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(A Correlational Study on The Third Semester Students of English

Education Study Program of Tanjungpura University in Academic year





(A Correlational Study on The Third Semester Students of English

Education Study Program of Tanjungpura University in Academic year


Submitted to fulfill one of the requirements for Sarjana Degree (S-1)

Examination in English Education Study Program of the Language and Art
Department of Teacher Eductaion Faculty of Tanjungpura University

Jurisdiction Responsibility By:




A deep gratefulness to the Lord Jesus Christ, The Almighty God for His

Everlasting love to the writer each new day and for His blessing which always

guides her especially during this thesis writing.

This thesis is written to fulfill one of the requirements for the Sarjana

Degree examination of the English Study Program of the Language and Art

Department of FKIP of University of Tanjungpura.

In this opportunity, the writer would like to express her deepest

appreciation toward her supervisors: Dr. H. Ikhsanudin, M. Hum. as her first

supervisor and Dra. EndangSusilawati, her second supervisor who had

given corrections, advices and motivation. The writer would also like to deliver

her deepest gratitude to her both examiners; Dr. Y. GatotSutapa Y, M.Pd. as her

main examiner and Urai Salam, Ph.D. as her second examiner for their

generosity in giving corrections, inputs, and suggestions in the research design

seminar. The researcher also would like to deliver her thanks to all lecturers who

have taught her during her study in the Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

Furthermore, the writer would like to express her grateful appreciation to:

1. Dr. H. Martono, M.pd, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education


2. Drs. NanangHeryana, M.Pd, the Chairperson of Language and Arts

Education Department.

3. Urai Salam Ph.D, the Chairperson of Regular A of English study


4. Dra. EndangSusilawati,M.Si as Academic supervisor.

5. The students in the third semester of English study program,

TanjungPura University in Pontianak, who participated in this research.

The writer also would like to express her gratitude to her beloved Mom

and Dad for their pray, support and patience for the researcher throughout this

thesis writing process. The writer would like to dedicate this thesis to her brother

and sister who always love her unconditionally. Last, the writer would like

present an appreciation for all friends like Wanda, Ulul, Fidelis, Mega, Nana and

those whose names cannot be listed one by one here.

The writer hopes this thesis is useful for those who read this thesis and

give some suggestion for development.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................ii

LIST OF TABLES .....................................................................................................iii

LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................iv

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................v



A. Background ............................................................................ 1

B. Research Problem .................................................................. 3

C. Research Purposes.................................................................. 3

D. Significance of Research ........................................................ 4

E. Hypothesis .............................................................................. 5

1. Null Hypothesis...................................................................... 5

2. Alternative Hypothesis ........................................................... 5

F. Scope of Research ................................................................. 5

1. Variable................................................................................ 5

2. Terminology ........................................................................ 6


A. Interest in Reading ............................................................... 7

1. Definition of Interest............................................................ 7

2. The Importance of Interest in Reading ................................ 8

3. The Taxonomy of Interest ................................................... 10

a. Personal Interest ........................................................... 11

b. Situational Interest ....................................................... 12

B. Latent Interest Vs Actualized Interest ................................. 13

1. Latent Interest ...................................................................... 13

2. Actualized Interest ............................................................... 15

C. English Academic Reading as actualized

Interest ................................................................................. 16

D. Latent interest and Actualized interest in

English Academic Reading.................................................. 17


A. Form of Research ................................................................... 20

B. Population and Sample........................................................... 21

1. Population .............................................................................. 21

2. Sample.................................................................................... 22

C. Data Collecting Techniques ................................................... 22

D. Tool of Data Collecting........................................................... 23

1. Questionnaire .......................................................................... 23

a. Latent Interest questionnaire ......................................... 24

b. Actualized Interest questionnaire .................................. 25

E. Data Analysis .......................................................................... 27

1. Scoring students’ response ..................................................... 27

a. Latent Interest: Feeling related ...................................... 27

b. Latent Interest: Value related ........................................ 28

c. Actualized Interest......................................................... 28

2. Calculation of Mean Score ..................................................... 29

3. Percentage of Students’ response ........................................... 29

4. Calculation of Correlation ...................................................... 30


A. Research Findings .................................................................. 31

1. Latent Interest in English Academic reading (X) .................. 31

a. Latent Interest: Feeling Related result .......................... 35

b. Latent Interest: Value Related result ............................. 47

c. The Mean Score of Latent Interest result ...................... 54

2. Actualized Interest in English Academic

Reading(Y) ............................................................................. 55

a. Actualized Interest result ................................................ 56

b. The Mean Score of Actualized Interest .......................... 70

3. Correlation between Students’ Latent and

actualized Interest in English Academic Reading.................. 71

B. Discussion .............................................................................. 76


A. Conclusion................................................................................. 78

B. Suggestion ................................................................................. 79


List of Tables


Table 2.1 Latent Interest .................................................................................. 14

Table 3.1 Table of Specification of Latent Interest.......................................... 25

Table 3.2 Table of Specification of Actualized Interest .................................. 26

Table 3.3 Scoring Guide of Feeling Related .................................................... 28

Table 3.4 Scoring Guide of Value Related ...................................................... 28

Table 3.5 Scoring Guide of Actualized Interest ............................................... 29

Table 3.6 Criteria of Correlation Coefficient (Muijs, 2004:145) ..................... 30

Table 4.1 The Research findings of Latent Interest ......................................... 33

Table 4.2 The Questionnaire score of Latent Interest ...................................... 54

Table 4.3The mean Score of Latent Interest .................................................... 54

Table 4.4The Research Finding of Actualized Interest .................................... 55

Table 4.6The Questionnaire Score of Actualized Interest ............................... 70

Table 4.7 Mean score of Actualized Interest ................................................... 70

Table 4.8 Output viewer of descriptive statistic .............................................. 72

Table 4.9 Output viewer of correlation result .................................................. 73

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Taxonomy of Interest ...............................................................................10

Figure 3.2 Emotion of Feeling Related by McKenna and Kear (1990) .....................27

Figure 4.1 Chart of Questionnaire result ....................................................................32

Figure 4.2 Chart of Latent interest result ..................................................................34

Figure 4.3`Scatter Diagram .......................................................................................74


Appendix 1 Latent Interest (X)

Appendix 2 Actualized Interests (Y)

Appendix 3 Questionnaire


Tabita, Elsa Meyti (2014), Students’ Latent and Actualized Interest

inEnglish Academic Reading(A Correlational Study on the personal
interests of the 3rd semester students of English Study Program of
Tanjungpura University in Academic year 2013/2014).

Supervisor I : Dr. H, Ikhsanudin, M.Hum.

Supervisor II : Dra. Hj. EndangSusilawati, Msi.

This research aims to determine whether there is acorrelation between

Students’ latent and actualized interests in English academic reading. The method
of this researchiscorrelational study. The process of collecting data is done
through the useof ERAS, SIQ and Likert Scale questionnaires. The population of
this research is the third semester students of English education study program in
academic year 2013/2014.By using total sampling, the samples of this research
are43 students of the third semester students of English education study program
in academic year 2013/2014. In connection to the research purpose, data was
analyzed by using Pearson product moment through the assist of SPSS 19. Based
on data analysis, it found that: (1) there is a strong correlation between latent and
actualized interest in English academic reading, and (2) there is a positive and
significant correlation between latent interest and actualized interest. In
conclusion, this research shows that actualized interest in English academic
reading is very determined by latent interest especially in students’ feeling related
latent interest.

Keywords: Latent Interest, actualized interest, English Academic Reading



A. Background

Reading interest is a kind of big issues in undergraduates‟ life because it

relates to quality of self-study. Moreover, there is one of research result about

reading interest in undergraduates from UNDIP Semarang in 2010 by

Siswatiwhich stated that undergraduates have low reading interest because

theylove to spend their time on watching TV and social networks than their

academic reading. According to Mustafa (2012), undergraduates‟ habit, they

willread their academic reading if they get an assignment from their lecturer. The

writer‟s assumption that English study program undergraduates of Tanjungpura

University has low interest too in reading. Interest itself is a feeling of wanting to

explore attention or discover more about what someone wants to do.

According to Schraw and Lehman (2001), interest has its taxonomy

which comprises personal interest and situational interest. Personal interest is

intrinsic desire which it is activated internally to understanding a particular topic.

Hidi (2001, p.192) stated that the personal interest is divided into subcategories;

they are latent interest and actualized interest. Meanwhile, situational Interest is

consisting of text based, task based and knowledge based. Even though interest

has some components but the important thing that interest is one of aspect of

motivation influences attention, thinking and performances.According to Hurlock

(Katili, 2013) interest is motivational source that drives people to do what they


want when they freely choose. Thus, the researcher believes that interest in

reading has a role to elicit motivation to read.

Many experts who have researched about interest stated that interest is

energizer of motivation in learning through reading activity. Another previous

research was conducted by Schiefele, Winteler and Krapp (Schiefele, 1993)

entitled”The measurement of study interest and its relation to other motivational

variables and the use of learning strategies” which is covered in “Interest,

learning and motivation” book from Postdam University. This research

examined a correlation between latent and actualized interest with three

subscales, they were; feeling-related (Latent Interest), Value-related (Latent

Interest) and study-related activities (actualized interest). It was discovered

thatlatent interest and actualized interest had positive correlation because latent

interest (pleasure, prior knowledge and goal orientation) correlated with

actualized interest (searching information, looking for additional sources of

information, and critical evaluation were time consuming and required effort.

The personal interest cause the high actualized interest. Schifele(2001),statedthat

the correlation between latent interest and actualized interest can be a negative

correlation ifthe latent interest is high whereas the actualized interest is low. This

means that if the individuals have the goal or importance, it will make them have

actualized interest automatically.

Considering the previous research and some theories,it was clear that

between latent and actualized interest have correlation. It means that the

correlation between latent interest and actualized interest determines learning


quality. Thus, it leads the researcher to conduct this research, because the

researcher think that it is very important to know students‟ personal interest in

English academic reading especially to find out whether there is correlation

between latent interest and actualized interest.

From the explanation above, the research focuses exclusively on personal

interest especially the latent interest and actualized interest in English academic

reading. Academic English reading in this case was the reading book, handbook

or any references dealing withstudents „subjectssuch as TEFL, ELT, and many

others subjects. The result of this research was expected to be positive

correlation which has been stated bySchraw and Lehman (2001) theory about


B. Research problem

The research problem that the writer would like to answer:

“Is there a correlation between latent interest and actualized interest in English

academic reading?”

C. Research Purposes

The purpose of this research is:

“To find out whether there is a correlation between latent and actualized interest

in English Academic reading”.


D. Significance of Research

The result of this research would be a significant finding in teaching

learning English in the English Department of Tanjungpura University.

Theoretically, this research was expected to contribute ideas for every student

who wants interested to do a research about interest in reading English books.

This research provided some theories about Interest, the theories can be used to

enrich the next researchers‟ knowledge who are interested in analysing Interest

in reading. This research also can be a contribution in giving a clear picture

about the students‟ personal interest in English academic reading. This research

provides information about personal interest and the correlation between latent

interest and actualized interest in English academic reading.

Practically, the researcher hopes that the students of English study

programme in Tanjungpura University can be more interested in reading

especially English academic reading. The writer hopes that they will read

handbooks, E-Booksor any kinds of references which deals with their

subjectsmore often. For faculty, the researcher hopes that the faculty can give

more attention about students‟ interest in reading English book through

givemore comfortable facilities and more complete English academic books in

the libraries. The last but not least, the researcher expects people especially

teachers and parents promote reading habits to their students and children.

E. Hypothesis

In this research there are two hypotheses, first is Null Hypothesis (H0) and

Alternative Hypothesis (HI).

1. Null hypothesis (Ho):

There is no a correlation between Latent Interest (X) toward actualized interest

(Y) of English academic reading.

2. Alternative Hypothesis (H1):

There is a correlation in Personal interest between Latent Interest (X) and

actualized interest (Y) in English academic reading.

F. Scope of Research

1. Variable

The research variable can be described as the element, thing, or quantity

that is manipulated in this research. According to Blerkom (2009, p.212)A

variable is a quantity that can take on any of a set of values.

The variable of this research are:

a. Independent variable

Independent variable of this research is latent interest (X).

b. Dependent variable

Dependent variable of this research is actualized interest (Y).


2. Terminology

In order to avoid misunderstanding of the topic, the writer provides an

explanation as follows:

a. Latent interest

Latent interest is subcomponent of personal interest which consists of

feeling related and valued related. Feeling related is a positive feeling and

emotion to an object whereas value related is state of personal significance

to an object. The object in this thesis is English academic reading. In other

words, latent interest in this thesis is an internal inclination toward specific

topic or object that guides individual to involve in some actions.

b. Actualized interest

Actualized interest is subcomponent of personal interest which it focus

on the degree of action or involvement in specific content or object.

Actualized interest in this thesis means that actualization of students or

an individual‟s participation in English academic reading through

reading activity.

c. English Academic reading

English Academic reading is academicwritten text book which is written

in English language (L2). Academic English reading in this thesis is the

all subject books which be used by the third semester students of English

education study program in Tanjungpura University.



In conducting this research, the researcher provides some theories to

strengthen the background of research. As for the theories which are covered in

this chapter are: Interest in reading, latent interest Vs actualized interest, English

Academic Reading as actualized interest and the last is Latent interest and

actualized interest in English Academic reading.

A. Interest In Reading

1. Definition of Interest

Generally Interest is a feeling or emotion of wanting to do something

which makes us to give an attention. Dai (2013, p.165) define interest is

awareness, attention, and curiosity towards a certain subject, activity, idea or

place. This means that interest is a psychological state which an individual giving

more attention to specific subject, activity, idea or place. The definition is

supported by Schiefele (1991. P.301) who stated that interest is a content specific

concept and it related to specific tasks, topics and activities. In other words,

interest is the outcome of an interaction between an individual and a particular

topicor activity.

According Schraw and Lehman (2001), interest is liking and willful

engagement in an activity. It refers to the individuals who have interest,


they will involve themselves deliberately in activity based on what they like. It

means that interest relates to the positive feeling about a specific topic and it is

supported by the involvement, participation and action.

Everybody believes that motivation cannot emerge without interest.

According to Hidi and renninger (2006, p.113), Interest as a motivational

variable refers to the psychologicalstate of engaging or with particularclasses of

objects, events, or ideas over time. This means that the interest has a role in

eliciting of motivation in individuals to re-engage with a particular topic, idea, or

activity over time.

2. The Importance of Interest in Reading

The main activity in learning which can influence students’

achievement is reading. In reaching for the achievement, students must have

interest in reading.Hidi (2001, p.192), said that in learning, interest important

role in reader’s text processing. Chen et al stated that in learning, interest can

integrate students’ experiences outside the school that can make students can use

their prior knowledge to pursing new knowledge and engage in learning. Krapp

and schiefele concluded that interest has strong influence on the quality of

learning. It means that, having interest in reading can gain the better

understanding in learning.

Interest in reading is one of the roles to make readers want to read.

Many researchers believe that reading interest has important role to make

readers get better understanding. Interest in reading is related to people’s

preferences for topic, tasks, or context (Clark and Rumbold, 2006, p.17). It

means that the desire to read something such as books, newspapers, magazine or

etc base on our need. It means that this interest is a feeling of wanting which

plays as a role in the decision to read that engage our knowledge. Generally,

reading interest definition is the awareness, and desire to give attention to

achieve knowledge or information through reading (Dai, 2013, p.165). The

factor which has been associated with interest, reading, and learning is attention.

Through attention the students will give more action in their learning.

Interest in reading activity should be owned by students because it can

develop their knowledge. If the students have poor interest they will get

incomprehensibility to text, inability to grasp and interact with text and low

motivation in reading (Badariah et al, 2011, p.34). Moreover, students are the

future generation in this country. They must have reading habit because reading

is an activity which determined the quality of life. It is proven that by UNESCO

survey in ASEAN countries. It stated that Singapore and Malaysia which have

high reading interest, they have the high quality of life. Overall, reading activity

is important thing because this can change the world especially the quality of


3. The Taxonomy of Interest

Based on the Schraw and Lehman’s journal which the title is

“Situational Interest: A Review of the literature and Direction for Future

Research”, Interest has taxonomy. In taxonomy, interest is divided to two


interest, they are: Personal interest and Situational interest. The taxonomy of

Interest can be seen in Figure 2.1 below:

Figure 2.1: Taxonomy of Interest by Schraw and Lehman (2001:28)

Based on the taxonomy of interest above, interest is divided become

two divisions; they are Personal interest and situational interest. In personal

interest division there are components which it consist of latent interest and

actualized interest. Meanwhile, situational interest consists of three components.

They are text-based, task-based and task-knowledge.For more information about

Personal interest and Situational interest can be seen on the next page.

a. Personal Interest

Individual interest, usually we can call it self-interest or Individual

interest. This interest is intrinsic desire to understand a particular topic (Schraw

and Lehman, 2001). Personal interest can be as intrinsic motivation in each

people that can engage their own understanding. It is formed from human their

selves and give positive affect. In reading activity context, the readers who have

personal interest they will give attention, recognition and memory to the book,

and then they will connect the book with their prior knowledge, (Hidi, 2001,

p.94). Personal interest is not spontaneous, it means personal interest can

develop for long time but it can stand for long term. Fox and Alexander (2003,

p.6) stated that Personal interest is refers to a deep-seated personal. Personal

interest is an interest which has instilled in every human when they have born.

Based on the taxonomy above personal interest consist of latent interest and

actualized interest.

In learning context Lee, Chao and Chen define latent interest and

actualized interest as follows:

 Latent interest: the long-term interest of an individual in learning a

specific topic or discipline. It is an internal inclination that guides an

individual through cognitive activities, including interests (in learning)

related to all senses and values. In other words, the latent interest occurs

when an individual reinforces his/her emotional attitude toward the task

of learning he/she is engaged in, and an individual’s value-related beliefs

of knowledge/tasks are probably a critical part of his/her goals in a long-

term learning process.

 Actualized interest: the motive to learn a specific topic or discipline.

Compared to the latent interest, the actualized interest involves specific

content that is more precise and clearly defined and, therefore, refers to

the degree of an individual’s participation in a certain task of learning.

(Lee, Chao and Chen, 2011: 142).


The conclusion that personal interest is personal desire of liking state

toward a specific topic can tackle an action (actualization of latent interest).

Personal interest usually is assumed as personal liking or positive attitude or

affe, p.120). This means that personal interest is long term interest because it

based on personal liking. Personal interest is exclusively focus on a particular

thing and difficult to alter. In the other ways this interest difficult to change

because it relate to the personal passion.

b. Situational Interest

As we know that individual interest is intrinsic desire to understand a

particular topic. There is another interest which has important role in learning, it

is situational interest. According to Chen, Darst and Pangrazi (2001, p.384) the

situational interest is an appealing effect of an activity on an individual rather

than the personal preference. This interest always depends on the spontaneous

because it can emerge if there is appealing effect from a particular activity.

Situational interest is kind of spontaneous interest that sometimes it can

appear rapidly but can fade rapidly too. This interest can develop quickly if the

readers get visual stimulus from books, environment and self-regulation activity

but this interest has short term and negative effects (Hidi, 2001, p.193). This

interest is environment activated, it depend on the place or situation. Situational

interest is malleable, so we can increase interest through our creativity in

classroom (Schrawand Lehman, 2001).Based on the taxonomy of interest by

Schraw, Bruning and Svoboda (1995, p.1), situational interest is divided into

three divisions. They are text-based, task-based, and knowledge-based.


 Text-based interest: the text-induced interest in learning is characterized

by inductivity, vehemence and consistency. It also refers to the interest

sparked by a text an individual plans to learn.

 Task-based interest: the interest elicited from altered teaching materials

that an individual is exposed to. For instance, an individual’s interest in

learning may be affected by altered objectives/text (of learning) which, in

turn, vary depending on the task of learning assigned.

 Knowledge-based interest: the influence of prerequisite knowledge and

experiences on an individual’s current task of learning. (Lee, Chao and

Chen ,2011:142)

It is concluded that situational interest can elicit not only toward a

specific topic but also the aspect of situation. The situation refers to environment

for example classroom, library and etc.

B. Personal Interest: Latent Interest Vs Actualized Interest

Latent interest and actualized interest are part of personal interest.

Although they are part of personal interest, but between latent interest and

actualized interest have differences. These are the more explanation about Latent

interest and actualized interest:

1. Latent Interest

The latent interest is an interest that can not to be seen because it

depend on what the individual or person perspective. It one of part of Personal

interest which it relates to feeling and value. Based on taxonomy of interest by

Schraw and lehman (2001), the feeling related and value related becomes the

subcomponent of latent interest. In making clear understanding Lee, Chao, and

Chen (2011) conclude that:

 Feeling-related interest occurs when an individual experiences positive

affect and emotions in conjunction with a particular topic or activity.

 Value-related component refers to the assignment of personal

significance to a particular topic or activity. (Lee, Chao and Chen,


Table 2.1 Latent Interest

Feeling-related Value-related

Association of an object or Attribution of personal

object-related activity with positive significance to an object (Value-related

feeling, especially enjoyment and intrinsic valences of an object)

involvement (feeling-related intrinsic

of an object)

(Schiefele, 1991:303)

Based on the table above that feeling related is refers to the feelings that

with the specific topic or activity. The positive feelings are enjoyment, hope,

joy, relief, pride, admiration, love, gratitude and empathy (Schunk, Pintrinch and

Meece, 2008, p.28). Meanwhile value related is refers to the personal

significance to an object. This means that value related a state of understanding

about something important what we need. According to schiefele (1991, p.30),

value related is a reason to choose a specific object because of personal

importance (personal development, competence, or understanding of important


problem). Value-related is a personal attitude which recognizes the value of

object, topic or activity.

2. Actualized Interest

Actualized interest relates to the actualization, application and

implementation of learning, for example if the students read more books to seek

knowledge what they need to know. According to Lee, Chao and Chen (2011,

p.142) actualized interest is the reason to learn a specific topic or discipline. The

actualized interest is an interest which can be seen through the effort of person to

do learning activity. Schiefele (1991, p.301) stated that if a person have

actualized interest, the person will be interested and wants to learn about (or

become involved with) that topic for its own sake. In this case is about learning,

the actualized interest can be measure through how much they spend time to

read book or seeking information, how frequent they read book, and how much

money in spending money to buy books.

Actualized interest can define as involvement in specific topic or

activity and strategy in reaching that personal interest has already been

decided.Schraw, and Lehman (2001) defines actualized interest is challenge

seeking and continued effort in the face of failure or setback. Actualized interest

is topic-specific motivation that determines engagement style in an activity. The

individuals high on the actualized interest have motivation with their ways to

enhance their purposes. In the other words that actualized interest is self-

actualization toward a specific topic to enhance what an individual need or


In this research, the actualized interest is activity in learning English

language. The activity is reading with the topic is English academic reading. The

involvement or Actualized Interest in English academic reading is needed for

successful comprehension.

C. English Academic Reading as Actualized Interest

Generally academic reading is a reading material which related to the

subjects in school, and university. According to Sengupta (2002, p.3), academic

reading is a purposeful reading which it full of texts for completing the study of

specific major subject. English academic reading specifically is very different

from the others reading because the full of text is written in English language

and the content is about English subject. In Indonesia, English Academic reading

is defined as an academic reading in Second language.

Because of the English academic reading as Second language (L2)

written text in our country, the undergraduates must proficiency in L2 in

grasping the point in reading. Hellekjær (2009, p.199) stated that if the English

Academic reading is not as L1, it means that the undergraduates should be able

to transfer their L1 into L2. In English academic reading as L2, proficiency of

vocabulary and grammar is needed in reaching comprehension of the material.

English academic reading in English department and training faculty of

TanjungpuraUnivesity are for example: ELT, TEFL, Phonology, Language

Testing and etc. These written text should be read by undergraduates who

majoring in English teacher. English academic reading usually is owned by

students of English education study program, they can get it from their

university which these recommended by lecturer or from internet. These written

texts can be books or e-books, modules and journals. English academic reading

is reading material which it full of theories and it is written in English language.

The theories in English academic reading are made appropriately to Prospective

English teacher to learn more about English education, English method,

Teaching English and etc.

English academic reading in this case is specific topic which the

students must be learned. For successful learning in English academic reading

need personal interest to reach that. Personal interest which it categories into two

parts they are latent interest and actualized interest. Latent interest and

actualized interest have influence self-study in learning a specific topic.

According to Schraw and Lehman (2001), Latent interest and actualized interest

are important because they have the relationship between to study information

and cognitive engagement variables. This means that the correlation of latent

interest and actualized interest can make the good influences in learning

especially in cognitive.

D. Latent Interest and Actualized Interest in English Academic Reading

An individual decide to read if they aware what they need. Desire for

reading is depend on the personal attitudes and necessary of human life

(Nawarathna, 2012, p.197).The desire or interest in should be owned by students

for successful learning especially in English academic reading. Many studies have

founded that interest affect learning. One of study by Schiefele (1991, p.304) has

the positive consequences in learning. The consequences are the quality of


learning result, the use of learning strategies and the quality of learning

experience. The consequences can be happened if the students have interest in


Interest in English academic reading should be owned by students is

Personal interest. According to Schunk, Pintrich and Meece (2008, p.213),

personal interest is as disposition of personal liking a specific content or activity

which it stable over time. Personal interest itself has two subdivisions; latent

interest and actualized interest. Latent interest occurs when a student reinforces

his/her emotion, value and belief toward a specific content. Meanwhile, actualized

interest is a degree of an individual involvement in a specific activity. The both

interest is really needed in English academic reading in reaching successful


The best of this interest is when an individual has the high latent interest,

it can increase the actualized interest. Schiefele (1991) stated that the positive

feeling, value and belief toward a specific content motivates an individual to

explore more activity, strategies and time to improve comprehension. It means

that between latent interest and actualized interest has causal relation. In the other

word that if students have good personal interest in English academic reading they

will do actualization on reading activity to get more information about English

academic reading. Based on Schraw and Lehman (2001), there is a positive

correlation between latent and actualized interest. The result is the high actualized

interest correlate to latent interest if the individuals have positive emotion in a

topic or object. Positive emotion itself in interest based on Schunk, Pintrinch and

Meece (2008, p.28) is a feeling comfortable toward a topic or an object such as

happy, joyful, enjoyment, love and hope. The positive feelings toward a topic or

an object provide motivation to engage activity which relates to the topic or

object. According to Schiefele et al (1983, p.12) in “Principles of an

EducationalTheory of Interest”, they stated that latent interest causality enters

actualized interest. This means that the feeling related in personal interest gives

the big influence toward low or high actualized interest.

A. Form of Research

There are many methods of research that can answer the problem. In

accordance withthe problem of this research, researcher usedcorrelational study.

Correlational study is one of quantitative research besides experimental study.

According to Muijs (2004, p.1), quantitative research is a research which

explaining phenomena by collecting numericaldata that are analyzed using

mathematically based methods in particular statistics.

Correlational study is a study which attempt to investigate the

relationship between one or more variables. It Accordance with Marczyk,

Dematteo and Festinger(2005, p.3), correlation studyis a research which its goal

to determine whether two or more variables are related.The researcher used this

method because the goal of the correlational study was appropriately to answer

the correlation of between students’ latent and actualized interests in English

academic reading. It means that thid study is designed to find or to predict the

relationship between variables through the use of various measures of statistical


This research used bivariate correlation because there were two

variables; they were one independent variable (X) and one dependent variable

(Y). According to Blerkom (2009, p.267), bivariate correlation is a correlation

which describes the relationship between two variables. Independent variable of


this research is latent interest symbolized as variable X and dependent variable is

actualized interest in English academic reading symbolized as variable Y.

In this research, the researcher was intended to investigate the

correlation between them. The strength and direction of this relationship is

described by correlation coefficient range in strength from -1.00 to +1.00. A

positive correlation indicates that if the values of two variables being analyze

move in the same direction. Conversely, a negative correlation indicates that if

the values on two variables being analyzed move in the opposite direction. A

correlation coefficient is 0.00 indicates that there is no correlation (Cohen,

Manion, and Morrison, 2000, p.193).

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is all subject in the research. According toDatallo (2008,

p.3) unity of elements, then an element itself is a unit such as person, object, and

others. Population may be a larger group of human beings, things, events and

plants that can be used as data or result. Based on the theory, population of this

research was the 3rdsemester students of English Education Study

Programsemester in Teacher Training and Education

FacultyTanjungpuraUniversity Pontianak academic year 2013/2014.The number

of population was66 students.

2. Sample

2. Sample
Sample is the part or subset of population in the research.Datallo (2008,

p.3) stated that sample isa subset of the population elements and ideally, a

sample is selected that is representative of a population (i.e., elements accurately

portray characteristics of the population.

Sample of this research, this researcher used total sampling technique.

Total sampling technique is a sampling technique which the population can be

sample of research because the number of the students was less than 100

(Sugiyono, 2011). According to Arikunto (2006, p.134), if the population is less

than 100, the population can be the sample of research so that this research is

population study. The writer took all students the third semester which they

were in class A+ and Class B+. The number was 66 students but the reality in

field, the researcher only got 43 students.

The researcher’s reasons chose a large number of participants firstlythis

research was a survey type where the larger number involved would release the

more reliable result. Secondly, the 3rd semester undergraduates of English study

program they have subjects is English academic reading.

C. Data collecting technique

In doing a research, a researcher has to choose an appropriate technique

to gain the data. The appropriate data collecting technique for this research is

survey technique. According to Gulo (2010), Survey is data collecting technique

which used an instrument to solicit the responses from sample respondents. The

source of the data was the result of survey. In data collecting, all the participants

will complete the questionnaires. The questionnaire of this research consists of

two questionnaires. The techniques of data collecting were done in several steps

as follow:

The techniques of data collecting were done in several steps as follow:

1. The researcher distributed the questionnaires to the students.

2. After the researcher got the data from questionnaires, the researcher

analyzed the mean score of data.

3. Then, the researcher analyzed the correlation between latent and

actualized interest by using SPSS 19.

4. The researcher would representthe description of correlation between the

latent and actualized interest English study program undergraduates

toward English academic reading.

5. The writer would give conclusion of the research.

D. Tool of data collecting

1. Questionnaire

Instrument or tool of data collecting in this research was questionnaire.

Because of in this research there were two variables, so the researcher decided to

make 2 questionnaires. The first questionnaire, researcher was modified from

ERAS (Elementary Reading Attitude survey) by McKenna and Kear (1990) and

SIQ (Study interest questionnaire) by Schiefele (1993) which helped to describe

the feeling-related and Value-related of the students. The second questionnaire

was actualized interest questionnaire which used Likert Scale by Mustafa

(2012). The total of the questionnaire items was 50 items. In this research the

researcher modified the questionnaires, so the questionnaires would be suitable

for the participants of this research, which were students of English Education

study program undergraduates.

a. Latent interest questionnaire

Latent Interest questionnaire consisted of two questionnaires, they were:

A.1. Latent Interest: Feeling-related = 20 items

A.2. Latent Interest: Value-related= 10 items

The specification of Latent interest questionnaire, based on Schraw and

Lehman (2001), Latent interest have subcomponents, they are feeling related and

value related. Feeling related is emotional interest, if someone has positive

emotion and experience in an activity or topic, the positive feeling can give a

strong motivational incentive to engage to the activity. Value related is a belief

of knowledge which is a critical part of someone’s goal in a long term learning

process. The researcher used Schraw and Lehman’s theory of the specification

of latent Interest.

(1) Feeling Related : Positive emotion or feeling

(2) Value Related: Belief


3.1 Table of specification of Latent Interest

Latent Interest
Feeling Related Feeling Curiosity in reading 1,2, 3

Desire of Reading 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

Feeling of exploration in reading 12,13,14,15,16

English Academic reading
Motivation of Reading English 17, 18
Academic book
Motivation to read Recreational 19, 20

Value Related Belief in importance of reading 1,2,3,4

Personal Value 5,6

The attitude of reading 7,8,9,10

Total: 30 Items

b. Actualized interest questionnaire

The questionnaire of actualized Interest was 20 items. The table of

specification of actualized interest, at this research was based on parameter by

Mustafa (2012, p.2), which are frequency, duration, spending money and

collection owned.

1. Frequency: reading books or other library materials in a certain period of


2. Duration:the time is spent by the respondents when reading books or other

library materials.

3. Spending: how much money the respondents spent to buy books and other

library materials in a certain period of time.

4. Collection owned: how many books and other library materials the

respondents have in their private collection.

5. Exploration: how much you persistence to find information from book and

other library materials.

3.2 Table of specification of Actualized Interest

Actualized Interest

1. The use of Spending Time to read books 1,2,3,4,5,6

2. Frequency of Reading books 7

3. Duration of Reading books 8
4. Exploration 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,
5. Spending money to buy books 18,19,20
Total 20 Items

E. Data Analysis

In data analysis, the writer analyzed the data from two questionnaires.

In this research, the writer used statistical analysis.

1. Scoring the students’ response

a. Latent Interest: Feeling related

To Score the students’ response for feeling related in latent interest, the

writer used ERAS Instrument by Mckenna and Kear (1990). Participants

responded the questionnaire by circling the emoticon of Garfield.The response’s

option represented the degree of emotion as showed below:

Happiest Slightly Mildly Upset Very

upsetGarfield Garfield Garfield Garfield
Figure3.1Emotion of feeling by Mckenna and Kear 1990

The emoticon of Garfield describe of feeling about reading especially in

this case is English academic reading. This emoticon is used for to know how

the positive feeling about English Academic reading. According to Schunk,

Pintrinch and Meece (2008, p.28), the positive feelings are enjoyment, happy,

hope, joy, relief, pride, admiration, love, gratitude and empathy, meanwhile

negative feeling are upset, ungrateful, unhappy and horror. Based on Schraw

and Lehman (2001), if an individual has positive feeling about topic or object,

they will actualize the degree of involvement in topic or object. Thus, this

emoticon is determined of students’ feeling related in English Academic reading.


Table 3.1 Scoring Guide of Feeling Related

b. Latent interest: The Value related

To score the students response, the researcher used SIQ by Schiefele

(1993). The response’s option represented the degree of agreement as shown in

the table below:

Table 3.4 Scoring Guide of Value Related

1 Points = Not all True

2 Points = Somewhat True
3 Points = Quite True
4 Points = Completely True

c. ActualizedInterest

The researcher described the actualized interest by analyzing data from

actualized Interest questionnaire. In analyzing the actualized Interest, the

researcher used 4 points Likert Scale by Mustafa (2012).


Table 3.5 Scoring Guide of Actualized Interest

1 Points = Never
2 Points = Rarely
3 Points = Sometimes
4 Points = Often

d. Calculation of Mean Score

To process the data gathered from questionnaires, the researcher

usedthe mean formula which was adapted from Blerkom (2009, p.245).

Me = Notes :
Me = mean
∑xi = total score
n = total number of items
The formula above was used to find the mean score of latent interest and

actualized interest in English academic reading. The result of this mean score

will describe of their interest in English academic reading.

e. Percentage of students’ response

To analyze whole of students’ response, researcher used percentage

formula toknow what the response that students dominantly choose. This is the

formula of percentage that can be seen below:

𝐏= 𝐗 𝟏𝟎𝟎%

P : Percentage
fi : Number of participants who choose a particular category
Ʃfi : Number of participants

2. Correlation between students’ latent and actualized interests

In solving the research problem, the researcher used the Correlation

formula, namely Pearson Product moment. The formula of correlation that the

researcher used was a formula fromWijaya (2011:83), as can be seen below:

n. xy  ( x)( y )
n. x  
rxy =
 ( x) 2 . n. y 2  ( y )
2 2

In analyzing the correlation the researcher used SPSS 19. SPSS 19 is

software which common used in education research to calculate statistical data

(Muijs, 2004). In measuring the correlation between latent interest and

actualized interest, the researcher used the criteria of correlation coefficient. A

table below shows correlation coefficient category.

Table 3.6 Criteria of Correlation Coefficient

Coefficient Relationship
≥=+/–0.8 Very Strong
<0.+/–8 Strong
<0.+/–5 Moderate
<0.+/–3 Modest
<0.+/–1 Weak
(Muijs, 2004:145)


A. Research Findings

This chapter provides an analysis of the data in order to answer the

research questions in this research. To answer the research questions of the study,

the researcher used questionnaires in collecting the data. The questionnaires were

conducted on January 21st and 23rd 2014 at the third semester students in academic

year 2013/2014. The number of participants in this research was 43 students from

class A+ and B+. Data were collected in this research to provide a proof that

correlation between latent interest and actualized interest in English academic

reading were correlated.

In this research, the researcher divided the process of analyzing into three

parts; analyzing the students’ latent interest in English academic reading,

analyzing the students’ actualized interest in English academic reading, and

analyzing the correlation between students’ latent and actualized interest in

English academic reading. Through the analyzing, the researcher gives some

explanations about the description of the third semester students’ latent and

actualized interests in academic year 2013/2014 is provided in the table. For

correlation analysis between the third semester students’ latent and actualized

interests in academic year 2013/2014, the researcher used SPSS 19. The analysis

present in output viewer SPSS 19 and Scatter Diagram form.

For first presentation, the researcher provides a chart of questionnaire

result of latent and actualized interest below.


(X) Latent Interest

Happiest, Completely True

13% Slightly Smiling, Quite True

Mildly Upset, Sumewhat
25% True
Very Upset, Not at all True


Whole of 38 % students chose “Slightly Smiling” for feeling

related and “Quite True” for value related.
(Y) Actualized Interest

17 % 13 % Often
30% Rarely


Generally, whole of students chose rarely to actualize their

reading activity. The “rarely “response was 40%, meanwhile the
other response was 13% for “often” response, 30% for
“sometimes” response and 17% for “never” response. The result
was described that the actualized interest in English academic
reading was low.
Figure 4.1 Chart of Questionnaire Result

1. Latent interest in English academic reading (X)

In this part, the researcher had found that some evident about latent

interest which was collected from the data. The data described the students’

latent Interest. In describing the latent interest, the researcher used table of

specification which helped to describe. The result that had provided below:

Table 4.1the research finding of Latent Interest

Latent Interest

Feeling Related Curiosity in reading They had enough curiosity

toward book.
Desire of Reading They had enough desire in
Feeling of exploration They didn’t feel to like
in reading English explore in English academic
Academic reading reading rather than non-
academic books.
Motivation of Reading They didn’t too like to read
English Academic English Academic book.
Motivation to read They were really love read
Recreational books non-academic book.
Value Related Belief in importance of The students had a belief
reading that reading is a part to
reach their goals in future
but they were not interest to
explore deeply in reading
English Academic books.
Personal Value Their family and lecturer
have strong influence to
their reading attitude.
The attitude of reading In implementation they
were quite lazy to read
because they rather
dependent to their lecturer


9.50% Happiest Interpretation:

In feeling-related, the emotion of
Slightly whole students in English academic
23% 27.50% Smiling reading is not really good. In this chart
Mildly Upset prove that 27.50% students feel
happiest in English academic reading.
Very Upset Most students prefer “slightly smiling”
in their latent interest in English
academic reading with percentage


16.59% Completely
20% Quite True In the chart, it can be seen that 33.18%
most students chose “Quite true”
response about their value-related
30.25% 33.18% Some what
True about reading. 16.59% chose
“completely true”.
Not all True

Figure 4.2 the Percentage of whole students’ choice

Based on the result of latent interest questionnaire result above had

found that the whole of students’ choice tend to unsatisfied response. Most of

them chose “Slightly smiling” for feeling related and “Quite true” for value

related. In latent interest, they still not bad in reading but the choice of reading

materials they tend to love read recreational reading rather than English

academic reading. In other words, latently English academic reading is very low

in their choice of reading. The next pages are the percentage (%) of students’

response on latent interest questionnaire.


a. Latent Interest Feeling Related

This part explains about the result of students’ response in latent interest

questionnaires especially about students’ feeling related in English academic

reading. The data is used to know how their feeling about English academic

reading which it compares with recreational reading.

(1) Curiosity in Reading

Item no.1

Based on the result from 43 respondents about question no. 1 how their feeling

when they see or look a book. Students who chose happiest was 9 respondents,

23 respondents chose slightly smiling, 9 respondents chose mildly upset and 2

respondents chose very upset. Whole of data for item no. 1 can be seen in the

table below:

Table 4.2 students’ response for question no.1 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage (%)
Happiest 9 21%
Slightly Smiling 23 23.4%
Mildly Upset 9 21%
Very Upset 2 4.6%
Total 43 100%
It concluded that most of students chose slightly smiling with percentage of

53.4%. It means that students’ feeling when they see a book rather positive.

Item no. 2

The question of this item is” How do you feel when you read a book”. In this

item is aimed to know how the students’ feel when they read a book, because the

positive feeling can make a curiosity appear. Based on the data which has

collected, it showed that in the table below:


Table 4.3 Students’ response for question no.2 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage (%)
Happiest 11 26.5%
Slightly Smiling 20 46.5%
Mildly Upset 10 23.3%
Very Upset 2 4.65%
Total 43 100%
Based on the table above, 11 students who happiest when read a book, 20

students who slightly smiling when read a book, 10 students who mildly upset

and 2 students who very upset when read a book. It concluded that most of

students chose slightly smiling with percentage from 43 students is 45.5%.

Item no.3

In this item is used to know how students’ feeling when they starting read a new

book. This item is related to their desire about knowledge from new book. The

data can be seen below:

Table 4.4 students’ response for question no.3 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 20 46.5%
Slightly Smiling 21 48.8%
Mildly Upset 2 4.65%
Very Upset 0 0%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data above; 20 students chose happiest, 21 students chose slightly

smiling, 2 students chose mildly upset and no one chose very upset response in

this item. It is concluded that most of students with 48.8% from 43 students have

rather positive feeling when they starting read a new book.


(2) Desire of reading

Item no.4

Item no.4 is “how do you feel about reading for fun?”. In this item most of

students have a positive feeling because based on the data below, 55.81% chose

happiest when they reading a book for fun. It means that most of students have a

positive feeling when they s reading a book for fun. The complete data can be

seen in the table below:

Table 4.5 students’ response for question no.4 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 24 55.81%
Slightly Smiling 10 23.26%
Mildly Upset 7 16.28%
Very Upset 2 4.65%
Total 43 100%
The table above revealed that 24 students chose happiest, 10 students chose

slightly smiling, 7 students chose mildly upset and the last 2 students chose very

upset when they reading a book for fun.

Item no.5

This item is” How do you feel about reading for study?”. In this item most of

students have a negative feeling. No one of students have happiest feeling for

study. It is very surprising that students love reading book for fun rather for

study. It is proven that based on the data below:

Table 4.6 students’ response for question no.5 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 0 0%
Slightly Smiling 18 41.9%
Mildly Upset 20 46.5%
Very Upset 5 11.6%
Total 43 100%

On the table above, the data revealed that the highest response is mildly upset

with percentage of 46.5% or 20 students.

Item no.6

“How do you feel when it’s time for reading in the classroom?”. This item is

aimed to know how they feeling if they reading in the classroom and what’s kind

of room can make them want to read.

Table 4.7 students’ response for question no.6 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 7 16.3%
Slightly Smiling 23 53.5%
Mildly Upset 12 27.9%
Very Upset 1 2.33%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data have been collected, students’ feeling is rather positive

because from 43 students they were 53.5% students chose slightly smiling. 7

students chose happiest, 23 students chose slightly smiling, 12 students chose

mildly upset and the last, only 1 student chose very upset.

Item no.7

This item is about how students’ feeling about getting a book for present. This

item is used to know how they realize to read a book is important for their future.

Most of students have positive feeling to getting a book for present. In the table

below is explained that:

Table 4.8 students’ response for question no.7 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 24 55.81%
Slightly Smiling 10 23.26%
Mildly Upset 7 16.28%
Very Upset 2 4.65%
Total 43 100%

24or 55.82% students chose happiest, 10 or 23.26% students chose slightly

smiling, 7 or16.28% students chose mildly upset and the last 2or 4.65% students

chose very upset.

Item no.8

This item is used to know how they feeling when they read different kind of

books. This item is related to their feeling to search more knowledge. Based on

the data, they rather positive. It revealed in the table below:

Table 4.9 students’ response for question no.8 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 17 39.5%
Slightly Smiling 16 37.2%
Mildly Upset 9 20.9%
Very Upset 1 2.33%
Total 43 100%
17 students chose happiest, 16 students chose slightly smiling, 9 students chose

mildly upset and 1 students chose very upset. It is concluded that the highest

response for this item are happiest 39.5% and slightly smiling 37.2%. In other

words they have rather positive feeling in reading different kind of books.

Item no.9

This item is “how do you feel about learning from book?”. This item is used to

know students’ feeling when they must learn from book not from the other

media. The data from this item can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.10 students’ response for question no.9 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 12 27.9%
Slightly Smiling 23 53.5%
Mildly Upset 7 16.3%
Very Upset 1 2.33%
Total 43 100%

In the table shows that students’ feeling about learning from book is rather

positive. It is because the highest response is slightly smiling with percentage of

53.5%. It means that they have a hope to explore their feeling in learning from


Item no.10

This item is “how do you feel about going to the bookstore?”. In this item they

have positive feeling. The students love in the bookstore so it means that they

curious and try to find knowledge from book. The data about this item can be

seen in the table below:

Table 4.11 students’ response for question no.10 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 25 58.1%
Slightly Smiling 13 30.2%
Mildly Upset 3 6.98%
Very Upset 2 4.65%
Total 43 100%
The data shows that 25 students chose happiest, 13 students chose slightly

smiling, 3 students chose mildly upset, and the last 2 students chose very upset.

It is concluded that 58.5% from 43 students chose happiest response.


Item no.11

This item is” how do you feel about going to library?”. In this item, the highest

students’ response is slightly smiling. It means that students’ feeling going to

library rather positive. The data about students’ response in this item can be seen

in the table below:

Table 4.12 students’ response for question no. 11(Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 7 16.3%
Slightly Smiling 23 53.5%
Mildly Upset 12 27.9%
Very Upset 1 2.33%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data above; 7 students chose happiest or 16.3%, 23 students chose

slightly smiling or 53.5%, 12 students chose mildly upset or 27.9%, and the last

1 or 2.33% chose very upset.

(3) Feeling exploration in English Academic Reading

Item no.12

This item is aimed to know how the students’ exploration read a book in spare

time at home but it related to their feeling. Question of this item is “how do you

feel when you read a book in spare time at home.” The students’ response can be

seen in the table below:

Table 4.13 students’ response for question no.12 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 5 11.6%
Slightly Smiling 16 37.2%
Mildly Upset 10 23.3%
Very Upset 12 27.9%
Total 43 100%
Based on the table, it revealed that students’ feeling is rather positive. It is

because most of them chose slightly smiling with percentage of 37.2%. 5


students chose happiest, 16 students chose slightly smiling, 10 students chose

mildly upset, and 12 students chose very upset.

Item no.13

The question of this item is” how do you feel when you read a boom in your

spare time.” In this item most of students mildly upset. For clear information, the

data can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.14 students’ response for question no.13 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Happiest 8 18.6%
Slightly Smiling 16 37.2%
Mildly Upset 18 41.9%
Very Upset 1 2.33%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data, it shows that 8 students chose Happiest, 16 students chose

Slightly Smiling, 18 students chose mildly upset, and 1 students chose very

upset. The highest response in this item is mildly upset with percentage is 41.9%.

It means that students’ feeling is negative about read a book in spare time at


Item no.14

The question in this item is” How do you feel when your lecturer asks you a

question about what you read?”. From this item students’ feeling is rather

positive. The complete data for this item can be seen below:

Table 4.15 students’ response for question no.14 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 5 11.6%
Slightly Smiling 16 37.2%
Mildly Upset 10 23.3%
Very Upset 12 27.9%
Total 43 100%

Based on the data, 5 students chose happiest, 16 students chose slightly smiling,

10 students chose mildly upset, 12 students chose very upset. It is concluded that

the highest response in this item is slightly smiling with percentage is 37.2%. It

means that the students’ feeling for this item is rather positive.

Item no.15

This item is aimed to know how students’ feeling about reading workbook pages

or worksheet. This item is related to students’ exploration in English academic

reading through some exercises from book. In this item, most of students have

positive feeling. The complete data can be seen in the table below:

Table. 4.16 students’ response for question no.15 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 25 58.1%
Slightly Smiling 14 32.6%
Mildly Upset 3 6.98%
Very Upset 1 2.33%
Total 43 100%
The result shows that 25 students chose happiest, 14 chose slightly smiling, 3

chose mildly upset and the 1 student chose very upset. It is concluded that

students’ feeling reading workbook or worksheet is positive.

Item no.16

The question of this item is “How do you feel about to search additional books

for your assignment?”. This item for measure whether the students have a

feeling to explore their English language knowledge from the other additional

books. In this item, the result can be seen in the table in the next page:

Table 4.17 students’ response for question no.16 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Happiest 5 11.6%
Slightly Smiling 16 37.2%
Mildly Upset 10 23.3%
Very Upset 12 27.9%
Total 43 100%
In the table shows that; 5 students chose happiest response, 16 students chose

slightly smiling, 10 students chose mildly upset, 12 students chose very upset.

Based on the result, it is concluded that the students’ feeling in this item is

negative because the students tend to answered mildly upset (23.3%) and very

upset (29.7%) rather than happiest (11.6%) and slightly smiling (37.2%). The

highest response in this item is slightly smiling.

(4) Motivation in English Academic Reading

Item 17.

This item is” how do you feel when you read your academic books? (ELT, LT,

SLA, TEFL and etc).” In this item is to know whether the students love English

academic reading or not, and the result will to compare with recreational reading

books. The result can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.18 students’ response for question no.17 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Happiest 1 2.33%
Slightly Smiling 13 30.2%
Mildly Upset 17 39.5%
Very Upset 12 27.9%
Total 43 100%
Based on the result is totally negative, because it is proven that most of students

chose Mildly upset (39.5%). In the table shows that 1 student chose happiest, 13

students chose slightly smiling, 17 students chose mildly upset and 12 students

chose very upset. The sum of mildly upset and very upset response is 67.1%.

Then it is concluded that 67.1% from 43 students tend to have negative feeling

about academic reading.

Item no.18

This item is aimed to know the students’ feeling when they must spend money to

buy English academic reading books. In this item most of students have negative

feeling to buy English academic reading books. It seems that they don’t like

read English academic reading books. The result of this item can be seen in the

table below:

Table 4.19 students’ response for question no.18 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage
Happiest 3 6.98%
Slightly Smiling 14 32.6%
Mildly Upset 15 34.9%
Very Upset 11 25.6%
Total 43 100%
In the table showed that 3 students chose Happiest, 14 students chose slightly

smiling, 15 students chose mildly upset, and 11 students chose very upset. The

highest response of this item is mildly upset with percentage of 34.9%. Not only

that in the table is clearly they tend to choose mildly upset (34.9%) and very

upset (25.6%). The sum of mildly upset and very upset total is 60.5%, the result

means that most of students have a negative feeling for spend their money to buy

English academic reading.


(5) Motivation in Recreational Reading

Item no.19

The question of this item is”how do you feel when you read recreational books.

Recreational books in this case are magazine, newspaper, novel or tabloid. Most

of students in this question chose slightly smiling. It means that they have rather

positive feeling in recreational books. The data about this question can be seen

in the table below:

Table 4.20 students’ response for question no.19 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Happiest 7 16.3%
Slightly Smiling 23 53.5%
Mildly Upset 12 27.9%
Very Upset 1 2.33%
Total 43 100%
In the table shows that 7 students chose happiest, 23 chose slightly smiling, 12

students chose mildly upset and 1 students chose very upset. The highest

response of this question is 53.5% for slightly smiling response.

Item no.20

The question of this item is “how do you feel when you must spend your money

for recreational books. This item is aimed to know how much they reading

preference. Based on the result they have positive feeling to spend money for

recreational books. The result can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.21 students’ response for question no.20 (Feeling Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Happiest 22 51.2%
Slightly Smiling 18 41.9%
Mildly Upset 2 4.65%
Very Upset 1 2.33%
Total 43 100%

Based on the table above, 22 students or 51.2% chose happiest, 18 or 41.9%

students chose slightly smiling, 2 or 4.65% students chose mildly upset and 1 or

2.33% student chose very upset. It is concluded that they love buy recreational


b. Latent Interest: Value Related

In this part is about the result of students’ response in latent interest

questionnaires especially about value related in English academic reading books.

The result is aimed to know how the students’ value in English academic reading

and what’s the factor which affect their reading habit.

(1) Belief in importance of reading

Item no 1

The question of this item is ;”it was great personal importance to me to read my

English academic reading.” In this item is totally true that they realize read

English academic reading books is great personal importance. It is proven based

on the result in the table below:

Table 4.22 students’ response for question no. 1(Value Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Completely True 2 4.65%
Quite True 22 51.2%
Somewhat True 15 34.9%
Not All True 4 9.3%
Total 43 100%
In the table is clear that 2 students chose completely true, 22 students chose

Quite true, 15 Students chose Somewhat true and 4 students chose Not all true.

Then, Most of students are belief that read their English academic reading is

great personal importance because they tend to choose Completely True with

percentage (4.65%) and Quite True (51.2%).

Item no.2

The statement of this item is; “ I am certain that studying my English academic

books have a positive influence.” In this item the students believe that study

English academic reading books have a positive influence. It can be seen in the

table below:

Table4.23 students’ response for question no. 2 (Value Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Completely True 9 20.9%
Quite True 23 53.5%
Somewhat True 9 20.9%
Not all True 2 4.65%
Total 43 100%
Based on the table there are 9 students (20.9%) chose completely true, 23

(53.5%) chose Quite True, 9 Students (20.9%) chose Somewhat True and the

last 2 students (4.65%) chose Not all true. Based on the result it clear that

students is totally have belief that study English academic reading books have a

positive influence.

Item no.3

“I think reading English academic books is important for my future as English

Teacher”. In this Item most of students totally have a belief that read English

Academic Books is important for my future. The data can be seen in the table on

the next page:


Table 4.24 students’ response for question no. 3(Value Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Completely True 22 51.2%
Quite True 18 41.9%
Somewhat True 2 4.65%
Not All True 1 2.33%
Total 43 100%
The data has been collected showed that; 22 students (51.2%) chose completely

True, 18 students (41.9%) chose quite true, 2 students (4.65%) chose Somewhat

True, and 1 student (2.335) chose not all true. It means that most of students

have belief that reading English academic books is important for their future.

Item no.4

“I think reading English academic books is more important rather than read the

other books.” In this item is aimed to know whether students have a belief that

reading English academic reading books is more important than the other books.

The data found that the students are not agreeing in this statement. The data can

be seen in the table below:

Table 4.25 students’ response for question no. 4 (Value Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Completely True 4 9.3%
Quite True 7 16.3%
Somewhat True 19 44.2%
Not All True 13 30.2%
Total 43 100%
The table shows that; 4 students chose completely true, 7 students chose quite

true, 19 students chose somewhat true, and the last 13 students chose not all true.

In this item most of students are chose somewhat true (44.2%) and not all true


(2) Personal Value

Item no.5

“My Family has the strong influence in my English Academic Reading.” In this

item most of students confess that they totally are affected by their family. It

means that personal value about English Academic reading is depends on their

family. The data can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.26 students’ response for question no. 5 (Value Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Completely True 22 51.2%
Quite True 18 41.9%
Somewhat True 2 4.65%
Not All True 1 2.33%
Total 43 100%
The data shows that 22 students chose completely true, 18 students chose quite

true, 2 students chose somewhat true, and 1 students chose not all true. Based on

the data, it is concluded that most of students chose complete true (51.2%) and

quite true (41.9%).

Item no.6

“My lecturer has the strong influence in my English Academic Reading.” In this

item is aimed to know whether lecturer can influence students’ reading in

English academic reading. Based on the result, most of students’ personal rather

don’t agreeing in this statement. The clear data can be seen below:

Table 4.27 students’ response for question no. 6(Value Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Completely True 5 11.6%
Quite True 16 37.2%
Somewhat True 10 23.3%
Not All True 12 27.9%
Total 43 100%

The table shows that; 5 students chose completely true, 16 students chose quite

true, 10 chose somewhat true and 12 not all true. Based on the data in the table

the highest response is quite true with percentage of 37.2%.

(3) Reading attitude

Item no.7

“Even before you coming to campus, I have read my English academic books at

Home” In this is aimed to know whether the students read their English

academic reading books before they come home. The students’ reading attitude

in English academic reading is low. Because it is proven in the table below:

Table 4.28 students’ response for question no. 7(Value Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Completely True 3 6.98%
Quite True 5 11.6%
Somewhat True 22 51.2%
Not All True 13 30.2%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data, 3 students chose completely true, 5 students chose quite true,

22 students chose somewhat true, and 13 students chose not all true. In this item,

most of students chose somewhat true (51.2%) and not all true (30.2%).

Item no.8

“I think to read my English academic book is not my duty.” In this item most of

students read English academic reading is their duty. The result of this item can

be seen in the table in the next page:


Table 4.29 students’ response for question no. 8 (Value Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Completely True 7 16.3%
Quite True 9 20.9%
Somewhat True 15 34.9%
Not All True 12 27.9%
Total 43 100%
The data shows that; 7 students chose completely true, 9 students chose quite

true, 15 students true chose somewhat true, 12 students chose not all true. Based

on the data, most of students confessed that reading English academic books is a

duty for them. It is because the highest score is somewhat true (34.9%) and not

all true (27.9%) response.

Item no.9

“I never read my English academic books if I get assignments from my lecturer.”

This item is aimed to know whether the students read their English academic

reading books if when they assignments from lecturer or not. In this item the

students answered totally don’t agreeing with this statement, it means that they

read English academic reading because they realize the importance of reading.

The data of this item can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.30 students’ response for question no. 9 (Value Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Completely True 7 16.3%
Quite True 9 20.9%
Somewhat True 15 34.9%
Not All True 12 27.9%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data, 7 students chose completely true, 9 students chose quite true,

15 students chose somewhat true, 12 students chose not all true. It is concluded

that most of students chose somewhat true (34.9%) and not all true (27.9%).

Item no.10

“If I have a spare time I will read my English academic books”. In this item,

most of students confessed that they do not read English academic reading books

in spare time. The result of this item can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.31 students’ response for question no. 10 (Value Related)

Category Frequency Percentage

Completely True 7 16.3%
Quite True 9 20.9%
Somewhat True 15 34.9%
Not All True 12 27.9%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data, 7 (16.3%) students chose completely true, 9 (20.9%) students

chose quite true, 15 (34.9%) students true chose somewhat true, and 12 (27.9%)

students chose not all true. It is clear that the highest response is somewhat true

and not all true.


a. The Mean Score of Latent Interest (X)

Table 4.32 The Questionnaire score of Latent Interest

No. Name Score The mean Score, the researcher used SPSS 19. The
1 IR 86
2 AR 66
3 EN 62 result of the mean score can be seen from the table
4 AK 96
5 MBV 95 below. The mean score of the latent Interest is
6 DP 74
7 IH 86
8 JW 75 82.51 with standard deviation is 12.23.
9 MR 90
10 J 71
11 YS 89
12 RP 82
13 AW 97 Table 4.33the mean score result of Latent Interest
14 FAR 100
15 FS 82
16 JG 78
17 FS 90 Report
18 N 92
19 FR 110 Latent Interest
20 SA 84 Mean N Std. Deviation
21 DJ 97
22 HP 92 82.5116 43 12.23650
23 TCRLK 88
24 HHLM 77
25 ER 91
26 MR 90
27 LI 103
28 SM 88
29 DS 72
30 SS 63
31 NE 82
32 S 70
33 RVT 80
34 AI 77
35 EA 73
36 KA 68
37 YDKL 57
38 H 80
39 C 88
40 JMB 81
41 DFT 59
42 EL 72
43 FY 95

2. Actualized interest in English academic reading (Y)

In actualized interest analysis, the researcher collected data from questionnaires

and then used table of specification to describe actualized interest.To make it

easier for the readers to follow the discussion, the description of actualized interest

is present first in a form of tables of specification below:

Table 4.34 Research Finding of Actualized Interest

Actualized Interest
No. Indicators Results
1. The use of Spending Time The all of students were rarely to
to read books spend their time to read books in
spare time.
2. Frequency of Reading They were rarely to read their
books English academic books every night
3. Duration of Reading books They were rarely to spend 1 more
hour in a day to read their English
Academic books.
4. Exploration The students have no interest in
exploration to their English academic
books for example:
To searching and download
additional books which related to
their subject, make summary, and
discuss with lecturer and classmate
about their subject because They will
read books when they get assignment
from lecturer.
5. Spending money to buy They have no interest to spend more
books money for their knowledge in
English academic reading.

a. Actualized Interest

This part explains about the result of students’ response in actualized interest

questionnaires especially about students’ activity in English academic reading.

The data is used to know how their actualization in English academic reading.

1) The use of spending time to read books

Item no.1

This item is to know whether the students’ read books for fun in their spare

time. The result shows that the students are rarely to use their spare time to

read books for fun. For clear information, the data can be seen in the table


Table 4.35 students’ response for question no. 1(actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 4 9.3%
Sometimes 9 20.9%
Rarely 18 41.9%
Never 2 27.9%
Total 43 100%
The data shows that 4 students chose often response, 9 students chose sometimes

response, 18 students chose rarely response, and 2 students chose never response.

Based on the data, most of students chose rarely response (41.9%) and never

response (27.9%). It means that almost of students are use their spare time to

read books for fun.

Item no. 2

The statement of this item is; ”you read different kind of books in a day”. This

item is aimed to know whether they use their time for reading different kind of

books in a day. The result of this item, the students don’t like to spend their time

for reading different kinds of books in a day. The result revealed that the

students are not read different kind of books in a day. The data of this result can

be seen in the table below:

Table 4.36 students’ response for question no.2 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 1 2.33%
Sometimes 12 27.9%
Rarely 21 48.8%
Never 9 20.9%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data, 1 student chose often (2.33%), 12 students chose sometimes

(27.9%), 21 students chose rarely (48.8%), and 9 students (20.9%) chose never.

From the data in the table, it is concluded that the highest response is rarely

response with percentage of 48.8%.

Item no. 3

The question for item no. 3 is” you read your books at home in spare time”. This

item is aimed to know whether the students read their books at home in spare

time. Based on the result from 43 students shows that the students use their time

to read their books at home in spare time. In the table shows that 12 students

chose often response, 12 students chose sometimes, 14 students chose rarely,

and 5 students chose never response. The clear information of this data can be

seen in the table in the next page:


Table 4.37 students’ response for question no.3 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 12 27.9%
Sometimes 12 27.9%
Rarely 14 32.6%
Never 5 11.6%
Total 43 100%
The data above shows that only 5 students chose never response in this item. It is

concluded that most of students read their books at home in spare time.

Item no.4

This item is; ”you read books at library in your spare time”. In this item, whole

of students chose rarely response with percentage of 55.8%. It means that most

of students are rarely read books at library in their spare time. The data can be

seen in the table below:

Table 4.38 students’ response for question no. 4 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 1 2.33%
Sometimes 10 23.3%
Rarely 24 55.8%
Never 8 18.6%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data, 1 student chose often, 10 students chose sometimes, 24

students chose rarely, and the last 8 students chose never. It is clear that the

students are rarely read at library in their spare time.


Item no.5

This question of this item is” you read your books at classroom in your spare

time”. The result of this item they rarely read books at classroom in their spare

time. For clear information, the data can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.39 students’ response for question no. 5 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 1 2.33%
Sometimes 15 34.9%
Rarely 18 41.9%
Never 9 20.9%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data from 43 students there are 1 student chose often, 15 students

chose sometimes, 18 chose rarely, and 9 students chose never. In the data shows

that most of students are rarely and never read books at classroom in their spare


Item no.6

The question item no.6 is “you read all e-books in spare time”. This item is

aimed to know whether the students read all their e-book in spare time. In this

item most of students are rarely and even never read all their e-books in spare

time. It means that they are not spending their spare time wisely for read all e

books. The data can be seen in the table on the next page:

Table 4.40 students’ response for question no. 6 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 4 9.3%
Sometimes 11 25.6%
Rarely 21 48.8%
Never 7 16.3%
Total 43 100%

Based on the data, it shows that 4 students chose often, 11 students chose

sometimes, 21 students chose rarely and 7 students chose never. It is concluded

that the highest response in this item is rarely with percentage of 48.8% students.

2) Frequency of Reading books

Item no.7

This item is aimed to know how the students’ frequency of reading English

academic books. Based on the result, the students are rarely read their English

academic books every day. The result can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.41 students’ response for question no. 7 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 5 11.63%
Sometimes 9 20.93%
Rarely 16 37.21%
Never 13 30.23%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data shows that from 43 students, the highest response are rarely

and never with percentage each response are 37.21% and 30.23%. It means that

the students totally are not good in frequency of reading especially in English

academic reading books.

3) Duration of reading books

Item no. 8

The question of this item is;“you read English academic reading book more than

1 hour in a day”. This item is aimed to know how the duration of English

academic books which is used by students. Based on the result, most of students

are not read English academic books more than 1 hour in a day. The result is

revealed in the table below:

Table 4.42 students’ response for question no.8 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 5 11.63%
Sometimes 13 30.23%
Rarely 15 34.88%
Never 10 23.26%
Total 43 100%
The data shows that from 43 students; 5 students chose often, 13 students chose

sometimes, 15 students chose rarely, and 10 chose never. The highest response

of this item is rarely response with percentage of 34.88%. It is clear that not all

students read English academic reading books more than 1 hour.

4) Exploration

Item no.9

The question of this item is”you will read books when you have assignments

from your lecturer. The result of this item, the students totally often read books

when there is an assignment from lecturer. It means that the exploration action

depend on their lecturer. For more information, the data can be seen in the table


Table 4.43 students’ response for question no. 9 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 22 51.2%
Sometimes 12 27.9%
Rarely 8 18.6%
Never 1 2.33%
Total 43 100%

The data shows that 51.2% from 43 students are often read their books when

they get assignment from lecturer. There are 22 students chose often, 12 students

chose sometimes, 8 students chose rarely and 1 student chose never. It is

concluded their exploration of English academic reading books depend on the

lecturer’s order.

Item no. 10

The question of item no.10 is; “you ask question or discuss with your lecturer

about what you read”. This item is aimed to know how the students’ exploration

in English academic reading books when they in learning situation. The result

shows that they are lack of the exploration with their lecturer about what they

read. It means the students are lazy to seek and to improve independently in

English academic reading books. The clear information can be seen in the table

in the next page:

Table 4.44 students’ response for question no. 10 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 4 9.3%
Sometimes 9 20.9%
Rarely 18 41.9%
Never 12 27.9%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data, there are 4 students chose often (9.3%), 9 students chose

sometimes (20.9%), 18 students chose rarely (41.9%), 12 students chose (27.9%).

It means that most of students tend to rarely and never ask question and discuss

with their lecturer about what they read.


Item no.11

The question of this item is” You ask question or discuss with your classmate

about what you read”. This item is aimed to know whether there is an

exploration when students read English academic reading books then discuss

with their classmate. Most of students answered sometimes and rarely responses.

It means that they are not maximal in exploration through discuss with their

classmate. For the clear information, the data can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.45 students’ response for question no. 11 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 4 9.3%
Sometimes 18 41.9%
Rarely 18 41.9%
Never 3 6.98%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data, 4 students chose often, 18 students chose sometimes, 18

students chose rarely and 3 students chose never. The highest responses in this

item are sometimes response with percentage of 41.9% and rarely response with

percentage with 41.9%.

Item no.12

The question of this item is”You go to library to borrow some English academic

reading books”. This item is aimed to know whether there is an exploration

English academic reading that students do in library. The result reveals that they

are totally rarely doing an exploration through some books from library. The

result can be seen in the table in the table, in the next page:

Table 4.46 students’ response for question no. 12 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 4 9.3%
Sometimes 13 30.2%
Rarely 18 41.9%
Never 8 18.6%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data, from 43 students shows that; 4 students (9.3%) chose often,

13 students (30.2%) chose sometimes, 18 students (41.9%) chose rarely and 8

students (18.6%) chose never. It is concluded that the highest response of this

item is rarely response.

Item no. 13

In this question no.13 is" you choose to borrow books which the books are

related to English academic reading.” In this item, most of students are tend to

answer sometimes and rarely responses. It means that they are rather lazy

borrow books which related to English academic reading books in library. The

result of this item can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.47 students’ response for question no. 13 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 8 18.6%
Sometimes 13 30.23%
Rarely 16 37.21%
Never 6 13.95%
Total 43 100%
The data in the table shows that 8 students chose often, 13 students chose

sometimes, 16 students chose rarely, 6 students chose never. From 43 students,

the highest response of this item is sometimes response (30.23%) and rarely

response (37.21%).

Item no.14

The question of this item is”you try to search additional books or e –books

which related to your assignment”. This item is aimed for to know whether there

is an exploration in their reading when they get an assignment. In this item the

students revealed that rarely to do that. They are rarely to search some additional

books or e-books which related to their assignments. It means that they are lazy

to get something more and lack of curiosity, they only satisfied only explore

their knowledge from their English academic reading books from campus. This

result of this item can be seen in table in the next page:

Table 4.48 students’ response for question no. 14 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 4 9.3%
Sometimes 11 26%
Rarely 21 49%
Never 7 16%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data, 4 students (9.3%) chose often, 11 students (26%) chose

sometimes, 21 students chose rarely (49%), and 7 students (16%) chose never. It

is concluded that the highest response of this item rarely response with

percentage of 49%.

Item 15

The question of this item is “you download e-books and journals on internet to

read”. In this item, most of students are totally rarely to download e-books and

journals to read. This means that they more to search books from bookstore. The

clear information, the data can be seen in the table, in the next page:

Table 4.49 students’ response for question no. 15 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 2 4.65%
Sometimes 14 32.6%
Rarely 20 46.5%
Never 7 16.3%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data, 2 students chose often, 14 students chose sometimes, 20

students chose rarely, and 7 students chose never. It is concluded that from 43

students only 2 or 4.6% students are often download e-books or journals to read

and the highest response in this item is rarely response with percentage of 46.5%

or 20 students.

Item 16

The question of this item is “you make a summary in every academic reading

book that you read”. This item is aimed to know whether there is some students’

exploration in English academic reading through makes a summary. Based on

the result, it revealed that only 2 students make a summary. It means that the

students lack of action in exploration through making summary. The data can be

seen in the table below:

Table 4.50 students’ response for question no. 16(actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 2 4.65%
Sometimes 10 23.3%
Rarely 19 44.2%
Never 12 27.9%
Total 43 100%
The data in the table above revealed that 2 students chose often, 10 chose

sometimes, 19 chose rarely, and 12 chose never. The highest response of this

item is rarely response with percentage of 44.2%. It is concluded that the

students are totally rarely to make a summary in every English academic reading


Item 17

The question of this item is “you try to find clearer thought and deep

understanding from reading books”. In this item, most of students answered

sometimes response. It means that they ever do that but are not really maximal.

The information of this item can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.51 students’ response for question no. 17(actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 9 20.9%
Sometimes 24 55.8%
Rarely 7 16.3%
Never 3 6.98%
Total 43 100%
Based on the data, 9 students chose often, 24 students chose sometimes, 7

students chose rarely, 3 students chose never. The highest response of this item

is sometimes response with percentage of 55.8%.

5) Spending money to buy books

Item 18

The question of this item is “ you go to the bookstore to buy some books”. This

item is aimed to know whether the students go to the bookstore buy some books

or not. Based on the research, most of students reveal that they go to the

bookstore are not often buy some books. It means that they really not interest to

read books. The data about this item can be seen in the table, in the next page:

Table 4.52 students’ response for question no. 18 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 7 16.28%
Sometimes 13 30.23%
Rarely 17 39.53%
Never 6 13.95%
Total 43 100%
The data show that 7 students chose often, 13 students chose sometimes, 17

students chose rarely, and 6 students chose never. In this item the highest

response in this item rarely response with percentage of 39.53% or from 43

students only 17 students rarely buy some books at bookstore.

Item no.19

The question of this item is “you choose to buy books at bookstore which related

to English academic reading”. In this item, most of students tend to reveal that

they rarely chose to buy books at bookstore which related to English Academic

reading. It means that they love to buy books such as recreational reading books.

It is proven based on the result in the table below:

Table 4.53 students’ response for question no. 19(actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 2 4.65%
Sometimes 14 32.6%
Rarely 20 46.5%
Never 7 16.35%
Total 43 100%
The result revealed that from 43 students there are 2 students chose often, 14

students chose sometimes, 20 students chose rarely and 7 students chose never.

It is clear that the highest response of this item is rarely response (46.5%)

item no. 20

The question of this item is”you choose to buy or borrow books based on your

prior knowledge”. This item is aimed to know whether the students always want

to read books based on their prior knowledge. The result of this item can be seen

in the table below:

Table 4.54 students’ response for question no. 20 (actualized interest)

Category Frequency Percentage

Often 6 14%
Sometimes 16 37.2%
Rarely 17 39.5%
Never 4 9.3%
Total 43 100%
The data shows that; 6 students chose often, 16 students chose sometimes, 17

students chose rarely, 4 students chose never. The highest responses of this item

are sometimes response with percentage of 37.2% and rarely response with

percentage of 39.5%. It is concluded that most of students are still not chose to

buy or borrow books based on their prior knowledge.


a. The Mean Score of Actualized Interest (Y)

Table 4.55 The questionnaire score of Actualized Interest

No. Name Score
1 IR 50 The mean Score, the researcher used
2 AR 44
3 EN 35
SPSS 19. The mean score can be
4 AK 48
5 MBV 58
6 DP 42 seen from the table below. The
7 IH 48
8 JW 32 result is known that the mean score
9 MR 53
10 J 49 of the Latent Interest is 47.51 with
11 YS 54
12 RP 38
13 AW 50
standard deviation is 8.89.
14 FAR 45
15 FS 44
16 JG 45
17 FS 48
18 N 49 Table 4.56 Mean score of Actualized
19 FR 63 Interest
20 SA 40
21 DJ 59
22 HP 57 Report
23 TCRLK 63 Actualized Interest
24 HHLM 47
Mean N Std. Deviation
25 ER 56
26 MR 45 47.5116 43 8.89722
27 LI 73
28 SM 48
29 DS 54
30 SS 53
31 NE 41
32 S 44
33 RVT 55
34 AI 43
35 EA 46
36 KA 38
37 YDKL 25
38 H 51
39 C 47
40 JMB 34
41 DFT 36
42 EL 45
43 FY 45
TOTAL 2040

3. Correlation between students’ latent and actualized interest in English

academic reading

To analyze whether there is or not a correlation between latent Interest and

actualized interest, the researcher used product moment with the formula is

provided below:

n. xy  ( x)( y )

rxy =
n. x 2
 ( x) 2 . n. y 2  ( y )

For efficiency the researcher used SPSS 19. To find out the correlation,

the researcher used SPSS 19 application, there are some steps how to find out

the correlation between latent and actualized interest as proposed by Wijaya

(2011, p.84).

1. Opening data in MS Excel then open SPSS 19 application.

2. Transferring data into SPSS 19 in data editor.

3. ClickingAnalyze in menu option.

4. Choosing Correlate then click Bivariate.

5. Moving X and Y in left box into Variables in the right box.

6. Choosing Pearson for correlation coefficient and choose two tailed for

Test ofsignificant.

7. Clicking option, choosingMean and Standard deviation then

clickingCountinue after that click OK

8. The last, there is output in the SPSS output viewer. They are Descriptive

statistic and Correlations.


Table 4.57 Output viewer of descriptive statistic

Descriptive Statistics
Latent Interest Actualized Interest

Mean 82.5116 47.5116

Standard Deviation 12.23650 8.89722

N 43 43


Based on the SPSS 19 output viewer above, the analysis stated that:

1. The mean score of latent interest 82.5116 with the standard deviation is


2. The mean score of actualized interest is 47.5116 with standard deviation is


3. N (the number of participants) is 43.


Table 4.58Output viewer of correlation result

Latent Actualized
Interest Interest
Pearson Product Moment Latent Interest 1 .627**
Actualized Interest .627** 1

Sig.(2-Tailed) Latent Interest ` .000

Actualized Interest .000 .
N Latent Interest 43 43
Actualized interest 43 43


In the box above is SPSS output viewer. It showed that:

1. N is the number of participants, it is written N= 43, it means that the

participant is 43.

2. Based on the SPSS output viewer, correlation coefficient between latent

interest and actualized interest is 0.627.

3. The output showed that the level of significant between Latent Interest and

actualized interest was 0.00< 0.05, it means that they have Significant


4. Correlation between variable is 1, it means that a positive correlation.

5. The sign ** showed that correlation is significant at 0.001or 1 % as well as

at 5%.

6. Based on r table product moment, r Table for N= 43 is 0.389 in level

significant at 0.01 or 1 %. So r count > r Table is means that Alternative

Hypothesis is accepted.

Based on the result of Pearson Product moment, it is found that there is a

positive and significant correlation between latent interest and actualized interest

in English Academic reading.Correlation coefficient between latent interest and

actualized interest is 0.627. Based on the correlation coefficient category by Muijs

(2004), the correlation between latent interest and actualized interest is

categorized as strong correlation.

Besides that, the researcher presented a figure which is called a scatter

diagram. Scatter diagram always used to prove or disprove cause-and-effect

relationships between two variables. The scatter diagram can be seen below:

Scatter Diagram Of Correlation between Latent Interest

and Actualized Interest
y = 0.455x + 9.911
Actualized Interest

R² = 0.392
Latent Interest
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Latent Interest

Figure 4.3 Scatter Diagram


Interpretation of Scatter diagram:

The scatter diagram above, it showed that:

1. The direction of the points or outliersmove from left to right, it indicates

as positive gradient.

2. The form of correlation in this scatter diagram is linear, because the

points spread follow the trendline.

3. The degree or strength in this correlation coefficient is +0.627. The result

of correlation coefficient had been calculated by using SPSS 19 before.

Based on Muijs (2004), correlation coefficient from 0.600 – 0.800 is

categorized as strong correlation.

4. Y= 0.445x + 9.9116, means that you get the regression equation 0.445x +

9.9116. Actualized interest is 0.445 if the latent interest increases 9.9116.

5. The coefficient determination or R2= 0.3928 is the result of squaring

from correlation coefficient (r= 0.627).

6. R2= (0.627)2 =0.3928= 0.39. An R2 value of 0.39 says that 39% of

actualized interest (y) is explained by the linear relation with latent

Interest (x). This leaves 61 % of the variation in actualized interest left to

beexplained by other factors (not x).

Based on the data analysis by Pearson Product Moment, it is known that there is

a positive and significant correlation between latent interest and actualized

interest English academic reading. Moreover, it is proven that in the scatter

diagram which have described how strong and positive correlation between

latent interest and actualized interest. The scatter diagram also shows that the

high latent interest is determined by actualized interest.

B. Discussion

This research tries to find out whether there is or not a correlation

between latent interest and actualized interest in English academic reading. This

research is conducted at Teacher Training faculty especially English study

program of Tanjungpura University.Based onthe data analysis by using SPSS 19

with Pearson product moment formula, it found that there is a strong correlation

between students’ latent and actualized interests in English Academic

reading.Overall, this result is quite similar with the previous research of

Schifele, winteler and Krapp(1991) study which have found that between latent

interest and actualized interest were correlated.

The strong correlation between latent interest and actualized interest can

happen because the influence from students’ feeling related. Based on Schraw

and Lehman (2001), the high actualization can elicit if the individuals have

positive feeling or emotion in a topic or object. Positive feeling or emotion itself

in interest based on Schunk, pintrinch and Meece (2008, p.28) is a feeling

comfortable toward a topic or an object such as happy, joyful, enjoyment, love

and hope. This means that the feeling related in personal interest gives the big

influence toward low or high actualization to engage activity which relates to the

topic or object.

Although this research stated that there is correlation between latent and

actualized interest in English academic reading but the students’ condition in

English academic reading is very bad.Based on the result, it found that the third

semester students of English study program in academic year 2013/2014 have

not maximal in actualized interest. It is because the students more have latent

interest in recreational reading rather than English academic reading. Their

positive feeling related tends to in recreational reading. Besides that the other

staggering is in students’ value related. In value related, the students will

motivate in reading if their lecturer give an assignment, order to read some book,

and give a test about English academic reading. It seems that the external factor

from lecturers can give a strong influence.Because of the result of students’

feeling related and value related in English academic reading is not very good so

it is very synchronous with the students’ actualization is not very maximal in

English academic reading rather than recreational reading. It is clear that the

high actualized interest is determined by latent interest.

Furthermore, this research contributes to give the description of students’

condition in English academic reading. Knowing the students’ condition in

English academic reading can help the students’ to improve their interest and to

solve problems in improving interest in English academic reading. The

important thing of this research is suggested that students to explore their latent

interest in English academic reading. It is because the latent interest determine

how well their actualization in English academic reading.



A. Conclusion

This research concluded that there is a positive and significant correlation

between latent interest and actualized interest in English academic reading. In this

research, students’ actualized interest in English academic is not maximal. It is

because most of students have latent interest in recreational reading rather than

English academic reading. It means that the high actualized interest in this

research is determined by latent interest. Because of the students’ condition in

English academic reading really not good, they must change their habit or lifestyle

and use time wisely. They should try to love and spend time for English academic

reading although read recreational reading is good too. Thus, this research result

can bea consideration about for students to improve their interest in English

academic reading.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion in this research,the researcher suggested that:

1. It is suggested to the faculty not only to make the library comfortable but

also to provide interesting and relevant sources.

2. It is suggested to the lecturers to give advices to students about

importance of reading interest for students’ future who will be a teacher,

to inform to the students about some interesting English academic


reading books which can make them to read and also give some

assignments which relates to improving reading interest.

3. It is suggested to students to improve their reading interest in English

academic reading through by using time toenrich vocabulary which can

improve their comprehension in English academic reading and

diminishing take too long time for watching TV, social network and

browsing unimportant things.

4. It is suggested for the future research to be concerned at the students’

personal interest.
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You will be given several questions or statements about Feeling of your
Reading interest. Please give your respond by give circle of your choice base
on the Garfield emoticon pictures.

Happiest slightly mildly Very upset

Smiling upset
1. How do you feel when you see or look at a book?

2. How do you feel when you read a book?

3. How do you feel about starting read a new book?

4. How do you feel about reading for fun?

5. How do you feel about reading for study?

6. How do you feel when it’s time for reading in classroom?

7. How do you feel about getting a book for a present?

8. How do you feel about reading different kind of books?

9. How do you feel about learning from a book?

10. How do you feel about going to bookstore?

11. How do you feel about going to library?

12. How do you feel when you read a book in your spare time at home?
13. How do you feel when you read a book in your spare time at library?

14. How do you feel when your lecturer asks you questions about what you

15. How do you feel about reading workbook pages and worksheet?

16. How do you feel about to search additional books for your assignment?

17. How do you feel when you read your academic reading book (ELT, LT,
SLA, TEFL, and etc?

18. How do you feel when you must spend a lot of money to buy your
English academic reading books?
19. How do you feel when you read recreational reading book (magazine,
newspaper, novel, tabloid or etc)?

20. How do you feel when you must spend a lot of money to buy
recreational reading books?


You will be given several questions or statements about actualized of your
reading interest. You should respond by circling one of the digits given.
4=Completely True
3= Quite true
2 = somewhat true
1= Not at all true
1. It was great personal importance to me to read my English academic
4 3 2 1
2. I am certain that studying my English academic books has a positive
influence on my personality.
4 3 2 1

3. I Think read my English Academic books is importance for my future

as English Teacher.
4 3 2 1

4. I think Read English Academic Books is more important to me than

read the other books.
4 3 2 1

5. My family has the strong influence in my English academic reading.

4 3 2 1
6. My Lecturer has the strong influence in my English academic reading.
4 3 2 1

7. Even before I coming to campus, I have read my English Academic

books at Home.
4 3 2 1

8. I think to read my English academic books is not a duty.

4 3 2 1

9. I never read my English academic books if I get assignment from my

4 3 2 1

10. If I have spare time I will read My Academic books.

4 3 2 1

You will be given several questions or statements about actualized of your
reading interest. You should respond by circling one of the digits given.
4 = Often
3 = Sometimes
2 = Rarely
1= Never
1. You read your books just for fun in your spare time.
4 3 2 1

2. You read different kinds of books in a day.

4 3 2 1

3. You read books at home in your spare time.

4 3 2 1

4. You read books at library in your spare time.

4 3 2 1
5. You read books at classroom in your spare time.
4 3 2 1

6. You read all e-books in your notebook or laptop in spare time.

4 3 2 1
7. You read your academic reading books every night.
4 3 2 1

8. You read a book more than 1 hour in a day.

4 3 2 1

9. You will read books when you have assignments from your lecturer.
4 3 2 1

10. You ask questions or discuss to your lecturer about what you read.
4 3 2 1

11. You ask questions or discuss with your classmate about what you read.
4 3 2 1

12. You go to library to borrow some books.

4 3 2 1

13. You choose to borrow books at library which they related to your
4 3 2 1
14. You try to search additional books or e-books which related to your
4 3 2 1

15. You download e-books, and journals on internet to read.

4 3 2 1

16. You make a summary in every academic reading book that you read.
4 3 2 1

17. You try to find clearer thought and deep understanding from reading
4 3 2 1

18. You go to bookstore to buy some books.

4 3 2 1
19. You choose to buy books at bookstore which they related to your
4 3 2 1

20. You choose to buy or borrow books based on your prior knowledge
4 3 2 1
Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ʃ
IR 3 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 2 2 3 4 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 86
AR 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 3 2 2 2 4 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 66
EN 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 62
AK 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 96
MBV 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 95
DP 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 3 3 3 3 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 74
IH 3 3 3 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 86
JW 4 3 3 4 1 3 4 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 4 3 2 1 4 4 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 75
MR 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 2 3 2 4 2 2 4 3 3 4 3 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 90
J 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 71
YS 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 2 3 4 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 89
RP 3 3 3 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 2 4 2 1 4 3 2 3 3 4 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 82
AW 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 1 3 3 1 2 2 2 97
FAR 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 2 4 4 1 4 3 2 3 3 3 100
FS 3 4 4 4 2 1 4 3 4 4 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 4 1 3 2 3 4 1 4 1 1 4 4 4 82
JG 4 3 3 4 1 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 1 3 3 1 1 4 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 78
FS 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 4 3 2 4 3 2 2 3 4 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 90
N 3 2 4 1 1 3 1 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 92
FR 3 2 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 110
SA 3 1 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 3 4 2 4 4 4 1 4 3 1 2 3 4 1 4 4 1 3 3 3 84
DJ 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 4 2 4 3 4 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 97
HP 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 2 4 3 1 1 1 1 92
TCRLK 4 3 4 4 3 2 4 4 3 4 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 4 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 88
HHLM 2 4 4 4 1 2 4 2 1 3 2 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 77
ER 4 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 91
MR 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 90
LI 3 3 4 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 2 3 4 1 4 3 4 4 4 4 103
SM 3 3 4 4 2 2 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 88
DS 2 3 4 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 72
SS 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 1 3 1 4 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 63
NE 2 2 3 4 2 4 4 3 2 4 4 1 3 1 4 1 1 4 4 1 2 2 4 2 4 1 1 4 4 4 82
S 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 3 2 4 2 4 1 2 3 3 3 70
RVT 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 4 2 4 3 1 1 1 4 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 4 4 4 80
AI 3 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 77
EA 3 2 4 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 73
KA 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 68
YDKL 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 57
H 3 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 3 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 3 3 2 4 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 80
C 3 3 3 4 3 2 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 88
JMB 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 1 2 4 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 81
DFT 2 1 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 59
EL 1 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 72
FY 3 4 4 4 3 2 4 3 4 3 2 4 2 4 3 4 2 4 2 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 95
r Count 0.6253 0.368 0.48 0.444 0.486 0.455 0.444 0.49 0.456 0.437 0.455 0.69 0.35 0.69 0.439 0.69 0.377 0.523 0.455 0.526 0.412 0.625 0.523 0.322 0.523 0.69 0.44 0.37 0.374 0.374
r Table 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.3 0.301 0.3 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.3 0.301 0.301
ValidityValid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid 3548
Items Number
Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ʃ
IR 2 2 4 1 3 3 1 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 4 3 2 3 50
AR 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 4 4 3 2 44
EN 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 35
AK 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 48
MBV 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 58
DP 2 1 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 42
IH 1 3 3 2 1 3 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 48
JW 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 4 32
MR 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 53
J 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 49
YS 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 54
RP 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 4 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 38
AW 2 2 4 3 3 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 50
FAR 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 45
FS 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 4 1 4 1 1 3 2 1 4 4 2 2 44
JG 2 3 4 2 3 1 1 4 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 2 3 45
FS 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 48
N 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 49
FR 3 2 4 3 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 2 2 4 3 2 4 63
SA 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 40
DJ 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 2 3 3 4 2 3 2 59
HP 2 2 4 2 3 1 1 3 4 2 3 4 4 1 4 2 3 4 4 4 57
TCRLK 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 2 4 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 63
HHLM 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 1 4 1 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 1 47
ER 2 2 3 2 2 4 3 3 4 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 56
MR 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 45
LI 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 73
SM 2 3 2 3 3 1 4 2 4 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 48
DS 3 3 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 54
SS 4 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 4 4 2 1 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 4 53
NE 1 4 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 41
S 2 2 2 2 1 4 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 4 1 2 3 1 1 3 44
RVT 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 55
AI 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 4 1 43
EA 1 2 4 2 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 46
KA 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 38
YDKL 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 25
H 4 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 3 4 4 1 4 1 2 3 4 4 2 2 51
C 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 47
JMB 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 34
DFT 4 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 39
EL 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 45
FY 3 1 3 1 2 1 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 3 3 45
r Count 0.5 0.31 0.58 0.46 0.59 0.422 0.508 0.57 0.328 0.498 0.43 0.499 0.714 0.422 0.628 0.64 0.515 0.544 0.628 0.435
r Table 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301 0.301
Validity Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid 2043

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