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Total Marks : (4)


Q.1:- What is definition of Networking?

Ans:- We use the computer for input the data and generate the special output after processing the input
information. We use more than one system and connect together with the help of networking. Networking is
a way for transferring the data from one system to another system or one location to another location.
Networking connect the devices like computer, telephone set etc.
Networking allow us to share the file, switch the data or information, transfer the software etc.
computer is a best component for create the networking at transferring the data to fast and to easy.
Telephone communication is also an example of networking.
There are three types of networking:-
1) LAN(local area networking):- It is a type of networking which also transferred the data
from one location to another location but limited range. The local area network transfer
information at 5-6k.m. range. The office networking, computer institute lab networking
is the example of local area networking.

2) WAN( wide area networking):- Wide area network is a networking, it is also switch the data from
one system to another system. The wide area networking connect the all system and cover the last
area like all over world for shift the information. In wide area networking the data transfer into a
large format and convert in to large system data format with the help of modem
3) MAN(metro area networking) :- It is also a type of networking which allow to transfer the data or
messages. This networking connect the all major cities like banking communication, education
communication, hospital communication etc with the help of this networking. We can switch or
collect the information from one city to another city. This data also transfer in to a large format.

Q. 2 Define Internet & and its characteristics ?

Ans:- Internet is an example of wide area networking. Internet networking connect the all system at
global range. Internet allows to switch the messages, files, information from one location to another
location with the help of system devices. In the any networking more than one systems are communicate
together and minimum one system can have the detail information about the all connected system, this
system call server. In internet networking transfer the data from one client machine to another client
machine. Client machine is also a computer which connected through server and server contain the
detail information about the all client machine.
There are following characteristics of internet.
1) It provides globalize networking

2) We can communicate any person with the help of internet.

3) We can switch the messages, files, etc
4) We can create the live conference.

Q.3.:- Define Internet technology and its function. ?

Prepared by: Mukesh verma ( PGDBA, M.Com)

M:- 9212528831

Ans:- Internet provides globalize networking so, it maintain different type of steps for switch the data from
one system to another system with different functions. Internet provides a solution to switch the applications
and how to attach more than one computer together.
There are the following functions of internet technology.
1) Physical:- This function provides the physical configuration of the networking. In this,
we use wires, system configuration modem.

2) Data link:- This function provides to link two system and also allowed a solution of the problem
which generate in the networking traffic.
3) Network:- This function control the all concepts of networking and networking protocols (rule &
4) Transport:- This step of the networking control the transmission and all traffic of the networking at
the files switching.
5) Session :- This function control the software parts of the networking.
6) Presentation:- This function represent the switch information in to the client machine.

Q. 4:- Define Internet Protocol (rules and regulation) of the internet.

Ans:- In internet we transfer different type of files like-clipping files, sound files, text files, graphic etc.
so it maintain different type of rule & regulations ( protocol). In networking the data transfer from one
location to another location with the help of special protocols and maintain the all rule and regulation of
the internet.
There are the following rule and regulation of the internet for transferring the information in to the
different system.
1)TCP:- Transmission control protocol:- It control the destination and source of the file.
2)IP:- Internet Protocol:- It contain the packet information which transfer in to networking.
3)FTP:- File transfer protocol:- It create a packet with particular size.
4)UDP:- User datagram protocol :- This protocol is use to transfer the fixed file in to networking like
clipping files, sound files, snaps etc.
5) POP:- Post office protocol:- This protocols is u
sed to transfer the short messages in to networking.
6)PPP:- Point to Point Protocol :- If we transfer the data in to similar device than we use PPP protocol.
7) SMTP:- Simple mail transfer protocol:- In internet we transfer the information through email.
8) HTTP :- Hyper text transfer protocol :- It is use to transfer the WebPages which develop through
hyper text.

Q. 5- What is Networking Architecture. ( planning / construction) ?

Ans: Network architecture refers to the physical configuration of the system and layout. The first is
known as technology or physical connection and second part is known as protocols. It means the
combination o physical configuration and internet protocol are called architecture of the system network.
The system architecture maintain the complete physical and logical configuration of the networking.
There are the following components of the networking architecture.

1) ATM: Asynchronous (akrones) ( ) transfer mode. :- The system transfer the data
from one system to another system in to different mode. ATM is one of the them. In this mode the
data transfer one by one from one location to another location but asynchronous mode the data
Prepared by: Mukesh verma ( PGDBA, M.Com)
M:- 9212528831

transfer the all information at the time on the destination. ATM networking is the new technology in
the networking. It can also carry the data of voices, text, data etc, wires. The ATM create a packet
(complete ) information cell with fix size of all cells and transfer step by step in to the destination.
2) Ethernet :- It is a popular standard networking protocol and connection design for arranging the
system inter network, with particulars topology. Topology means it is an arrangement of the multiple
system in to networking. Enternet was the first data communication network to technically qualify as
a local area network. The Ethernet architecture ( )is based on the concept of the Aloha.
Aloha is satellite communication network which develop at the university of Hawaii.
3) FDDI :- Fiber distributed Data interface:- It is a high performance fiber-optic which use generally
inside the LAN and it transfer the data with high speed like 100 Mbps at the distance up to 200 km
in to the wide area networking FDDI is the latest technology for data communication with high
capacity for transfer the data. FDDI connection is based on ring network.
4) TOPOLOGY:- We know that we arrange or connect more than one system together for transferring
the data from one system to another system. We use more system into the networking, so we need to
arrange the system in to a particular sequence. This arrangement is called topology.
There are the following Topologies which use inside the networking.

1) Bus Topology :- It is a type of topology which is use for arrange the system. In this system more
than one systems are connected into the tree format. The client machine are arranged in to the tree
format and all are connected through server machine. In this topology multiple system also
connected through client machine.
In this topology all systems are connected through single guided media so
There are more chance for data colidation. In this topology the client machine also connected with
another client machine. So if one client machine will be failed than the networking will disturbed
which are connected through that client machine.

2) Star Toplogy :- In this topology all client machine directly connected with server with the help of
guided media. The all client machine maintain the equally distance from the server. All system
connected through directly with server machine so the data communication is too fast and too easy.
It is a very popular topology because it have well arrangement and
Low cost. The draw back of this topology, if the server machine is failed then the complete
networking remain failed

Ring Topology:- In this topology the all system are connected into circle format with guided media. In this
topology the system connected with double wire for transferring the data at clock wise and antic clock wise
so the little chance for data colidation. In ring topology the all system are generally server. So also little
chance for distributing the complete networking.
It is a successful networking but high costly so more company organization doesn’t use this

Linear Topology :- It is also known as bus topology. In this topology the all systems are connected through
the particulars guided media.

Tree Topology:- This topology related system are also connected similar to bus topology but in this we
maintain the one system can connected with 2 systems and we insert one system, then we need to check the
all child system are in a particular way.

Prepared by: Mukesh verma ( PGDBA, M.Com)

M:- 9212528831

Mixed Topology:- If we use multiple topology inside a single networking that is called mixed topology.

Prepared by: Mukesh verma ( PGDBA, M.Com)

M:- 9212528831

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