: Buy for 30,000G (NG+)
VF-22S (I) VF-22S 設計図Ⅰ Bowen: Baleygr Operation
VF-22S (II) VF-22S 設計図Ⅱ Skuld: Ouroboros Research 20
VF-22S (III) VF-22S 設計図Ⅲ Moricone Hill: Buy for 30,000G (NG+)
VF-22S Gamlin (I)
VF-22S Gamlin (II)
VF-22S Gamlin (III) VF-22S ガ ム リ ン 機 設 計 Moricone Hill: Buy for 50,000 (NG+)
VF-22S Max (I)
VF-22S Max (II)
VF-22S Max (III) VF-22S マ ッ ク ス 機 設 計 Moricone Hill: Buy for 50,000G (NG+)
VF-22S Millia (I)
VF-22S Millia (II) VF-22S ミ リ ア 機 設 計 図 Ramad: SS-Rank Mission: Counterattack

VF-22S Millia (III) VF-22S ミ リ ア 機 設 計 図 Moricone Hill: Buy for 50,000 (NG+)

VF-25A (I) VF-25A 設計図Ⅰ Urthr: Buy for 25,000G
VF-25A (II)
VF-25A (III)
VF-25F Alto (I)
VF-25F Alto (II) VF-25F ア ル ト 機 設 計 図 Moricone Hill: S-Rank Mission: Convoy SOS

VF-25F Alto (III)
VF-25G Michael (I)
VF-25G Michael (II) VF-25G ミハエル機設計 Verthandi: SS-Rank Mission: Revenge of the
図Ⅱ Bounty
VF-25G Michael (III)
VF-25S (I) VF-25S 設計図Ⅰ Verthandi: Buy for 28,000G
VF-25S (II)
VF-25S (III)
VF-25S Ozma (I)
VF-25S Ozma (II) VF-25S オズマ機設計図 Skuld: The Red Spectre

VF-25S Ozma (III)
RVF-25 Luca (I)
RVF-25 Luca (II) RVF-25 ルカ機設計図Ⅱ Moricone Hill: Those who hunt Vajra
RVF-25 Luca (III)
VF-25 Armored Pack VF-25 アマードパック設 Skuld: Gagnarthor Operation
VF-25 Super Pack VF-25 スーパーパック設 Urthr: Race 2 (Silver)
VF-25 Tornado Pack VF-25 トルネードパック Urthr: Stolen Tea Set
VF-27 Beta (I) VF-27β 設計図Ⅰ Skuld: Buy for 27,000G
VF-27 Beta (II)
VF-27 Beta (III)
VF-27 Gamma (I) VF-27γ 設計図Ⅰ Verthandi: Vajra Rescue
VF-27 Gamma (II)
VF-27 Gamma (III)
VF-27 Super Pack VF-27 スーパーパック設 Urthr: Race 6 (Silver)
YF-29 Ozma (I) YF-29 オズマ機設計図Ⅰ Moricone Hill: Alfathr Operation
YF-29 Ozma (II)
YF-29 Ozma (III)
YF-29 Super Pack YF-29 スーパーパック設 Cleef Town: Ouroboros Research 16
Powered Suit (I) パワード ・ スーツ設計図 Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 2,000G (NG+)

Powered Suit (II) パワード ・ スーツ設計図 Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 20,000G (NG+)

Powered Suit (III) パワード ・ スーツ設計図 Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 50,000G (NG+)

Regult (I) リガード設計図Ⅰ Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 3,000G (NG+)
Regult (II) リガード設計図Ⅱ Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 20,000G (NG+)
Regult (III) リガード設計図Ⅲ Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 50,000G (NG+)
Queadluun-Rau (I) クァドロン ・ ロー設計図 Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 4,000G (NG+)

Queadluun-Rau (II) クァドロン ・ ロー設計図 Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 20,000G (NG+)

Queadluun-Rau (III) クァドロン ・ ロー設計図 Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 50,000G (NG+)

Queadluun-Rau Klan
Queadluun-Rau Klan クァドラン・レア (KK)設 Urthr:S-Rank Mission: Guardian Paradise
(II) 計図Ⅱ
Queadluun-Rau Klan
Queadluun-Rau MF クァドロン ・ ロー (MF)設 Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 5,000G (NG+)
(I) 計図Ⅰ
Queadluun-Rau MF クァドロン ・ ロー (MF)設 Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 30,000G (NG+)
(II) 計図Ⅱ
Queadluun-Rau MF クァドロン ・ ロー (MF)設 Vrlitwhal City: Buy for 60,000G (NG+)
(III) 計図Ⅲ


Macross 30 features a small number of special, extra content beyond the requisite trophies.
You can apply custom music to support skills, unlock an Ultimate Difficulty setting, and start the
game over with a New Game Plus function.


After clearing the game, you will be prompted to save your cleared game data. Loading the
cleared data will allow you to start a New Game Plus! New Game Plus lets you re-select the game's
difficulty level (it will also unlock Ultimate difficulty), and lets you carry over all aircraft, pilots,
pilot levels and stats, and aircraft parts. It will also unlock the option to replace Leon with any of
the NPC pilots.
Keep in mind that quest-related items and tomes do NOT carry over to New Game Plus.
In New Game Plus, Town Shops carry many additional items—most notably new, high-rank
aircraft blueprints. See the Shops & Items section for shop inventories.

There are a number of "races" you can complete to earn special items in the game. The first
set of islands can be found in the Yuria field, in the town of Yue.

Yue Races
Course Name Gold Reward Silver Reward Bronze Reward
1 はぐれ島コース 三島産キノコ(体力) ステーキ(150g) ハンドグレネードⅡ
Island Course Mishima Mushroom Steak (150g) Hand Grenade II
2 メリーゴーランド 三島産キノコ(魂) パインサラダ 設置式大型爆弾Ⅱ
Merry-Go-Round Mishima Mushroom Pineapple Salad Proximity Mine II
3 ブリタイアスレチ 三島産キノコ(集中) SV-51 ツインブース プラズマグレネード
ック Mishima Mushroom ター設計図 Ⅱ
The Britai Stretch (Concentration) SV-51 Twin Booster Plasma Grenade II
Blueprints (I)
4 シューティング 三島産キノコ(速度) アフターバーナーⅡ レストレーションキ
Shooting Mishima Mushroom Afterburner II ットⅡ
(Speed) Restoration Kit II
5 ダオレンの凱旋門 三島産キノコ(防御) カバ牛アイスクリー リペアキットⅢ
The Daoren Arch Mishima Mushroom ム Repair Kit III
(Defense) Hippo-Cow Ice Cream
6 二重の極み 三島産キノコ(格闘) VF-1A スカル小隊機 高性能レーダー
The Twin Heights Mishima Mushroom 設計図Ⅰ High-Performance
(Melee) VF-1A Skull Blueprints Radar
7 柱の海 三島産キノコ(射撃) アフターバーナーⅢ ハンドグレネードⅢ
The Sea Pillars Mishima Mushroom Afterburner III Hand Grenade III
8 ブリタイシティ射 三島産キノコ(体力) VF-1 ストライクパッ 設置式大型爆弾Ⅲ
撃場 Mishima Mushroom ク設計図 Proximity Mine III
Vrlitwhal City (Strength) VF-1 Strike Pack
Shooting Range Blueprints
9 ユーリア群島観光 三島産キノコ(魂) 三島産キノコ(集中) プラズマグレネード
ツアー Mishima Mushroom Mishima Mushroom Ⅲ
Yuria Archipelago (Spiritia) (Concentration) Plasma Grenade III
Sightseeing Tour

Urthr Races
Course Name Gold Reward Silver Reward Bronze Reward
1 ATTACK CUBE! 獅子印三島産キノコ 至高カバ牛アイスク リペアキットⅤ
Attack Cube! (格闘) リーム Repair Kit V
Lion's Mark Mishima Hippo-Cow Ice Cream
Mushroom (Melee)
2 ウルズの奇岩島 獅子印三島産キノコ VF-25 スーパーパッ レストレーションキ
Urthr's Rocky (射撃) ク設計図 ットⅤ
Island Lion's Mark Mishima VF-25 Super Pack Restoration Kit V
Mushroom (Ranged) Blueprints
3 VF 機動演習 獅子印三島産キノコ パインケーキ(ホール) 高性能レーダー
Valkyrie Maneuvers (体力) Pineapple Cake High-Performance
Lion's Mark Mishima (Whole) Radar
Mushroom (Strength)
4 ガウォーク・バイ 獅子印三島産キノコ パインサラダ(ゼント ハンドグレネードⅤ
アスロン (魂) ラ盛) Hand Grenade V
Gavokku Biathalon Lion's Mark Mishima Pineapple Salad
Mushroom (Spiritia) (Zentora)
5 攻城戦 獅子印三島産キノコ ステーキ(200g) 簡易フォールドブー
Siege (集中) Steak (200g) スター
Lion's Mark Mishima Simple Fold Booster
6 HIDE and SEEK 獅子印三島産キノコ VF-27 スーパーパッ プラズマグレネード
Hide and Seek (射撃) ク設計図 Ⅴ
Lion's Mark Mishima VF-27 Super Pack Plasma Grenade V
Mushroom (Ranged) Blueprints

Jurgen Races
Course Name Gold Reward Silver Reward Bronze Reward
1 スピード野郎 A コ 三島産キノコ(集中) パインケーキ(ハーフ) ハンドグレネードⅣ
ース Mishima Mushroom Pineapple Cake (Half) Hand Grenade IV
Speed Course A (Concentration)
2 リトル・リゾート 三島産キノコ(速度) パインサラダ(大盛) 設置式大型爆弾Ⅳ
Little Resort Mishima Mushroom Pineapple Salad (Large) Proximity Mine IV
3 ドラッグレース 三島産キノコ(防御) ステーキ(170g) プラズマグレネード
Drag Race Mishima Mushroom Steak (170g) Ⅳ
(Defense) Plasma Grenade IV
4 恐竜岩 三島産キノコ(格闘) 究極カバ牛アイスク レストレーションキ
Dinosaur Rock Mishima Mushroom リーム ットⅣ
(Melee) Ultimate Hippo-Cow Restoration Kit IV
Ice Cream
5 柱の覇者 三島産キノコ(射撃) アフターバーナーⅣ リペアキットⅤ
Champion of the Mishima Mushroom Afterburner IV Repair Kit V
Pillars (Ranged)

I've taken the liberty of dividing the trophy list between those trophies that show up automatically
in the XMB list (normal trophies) and those that are hidden.
Normal Trophies
Trophy Type Requirements
超長時間遊戯船団 Bronze Play the game for 30 hours.
Endurance Player
ウロボロスヒットチャート常 Bronze Obtain 500,000G.

Top of Ouroboros' Charts
VEGA ブラックカード所持者 Bronze Spend 300,000G.
Vega Black Cardholder
バルキリー博士 Bronze Obtain 100 blueprints.
Professor Valkyrie
古代の謎に迫る者 Bronze Find 50 pieces of Slate (石板).
Face the Ancients' Mystery
マクロスオールスターズ Bronze Unlock all characters.
Macross All-Stars
アイシャも満足! Bronze Develop additional equipment for all aircraft (other
Aisha's Already Satisified! than DLC).
トレジャーハンター Bronze Visit all of the caves, ruins, bases and fields.
Treasure Hunter
熱狂的歌姫ファン Bronze Use all of the support-skill songs.
Devoted Songstress Fan
出撃ラブハート Bronze Sortie 100 times.
Shutsugeki Love Heart
ミサイルの妖精 Bronze Fire 20,000 missiles.
Missile Fairy
統合軍チタニウム勲章 Bronze Shoot down 1,500 enemy aircraft.
Titanium Task-Force Medal
インファイト・アタッカー Bronze Destroy 100 enemies with melee attacks.
Infighting Attacker
ミサイル・ブレイカー Bronze Use AMS to shoot down 500 missiles.
Missile Breaker
ヴァリアブル・ファイター Bronze Transform 2,000 times.
Variable Fighter
空を飛びたい病 Bronze Total travel distance exceeds 10,000km.
The 'I Want To Fly!' Sickness
エースパイロット Bronze Clear the game on Normal difficulty (or higher).
Ace Pilot
最強の獅子 Silver Attain maximum level with Leon Sakaki.
The Strongest Leon
SSS 級ハンター Silver Clear all Hunter Guild quests.
SSS-Rank Hunter
アイシャも大満足! Silver Develop all aircraft to Rank 3.
Aisha's Already Happy!
ウロボロス最速レーサー Silver Achieve gold record time in all of the Bankisshu
Ouroboros' Fastest Racer races.
銀河ヒットチャート常連 Silver Obtain 100,000G.
Top of the Galaxy's Charts
古代の謎を解き明かした者 Silver Find all 100 pieces of Slate (石板).
Solve the Ancients' Mystery
SORTIE EXPLOSION Silver Sortie 200 times.
Sortie Explosion
ミサイルボンバ Silver Fire 50,000 missiles.
Missile Bomber
ロイ・フォッカー勲章 Silver Shoot down 3,000 enemy aircraft.
Roy Focker's Medal
ヘッドショット・マスター Silver Achieve 150 headshots.
Headshot Master
S.M.S ウロボロス支社の精鋭 Gold Attain maximum level with 10 characters.
SMS Elite Ouroboros Branch
フルチューン・マシーナリー Gold Completely tune 10 aircraft.
Fully-Tuned Machines

Hidden Trophies
Trophy Type Requirements
物語の幕開け Bronze Clear Chapter 1.
Beginning of the Story
時空を超えた出会い Bronze Clear Chapter 2.
Encounter Beyond Time & Space
新天地 Bronze Clear Chapter 3.
The New Heaven & Earth
リオンの過去、ミーナの記憶 Bronze Clear Chapter 4.
Leon's Past, Memories of Mina
決別 Bronze Clear Chapter 5.
Parting of Ways
新たな歌姫の誕生 Bronze Clear Chapter 6.
Birth of a New Songstress
シャロンの誘惑 Bronze Clear Chapter 7.
Sharon's Temptation
ユルヴァ・アーガへ! Bronze Clear Chapter 8.
Yuruva Agahe!
究極のエースパイロット Gold Clear the game on Ultimate difficulty.
Ultimate Ace Pilot
君は誰とキスをする? Gold View all of the ending.
Who Will You Kiss?
銀河を繋ぐ歌声 Platinum Earn all other trophies in Macross 30.
Voices Across the Galaxy
Macross 30 uses has a very limited custom-music feature. From the options menu, can can
choose to replace certain game tracks with music saved on your PS3. Please note that you can only
replace music that is used for support skills. (When you have a singer as your support and activate
their support skill by pressing circle and cross).
Select which tracks you want to replace from the options menu accessed via the My Ship
menu (see Menu Translations section for details). You are allowed to make 3 sets of combinations--
playlist 1, playlist 2 and playlist 3. Use the shoulder buttons (R1 and L1) to cycle between playlist
On the left hand side of the screen are the songs currently assigned to the set. (By default, all
three sets are the same, so you won't notice any change when you press R1/L1). Select the song you
want to replace and press circle to see a list of the audio tracks you have stored on your Playstation
3's HDD. Simply choose which of your own music you want to replace the game music, and when
you're done press Square and confirm by selecting "yes."
If, at any time, you want to remove all of the custom audio selections, simply press the select
button to return everything to its default state.
Before exiting the menu, make sure you've got the playlist you want to use highlighted
(remember to use the shoulder buttons to cycle between all three playlists). Press the start button,
and you should be good to go. The next time you activate a support skill with a musician (Triangle
+ Circle), you should hear your custom music instead of the default song.

Macross 30 has a small number of DLC Aircraft, all of which (so far) are re-skins of aircraft
that exist in-game. All DLC aircraft are available in the hangar upon completion of the tutorial
missions (at the commencement of chapter 1-4).

Aircraft Release Date Cost

VF-25 Sheryl & Ranka Markings Feb. 28, 2013 Free with all first-printings of the game.

DLC aircraft do not have different color sets to choose from; the special skins are typically
“show” colors—vibrant, detailed illustrations of songstresses from the Macross franchise
emblazoned across the Valkryies' fuselage.

The Miscellany section is, well, a dumping ground for miscellaneous content that, while
important enough to justify inclusion in the guide, is not important enough to necessitate its own
unique section. Want to see the FAQ part of the FAQ/Guide? This is where you'll find it. Want to
see what fine people have contributed to the construction of this guide? This is where you'll find
them. Want to find my email address so you can forward me your questions/comments/concerns?
Again: right here.


Will this game ever be localized in No. There is absolutely zero possibility of this or any
English and released outside of Japan? other Macross game ever being localized.
Is this game import-friendly? Yes and no. It's not a pure action game, like previous
Artdink titles, so it does require greater familiarity with
menus, text, etc. and a willingness to wade through vast
amounts of dialog and exposition. The Hybrid Pack
Macross titles (for PS3) are much more import-friendly,
but it is my hope that, with this guide, anyone should be
able to easily import and enjoy the game without any
knowledge of Japanese.
Is this game similar to the PSP Macross Yes and no. The basic mechanics are the same, but the
games? controls are somewhat different--more refined. See the
Controls section of this guide for details. It also
incorporates many RPG elements, like side-questing,
inventory management, and a leveling system.
Is Roy Focker in the game? No.
How do I play as someone other than You can only select different pilots after clearing the
Leon? game, in New Game Plus.
Why can't I use the Fire Valkyrie/Nekki Only Basara is allowed to pilot the Fire Valkyrie, and
Basara? conversely, Basara is not allowed to pilot any aircraft
other than the Fire Valkyrie.
Why aren't all of your translations Two reasons. First and foremost, don't expect perfection
100% accurate? —I'm far from fluent. Second, in many cases I avoid
direct translations in order to best convey information as
directly and concisely as possible. For translation guides
such as this, clarity is paramount.
How do I earn the "Who will you kiss?" Currently, I'm not certain. As far as I know, no one has
trophy? obtained this trophy yet.

 Version 0.50: uploaded to GameFAQs March 11, 2013.
 Version 0.51: added lots of item information & guild quest information for the Yuria
Archipelago region.
 Version 0.65: added a ton of hunter quest information, item information, and shop
 Version 0.70: added (complete!) Skills & Field Maps sections.
 Version 0.75: added first half of Jurgen races & 71 guild quests.


I'd like to thank the following wonderful people for helping me construct this guide. I
couldn't have done it without you. Thank you very much!

Zach Zimmerman Game screenshots

Chronocidal, of MacrossWorldForum Guild quest information
Juton, of MacrossWorldForum Map information
Dragon Knight Tonal, of GameFAQs Typo correction & map information
Leifang2000, of GameFAQs Custom music information
2Chan M30 Wiki Summary (JPN Source) Map information & skill information.
Macross 30 Wiki (JPN Source) Guild quest infromation & item information.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns or contributions for me, please feel free to
contact me at

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