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Religion in Indian Society

Religion is one of the basic institutions of any society. It is a universal system which is found in
every society. Religion can be understood as a social system in which there is common faith,
worship, rituals, customs and traditions.


According to Emile Durkheim “Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to
sacred thing which unite in to one single moral community.

The definition given by Durkheim is a well accepted definition on religion.

There are various religions in the world.

The major religions in the world are:

1. Hinduism

2. Buddhism

3. Sikhism

4. Jainism

5. Christianity

6. Islam

7. Farsi

The basic ideas and faith of each religion differs.

Various Kinds Religions:


It is one of the oldest religions of the world. It is very difficult to trace the perfect origin of
Hinduism. Records have shown that Hindu religion was in existence since “Indus Valley
Hinduism believes in the existence of Gods like Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma, Ganesh, Lakshmi,
Saraswati, Durga etc.

Hindus believe in Idol-worships. The idols are considered as Gods and temples are the places
where idols are kept. The unique feature of Hinduism is the existence of caste system and
worship of different Gods. Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita are considered as great
epics of Hindus.

Hinduism does not provide for conversion, i.e.: A person is regarded as a Hindu by birth. An
individual belonging to another religion can’t be converted as a “Hindu”. Even though social
reformers made an attempt to make provision for conversion it has not been very successful.


It was founded by Gautama Buddha. Buddhism mainly believes in Ahimsa or non-violence.

Buddha has preached eight fold paths to curb desire. The ultimate aim of Buddhism is to enable
individuals to attain ‘Nirvana, or “salvation”. Tripitakas are considered as holy text of Buddhists.


It was founded by “Mahaveer”. Jainism also believes in Ahimsa. Places of worship of Jains are
Known as “Bastis” Jainism believes in celibacy taking a vow not to marry). It states that physical
desires should be sacrificed. Jainism believes in attaining salvation through the performance of


It was founded by Prophet Mohammed. It belief in a single God viz: Allah. Islam does not believe
in idol worship. It believes in seclusion of women. The places of worship of Muslims are known
as Mosques. “Mecca” is considered to be the holy place for Muslims. Every Muslim has to
observe five times prayer a day known as “Kalma”. Every Muslim has to observe fasting during
the month of “Ramadan”.

It was founded by Jesus Christ. “Bible” is considered as the holy text of Christians. Christians do
not believe in idol worship. The place of worship for Christians is called church. Christians
believe in offering prayers and helping the poor and disabled.


It was advocated by Guru Nanak. The holy epic of Sikhis Adi Granth. The place of worship of
Sikhs are known as “Gurudwaras”.

Though different religions preach different principles, every religion is characterised by certain
basic features. Which are as follows:

1. Religion is Universal:

Every human society has a system of religion. In the modern scenario, the role of religion has
declined but “religion” as a social system continues to exist.

2. Common worship:

Every religion believes in the worship of a common God. For e.g.: Christians believe in
worshipping. Christ, Muslims believe in worshipping Allah and so on.

3. Common Rituals:

Every religion believes in the performance of certain rituals. E.g.: Hindus believe in performing
rituals like Namakaran (naming Ceremony), Griha Pravesh (House forming ceremony) etc.

4. Antiquity:

Origin of religion is not a recent concept. It is in existence since time immemorial. Belief in life
after death, fear of death contributed to the growth of religion according to anthropologists. In
order to overcome the fear of Ghosts people started believing in the existence of super natural
power which at a later stage resulted in the growth of religion.
Impact of Religion on Indian Society:

India is a land of religious diversities. All the major religions of the world, viz.: Hinduism,
Christianity, Islam, Sikhims, Buddhism and Jainism are found in India. The institution of religion
has its own impact on Indian society which can be summarised as follows:

1. Solidarity:

People belonging to a particular religion closely identify themselves with the religious group.

2. Ethical values:

Religion helps in the development of ethical values, eg.: Care for the parents, protection of
children, helping the poor and disabled , honesty are certain values, preached by religion.

3. Social control:

Religion acts as an effective tool of social control. By imbibing certain ethical values, religion
enables to regulate the conduct of individuals.

4. Basis of law:

Over a period of time religious customs and traditions gain the force of law e.g.: According to
morality, maintenance of wife and children is the bounden duty of the husband. In order to
uphold this principle, provisions for awarding maintenance is made as a rule in Hindu Marriage.
Act and Sec 125 CRPC.

Negative Impact of Religion:

The institution of religion has caused many problems in the Indian society.

1. Groupism:

Religion divides people. Such divisions may come in the way of development of the country.
2. Frequent conflicts:

People belonging to different religions feel that their religion is superior. They even try to
impose their religious practices on others which would lead to conflict situations. In India,
communal conflict has become a common feature.

3. Dogmatism:

Every religion has a set of beliefs which may be superstitious quite often. Such ideas block the
development of society and the progress of individuals. E.g.: —In some communities there is no
improvement the status of women on account of religious attitudes.

4. Blocks social change:

Religion acts as a hindrance for social change. It is highly challenging to transform the attitude of
conservative people, e.g.: Restrictions on marriage expenses.

Though Religion has negative impacts it is not possible to have a society without a system of
religion. It has become a part and parcel of an individual’s life.

Management Perstective:

Religion plays a significant role in business organisations. Management practices depend on

religion. For instance:

i. Declaration of holidays for particular religious festivals.

ii. Payment of Bonus for certain festivals.

iii. Festival advance schemes

iv. Celebration of some Pooja like Lakshmi Pooja on Fridays, Ayudha Pooja in organisations,

v. Allowing long leisure for Muslim employees on Fridays.

Thus Religion is one of the important factors influencing the practices and policies of

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