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Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.59.1.57 on 1 January 1975. Downloaded from on 19 May 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.

Brit. J. Ophthal. (I975) 59, 57

Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia

Euryblepharon is defined by Duke-Elder (I964) as a tension was normal. At the age of 6 months the palpebra
symmetrical enlargement of the palpebral aperture apertures measured 3 X I-7 cm. (R) and 2-9 x i 6 cm. (L).
occurring as a primary abnormality associated with At the age of 7j months, exophthalmometer readings
large eyelids, and by Waardenburg, Franceschetti, were i6-5 mm. (R) and I4 mm. (L).
and Klein (I96I) as bilaterally symmetrical large At the age of 81 months bilateral lateral tarsorrhaphy
was performed with a good result (Miss Lena McEwan).
eyelids opening much wider than the normal, The cosmetic appearance was improved (Fig. 2a,b).
especially at the lateral but also at the medial end. He still sleeps with the lids open almost to the width
Waardenburg and others (I96I) also stated that the of the iris, and the eyeball rotated upwards. With ordinary
presence of the condition at birth and the absence of blinking the eyelids do not meet. When he screws the
,any primary ocular abnormality distinguished eury- lids up, they meet on the left side but remain slightly
blepharon from the secondary enlargement of the apart on the right.
palpebral aperture which may accompany a variety At the age of 3j years, refraction showed the right eye
of ocular abnormalities. to be normal and a mninor degree of hypermetropic
The condition was first described by Desmarres astigmatism in the left. He has made normal physical
(I854), and subsequent reports in the German and and intellectual progress, and is contented.
Dutch literature by Schreiber (I924), Lindberg
(I928), Seefelder (1930), and Weve (1936) are Discussion
quoted by Duke-Elder (I964). Only one further The palpebral portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle
case report had been found; the patient described can act under voluntary control, or may act reflexly,
by Gupta and Kumar (I968) did not show abnormal closing the eyelids gently when blinking or during
width of the palpebral apertures, and might be con- sleep. It also holds the lids in contact with the globe.
sidered by some as a case of abnormal long lid fissures The orbital portion more frequently acts under
rather than euryblepharon. voluntary control, and closes the lids more forcibly.
The condition may be inherited. Waardenburg The lacrimal portion draws the eyelids and lacrimal
and others (I96I) often found long lid fissures papillae medially, and exerts traction on the lacrimal
inherited through two generations with no difference fossa. The palpebral portion is opposed by the levator
between sexes, and had also seen euryblepharon in a palpebrae superioris, and the orbital portion by the
father and daughter. occipitofrontalis (Warwick and Williams, 1973;
The average length of the lid fissures at different Last, I968).
ages is given by Duke-Elder and Cook (I963) and A specific cause for euryblepharon is not suggested
Waardenburg and others (I96I); it increases from in any of the previous reports in the English litera-
I8'35 mm. at birth to 29-68 mm. at 24 to 26 years, ture. Gupta and Kumar (I968) say that tension of
one half of this increase occurring in the first 4 years the skin, pull of the platysma, defective separation of
of life. The length is slightly less for the female. the lids, and localized displacement of the lateral
canthi have been mentioned in the literature as
Case report possibly explaining the abnormal enlargement of the
The typical clinical features of euryblepharon were palpebral aperture, but they state that the cause is
present at birth, and are shown at the age of 4 months still unknown.
(Fig. Ia,b). Mild ectropion of the lower lids was present, The most obvious features in euryblepharon are
especially laterally. At the age of 2 months he was not the increased length and width of the palpebral
noted to blink, but he could close his eyes in sunlight or apertures, the slackness of the eyelids, and the
strong light, and he could keep them closed while he decreased width and rather wasted or hollowed-out
remained in such a situation. His eyes remained open appearance of the eyelids. These features, together
during sleep. His eyes were therefore rarely closed, with the absence or deficiency of blinking, the failure
despite which corneal or conjunctival irritation or infec- to close the eyes during sleep, the tendency to lateral
tion did not occur.
The corneae appeared to be normal in size. Ocular displacement of the palpebral aperture, and the mild
Address for reprints: Dr J. A. Keipert, 421 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne ectropion of the lower eyelids, would all appear to be
3004, Australia consistent with a congenital hypoplasia or absence
Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.59.1.57 on 1 January 1975. Downloaded from on 19 May 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
58 British Journal of Ophthalmology

FIG. I (a) Patient aged 4 months,fullface (b)- Patient aged 4 months, looking down

FIG. 2(a) Patient aged 8j months, after tarsorrhaphy,fullface (b) Patient aged 8i months, looking down

of the palpebral and lacrimal portions of the orbicu- blepharon is due to congenital hypoplasia or absence
laris oculi muscle as a cause of this interesting and of the palpebral and lacrimal portions of the orbicu-
rare congenital anomaly. This could be proved only laris oculi muscle.
by biopsy of the eyelid, but unfortunately this would
not appear to offer any possibility of direct surgical I am grateful to Dr. David Gale for making the diagnosis
surgical correction. of euryblepharon, and for the results of tonometry and
refraction, to Miss Judith Quilter, Librarian, The Royal
Summary Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, and the Australian
The rare congenital anomaly of euryblepharon is Medlars Service for perusal of the literature, and to
Mr. H. G. Berkshire for the photographs.
reported in a male infant. It is suggested that eury-

DEShLARRES, L. A. (I854) "Traite theorique et pratique des maladies des yeux", vol. I, p. 468. Paris
DUKE-ELDER, S. (I964) "System of Ophthalmology", vol. 3, pt ?, p. 84I. Kimpton, London
and cOOK, C. (I963) Idem, vol. 3, pt I, p. 310
GUPTA, J. s., and KUMAR, K. (I968) Amer. J. Ophthal. 66, 554
LAST, R. J. (I968) "Eugene Wolff's Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit", 6th ed., p. 203. Lewis, London
LINDBERG, J. G. (i928) Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk., 8i, 663
SCHREIBER, L. (1924) In "Graefe-Saemisch Handbuch des gesammte Augenheilkunde", 3rd ed., p. 57I.
SEEFELDER, R. (1930) "Kurzes Handbuch der Ophthalmologie", vol. i, p. 604. Berlin
WAARDENBURG, P. J., FRANCESCHErrI, A., and KLEIN, D. (ig6i) "Genetics and Ophthalmology", vol. i,
p. 253. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
WARWICK, R., and WILLIAMS, P. L. (1973) "Gray's Anatomy", 3sth ed., p. 497. Longman, Edinburgh
WEVE, H. (1936) Ned. T. Geneesk., 8o, I213
Additional references
GUPTA, A. K., RAMAURTHY, S., and SHULKA, K. (1972) J. pediat. Ophthal., 9, 173
WOLTER, J. R. (1972) Ibid., 9, 175

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