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Poetry Book Form Your Name_​Abigail Torres-Jimenez​_

Book Title: ​Daniel Finds A Poem Author: ​Micha Archer

Publisher: ​Penguin Date: ​2016


1. TYPE OF POETRY​ – Explain the type(s) of interesting poem(s) in the book (narrative,
lyric, humorous, free verse etc.) Explain with examples from the book.
Explain and give examples: ​The poem in at the end of the book is a free verse poem because it
doesn’t all rhyme but some sections do.

2. SUBJECT OF THE POEM(S)​ Explain the interesting topics and new perspectives the
poems share with the children. Provide 3 examples.
1. ​Throughout the book Daniel discovers that poetry is all around him for example when he asks
spider what poetry is to her she replies, “ poetry to me is when the morning dew glistens.”
2. ​Nature can provide inspiration for poetry.
3.​ Another perspective the book provides is that everyone has a different view and idea of what is
3. LANGUAGE ​–Explain how the poems encourages children to play with words and
expand their imaginations. Provide 4 examples
1. ​ The book overall encourages imagination in the aspect that Daniel speaks to animals as a way to
find out what is poetry.
2.​ The vocabulary used in the book is simple for young children but is not overly simplified that an
older child couldn’t enjoy.
3. ​The language used for the poem part of the book is descriptive enough to give us the ability to
picture what us being said in our minds.
4. ​Another part of language the book provides is personification, personification is giving non-human
things human attributes. This is done by the animals talking to Daniel and describing what they feel is
4. PERSONAL CONNECTIONS –Explain how the poems create an emotional response
for the child that encourages repeated readings. Explain with examples from the
Explain with examples: ​The book itself is a fun read in the aspect that it involves a small child in the
park talking to various animals. Daniel is a relatable child whom children can connect to since he is
young. Daniel is also presented as a animal lover which most children can also relate to especially if
they has pets themselves.

5. ILLUSTRATION​ – visual elements, design, page layout, word placement, art and/or
photography. Choose a 2-page spread and evaluate illustration with the following:
Visual elements:
line- ​The lines used in the book are curved and some straight. The curved are used for the animal
outlines and the straight show basic buildings such as the gate surrounding the park.
shape- ​The book has plenty of shapes for example, rectangles, triangles, circles, and rhombus.
texture- ​The texture is smooth yet has a textile visual making the page pop out and fun to see as their
are hidden shapes within the pages.
color- ​The color of the book is bright with warm tone colors giving it a calmly effect that doesn’t hurt
to stare at.
Page design and word placement, use of white/dark space, text placement and font:
Explain how illustrations relate to poem content:
The page layout is designed as a single page art because the whole picture takes up both the left and
right page. The text is place in the top left corner or bottom right. The book has no border and has no
white or dark space as the whole two pages are used.


● Select a poem from the book.
● Choose a theory (Piaget-cognitive, Erikson-psychosocial or emotional
development); identify the stage, age.
● Give specific examples from the poem to show the connection to the
developmental stage and age
Poem: ​Daniel Finds A Poem
Theory:​ ​Reasoning includes two-way thinking (more than one point of view)
Stage__​Concrete Operational​______ Age___​7-11​_____
Examples: ​The main example the book provides for Piaget’s concrete operational stage is how each
animal Daniel talks to gives him a different example of what is poetry. I find that the animals providing
a different example is the perfect example of the reasoning that there is more than one point of view.
7. Overall Rating of poetry book- the book’s appeal to children (3 high - 1 1 2 ​3
Explain the rating​ I find the book wonderful since it breaks down the poem into various parts. Having
the poem broken up allows for easy evaluation of the poem itself. I also really enjoyed how its a story
of Daniel looking for what is a poem and discovering that poetry is all around him especially the little
things. I find this book to be a great way to explain poetry and allow a lesson plan to be constructed
with it.

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